
This can be used in the classroom to motivate students who are struggling with learning how to read. This shows them that even though they are struggling (1), This is a fun fairy tail to read to the class about a princess (1), This book is great for teaching students about rhyming patterns (1), This is a cute holiday book about a dog who became one of the reindeer (1), This is a holiday book about the time Santa lost his job (1), Two Mice fell in love with the same snowman (1), This book is a fun spin on Romeo and Juliet with animals (1), that is until Lilly moves into town (1), Chester always has his way (1), This book is great for helping students learn how to count (1), This book would be good to read when older students learn about slavery (1), This book is great for teaching students that there are people who love them (1), This book teaches students about selflessness (1), A shoemaker finds out he is getting extra help from elves (1), This teaches students to be yourself. (1), Jasper loves carrots. He realizes he likes them too much when they start to follow him (1), This book teaches students to share (1), This book is great to teach early elementary the alphabet (1), This book teaches students that everyone deserves a home (1), This is a fun holiday book about a Moose who decorates hid mustache (1), This a fun book to read about Dragons and how much the love tacos (1), but he doesn't forget everything (1), This book teaches kids to not try and grow up too fast. Enjoy being young (1), This book teaches students that it is okay to not always get your way (1), This is a funny book about a royal kiss that takes a trip around the kingdom (1), This book will teach students not to be too quick to decide that you don't like someone (1), This book teaches kids to not judge other peoples food. You wont know until you try it (1), This book is great for teaching students about the life-cycle of a plant (1), This book teaches students that everyone is good at something (1), This is a funny book about a kid that always forgets (1), Classic holiday favorite to read every Christmas (1), This book teaches students to be yourself (1), This is a fun book about a bunch of eggs who eggscape (1), A not so cool bean learns what it takes to be a cool bean (1), This book teaches students that there is no benefit to being a bully. Kindness is always the way to go (1), This is a fun book about a mouse who outsmarts his preditors by telling them he is meeting with the mysterious Gruffalo (1), This is a cute book about a very positive shark (1), This is a fun interactive book about a baby dragon that is in the book (1), This book is great for helping students understand emotions (1), A book about a hungry caterpillar (1), This book is great for teaching students problem and solution (1), it does not mean they are not smart (1), I would use this book to show students that it is okay to be the very authentic you. Children often struggle with being different and this book does a great job at showing students being yourself is okay (1), This book is a fun repetition book to teach your students about literacy patterns (1), This book can be used to show students that there are many different perspectives in life. Your perspective/opinion is not always correct in other peoples eyes but that does not mean we can not all coexist (1), I would use this book to teach students about imagery /figurative language (1), that does not mean you don't have value (1), This book can be used to teach students about the value of family and friends. Teaching students that money isn't everything is very important. It also teaches children who are lower income that just because you don't have many material items (1), This book is a fun book to teach students about oxymoron's.Figurative language is very important for students to understand. I think this book does a great job of breaking it down for children (1), This book is great for the introduction of poetry. This book has many short poems that use figurative language and are still entertaining and fun (1), This book can be used to practice fluency with your students. It can also teach them how to predict text and write using figurative speech (1), This book can be used to teach students about diversirty and the importance of being brave. Small people can make huge differences (1), does not mean they love you less (1), This book would be great in the classroom to teach students that it is okay to have 2 families. Some students may have separated parents and this shows them that just because they aren't together (1), I would use this book in a lower level classroom to help students practice reading fluency and comprehension in books (1), I would use this book for students who are learning the alphabet. This will help them associate letters with sounds from different words (1), I would use this book to teach students about different holidays from all around the world (1), I can use this is a younger grade level classroom to talk about animals going into hibernation (1), This can be used to show students that it is okay to be different and that everyone is special in their own way. (1), I would use this book to teach students repetition and patters. This book also shows students to be kind with one another (1), This books can be used to teach students that not everything is as it seems (1), This is a cute book that teaches students not to take things for granted (1), This is a fun book about a alligator who doesn't like being narrated (1), Harry the dog goes on an adventure and gets a little too dirty (1), This book has a great rhyming pattern that students will love (1), This is a fun book that teaches students cause and effect (1), This book is good to show students that there are two sides to every story (1), she starts a hula hooping party (1), A young girl love to hula hoop. Before she knows it (1), This a fun book about a donut who does not know that he is supposed to be eaten. He makes an unexpected friend (1), This book is good to teach students it is okay to be yourself (1), This book a great book to introduce folk tales to students and teaching them that hard work pays off (1), This book is a fun story about monsters that live under your bed (1), This book can be used to teach students that it is okay to be different (1), This book is great to teach students it is okay to be different. It also teaches you to show compassion towards others (1), This book is good for teaching students compassion and how your actions affect others (1), This book can be used to show students that working together is key to a healthy community (1), This book is great for teaching students that everyone looks different and it is okay (1), This book teaches kids to celebrate each others differences and be open minded (1), This book is great for teaching students it is okay to be different (1), This book is about a women who won the first nobel peace prize (1)
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Jan 16, 2020