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Shey StahlCritiques

Auteur de Waiting for You

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4.5....really good and kept my interest! I enjoyed Lenny being a mechanic.
DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
This was alright, I thought it would be a lot more involved than it was. The trauma was both glossed over and dwelt on - it was there and it happened and it hung over everything but they never really deal with it. They just brush it off whenever it starts getting inconvenient to the story. And it kind of dragged. It started to feel like this book was a lot longer than it was. I liked the rest of the hockey team but I didn't love them. I found the whole puck bunnies thing off putting as well. 1.5 stars.
funstm | 1 autre critique | Dec 1, 2022 |

I had never heard of this author before I saw an amazing teaser on IG. I was hooked from that moment. Rockstar romances are so hit and miss for me. This is mainly because music is my life. I don't want anyone disturbing or ruining it for me. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that this author did it justice.

Everything, and I mean everything, from the cover to the characters, to the lifestyle (drugs, addiction, groupies) is all there. It is gritty. Hell, Revel might be one of the grittier Rock heroes I have read and he was sublime. His demons, his indifference, and his addiction to Red (Taylan) was everything. I was 100% on board no matter how rocky the journey it was. And, trust me it was. Tay, sweet lord, her story was also a testament to how hard it is to live when your life is dictated from a young age. I loved watching her evolve and come into her own person. However, it wasn't as much watching her lose her innocence as much as watch her interact with Rev. Those moments were fire. They shouldn't have worked but they both bit that apple and the poison, so to speak, was in them both. I'm not sure if poison is the right word here, it was more like a truth serum in which they got to take off their mask and be free. The steamy times? Yeah, this was a five-alarm fire. The anticipation building up to them and their chemistry was almost as good. They steam didn't overpower the story. If anything, it enhanced the moments it was showcased because as hot as it was, the priority was this amazing sublime connection.

I will DEFINITELY be looking for more from this amazing author. This is definitely a top 2020 book.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
4.1 stars

This is just a simple poignant love story. Except, there is nothing simple about love. My heart plummeted for Beau and Bentley. It also soared.

I wanted a few areas fleshed out but, for the most part, this was a good story. I'll look for more from this author in the future.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
This is my first book by this author. It has an unusual style, it is written from the husband's POV and it is written as though he is speaking to you. I don't like this style usually.
Some parts are funny, you can argue whose side you are on, both have issues and you can understand their POV.
She feels like a single parent and he works to provide for his family ALL the time.
Some of the things going on his head seemed to me childish but other parts were very clever. I am glad i read it but i wouldn't read it again.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
I absolutely loved this book. Ember and Landon were hysterical. I also love the realism of the story. He does not welcome this with open arms and struggles himself dealing with taking on 5 kids. Its reality. The kid were also pretty funny. This story was hot, hot hot too!! I loved the build up for Ember and Landon, she didn't just fall in the sheets with him.
Great read!!
Kellylynn22 | 1 autre critique | Mar 24, 2019 |
Ok so when I started reading this I was surprised of all the stars it had gotten, I hated Landon, hated his attitude, I found him to be a jerk and again I coudn't understand and still don't when characters claim how much they love someone and yet are sleeping or having relationships with others, but that is one of my pet peeves. I almost stopped reading because I did not like him but thankfully because I had purchased book and because I wondered if other readers had gotten so wrong. As I continued reading Landon got better, and I liked Ember but I adores Cat and the kids, by the end of the story I wanted them to get together the only thing that bugged me at this point was when one of his friends was telling him to find someone else that Ember was just pussy, yeah didn't like it and didn't like that Landon didn't defend her. I hope the brothers get a story.
NelisPelusa | 1 autre critique | Nov 18, 2018 |
Lol excerpt!
“You needed to be skeptical when my mom gave you presents. Once she gave me a gallon of gasoline because she said she had a dream that I set a car on fire. She wanted me to be prepared and have enough gas for such a task. What kind of mother did that?”

BeegPanda | 3 autres critiques | Aug 2, 2015 |
What I really loved about this book is that it was a book about finding out who you really are, as much as it was a love story. It was beautifully written, if sometimes a bit overdone.
The author put us into an 18 year old's shoes so well and pulled us along in s journey of self discovery. The characters were in no way perfect, but they were real and they made me want to know them.
Well done!
Kate.Good | 3 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2014 |
There needs to be a word other than angst to describe this book. Something beyond angst. I mean, I love me some angst...but this book? Holy crap, people! It was ALL angst. I am trying to come to terms with it and see it for what it was, but I was just emotionally spent after reading it. I spent the entire book wanting to shake the characters and tell them to wake the hell up and grow UP!!!
I get that they were kids, but sweet Mary, they could have talked at some point. They went through so much pain for no damn reason. *sigh*
I ended up just disliking Rowan for being such a selfish brat and only caring about herself. She just angered me.
I do understand where this book was coming from, and it was very well written. It just exhausted me too much.
Kate.Good | 3 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2014 |
What I really loved about this book is that it was a book about finding out who you really are, as much as it was a love story. It was beautifully written, if sometimes a bit overdone.
The author put us into an 18 year old's shoes so well and pulled us along in s journey of self discovery. The characters were in no way perfect, but they were real and they made me want to know them.
Well done!
Kate.Good | 3 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2014 |
There needs to be a word other than angst to describe this book. Something beyond angst. I mean, I love me some angst...but this book? Holy crap, people! It was ALL angst. I am trying to come to terms with it and see it for what it was, but I was just emotionally spent after reading it. I spent the entire book wanting to shake the characters and tell them to wake the hell up and grow UP!!!
I get that they were kids, but sweet Mary, they could have talked at some point. They went through so much pain for no damn reason. *sigh*
I ended up just disliking Rowan for being such a selfish brat and only caring about herself. She just angered me.
I do understand where this book was coming from, and it was very well written. It just exhausted me too much.
Kate.Good | 3 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2014 |
I adored Sway and Jameson!

Sway and Jameson have known each other and been best friends since they were eleven. They met at Sway's dad's dirt track when Jameson raced and won.

Sway loves everything racing and cars. including her best friend Jameson. I loved her car talk! Not on was it hilarious and different, it was HOT!

"No standard dirty talking for me; I like a man who talks car. The first time I heard Jameson same camshaft,I wanted to rip my clothes off and ride his camshaft reverse cowgirl style..."

See ^ HOT! Anyways- Sway has been in love with Jameson for a while and while she makes it clear they have kissed it has never went all the way and she wants it too. But can she handle just sex with him?

Jameson loves racing. It's something he has done his whole life. Hell racing is his life. His every moment centered around racing and cars. Sway has been with him through it all as his best friend. He didn't have time for anything else with anyone.

I don't want to give anything away so I won't. There were a few times I wanted to shake some sense into Sway though, however she thinks like any typical female would regarding the does he like as more? Or am I misreading him? I found it pretty obvious that Jameson was attracted to her.
Jameson is pretty hot and he's damn good in a race car! the only thing that bothered me about him was his temper tantrums. Though I think it has to do with the stress of the lifestyle and other personal things going on in his head.

I LOVED Spencer,Alley and Emma. They are all freaking hilarious! Actually the whole group is hilarious. There were times I was reading it and busted out laughing. I couldn't control myself!

"You know, mark your territory." She pushed me toward the car, and I stumbled against the front fender. "Rub your tits on the car." -Emma

Seriously this book cracked me up. But there was also serious parts as well. I'm so glad the next book is out because I hate there was a cliffhanger!

Non volevo cadere nel miel amore, mi dspiace
Mommy.Reads.What | 2 autres critiques | Jun 22, 2014 |
I absolutely LOVED this story . Shey Did an Awesome Job Writing the story of Bailey and Dylan .

Love is sometimes a dangerous feeling and it sure showed it in this book . I will forver have a piece of Bailey and Dylan in my heart .

“I'm done pretending you don't mean anything to me.That you still don't.I loved you.I love you now,here.The bone deep s*** that you try to capture in a song or a movies or a book, that kind of s***. It's the type of love that words can't compare to. I still love you. I never stopped. Time apart never changed that for me.”

“Don't have regrets or second thoughts." she told me" Love, love with all your heart,every piece of it.Love anything as much as you can.”

“Tell me a secret Dylan, something you've never told anyone else," I said keeping my eyes on the stars.He don't say anything, his breathing light, body relaxed.Sighing, his breath tickling my shin when he whispered in my ear,"I love you.”

I loved how we had a little bit of the Riley's in there , That was Awesome
Chris.BlogEmporium | 3 autres critiques | May 6, 2014 |
Awesome , Loved every minute of it ... Review to come !!!!
Chris.BlogEmporium | 1 autre critique | May 6, 2014 |
Awesome , awesome , awesome .. review to come , I am onto book 3
Chris.BlogEmporium | 1 autre critique | May 6, 2014 |
Awesome , awesome , awesome .. review to come , I am onto book 3
Chris.BlogEmporium | 1 autre critique | May 6, 2014 |
This book was an emotional roller coaster!
Rowan & Parker's love was so sweet it was unbearable when they parted ways. They both never found the words and it kept them apart for years. I wanted to slap them both - mostly Rowan. Hot steamy & some awkward sex scenes. Fantastic well rounded ending. Loved this book!


"Why does a wink have that much of an effect on me? Did I mention he winked at me?"

"Hearing that was a good thing because I was damn near ready to bake his adorable ass cupcakes that spelled out "Will you go steady?" in sprinkles."

"Addy giggled this high pitched squeal that made me question her sanity and wonder if she had been raised by baby pigs."
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iloveladyporn | 3 autres critiques | Dec 6, 2013 |
These two people are poison for each other. And the worst part is, they weren't, they just turned ugly somewhere along the way.

But let me start from the beginning.
For the first 50-60% of this book it was amazing. A very sweet love story about a rebel boy and a good girl that's finally gotten out of her cage. It was right up there with some of my favorite reads. Yeah, Bailey annoyed me a bit, but it was nothing I couldn't get over. I loved Dylan, I loved him.

I was willing to ignore numerous, and I mean numerous spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes*. I was willing to ignore that in the majority, it was a smutty book. I was willing to ignore that on every single page someone was cussing, the F-bomb being dropped like it's just another word. I was willing to ignore how distracting it was that the author would switch from present to past tense back to present, all within the same sentence. The sudden switch to Dylan's POV after four chapters and than it's back to Bailey again until almost two thirds through when you get to be in Dylan's head again.

Actually, now that I'm listing all of this, I probably wouldn't have ignored it. I'm going over my notes and... yeah. But that's not the point. The story was beautiful and had so much potential, and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the writing that I think could have been amazing after some polishing&nipping&tucking (and the book is $2.99. I've just read an impeccable $0.99 book before this one). There was great chemistry between Dylan and Bailey that made me really think that these two were it for each other.

And for those 60%, I would have given it a good rating and a stellar review. Now, I feel like I'm being generous. The only thing worse than a bad book is a good book ruined by... I don't even know what that was.

Bailey gets a personality transplant and starts being a true I-made-him-do-it victim. Dylan turns downright psychotic. The breaking-down-doors-beating-up-guys-that-look-at-her-get-a-restraining-order kind of psychotic. I kept waiting for their "dangerous love" to become a real abusive relationship. And that I can't ignore.

He says so many hurtful things to her. And she just lets him. I was... stunned at this turn of events. What was his problem, really? There's a difference between being possessive and being just plain crazy. The guy is obsessed with her to the point that he can't stand anyone talking to her. Do girls really like this? I'm a girl, and I would have probably ran as far away as I could from that psycho. Seriously, he breaks down doors, "punishes" her by making her give him a blowjob (no, she actually says he forced her head down, and she was crying after she was done. Seriously.) He turns really vindictive at times. No love is worth this shit.
She, on the other hand... she says things like "I know how he will react when he sees this, so I stay away from Nate." (I'm paraphrasing here. But you get the point.)
He could fuck you up with one look. I’d been on the receiving end of that look before.

When you come to a realization like this about your boyfriend... that's a red flag. Because god knows what he will fuck you up with tomorrow.

So much drama! SO. MUCH. DRAMA. THAT. COULD. HAVE. BEEN. AVOIDED. I'm guessing the author wanted angst? You had angst while it was still a sweet story! Why do that to them? I couldn't even root for them in the end because I was thinking "good riddance". I actually laughed hysterically in the end because... here we go again. These two are not healthy for each other.

And then, of course, the book was just way too long for the story it told. It was mostly too long because Bailey would go on, and on, and on, about some epiphanies of hers, or reflecting on things that absolutely make no sense in that given moment, it was like the author just wanted to throw some mature wisdom to fill out the pages. I found myself skimming these parts. And I would have ignored it all.

For me, this book was a major letdown. Not because I expected something amazing and then didn't get it, but because I had gotten something amazing and then it was taken away from me. I actually mourned Dylan for the remainder of this book.

Still, I see what all the hype is about. It's a very intense love story, and I get why people love it. I just wish the author didn't give the term "character development" a whole new meaning while writing it.

I am sorry. Some things I'm just not good enough at ignoring.

* If there is one thing that screws up with my reading a book, it's improper use of punctuation.
Also, punctuation in direct speech. For the love of everything, please, please get it right. This is elementary school stuff.
AriBookzilla | 3 autres critiques | Sep 21, 2013 |
review to come , need to get onto the next one
Chris.BlogEmporium | 2 autres critiques | May 6, 2014 |
OMG I am said to be saying I am going onto the last book in this series ... I am not liking the fact that the Riley clan is going tom come to an end in book 5th ...

Once I am done the series I will do a review on the whole series :)
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING SERIES ... Review to come for all books
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
Artfullee | 2 autres critiques | Apr 8, 2014 |
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