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I love the ominous old time feel of the cover for Lies On Bristol Lake by Jean Nicole Rivers. I had an idea of what the book would be about, the mystery and the danger. Any book that takes place on or near the water always catches my attention, making me curious to know if it will be a fit for me. Jean Nicole Rivers put her own twist on a familiar tale and that is why I love her writing so much.

It wasn’t hard to figure out early on that Dahlia Dixon would marry the wealthy boss, the synopsis told us so, but what is happening after they are married really pissed me off. A lot of it was obvious, but there are more plots going on than just the one between Dahlia and her husband, Malcom.

I love when an author adds some humor to her darkness and cracks me up:

‘I could rip my top off right now and whip glittering pink tassels attached to my nipples in wild circles and few would even notice…’

Keep in mind that I am reading an ARC. Some things may be corrected and changed for the finished product.

Dahlia’s past haunts her. She feels she is split in two and Dark Dahlia is now warning her…something is not right. Are the dead talking to her? Trying to tell her their secrets? Is Thomas really dead, her lover who tried to drown her in high school?

There was a surprise or two…and one really blew my mind. I didn’t see that coming at all! I love when an author can surprise me, shock me, giving me pause…before I read on.

Lies On Bristol Lake gave me a sense of complacency in the beginning. I knew there was a mystery and there would be some danger. It creeps up on me slowly, pouncing when I least expect it. As everything comes together I am left with a feeling of satisfaction. Well done, Jean, you got me…and that is not any easy thing to do. I usually figure things out before the author has a chance to tell me what’s happening. I did with some things, but that ending…awesome!

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Lies On Bristol Lake by Jean Nicole Rivers.

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sherry69 | Mar 1, 2023 |
I loved this horror thriller filled with shock moments that had me wondering…is it in her mind…as the secrets are slowly exposed, leaving it hard to figure out who is good, who is bad and why.

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sherry69 | Oct 2, 2022 |
I was in hopes that the story would be more frightening than it was…but on the other hand I’m not frightened by much that I read…just intrigued. I did find the story intriguing but also very predictable. The ending was exactly what I thought it would be. Still it was a good read for anyone that likes dark horror. I will say that the book produces a much-needed adrenaline rush and I will diffidently continue with the series.
Carol420 | 1 autre critique | Feb 14, 2021 |
It is nice to be back in Black Water, or at least I think it is. Ya never know what Jean Nicole Rivers has in store for her characters, but I am always eager to find out. And…Simone is coming home too…home to the house where her entire family had been killed…murdered.

Her husband, Mack, knows her past and doesn’t understand why she feels the need to come back to a place that held such horror for her. The man accused of killing her family is locked up, but that is not the end for her. She wants her house, her memories, her family, back.

Mack has found the perfect business for him to purchase, Watkins Auto. He is a mechanic, so it should be a perfect fit. Simone is pregnant and I am worried about her.

The small town had taken a ghost story mixed with a tragedy and made it an urban legend, questioning how she survived. Is the Sandman true? Can fairy tales be true? If a woman can find her knight in shining armor, why can’t monsters be real?

“You face your fears head on; that’s the only way…”

A sense of impending doom infuses every page. This could go two ways, but I choose my first thought and now I am really curious about Simone and her family. They are in grave danger and I wonder how they will be saved. I am going to have to read straight through, because I have to know.

I felt such a sense of urgency, I wanted to yell at times, telling them NO, don’t do that. HELP HER!

Jean Nicole Rivers just keeps getting better and I loved this fantastic tale. I don’t read enough books by black authors and books with black characters, and I am trying to remedy that, expand my reading horizons.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of To The Moon And Back by Jean Nicole Rivers.

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sherry69 | Jan 30, 2021 |
The broken doll on the cover of Blackwater Tales: The Unwanted by Jean Nicole Rivers made me pause and check out the book. It reeks of evil and danger and I LOVE it.

Blaire and Travis’s arrival to San Sebastian leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling. I don’t believe things will be as they think…

Blaire comes from Blackwater, a cursed town. Will that curse follow her to Borslav and St Sebastion?

Travis and Blaire quickly become friends and he has her back…no matter what. To say the outlook is bleak does not begin to describe their situation. At least she will not be alone.

The children…The Unwanted…Who are they…really?

They were just as broken as the old building.

Are they damaged or is it the adults? Are the workers possessed? Are the children possessed? Is there ghosts or another evil supernatural spirit?

The suspense and evil creep up on me slowly and build throughout the story as Blaire tries to solve the mystery of evil surrounding San Sebastian. Every bump and noise makes me expect something horrific to happen.

There’s something in the basement.

Oh no, not one of those. Please, oh please, do not go in the basement!

I wish you luck trying to figure out the evil before it GETS you. The scariness is subtle, lurking just beneath the words and I dare you to read this. The last 10 to 15 percent had me unable to put the book down.

The ending…a shocker. So unexpected and I LOVE it!

I received a copy of Blackwater Tales: The Unwanted by Jean Nicole Rivers in return for an honest review.

To see more visit
sherry69 | 1 autre critique | May 19, 2016 |