Critiques en avant-premièreMichael Thomas

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Juillet 2023 Lot

Offre terminée: Juillet 25 à 06:00 pm EDT

Do you see what I see?... Substantive-difficult-unique work seeking intelligent-committed readers. Please, only those with introspective spectacles, willing to evolve to legit lit.

An exceedingly simplistic description to an extremely complex work, but, hey, hunger necessitates that I present a refection upon your plate. So, with that expectation for those idealistic childhood years to proceed in the same Manor, Seth's path was altered by a bullet (of mental health) so forceful, that Mother was pressed to deliver Seth to a facility that will eventually extract the innocence of who he was, and can no longer be.

While at Epidaurus, Seth will become entangled to those residents with far more diverse bullets impeding their transitions into maturity than his own. Yet, they'll assist Seth in that metamorphosis to whom he shall ultimately become, and what he must do: compose those reflections from that perspective of a suspended snowflake.

Joseph Green is an anomaly with a devout Christian mother and absentee father. Jo (sometimes Joseph, sometimes Joanne, but always Jo), unable to atone for his sins as a homosexual, is renounced by his genetic guardians, and forced onto the streets. His anger will crash-dummy him into Epidaurus, where he'll connect with his adoptive brother Seth. Ingratiated into Seth's family, Jo-Jo (one Jo for each gender) can leisure at the Manor. Yet, he's drafted by a community displaced, so that he may trans-send his experiences onto the benefit of those in similar predicaments. Ultimately, Jo-Jo will transform into Giuseppe Verde, the Entertainer.

Rosemary McCormack is a naive schoolgirl, who's allured to a fraternal bacchanalia. After being sexually assaulted by the brotherhood, the Black Death that ensues, inveigles her attempt to abort that trauma, along with the life-force additioned from that encounter. Unsuccessful, with failure now tagged to her lapel, Pregnant Mary is transported to Epidaurus, where she'll become adjoined to her siblings, Seth and Jo-Jo

Seth, Jo-Jo, Pregnant Mary, Pez D Spenser, the Preacher, Peter the Rock, Mad Mike, Ollie Cums: the multifarious peculiarities at Epidaurus. Perhaps, you be peculiar enough? Possibly, you be curious, compassionate enough? Perhaps, possibly, you be a participant in this evolution, this evolution to legit lit?

If you're presently not gripped, I presume those moments to captivate your contemplation shall only further fade. So, my appreciation for your present heedfulness, and any possible considerations towards my work... "It's a show... Freak show... You'll see."

—Michael Thomas

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Fiction and Literature
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Avril 2023 Lot

Offre terminée: Avril 25 à 06:00 pm EDT

With that expectation for those idealistic childhood years to proceed forth in the same Manor, Seth's path was altered by a bullet so forceful, that Mother was pressed to deliver Seth to a facility (Epidaurus) that will ultimately extract that innocence of who he was, and can no longer be... "It's not that he's complaining. He only wants to understand."... While at Epidaurus, Seth will become attached to those residents with far more diverse bullets impeding their transitions into maturity than his own, but similar in that their distinctive identities shall also be transformed through their individual metamorphosis. Eventually, with that realization of who he is, and what he must do, Seth will compose those reflections from that perspective of a suspended snowflake... "The quest brought to light?"...

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Fiction and Literature
Offert par
michaelthomaslg (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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