Critiques en avant-premièreJonathan Green

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Juillet 2023 Lot

Offre terminée: Juillet 25 à 06:00 pm EDT

Turn AI into an ATM Machine with the Bestselling Author of Serve No Master! (Accept No Imitations)

This is the simplest guide on how to make money quickly and easily with ChatGPT (Updated for GPT-4)! ChatGPT Profits: The Blueprint to Becoming a Millionaire Using Artificial Intelligence by Jonathan Green is your ultimate guide to leveraging AI for your benefit. It's a comprehensive resource that takes you from being a beginner to becoming a proficient user of ChatGPT.

Whether you're a nonfiction author, a beginner to the world of AI, or someone looking to make money online, this book is a treasure trove of information. Jonathan Green, a successful entrepreneur and author, provides an extensive and practical guide to monetizing ChatGPT, the latest and most powerful AI tool from OpenAI.

From the basics of using ChatGPT to the intricate art of prompt engineering, this book is perfect for beginners and experts alike. It's updated to ChatGPT-4, the latest version, and includes:

  • 25 unique ChatGPT business models that open new avenues for income.
  • 200+ ready-to-use prompts to start making money immediately.
  • Guidelines for effective ChatGPT usage that help you maximize your results.
  • Ways to harness ChatGPT to skyrocket your productivity, helping you create content and code faster than you ever thought possible.
  • Methods to turn ChatGPT into a passive income cash machine.
  • Steps to become a superhuman freelancer with ChatGPT, allowing you to complete projects in minutes rather than days.
  • Techniques to create and re-purpose social media content for various platforms in seconds.
  • And an honest look at the limitations of ChatGPT, ensuring you understand the tool's full potential and constraints.

Whether you're a fiction writer, nonfiction author, or a Wolfram enthusiast, this book holds the keys to revolutionizing your workflow and income. Learn how to use ChatGPT for business, job search, and even for writing children's books. With this book, you're not just reading about AI—you're learning to master it.

This book is a crucial part of your passive income journal. It's not just another guide—it's a blueprint to becoming a millionaire using artificial intelligence. It provides a modern approach to AI education, ensuring you're ready to take on the future.

Join Jonathan Green on this journey into the future of internet marketing and passive income investing. With ChatGPT Profits, you're not just reading a book, you're stepping into a new era of profitability. This guide offers a deep understanding of how AI can transform your income sources, making it the perfect companion for those wanting to thrive in the digital landscape.

Become a part of the AI revolution, and let ChatGPT help you achieve your financial goals.

Also the following insights:

  • The 4 critical mistakes you must avoid to keep your business from collapsing
  • 25 different ways you can use the power of ChatGPT to accelerate your business
  • A step-by-step guide for creating custom prompts
  • How to structure a ChatGPT business so that you make money even while you sleep.
  • PLUS, examples to jumpstart the process!

Get your copy of ChatGPT Profits today and embark on your journey to becoming a ChatGPT millionaire!

EPUB, PDF (downloadable via Author Website)
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Business, Nonfiction, Technology
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JonathanGreen (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Janvier 14, 2021 à 10:20 pm EST

Around 90% of small businesses fail every year. However, if you adopt this one simple mindset… you'll have a business built to thrive during the hardest times.; A business built to survive anything life throws at you. A business people love to support, and in turn, a profitable business that supports you. Most businesses operate, unintentionally, by treating their customers with apathy or garbage until they start spending money. Tell me, would you be more interested in someone who charges you $1,000 from the get go to learn their secrets to make your first thousand dollars… Or would you be more interested in the person who first GIVES you their secrets to your first thousand dollars… free of charge? When someone starts a relationship with you by giving, you're automatically going to be more receptive, more open to what they have to say, more likely to give them something in return. This one simple mindset is called Extreme Giving. It's the backbone of my business, and the reason we have thrived through severe adversity. My Extreme Giving business is prepared for the unexpected.; It has multiple streams of income so if something happens, I can still feed my family. It can adapt when threatened. After over a decade of experience, I've finally stumbled upon the 'holy grail' of business strategy. And I want to give it to you. By the end of this book you'll discover: The Power Of The Triangle Foundation: Using these three 'phases' you'll be able to attract strangers to your business, develop a meaningful relationship with them and make 'getting the sale' easy. Why The More You Give The More You Get: Most people are afraid to give things away because they believe it diminishes value, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Let me prove to you that giving first can actually be MORE profitable. How To Find The Diamonds In The Rough: There are people out there who would love to be your customers, but do you know how to find them? Let me show you. The One 'Magical' Likeability Factor: Want to know how you can get complete strangers to be instantly warmed up to you? This one thing will do the trick. You're Far From Alone: While most other business strategies thrive on competition, this strategy thrives on collaboration. Learn how to turn your competitors into lifelong allies and help everyone get to the top! This is not a difficult concept. Give, to get. If you don't grab the book and you walk away building with just that notion, you can do great things. However, if you want to fully understand the intricacies of this model and how to best leverage it to your advantage and build a bulletproof business that's right for you, this is the book to read. Scroll up and hit the buy button and start building your business today!
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JonathanGreen (Auteur)
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September 2018 Lot

Offre terminée: Septembre 24 à 06:00 pm EDT

Book is available as a Kindle, ePub or pdf file. The English language edition of an anthology showcasing the very best steampunk stories from three different countries released by three different publishers in three different languages. From the UK, George Mann (a new Newbury & Hobbes tale), Jonathan Green (a new Pax Brittania tale), and Derry O’Dowd; from Finland, Magdalena Hai (winner of the Atorox Award and the Finnish Literary Export Prize), multiple award-winning Anne Leinonen, and J.S. Meresmaa (whose work has been shortlisted for the Anni Polva, Kuvastaja, and Atorox Awards); and from Portugal, Anton Stark, Diana Pinguicha, and Pedro Cipriano (winner of Fórum Fantástico's Choice of the Year Award). Contents: Introduction by Ian Whates Steampunk UK Seasons of Wither – George Mann Reckless Engineering – Jonathan Green The Athenian Dinner Party – Derry O’Dowd Steampunk Finland Foreword by J.S. Meresmaa The Winged Man Isaac – Magdalena Hai The Cylinder Hat – Anne Leinonen Augustine – J.S. Meresmaa Steampunk Portugal Foreword by Pedro Cipriano Videri Quam Esse – Anton Stark The Desert Spider – Pedro Cipriano Heart of Stone – Diana Pinguicha
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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NewCon Press (Éditeur(-trice))
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Decembre 19, 2017 à 08:52 am EST

Are you struggling with worry and everything you've tried isn't working? Or are you just tired of anxiousness following you...everwhere you go? Sufferers of worry, anxiety and chronis stress - you need to read Stop Worrying and Anxiety - as soon as, possible! In this book, you'll learn how to escape this crippling condition that has limited your life for far too long.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Decembre 12, 2017 à 12:14 am EST

Best selling author and father of two, Jonathan Green, has a passion for people and the struggles that we go through. Finding a medium between happiness and sadness, is one of the most difficult barriers to break. Overcome Depression is a life altering book that provides step-by-step processes that you can use to get rid of that "dark cloud" and experience what real joy is, FAST! Even if you are not someone that struggles with depression in your life, this book will help you, help those who are close to you.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Novembre 13, 2017 à 11:47 pm EST

He didn't ask to be born into a world where blacks were often hated, brutalized, and seen as disposable. He didn't ask to be born into a world on the brink of the most brutal war in human history. He didn't ask to be raised with a house packed with a variety of family members, just barely clinging to life above poverty. When you read Fate of My Father, you'll look through a window into some of history's biggest stories, and discover the little edges, the amazing corners that the history books can never tell you. Most importantly, you'll see it through the eyes of my hero, a man who isn't just remembered for being great, but for being good – a warm mentor, a kind husband and a loving father, Ross Paige Barrett.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Octobre 31, 2017 à 11:38 pm EDT

Hard working employees, people between jobs, and the unemployed - you need to read Seven Networkign Secrets for Jobseekers - as soon as possible! In this book, you'll learn how to smash the glass ceiling that has limited your income for far too long. Seven Networking Secrets takes laser aim at every bogus excuse for giving the job to someone else and breaks down this perfect networking sytem into SEVEN SIMPLE STEPS that anyone can take to get a better job, get offered more money than the job listing and get back to work fast. It doesn't matter if you're already working, about to get downsized, or you have been out of work for decadies; get ready to smash your chains and gain a better financial outlook and more free time to do what you love!
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Octobre 10, 2017 à 09:50 am EDT

Are you struggling with worry and everything you've tried isn't working? Or are you just tired of anxiousness following you...everwhere you go? Sufferers of worry, anxiety and chronis stress - you need to read Stop Worrying and Anxiety - as soon as, possible! In this book, you'll learn how to escape this crippling condition that has limited your life for far too long.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Septembre 17, 2017 à 01:55 pm EDT

Influence and PersuasionAperçu
Learn how to shatter the glass ceiling keeping you from achieving your goals. From "not management material" to "coworkers don't respect you" to "nobody listens” to "not the right fit," Influence and Persuasion takes laser aim at the science of persuasion and breaks down the process of becoming a leader into a SIMPLE STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS that anyone can use to get promotions, lead teams successfully, and grow your own business fast. It doesn't matter if you're already in management, just lost your job, or starting your own company; get ready to use the power of popularity to add a few zeroes to the end of your bank balance! Packed with advice you can put to use right away; you'll learn how to build a loyal army that ensures you are NEVER struggling to find employees or lead a team every again.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Septembre 7, 2017 à 04:29 pm EDT

Are you struggling to get your projects done on time? Or are you tired of being the ‘one big move’ from changing your life? Writers, entrepreneurs and business owners - you need to read PROCRASTINATION - as soon as possible! In this book, you’ll learn how to use the power of habit to unlock unstoppable motivation, and banish the desire to “just work on this later” FOREVER.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Août 31, 2017 à 06:57 am EDT

Learn how to isolate the distractions that slow down your writing and remove them from your life immediately. You will discover the fast writer living within you right now just waiting to burst forth into the universe. As a 20K Writer, you will finish projects sooner, get paid faster and have more free time to spend doing the things you love than ever before. Packed with wisdom you can put to use right away, you’ll learn how to become the writer you always knew you were. Here’s what this book ISN’T: this isn’t about making empty promises, starting diets that have no chance of succeeding, or jumping on the latest fad. This is about building a consistent, unique and permanent work ethic that will allow you to get ahead in business and life.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Août 24, 2017 à 12:40 am EDT

Are you struggling to get through the day and trapped in a life filled with disappointment? Or are you just tired of living the life everyone around you thinks you 'deserve' instead of the life you have always dreamed of? Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and dreamers - you need to read Control Your Fate - as soon as possible! Author, Jonathan Green, has mastered and penned in this book, how to smash the chains that have limited your dreams for far too long.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Août 9, 2017 à 04:38 am EDT

Best selling author and father of two, Jonathan Green, has a passion for people and the struggles that we go through. Finding a medium between happiness and sadness, is one of the most difficult barriers to break. Overcome Depression is a life altering book that provides step-by-step processes that you can use to get rid of that "dark cloud" and experience what real joy is, FAST! Even if you are not someone that struggles with depression in your life, this book will help you, help those who are close to you.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Offre terminée: Septembre 25, 2016 à 10:13 pm EDT

Bestselling author and lifestyle design expert Jonathan Green is finally ready to share the blueprint he used to generate multiple Amazon bestsellers and pay for his beach lifestyle. He now lives on a tropical island in the South Pacific, thanks to his generous Amazon royalties. Learn how to successfully write and launch your own books on Amazon, even if you don't have a single friend in the world. It doesn't matter if you're already working at home, squeezing in a little extra time after your job, or you don't even have a plan yet. Breaking Orbit isn't just a book - it's a system designed to smash the chains and give you a clear step-by-step path to financial prosperity.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Juillet 13, 2016 à 12:12 am EDT

Bestselling author and lifestyle design expert Jonathan Green is finally ready to share the blueprint he used to escape the prison of poverty, debt, and office politics that still hold so many people imprisoned. He's not content with just sharing a few ideas - instead this traveling renegade is taking aim at every roadblock that keeps people from achieving their goals. From "not enough money" to "lack of connections" to "not enough time" to "I just can't seem to do it", Jon's taking laser aim at all the excuses, and breaking things down into small, simple steps that anyone can take to become wealthier, better connected, more talented, and more free. It doesn't matter if you're already working at home, squeezing in a little extra time after your job, or you don't even have a plan yet. Serve No Master isn't just a book - it's a system designed to smash the chains and give you a better financial outlook and more free time to do what you love.
Offert par
LondonPaladin (Auteur)
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