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Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Ralph Thomas, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

28 oeuvres 136 utilisateurs 9 critiques


Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he’s got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent (fonte: Mubi)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Aug 29, 2022 |
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can’t prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn’t get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis. (fonte: imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Oct 12, 2020 |
The film takes place in Burma and India during World War II. A British officer falls in love with his Japanese instructor at a military language school. They start a romance, but she is regarded as the enemy and is not accepted by his countrymen. They marry in secret and plan on spending his two weeks' leave together. When one of the other officers is injured, he is sent into the field as an interrogator. Later he is captured by the Japanese army when he is patrolling with a brigadier and an Indian driver in a Japanese-controlled zone. He escapes and returns to his own lines, only to discover that his wife is suffering from a brain tumour. Although the doctor initially gives her good odds of surviving, she dies after an operation. (fonte: Wikipedia)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 2 autres critiques | Jul 10, 2020 |
Durante la guerra in Estremo Oriente, due ufficiali inglesi riescono a sottrarsi alla cattura da parte dei nemici. Rientrati alla base, viene loro proposto di fare un corso di lingua giapponese, tenuto da un'avvenente insegnante. (fonte: Wikipedia)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 2 autres critiques | Jul 6, 2020 |
La corazzata tedesca Tirpitz, ancorata in un fiordo norvegese, costituisce una minaccia per la marina inglese, che invia un piccolo commando subacqueo per distruggerla. In seguito al fallimento dell'attacco, i marinai britannici sono costretti a battere in ritirata e raggiungere la Svezia. (fonte: Wikipedia)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Jun 26, 2020 |
Toscana, 1944: le suore di un convento, che sorge in vicinanza di un campo di concentramento per bambini ebrei, si adoperano per salvare il maggior numero possibile di piccoli prigionieri. Un giorno il comandante tedesco scopre tutto e decide di fucilare le religiose che rifiutano di tradire i complici. Gli italiani uccidono l'ufficiale. (fonte: Mymovies)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 1 autre critique | Apr 30, 2020 |
Jimmy Sangster updates Sapper's 1920's gentleman adventurer, Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond, as a super-smooth, swinging '60s super-spy. Sangster's story has the bosses of successive oil conglomerates being assassinated by beautiful but deadly woman. Bulldog Drummond is called in to investigate and is soon on the tail of the villainous Carl Petersen (Nigel Green) and his gang of luscious sexpots led by the sexy Irma (Elke Sommer). Ralph Thomas directs "Deadlier Than the Male" with a camp edge but with a deadly seriousness achieving a fine balance between sly humour and globe-trotting thrills. The film looks beautiful with stunning, colourful cinematography by Ernest Steward - the primary colours leap off the screen, while the deep focus gives the location photography, in particular, a glorious depth and feel. Richard Johnson is perfect as Drummond: smooth and sophisticated, but with plenty of grit when required. Nigel Green is equally good as suave and ruthless master criminal, Petersen, while Elke Sommer and Sylva Koscina are sexy and deadly as the evil master assassins. The pair make for a spectacular and iconic sight as they emerge from the ocean clad in skimpy bikinis and armed with harpoon guns. Overall "Deadlier Than the Male" is a classy and stylish production, with a great storyline and great characters. Importantly it also manages to adroitly avoid coming across as a Bond clone.½
calum-iain | Dec 22, 2018 |
Un ufficiale inglese, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, sposa la ragazza orientale che gli insegna il giapponese. Più tardi, mentre è prigioniero dei nipponici, l'uomo apprende che la moglie è gravemente malata. Riesce a evadere e quando la raggiunge scopre che la poverina è ormai agli estremi.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | 2 autres critiques | Jul 20, 2017 |
Toscana, 1944: le suore di un convento, che sorge in vicinanza di un campo di concentramento per bambini ebrei, si adoperano per salvare il maggior numero possibile di piccoli prigionieri. Un giorno il comandante tedesco scopre tutto e decide di fucilare le religiose che rifiutano di tradire i complici. Gli italiani uccidono l'ufficiale.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | 1 autre critique | Jul 1, 2017 |