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Really great illustrations, really depressing content.
spiritedstardust | 6 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book. I got a copy of this book in paperback for Christmas.

Thoughts: I liked this. This is the first graphic novel I have read by Thorogood. I believe "The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott" was her first graphic novel and I haven't read that yet. This is very much a day in the life type of story and as such it doesn't really have much plot. This follows Zoe through 6 months of her life as she struggles with the success of her first graphic novel, depression, the isolation of Covid, and trying to put her life back together.

I loved the variety of types of illustration here. Some of the art is very realistic, some is abstract, and some is very cartoonish. All of it reflects the tone of the dialogue incredibly well.

I hated watching Zoe struggle so much. There is a lot of anxiety, depression, and self-hatred here. I think many people can relate to at least parts of Zoe's journey. I think we all experience life's up and downs because...well...we are all living life. I in particular resonated with the imposter syndrome she felt (I work in the technical industry but the first time I was introduced at a talk as the technical expert in an area I remember having a definite "deer in the headlights" moment). I also resonated with the anxiety she felt around many things. There have been so many times where I want to hide under my desk at work instead of dealing with people, and issues, and problems.

I think the most poignant part of this graphic novel is really the ending (which is maybe ironic because both this book and Zoe's story are about the journey). I love that Zoe realizes that life is about ups and downs and it's not about a specific goal, it's about the journey to get there. I also love that she has decided not to be a victim of her mental health but steps back and figures out what her mental state is telling her about what she needs from herself and the world at a given point. Despite all the weirdness that is the human mind, we do have to make a choice to take care of our mental health and try to choose happiness. No one is going to be able to help us if we aren't willing to help ourselves and it's not fair to try and put that burden on the people around us. (okay stepping off my soap box.)

My Summary (4/5): Overall I liked this. It is a bit scattered and chaotic but that's life and that is what Thorogood is representing here. The choices of illustration style echo the moments in the story very nicely. If you are interested in following the ups and downs of a young woman struggling with success, depression, and general life, I would recommend this. I especially loved the message at the end. I will definitely be checking out "The Impending Blindness of Billy Scott" at some point in the future.
krau0098 | 6 autres critiques | Feb 22, 2024 |
There’s a whole lot I like about this book, but one I want to mention is how Thorogood uses wildly different techniques and art styles to create a mood or represent a thematic element. Her usage of line, space and color expertly conveys her ideas, no matter how non-traditional she may get. Everyone’s journey with depression is unique, and Thorogood is able to use the medium of comics to craft a very personal tale about her own brand of mental illness.

I have a ton of thoughts and feelings about this book, but overall it’s an excellent comic about creating your own meaning both in art and in life. I’m excited to follow Zoe’s career!
Mootastic | 6 autres critiques | Jan 25, 2024 |

Compared and contrasted with [book:In Limbo|123252689] here: review of In Limbo½
caedocyon | 6 autres critiques | Aug 21, 2023 |
*reviewed from ebook courtesy of publisher via netgalley*

graphic semi-autobiographical memoir (true thoughts and feelings with fantastical imaginative elements), a 23 y.o. UK comic artist dealing with depression/suicidal ideation and crippling social anxiety while working and attending a comics convention and meeting an artist friend/potential boyfriend in the US; 196 pp.

Skillfully rendered, with gorgeously imaginative illustrations/layouts and an impactful storyline. It's clear that Thorogood has put a lot of thought and care into this, and it has paid off in this brilliantly human graphic memoir. It's fairly heartbreaking to read, when all you want to do is try to comfort Zoe but of course her problems aren't that simple.
reader1009 | 6 autres critiques | Jul 11, 2023 |
It was surprising how good it was.
RubiHayim | 1 autre critique | Apr 13, 2023 |
Trigger Warnings: Mental health; depression, mentions of suicide and suicide attempts

Cartoonist Zoe Thorogood records 6 months of her life as it falls apart and she tries to put it back together, all while trying to battle the inner demons of her depression.

By now, I’ve read my fair share of mental health battling graphic novels. Sometimes the writer’s battles are not quite the same as my own, Zoe Thorogood’s battle is still not 100% me, but my goodness, did she mention stuff that hit my gut and gave me tears. Growing up, talking about mental health wasn’t a thing quite yet - I remember after my dad passed, being asked by my mom if I wanted to speak with a therapist and being horrified about even the thought of it. Now, my siblings and I are pretty open about our mental health, but I still don’t always talk to my mom about it though, and this quote from Thorogood was me:

“…But now that I’m an adult I feel like I can protect them (parents) from it now, or at least I should. That’s the isolating part of mental illness- It seems to come after the ones you care about most.”

This isn’t an easy read, and it’s not going to necessarily be one you would probably read for the enjoyment aspect either - though there are pieces of art in this that are phenomenal. Thorogood captures the embodiment of depression, and the different stages and types of depression. She even has versions of her depression from when she was a little girl and at different stages of her life, that all still hang around with her today. It’s very well done.

Overall, this is an excellently drawn and written graphic novel that explores the inner battles of one cartoonist's battle with depression.

“I can’t change my brain chemistry, but I can change how I choose to interact with the world around me… Life is merely a collection of good and bad experiences loosely held together by the void in between- and that void is your space to mold, a space to harness and create in. Just be careful not to get stuck there.”
oldandnewbooksmell | 6 autres critiques | Feb 22, 2023 |
A sad, young woman gets all dreary in this meta memoir about depression. But the art is sharp as hell and the humor isn't far behind when it comes around in the funk. A mixed bag, for sure, with all its numerous and sometimes annoying affectations, but engaging and worthy of attention.
villemezbrown | 6 autres critiques | Dec 21, 2022 |
Billie Scott has been a bit of a hermit, locked up in her room, practicing her art. The rare time the shut-in steps outside, she is struck in a manner that leaves her with detached retinas and only a couple weeks of eyesight remaining to produce the ten paintings she needs for her first art gallery show.

The introvert hits the road, meeting colorful characters and really trying to get to know them before painting their portraits. And, as the cliche goes, she might just learn about herself too. It's all a little too on the nose, and I was slow to warm to it, but the characters, art, and dialogue won me over by the end. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what Zoe Thorogood does next.

Side note: I do find it funny that a story about losing your vision strained my eyes with some of the smallest lettering I have seen in a graphic novel. Microscopic! Was this meant to be published at an album size originally?
villemezbrown | 1 autre critique | Apr 20, 2021 |