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Leslie StaubCritiques

Auteur de Whoever You Are

10 oeuvres 3,969 utilisateurs 242 critiques


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Independent Reading Level: Grades 1-2
Awards: None
shelbycook101 | 222 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Grades 1-2
Awards: None
connortodd | 222 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
“All over the world”—Book Review of Whoever You Are
Review by Sarah Mist
This book is more social commentary/poetry on the connection of humanity through similarities beyond race and culture, rather than a story, which I was not expecting. The multicultural illustrations and references are beautiful. While the message is beautiful and corresponding illustrations lovely, the lack of storyline could be better for a younger audience. My seven-year-old son has done a lot of traveling so he could relate to all the cultural “same same but different” images. We had fun finding the global flying guy on each page.
MiddleWayEducation | 222 autres critiques | Apr 6, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Kindergarten-3rd Grade
Awards: N/A
isabelcleveland | 222 autres critiques | Dec 5, 2023 |
If you were an elephant gives a glimpse into the life of elephants from what they eat to what they do all day. ages 3-7
Stephanie712 | 1 autre critique | Mar 15, 2023 |
Summary: kids and everyone around world all share similar characteristics despite of the differences of our exteriors
Yuping | 222 autres critiques | Nov 30, 2022 |
This book shows an explanation of how there are many different people around the world that might look different then us but that we hold many similar experiences. This book is great to show to a class and introducing what diversity means to younger students. Students can see that similarities we have with people all around us and the same life experiences we might share.
Isabellabooks | 222 autres critiques | Nov 1, 2022 |
Note: I received an F&G at ALA Midwinter 2020.
fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 1 autre critique | Sep 15, 2022 |
Great message to kids! That people all over the world may live differently or look differently, but still feel the same feelings. Loved the illustrations too.
Stacy_Krout | 222 autres critiques | Nov 30, 2020 |
I thought that this book was very good! It's about different people all over the world. The book's message was that even though people can be very different from us, we still all love, cry, and laugh the same. I think this book is a great one for younger grades, because it shows children from young age to realize that yes we are different but we are all human beings.
kianak98 | 222 autres critiques | Nov 16, 2020 |
Cute and simple book about loving yourself and everyone around you!
mackenziemitchell | 222 autres critiques | Nov 15, 2020 |
a wholesome story about the importance of your presence no matter who or where you are
jxs184 | 222 autres critiques | Apr 5, 2020 |
Dewey, an alien, is about to start school for the first time. Not just any school, school on EARTH! When he begins, he is nervous and confused because everything around him is so different and confusing, even the students! However, he ends up making a friend and realizes that maybe it is not so bad after all! This is a perfect book to read to students in the beginning of the school year, because although no one is an alien, everyone can relate to the nervousness of the first day! It shows the silly and also serious side of Dewey and really depicts what the first day of school feels like from the inside! The only thing I did not particularly like about the book is that sometimes it was written in "alien" language, which was a good idea but can also be confusing to younger kids who are just learning how to comprehend what they are reading!½
aengolia | 6 autres critiques | Feb 12, 2020 |
In this story, a little girl finds the courage within herself to make her fearful dreams, and the monsters creating them, go away. Monsters who were once dreadful are now silly and happy via her direction and courage.
I like this story because it teaches children that with a little imagination and perseverance, they can do great things and live their best lives.
CMcGinnis | 1 autre critique | Jan 23, 2020 |
I deeply love this book. This book highlights how no matter who you are, you are accepted in your community. People are different; therefore, they should respect others and their differences. It creates a comfortable place for all kids. we all may be unlike but we all smile, laugh, eat, and breath same. "Whoever You Are" gives a look at people's lives from all over the world. my favorite quote is "we look unlike outside, but we are all the same inside."
Aline_Uwineza | 222 autres critiques | Sep 25, 2019 |
Whoever you are describes the different cultures and the children in them. Every child in this world laughs, cries, dances, and plays. This book shows children that no matter where they come from they are all alike in different ways, so accept everyone for who they are.
AlexaBavido | 222 autres critiques | Aug 27, 2019 |
This book was a fictional book about a boy and his dog going around to different people and trying to cheer them up. The book is saying that at some point everybody gets the blues no matter where your from or who you are."Everybody gets the blues sometimes—dogs and cats, moms and dads, even tiny babies. Just take a look around." It felt like the author recognized that children need to learn about emotions and tried to create a book to teach that. I think that it made the blues sound like something that just comes and goes without any control and that you can always easily get rid of them. I loved that it captured the music culture of New Orleans!
Nekeidra | 5 autres critiques | Aug 27, 2019 |
In this story the little girl is in the middle of a nightmare. She decides to take control of her dreams and the beasties giving her the nightmare. It is a great story for children who have bad dreams and it would make a good read aloud or one on one. I would recommend this for any collection. The author does a great job of describing every day fears that children experience as they grow up. The illustrations are colorful and the expressions on the beasties faces are well done.
SWONclear | 1 autre critique | Jul 17, 2019 |
This was an amazing book. The pictures were great as well as the context. I thought that this book expressed different cultures in ways that small children can understand.
roseadaily | 222 autres critiques | May 19, 2019 |
"Whoever You Are" gives a look at people's lives from all over the world. It is great for showing kids and teaching them that on the outside we may look different, but on the inside we are all the same.
maddiefinnigan | 222 autres critiques | May 18, 2019 |
In this story, a young boy is feeling sad and the Blues Man helps him realize that everyone goes through sad times and that he isn't alone in this feeling. It reassures everyone that it's ok to cry and that these feelings are normal, even beauty queens feel them sometimes. Getting children to understand their feelings can sometimes be a difficult task, but this book does a great job at explaining the blues that all of us go through from time to time. I love the rhythmic text, it's almost like a song or poem. It makes the read very fun and interesting.
D.Callais | 5 autres critiques | Feb 26, 2019 |
Everyone around the world are very alike. Even though we speak different languages, live in different places, and have different lives, inside we are all the same. We smile, laugh, cry, play, learn, eat and sleep the same. This book helps us accept our difference and recognize our similarities.
Larmand | 222 autres critiques | Feb 18, 2019 |
I like how this book says, "And if you do the same for someone else who's feeling sad, their blues might fly away- right along with yours." This book talks about how everyone gets sad sometimes, all kinds of people, for different reasons, and everyone needs a friend to listen, sit by our side, talk to, or share experiences with. I like how the friend was a grown up also he was a musician that played blue music.½
yy2teach | 5 autres critiques | Feb 3, 2019 |
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