
medieval (57), SCA (30), illumination (29), Anachronist (16), art (13), food (11), cooking (11), religion (11), recipes (10), religious (10), feast (10), redaction (10), manuscripts (9), England (8), military (8), Celtic (6), history (6), warfare (6), calligraphy (6), techniques (5), armor (5), artwork (4), arms (4), alphabets (4), Medieval (4), siege (4), english (4), painting (4), fonts (4), hunting art (3), books of hours (3), book of hours (3), coloring book (3), France (3), manuscript (3), middle ages (3), pigment (3), trebuchet (3), castle (3), Renaissance (3), miniatures (3), jewelry (3), children activities (3), archery (3), lettering (2), engineering (2), crossbow (2), swords (2), fortress (2), catapult (2), crusades (2), heraldry (2), Scotland (2), armies (2), Irish (2), stained glass (2), Russia (2), asia (2), england (2), weaponry (2), islam (2), eastern europe (2), maps (2), gold (2), reference (2), sculpture (2), army (2), letters (2), Spain (2), medicine (2), Ireland (2), royalty (2), Jewish (2), gothic (2), 585-1385 (1), old testament (1), assault tower (1), herbs (1), scottish (1), font (1), water wheel (1), atlas (1), halberds (1), black smithing (1), resource (1), medival (1), chivalric combat (1), forge (1), Anglo-Norman (1), 476-1526 (1), address book (1), romans (1), royal policy (1), Anglo-Saxon (1), botanical reference (1), Islamic army (1), court (1), travels (1), Henry (1), economic (1), captials (1), US Constitution (1), hawk (1), 612-1300 (1), brewing (1), leather work (1), borders (1), engineers (1), chivalry (1), Elizabeth I (1), royal councilors (1), gilding (1), pikes (1), combat archery (1), Arms (1), Persian (1), meads (1), Viking (1), anthology (1), J. Paul Getty (1), Bedford (1), Religious Art (1), Costuming (1), Cressida (1), Calendar (1), western Europe (1), Persona (1), english society (1), Morgan Library (1), arrow (1), czechoslavakian (1), tartar (1), Troilus (1), British humor (1), Cadfael (1), India (1), Germany (1), illuimantion (1), heraldic (1), Christianity (1), Middle Ages (1), british isle (1), Eye glasses (1), Italy (1), Europe (1), early medival (1), Benedictine (1), archer (1), Iris Colour (1), Ilummination (1), Book-of-Hours (1), Cleves (1), Spanish (1), Latin (1), Book of Hours (1), Fingerloop (1), Alaphabet (1), Cathay (1), UNESCO (1), instruction (1), tactics (1), hunting (1), feudal (1), rivers (1), Henry VIII (1), Illumination (1), flowers (1), anatomy (1), instructional (1), geography (1), greeks (1), overview (1), Chaucer (1), Canterbury Tales (1), weapons (1), campaigns (1), 1066 (1), garden (1), gardening (1), glass (1), vikings (1), queens (1), music (1), patterns (1), travel (1), Russian (1), war (1), romance (1), historical fiction (1), games (1), church (1), europe (1), symbology (1), intrigue (1), renaissance (1), lineage (1), far east (1), knight (1), kings (1), battle (1), masterpiece (1), nobility (1), snark (1), American history (1), dog (1), industry (1), exploration (1), paintings (1), scots (1), alphabet (1), wines (1), bow (1), french (1), mediveal (1), Stained Glass (1), capitals (1), costuming (1), vinland (1), Bill of Rights (1), shields (1), decoration (1), courtier (1), ireland (1), lapidary (1), comportment (1), raptor (1), trade routes (1), precious stones (1), metal work (1), resource guide (1), minatures (1), longbow (1), illustrative (1), equipment (1), cartography (1), agincourt (1), historical documents (1), Henry 8 (1), founding fathers (1), clothing (1), Byzantium (1), fiber arts (1), cathedral (1), weaving (1), jewels (1), hound (1), book of kells (1), goldsmith (1), scribes (1), hands (1), Edward I (1), pre-medieval (1), historical figures (1), pictoral (1), hymns (1), chronology (1), Catherine the Great (1), gunpowder (1), Irish Half-Uncial (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Nov 20, 2009
Nom réel
H.J. Featherling
A propos de ma bibliothèque
The majority of the library contains volumes specific for use in the SCA setting.
A propos de moi
Multi-year member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (aka the SCA). Local group is the Barony of Bryn Gwlad (greater Austin, TX metroplex) within the Kingdom of Ansteorra (Texas & Oklahoma). Interests include, but are not limited to, medieval illumination, medieval cooking techniques and recipes, rapier combat, archery, calligraphy and many more!
Lieu (géographique)
Georgetown, TX
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