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(This review can be found on my blog The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl).

I first saw this book on Goodreads, and I knew I had to have it when I read the word "haunted" in the book synopsis. I'm so happy I had a chance to read this book because it was awesome!

I think the blurb is fantastically written! It definitely made me want to read the book, and I like how it doesn't even mention the tiniest spoiler which I love.

I'm not a big fan of the title simply because it make me think of a book about someone's struggle with music. It doesn't really give off the whole ghostly mystery book vibe.

I also don't really care for the cover simply because based on just the cover, it never made me want to pick up the book to read it. I would've liked to have had a creepier looking cover for this book even if the cover photo is, what I think, supposed to be the picture Lange drew.

I did enjoy the world building very much. I felt that the world of Second Verse definitely had solid building. I was experiencing everything that Lange was, or at least, it felt that way. As for the setting, I was a bit confused at the very beginning about the type of school they were in. It was mentioned they had a creative period and there was talk about music, but it never really talked about them being in a music school. Perhaps it was implied, and I just couldn't work it out at the beginning or maybe I just read about it and forgot.

The pacing was only slow for about the first 5 or so pages. After that, the pacing picks up and holds your attention for the rest of the book only letting you go once the book comes to an end. I was super enthralled throughout the entire book (with the exception of the first few pages).

I really enjoyed the plot! There is a major element in this plot that I won't talk about due to spoilers, but it wasn't mentioned in the book's blurb. I would've never guessed it was a book on that theme. Trust me, I'd elaborate if I could, but I don't want to spoil it for those that may wish to read this book. There is a plot twist that I never saw coming, and the ending was just wow! I will say that the ending does leave this book open for a sequel.

The characters felt very real. I enjoyed the character of Lange. It was interesting to see how she reacted to everything around her. I felt as if I probably would've made the same choices if I was in her shoes. Vaughn is also a likable character, and I loved how he was always trying to make Lange feel safe. They were such a cute couple! Even though Ginny wasn't an actual character, it was still interesting to read about her and her love for her beau.

The dialogue flowed very smoothly, and the character interactions felt real. The language used works for this book and its genre.

Overall, Second Verse is a fantastic read that incorporates a bit of mystery, paranormal, and romance. It definitely held my attention, and I was sad when I had come to the end of the book because I didn't want it to end.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14 who enjoy paranormal, mystery, and romance books and those who love great plot twists.

I'd give Second Verse by Jennifer Walkup a 4.5 out of 5.

(I received a free paperback copy of this book from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
khal_khaleesi | 1 autre critique | Nov 16, 2019 |
I have not been in a YA mood lately, escpecially finding it hard to like many contemporary ones. So expectations were not so high on this one going in, it'd actually been on my kindle for awhile-I picked it up as a daily deal. But I was pleasantly surprised and in for a treat of a YA read. It was serious and light, without being too whiney and immature. It didn't get too bogged down or emo as too many of YA contemporary do. The characters didn't read as too full of themselves or wise beyond their years. It felt like it had a great balance and I enjoyed the characters and the romance was sweet.
I would recommend this as a very good YA read.
CynthiaMR | Aug 31, 2016 |
Wow. I mean WOW!
Oh right, terms & conditions crap first. To comply with the terms and conditions that I'm sure no one ever reads, I hereby disclose in this, my review, that I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. Just a heads up for the publishing company, when you print this in paperback, make sure the cover is going to last. Mine's already peeling along the edges, and I treat my books like delicate lace. No rough and tumble here.
Ok, now that that's over and done with... WOW!

This book was FANTASTIC. Jennifer Walkup had me from "If I have to listen to one more debate about decapitation versus stabbing, I may just throw up." I was really concerned at first, since I've been on such a book drought lately. I was mostly interested in it when I'd seen it in the giveaways becasue it was about a town in PA, which is where I grew up. Honestly, it really doesn't make a huge difference, since I'm not even sure if the town is real or not, but I just don't read a lot of books that take place in my area, so I got excited. Probably more excited than I needed to be or care to admit.

I really like that it was both a murder mystery and a bit of a romance novel. It was a cute twist the way the author entwined the two. It didn't get too lovey-dovey, and it didn't feel like I was reading a mystery and the author forced some romance in there to add another layer and make the story more palitable. I will say this though, the description of some of the more intimate moments made me quite jealous of Lang and Vaughn as well as Ginny and Beau. I'm not really much of a romantic, but some of those moments were so incredibly sweet. I wish I could find somebody and be in a relationship half as strong as theirs. Also, I never got sick of reading it, which I often find with books that have an old or historical murder to solve as well as books with too cutsey love stories. This one had a nice balance.

The two main characters were well developed, although I would have liked a little more info for some of the supporting characters. I don't need a lot, but just something other than Vaughn's word that Stacy isn't normally as crazy as she came across at times. Maybe a little more on Lang's mom or her photography, or something. I'm not saying that ALL the supporting characters needed more, but definitely a few. Like Ben, for example. We know so little about him and yet he's supposed to be in Lang's little group of friends. He honestly doesn't need to be in the story at all. He doesn't really add to it in any way and most of his actions, with few exceptions, could be done by some no-name classmate.

The paranormal plot twist threw me a little. By that, I just mean that it was sudden. I know it's crucial to the storyline, but it just came at me. Before that point in the book, I never would have thought that it was going to take a supernatural twist. It just didn't read like that. I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing... it just is, I guess. I liked the twist towards the end. I won't say what it was b/c I don't want to spoil it for everybody else. That's just cruel. I will say that I liked it a lot though, and definitely did NOT see it coming.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book (obviously, since I gave it 5 stars, which I really don't do too often). I only make one STRONG suggestion to readers. Starting, oh, I don't know... about half way through the book, or so... DON'T READ IT RIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. ESPECIALLY if you are up late by yourself. Lets just say, in my desire to finish it, I may have caused myself to have nightmares last night...
cebellol | 1 autre critique | Jul 22, 2014 |