
Psychoanalysis (24), Psychology (21), Clinical Psychology (17), history (14), Texas History (8), Psychological Assessment (7), psychology (5), Chemical Dependency (4), Family Therapy (4), Research (3), Confederate History (3), texana (3), Civil War History (3), Biblical Studies (3), History (3), Death (3), Forensics (3), Ego Psychology (3), Hypnosis (3), Scottish history (2), Military History (2), Developmental Psychology (2), Psychotherapy (2), Jungian Psychology (2), marital infidelity (2), Group Psychology (2), Reference (2), Family Dynamics (2), Texas history (2), Marital Infidelity (2), Texana (2), Applied Psychology (2), Ancient History (2), Parenting (2), Epistemology (2), architecture (2), art history (2), art (2), Counseling (2), Marriage and Family (1), law (1), Psycholgy (1), management (1), Psychopathology (1), Networking (1), Masks (1), Military history (1), slavery (1), political science (1), Adultery (1), politics (1), reference (1), developmental psychology (1), Systems Theory (1), Human Development (1), Developmental Theory (1), Texas Political History (1), President Lyndon Johnson (1), learning (1), Texas Law (1), English psychology (1), Clinical Psycholgy (1), intelligence assessment (1), legal (1), Dream analysis (1), culture (1), Cognitive Psychology (1), Military Intelligence (1), Behavior Modification (1), Great Depression (1), Biblical studies (1), Judaism (1), Ethics (1), Cognitive Development (1), archeology (1), brain (1), Czech history (1), Group Therapy (1), Social Research (1), health (1), history of psychology (1), mythology (1), forensics (1), History of Socialism (1), Personality Assessment (1), psychological assessment (1), legal history (1), experimental psychology (1), Naval History (1), Scottish History (1), President Kennedy (1), Art Therapy (1), Theology (1), Marriage (1), Art (1), Health (1), Anthropology (1), Civil War (1), psychoanalysis (1), Behavioral Psychology (1), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (1), Life/Work Planning (1), abortion (1), journalism (1), Mayan history (1), US Civil War (1), Behaviorism (1), non-fiction (1), COVID (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Dec 18, 2007
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This is my counseling and psychology library selections. I have a fascination with psychoanalysis and its intricacies. Over the years, I have collected and amassed many of the important in fascinating works available concerning psychoanalysis and psychology in general. Given the nature of psychoanalysis, there are volumes addressing ancient history and religion as well.

Since I have written Texana, I have included some of those selections as well.
A propos de moi
About Jeffrey Murrah

As a sixth-generation Texan, Jeffrey Murrah grew up surrounded by history and heritage. His fascination with the history and people of Texas are reflected in his work as a counselor and his books. His first book, None But Texians: A History of Terry’s Texas Rangers took him ten years to write, and later earned the 2002 Summerfield G. Roberts Award for the best book on Texas and Texans during the Civil War. It is considered a “must-read” by many re-enactors. This book, Texans Always Move Them: A True History of Texas, has taken him five years and travel through four countries to write. It promises to be another important contribution to the culture and history of Texas.

In addition to writing, Jeff’s public speaking always provides thought provoking and informative evenings beginning with his teaching as a professor at San Jacinto College. He has spoken to the Houston Civil War Roundtable, the Museum of Southern History, and various historic and heritage groups. In addition to his writing and speaking, Jeff has worked alongside historians, re-enactors, teachers and politicians in preserving the heritage of Texas. He was recently commissioned an Admiral in the Texas Navy by Governor Rick Perry. Jeff can be reached at .


Texans Always Move Them: A True History of Texas began as a labor of love by the author as he homeschooled his three sons concerning the history of Texas. He grew tired of having to read from several different sources in order to present a coherent history. Having to have one book for hurricanes, another for battles, another for political events and still more for the accomplishments of Tejanos and African-Americans was overly cumbersome. He compiled the best material from various fields of study into one volume. The content has already generated hours of stimulating thought provoking conversation. Texas stands out as a unique place, history and people. Telling the story requires someone who shares a passionate love and concern that only a Texan has for his homeland.

Besides providing hours of stimulating entertainment and reawakening the Spirit of Texas residing in all Texans, this book provides anecdotes, accounts, and speeches of what Texans have accomplished in wartime and in peace. By using their own words, the reader is introduced to the movers and shakers who made Texas.

The accomplishments of the inventors, musicians, artists, politicians, outlaws, judges, and athletes are presented. In almost every area that touches our daily lives, Texans have shaped the world we live in, from computers and political decisions effecting our daily lives to the music, entertainment and cartoons we amuse ourselves with. Find out who they are and how their accomplishments came about. Rather than briefly glancing over such topics as pirates and which side Texas soldiers fought on in battles, this volume provides greater detail on what pirates and people from Texas accomplished, including those of many Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.

Added attention has been given to those areas of Texas history that are most often searched for on the internet along with the events and individuals students are required to know on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills test. This volume contains what Texans are looking for, what they are proud of, what they are ashamed of and what they have learned through those experiences. It is unapologetically Texan and thought provoking with all the warts, pride and color that accompanies the history of Texans and their State.
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