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Ava StoneCritiques

Auteur de A Scandalous Wife

53+ oeuvres 494 utilisateurs 31 critiques


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I liked some of the characters but found the plot somewhat lacking.

She could some more research on the regency era.

Litrvixen | 1 autre critique | Jun 23, 2022 |
Dazzled at the Wedding
By Kate Pearce, Ava Stone & Nicole Locke

Dazzled by enough to fall in love, three couples meet their mates with ghosts, pixies, brownies, water sprites, mermaids, a god and perhaps others lurking, watching and perhaps prodding. This is an excellent addition to the previous books (six I believe) that take place on or near the Castle Keyvnor premises. In this collection the locale is Bocka Morrow, a village that is down the hill from the castle. All hree stories take place during the time of a scheduled wedding though the characters have little to do with the actual event.

What I liked:
* The magical beings
* Being reminded of previous stories in the series
* The strength of the women
* The delightful romances
* Each story had a flavor of its own with the common themes magic and romance
* Hezekiah & Malakia: So right for one another and that Hezekiah was so much MORE than he first seemed to be
* Garrett & Franny: Loved how Garrett was able to “see” Frannie and appreciate her. Also enjoyed Maddie, Lucy and the trip to the Gypsy camp
* Hugh & Abigail: Abigail had Hugh’s head spinning with her question for each of his questions. Loved the house as a thwarting device.
* The time that I was taken away from thoughts of covid-19
* Being reminded of how much I used to love fairy tales as a child.

What I didn’t like:
* Having the book end and wondering what would happen to the characters in the future.

Thank you to the authors for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars½
CathyGeha | May 22, 2020 |
It’s Christmas time at Danby Castle and Lady Patience has been summoned along with her mother and 2 sisters. The three sisters, Patience, Hope and Grace are identical triplets and Hope and Grace had already had somewhat of a reputation but Patience was a question mark for the Duke of Danby to decipher.
The Duke is famous (infamous) for matchmaking for his family members. Now that all his children and grandchildren have been taken care of his is working on his grand-nieces and the triplets are in his sights.
When Patience is bitten by her little kitten (in the title role) Doctor Matthew Campion is called in to tend the wound. Of course it is love at first sight (or first bite as is was). Since the kitten was making trouble at the castle, Matthew takes him to his home, inviting Patience to come visit it.
Though the two are in love, how can a mere doctor think of marrying the Duke’s grand-niece? After an incident at the local inn, Matthew and Patience seemed to be separated forever by her family. But, you have to read the story to see how the Duke sorts it all out.
I am a big fan of the many stories featuring the Duke of Danby but his Christmas match-meddling always are great fun to read. You don’t need to know anything about the Duke to read and enjoy this story but be warned – once you start you’ll want to read more about him.
I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review but I would definitely have bought it anyway. Ava Stone always manages to create characters that you can’t help loving.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
I read this book originally as part of the Forget Me Not Anthology. I had also read other books in the Desolate Suns series. While I liked the characters and the story I felt like something was missing when I got to the last page. I probably would have given this one more star if there had been a little more of an end to the story.
Molly travels with her college friend to NY. While there she decides to get a tattoo in honor of her dead brother. In the waiting room at the Tattoo Parlor she meets her brother's best friend Seth. This wouldn't be such a coincidence except they grew up in Iowa, she is a student at a Southern University and he is attending NYU. They get matching tattoos and while the work is being done the rekindle their old friendship and learn that they both had been attracted to the other back in High School.
After a misunderstanding, they meet again and begin a romance - but that's where the story falls short - what happens afterwards.
I realize that this story was originally written as part of an Anthology about a tattoo parlor so that is where most of the action takes place but I as left wanting more
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
Lady Grace Post is about to become engaged. At least she thought so until her love, Oliver, heir to the Earl of Prestwood shows up at her home. Instead of asking her brothers for permission to marry Grace, he has some bad news for Grace. It seems that his father had betrothed Oliver and his two sister years ago. He was engaged to a little girl and there is no way he could marry Grace.
Four years later, Grace is using the London season to find a husband. It seems that her ever match-making great uncle, the Duke of Danby, has gotten the 3 Post triplets on his radar screen and Grace wants to beat him to the punch by picking her own husband. He has already matched one of her sisters and she doesn’t want to be the next to go.
Throughout the season, Grace keeps coming into contact with Oliver, and it hurts. She still has feelings for him but they can’t act on those feelings. She sets her sites on Daniel Lacy, a nice friendly gentleman. It’s not a love match but most ton marriages aren’t. Oliver has been in the country with his family. His sister’s husband was killed and his sister was too sick and pregnant to move. When the family is finally able to move back to Oliver’s estate (neighboring Grace’s brother’s) Oliver finds that not only is Grace betrothed but she will be married within the week.
This is where the Duke of Danby comes in. He has been working his magic behind the scenes since last Christmas. Trying to get his mind off the upcoming wedding, Oliver sorts through his mail and finds the note he could only have dreamed about – his betrothal was broken. Of course, this news comes on the day before Grace’s wedding. Can Grace and Oliver find their Happily Ever After? Will Grace disappoint a man she likes to marry a man she loves? Ava Stone, has a winning way with story-telling and her work on the Post family and the Duke of Danby stories are always a delicious tidbit of reading enjoyment. These characters float through numerous novellas and collections and yet, each story can stand on its own as an enjoyable read.
I received an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
Lady Hope Post is one of a set of triplets. She’s the one who seems to be attracted to trouble. She likes to drive fast and fall in love with inappropriate men. She had been in love with Henry – Earl of Kilworth but Henry dies unexpectedly. Now, she just met the new Earl of Kilworth, his cousin Thad Baxter, who might be dashing but is hardly a devil. The meeting might have gone better if it hadn’t happened after she had careened into his phaeton while driving her cousin’s phaeton.

Thad is someone she could never be attracted to – so of course they are drawn to each other. She thinks he’s trying to blackmail her while he is actually courting her. Things come to a head when Thad overhears a conversation about Hope that leads to the threat of a duel. The thought of something happening to Thad is enough to put aside all thoughts of Henry and let Hope see what a truly worthy man is like.

I read this book when it was originally published in one of the When the Duke Comes to Town collections. This is a fast and fun read and a sweet little story. It holds up as an enjoyable read the second time around.

ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
Ava Stone has created a wonderful series - each one better than the last but this one is amazing. As I read the current story, it made me want to re-read the past books to refresh my memory about the secondary characters in this book. If you haven't read the whole series, don't worry. This book works well as a stand alone story but once you read it you will definitely want to go back and find out more about the rest of the characters in this book.
Gregory, Lord Avery agrees to become betrothed to help out a young women ha had only seen twice. His agreement was more as a favor to his sister than for the actual young woman herself. Lady Arablla Winslett is a shy dreamer and was happy with her life until she overhears her grandfather, a Duke, insisting to her father that she marry her Prussian cousin. He has only 2 weeks before he arrives to find a substitute groom.
While the betrothal might have been fake at first, it quickly turns into a love match. Ava Stone does a wonderful job of letting you see inside her characters so you get to know them and really want to see them get what they deserve - good in most cases and bad in others.
I received an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
when I read a previous book in this series and saw that David, Lord Stavely had died I was very sad. He was a mild-mannered kind of guy whose wife Caroline was loved by everyone. Everyone included Marcus, Lord Haversham and while I knew they would make a great love story I didn't wish to see David die for it to happen.
This book includes some danger from different sources. The Home Office is looking for some decoding work that David had done before his death and Marc was sure that someone was after him. When he is in danger all those he loves are in danger.
Ms Stone does an excellent job of keeping the danger at the forefront of the story while allowing Caroline come to grips with the thought of loving someone other than her dead husband. Not only must she worry about her own feelings, she also has 3 children to worry about. Just when you think things are going to work out the story takes a turn for the worse.
I received an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
This collection of stories focuses on a gossip column written by the elusive Lady X. She knows everything that is going on and doesn’t hesitate to write about it. This book contains stories by 6 of my favorite authors. Each story focuses on how the gossip column can separate or bring people together.
Amanda Mariel’s One Moonlit Tryst starts as a bet between two men and ends with them both falling in love. A fun and delightful bit of fluff.
Deb Marlowe ties her Love Me, Lord Tender into her Half Moon series with an heiress who helps the underprivileged children of London while trying to see if the man she loves will lover her even without a large dowry. While he needs an heiress to save his foundering estate he must decide whether to choose love over money. As usual, Deb Marlowe’s characters choose love over money.
In The Lady Loves a Scandal Christina McKnight tells the story of a woman who’s love leaves town the night before he signs the betrothal documents. Now, one year later, he has returned – will she spurn him or is their love as strong as ever. It all depends on why he disappeared in the first place, but can he tell her his secret?
Erica Monroe writes a delicious murder investigation in The Scandalous Widow. Gabriel missed his chance years earlier when his friend an Earl married a woman that Gabriel was in love with. Now with the Earl dead, Gabriel (a detective) helps the countess to prove that her brother-in-law, the new Earl, is the murderer.
Ava Stone’s How to Land an Earl in Ten Days starts with a bet that Lord Darling can get a woman to fall for him in ten days or less. What can you expect from someone who is called DARLING. Ava Stone provides a fun story with some politics and danger thrown in. Little does Lord Darling realize that instead of a bet, he won true love.
To finish off the collection, Dawn Brower gives new meaning to the phrase that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. In A Lady Hoyden’s Secret we finally find out who is behind Lady X’s column and why she began writing in the first place. Helena was already planning to write a gossip column to giver herself some cash and independence but when Lord Dashville is forced to dance with her she uses him as inspiration for her column. Years later, he has grown up and matured (with some thanks to Lady X’s writing) and he finds himself in love with Helena. Will he want to marry her if he knows her secret?
ddeluna1 | 2 autres critiques | Mar 19, 2020 |
Vexed: The haunting of Castle Keyvnor is a one in a series of 4 collections of novellas – all taking place at Castle Keyvnor and its neighboring area when a collection of relatives come to the Castle for the reading of the will of the deceased Earl of Banfield. Vexed contains stories by Erica Ridley, Ava Stone, and Elizabeth Essex.
The first story in the book is written by Erica Ridley. In it Rebecca Bond the Earl’s great-niece seems to float through the castle unnoticed by anyone. At first I thought she might be a ghost that didn’t realize she was dead. With the death of the Earl, Rebecca is left with no money and soon no place to live. The new Earl has given her an ultimatum, get married or he will choose a husband for her himself. One of the people invited to the reading of the will is Daniel Goodenham, Viscount North Barrows. Daniel and Rebecca had been childhood friends but once he became a viscount at the age of 17 he had ignored her. He came to the Castle early to see her again and to apologize for the way he treated her. Once they are together old feelings come back but he lives in London and she loves the country. There is no way she would make a suitable Viscountess. Erica Ridley uses the Castle as a backdrop for finding lost love. The story is a sweet tale of how women have little choice in their future but how a man in love recognizes her independence and gives her the options to choose her life – whether she would choose him or not.
Ava Stone’s contribution is more ghostly. Lady Cassandra Priske has come to the reading of the will with her family. From the moment she arrives, she keeps seeing a dark man who seems to get more and more threatening. Jack Hazelwood, Lord St Giles isn’t there for the will but for the girl. He accompanies his friend Michael (who is a family member). He’s had his eye on Cassy for 2 seasons and is hoping to take advantage of this time at Castle Keyvnor to get closer to her. She has been avoiding him because of his rakish reputation. While Jack loves Cassy, he begins to wonder about her sanity. She keeps seeing the man in black and Jack has been present at a few occasions when she has screamed and collapsed after a sighting. Will Jack be able to put aside his worry of her sanity in order to be with the woman he loves. Additionally, will Cassy’s parents overlook Jack’s reputation – is the prospect of a dukedom enough to overlook bad behavior? Ava Stone writes amazing well-rounded characters – one of the best in this story is a secondary character, Toby, Cassy’s younger brother who does a remarkable job as a troublesome baby brother. This is another fun story.
The third story in this book doesn’t take place at the castle at all. Elizabeth Exxex had provided a charming tale about young love and finding each other after years apart – will they still have feelings for each other. Captain Harry Beck is at the Castle for the reading of the will but he once was tutored by the Vicar in Bocka Morrow. The vicar’s daughter Nessa would help him with his lessons. Now, she decides to try to spell Harry into loving her. Bocka Morrow is a haven of smugglers and Harry inadvertently gets involved in trying to uncover a treasonous plan among the smugglers/villagers. He uses Nessa as a cover to visit the shore but he also enjoys her company. Will he fall in love with her? Will they be able to thwart the treasonous plans and find the spy? Elizabeth keeps us hanging until the last minute but the ending is worth the wait.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
I first read this story in the Vexed Anthology. Ava Stone’s contribution is more ghostly than I normally read but it was enjoyable and only a little scary. Ava Stone writes amazing well-rounded characters – one of the best in this story is a secondary character, Toby, Cassy’s younger brother who does a remarkable job as a troublesome baby brother. This is a fun story and well worth the read.
Lady Cassandra Priske has come to the reading of the will with her family. From the moment she arrives, she keeps seeing a dark man who seems to get more and more threatening. Jack Hazelwood, Lord St Giles isn’t there for the will but for the girl. He accompanies his friend Michael (who is a family member). He’s had his eye on Cassy for 2 seasons and is hoping to take advantage of this time at Castle Keyvnor to get closer to her. She has been avoiding him because of his rakish reputation. While Jack loves Cassy, he begins to wonder about her sanity. She keeps seeing the man in black and Jack has been present at a few occasions when she has screamed and collapsed after a sighting. Will Jack be able to put aside his worry of her sanity in order to be with the woman he loves. Additionally, will Cassy’s parents overlook Jack’s reputation – is the prospect of a dukedom enough to overlook bad behavior?
Ava Stone make the waiting for a Happily Ever After worth it.
ddeluna1 | 2 autres critiques | Mar 19, 2020 |
Kissed at Christmas is the third in the continuing series of Castle Keyvnor Christmas books. I love the way that 12 authors have come together to create 4 fun books with overlapping characters and locations all focusing on falling in love at Christmas. In this book, 3 more of my favorite authors do the holiday justice.
Christina McKnight’s Bound by the Christmastide Moon tells the tale of an arranged match between an Earl needing money and a daughter whose father and brother are trying to marry off before anyone finds out about her little “problem” – she has visions. While both were willing to settle imagine their surprise when they actually liked and then loved each other. The characters were a wonder to watch as they came to know and love each other despite what others might see as issues.
Ava Stone’s Once Upon a Midnight Clear delicious characters have Lady Ivy trying to marry well without needing love. Lord Michael a third son, is at the weeding to collect on his previous winning so he can purchase a copper mine and go into trade (gasp). There is no worst combination of people to find love yet the struggle makes the ending that much sweeter.
I am not as familiar with Michelle Willingham’s work but The Sweetest Christmas was a delightful story of two people who had a previously bad experience with betrothals as they find each other and love. The interaction between the two is delightful and a joy to read.
I received an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.
ddeluna1 | 2 autres critiques | Mar 19, 2020 |
I read this story in the Kissed at Christmas collection. Ava Stoen is one of my favorite authors so if you have a chance to pick up this book I would recommend it.
Ava Stone’s Once Upon a Midnight Clear delicious characters have Lady Ivy trying to marry well without needing love. Lord Michael a third son, is at the weeding to collect on his previous winning so he can purchase a copper mine and go into trade (gasp). There is no worst combination of people to find love yet the struggle makes the ending that much sweeter.
ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
Ava Stone is a favorite author of mine. I own a number of her historical romances. She has a writing style that draws you in and allows you to feel as if you are part of the story. I had not read a contemporary romance by her before. Live Like You Mean It is a story about seeking a new direction and finding your own way. Life happens and obstacles arise but if give your all and keep moving toward your dream you can succeed. Ms. Stone is well on her way in the contemporary genre. I was given a copy of Live Like you Mean It for an honest review.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Kissed at Christmas (Christmas at Castle Keyvnor) by Christina McKnight, Ava Stone, Michelle Willingham  
Tales of rapture, hints of magic and the beauty of romance are key aspects of Kissed at Christmas. Cocoa and peppermint have nothing on these seductively sweet, yet addictively spicy tales.
Bound By the Christmastide Moon by Christina McKnight -  What does an Earl have in common with an unconventional young miss?  The need for a happy ending. Bound by the Christmastide Moon adds an element of mystique to an already mystifying romance.
Once Upon a Midnight Clear by Ava Stone - Ava Stone delivers the mischief that has made her a household name while dancing her way right into any romantic's heart with Once Upon A Midnight Clear.
The Sweetest Christmas by Michelle Willingham - A series of misconceptions lead to a sweetly seductive romance.
Lashea677 | 2 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
With a stroke of the pen and a vivid imagination, these six immensely talented authors have created something special. It Started with a Whisper is mysterious, sensuous, humorous and hard to resist. By mixing old school values with modern day twists, historical romance will continue to shine it's bright light on a much loved genre of stories.

Deb Marlowe and Dawn Brower, show how dangerous gossip can be to one's reputation and heart. Erica Monroe begins with a scandal and ends with a hard won happily ever after. Second chances are the catch of the day when Ava Stone and Christina McKnight take center stage. Amanda Mariel seduces readers and characters alike with her tale of One Moonlit Tryst. Prepare to be scandalized and hypnotized with this fascinating collection of tempting tales.
Lashea677 | 2 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
A light read!

Enjoyable Regency romance with a sinister castle, a ghost seeing young woman, a rake and a feisty little poodle.
Lady Cassandra Priske has spent the season hiding from the notorious rake Jack Hazleton, Baron St. Giles. When Jack cadges an invite to Castle Keyvnor where Cassy will reluctantly be for the reading of her great uncle's, things don't go quite to plan for either Cassy or Jack. Avoidance becomes twice as hard and there is the small matter of the castle and it's haunted history!

A NetGalley ARC
eyes.2c | 2 autres critiques | Dec 28, 2018 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. How To Tempt Rogue Without Really Trying by Ava Stone is her second novella about the Beckett sisters and part of her The Heart of an Heiress series. I do think to fully enjoy this book you should read the first one as many of the characters in this book are introduced in How to Land An Earl in 10 days or Less. This book is about the middle Beckett sister Caitrin who meets Lord Daniel Westham after climbing down a tree to escape a brothel. While it’s definitely sparks fly at first sight neither of these two is looking for a relationship and watching their friendship grow into something more is a delight. Sweet not steamy. Publishing Date September 18, 2018
#HowToTemptARogueWithoutReallyTrying #NetGalley
nmgski | Sep 10, 2018 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. How to Land An Earl In 10 Days Or Less by Ava Stone is I believe the first book (novella) in her The Heart Of An Heiress series. While trying to cheer up his heartbroken friend Reece Delacy Earl of Darling foolishly agrees to a bet that he can convince a young lady fall in love with him in 10 days or less. Cara Beckett is in London to persuade as many members of parliament to vote in favour of allowing Bermuda to harvest salt from the Turks Islands. Her honorary grandmother convinces her to play along with the courtship as she has a bet with a friend of hers that Cara can turn the tables on the Earl. A charming tale with just enough angst to make it interesting, sweet not steamy. Publishing Date May 8, 2018 #HowToLandAnEarlIn10DaysOrLess #NetGalley
nmgski | Aug 19, 2018 |
In Once Upon a Moonlit Path by author Ava Stone, Lady Cassandra Priske is on her way to Castle Keyvnor with her family for the reading of her late Uncle’s will. It is bad enough that she has to travel with her stern father, her social-climbing mother, and her annoying little brother. Her sister isn’t so bad but it does make for a crowded carriage.

No, the real problem is that Castle Keyvnor is haunted. She knows because she can see the dead. From the moment she gets to the castle she is stalked by a dark man no one else can see.

Apparently, her dog Oscar can see ghosts though. He barks whenever a ghost is in the room. He is adorably written, mischievous, playful, exactly what you would want in a pet.

Lord St. Giles, Jack Hazleton, has been wanting to get closer to Lady Cassandra for more than a year. After watching her defend another young lady, he admired her spirit and compassion, not to mention her beauty. He invites himself along hoping to spend time with her.

Although they know she had seen her late grandfather as a child, her family does not believe she can see ghosts. Will they convince Lord St. Giles that she is mad? Will he allow himself to be driven away?

A Very Enjoyable Read

This is certainly a departure from most Regency novels that I’ve read. I really enjoyed the characters, and the story was certainly different. The way the author brought the two together was fun and interesting.

There was another storyline building in the background. This new one involves a very quick romance and a Gypsy camp. I very much look forward to reading the book that will flesh that story out.

This book was read in one afternoon. I couldn’t, wouldn’t put it down.

Reviewed for LnkToMi iRead in response to a complimentary copy of the book provided by the publisher in hopes of an honest review.
KriisGaia | 2 autres critiques | Mar 15, 2018 |
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley to read in exchange for a fair review. It Started With A Whisper is a collection of 6 regency novellas by Deb Marlowe, Amanda Mariel, Christina McKnight, Erica Munroe, Ava Stone, And Dawn Brower. The individual stories are linked by the gossip column Whispers from Lady X. I enjoyed reading the novellas each with a different trope. A wager about a kiss, a secret heiress, a missing groom, a murder mystery with the one that got away, a wager about falling in love, and the unveiling of Lady X. My only problem with this book is that Lady X’s gossip whispers tend to be quite cruel and cause distress for the characters, so when she turns out to be the heroine of the last novella I was annoyed with her and didn’t like her at all. I do recommend this book. #ItStartedWithAWhisper #NetGalley
nmgski | 2 autres critiques | Feb 18, 2018 |
Kissed at Christmas
Christmas at Castle Keyvnor #3

Three full length novellas with a Christmas wedding in a haunted castle provide happily ever after endings for three happy couples. I have read previous books in this series and enjoyed them both so was looking forward to this one and thoroughly enjoyed it, too!

Bound by a Christmas Moon by Christina McKnight:
Silas has been called back to England to be the 8th Earl of Lichfield only to find out that to put his family estate in order he will need to marry a woman with money. With a recommendation in hand he pursues an agreement and is given such by Lady Mallory Hughes’ father so he heads off to meet his intended. Mallory has a bit of clairvoyance that has led her to believe she will become a spinster BUT perhaps not since she is soon to meet Silas. This is a fun story of two people expecting a marriage of convenience but happy to find that theirs will be a love match instead.

Once Upon a Midnight Clear by Ana Stone:
Lord Michael Beck, a younger son, has decided to make collect debts from those he has lent money to so that he can proceed with a business venture he believes will give him satisfaction and wealth. Stopping at a wedding where many who owe him money will be in attendance he runs into Lady Ivy Dallimore, a woman he is fond of. The story has romance but also includes ghosts, a wannabe murderer, gypsies and more.

The Sweetest Christmas by Michelle Willingham:
Lady Marjorie Hamblyn and Sir William Crandall meet at the castle. They have both been affianced without achieving a wedding and neither really intends to ever marry. Marjorie’s preconceptions upon first meeting William prove false and instead of him falling for her cousin, as she first thought, they fall for one another. This is about finding the right partner and loving them for the right reasons while also giving them freedom to be who they truly are. It, too, has ghosts and other surprises.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barclay Publicity for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 2 autres critiques | Sep 26, 2017 |
Regency romance where Philip's friend wants Amelia to help Philip smile and return to living since his fiancée dumped him and married someone else while he was at war. Amelia is also running away from a suitor.

I enjoyed these characters. Amelia seemed to be flighty but she knew what she talked about. She also knew what she wanted and did not want. Philip is aloof and hurt but intrigued by Amelia. The story was good. The secondary characters were an eclectic mix. Some I liked and some I loathed.

I want to read more in this series.
Sheila1957 | Dec 31, 2016 |
This is #2 in the mesmerizing "When the Duke Comes to Town". "Thwarting the Duke" is by three of my favorite Regency Historical Romance authors, Ava Stone, Julie Johnstone, and Sue London. All three stories are, well written, with well devoloped characters and captivating stories.
What happens when the Duke of Danby comes to London. ..trouble, trouble and more trouble. But can these ladies find the man of their dreams and a HEA.
Fast paced, with drama, passion and antics, you want expect.
What an awesome, powerful and ever unexpected collection. These ladies are powerful, amazing storytellers, who leave the reader turning pages and in awe. Strongly recommended for fans of Regency Romance, England and awesome collections. An wonderful way to find new authors and check out their unique talents. A must read, Historical Romance! I enjoy Regency era, and this was definitely a keeper! Received for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Rating: 4.5
Heat rating: Mild
Reviewed by: AprilR½
tarenn | May 24, 2016 |
Wonderful stories that are profoundly moving and provide a wide variety of characters that share why they are there at the Reed’s tattoo parlor for unique designs to be inked on their skin to commemorate something or someone important in their life. The artists and the clients all played parts in this book and all of the stories left me feeling better for having read them.

It was a pleasure and an honor to read each of these beautiful stories and I thank NetGalley and Night Shift Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.
CathyGeha | Nov 15, 2015 |
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