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Leisa RayvenCritiques

Auteur de Bad Romeo

12 oeuvres 612 utilisateurs 37 critiques


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It wasn't bad, but I really didn't like neither the hero, nor the heroine of this story. Two and a half stars.
Donderowicz | 2 autres critiques | Mar 12, 2024 |
bookishconfesh | 15 autres critiques | Sep 22, 2022 |
Reseña Completa: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Creo que si tuviera que definir Broken Juliet en una sola palabra sería "Inesperado". Mi mente estaba preparada completamente para otra cosa en el libro, algo más egoísta y común que pudiera encontrar en otro libro. Cada vez que un libro me vende la idea sobre unos personajes que se amaron en el pasado y ahora se odian pero por cosas de la vida ahora por una absurda razón quieren volver a intentarlo, la relación es siempre un error desde el inicio y las soluciones que nos dan a acabar el libro tienden a ser bastante superficiales. Eso esperaba de Broken Juliet pero no pasó.

Lo mencioné en la reseña del primer libro, lo recalco ahora: Ethan Holt es uno de los pocos personajes masculinos que he leído hasta ahora en New Adult que tiene personalidad, Leisa Rayven se la ingenió para traernos un tipo oscuro y sexy pero a la vez alguien consciente de la realidad y no tan egoísta y estúpido como estaba esperando. Hay muchas escenas en Broken Juliet que hacen a Ethan alejarse del estereotipo y a la vez conservar ese aire bad boy que me encanta. ¿Lo que más me gustó de Ethan? No solo fue lo guapo que es o que sabe cocinar, sino que cuando el tipo se molesta ¿sabes que hace? LIMPIA. Seeh, este libro subió mis estándares de "no existe" a "tienes que estar bromeando, gato, eso es un unicornio".

Oh, Cassie. La adoro. Algo que le resentiré a Ethan, a pesar de gustarme mucho, es como cambió Cassie "gracias" a él, tanto lo bueno como lo malo.

Broken Juliet me hizo reconsiderar mucho algo en lo que creía. Cuando sabía o veía en películas/series parejas que iban a terapia para salvar su matrimonio, siempre pensé que era la cosa más absurda que podían hacer, para mí era solo una excusa para evitar reconocer que no funcionó. Luego de terminar de leer, la verdad es que me quedé pensando mucho si, quizá, no es tanta terquedad la razón por las que los matrimonios van a terapia de parejas. No, Ethan y Cassie no van a terapia de parejas, no exactamente es solo que me dejó pensando.

Los últimos capítulos son pura tortura, es una bomba de tiempo a punto de explotar, una caja de Pandora de emociones, no sabes que saldrá. ¿Lo odiaré? ¿Lo podré perdonar? ¿Y si fue una cosa muy estúpida? Eso lo descubrirás cuando termines de leer Broken Juliet.

Por las cinco estrellas, puedes ver que Broken Juliet me encantó, mi único pero es que un capítulo se ponen un poco demasiado cursis para mi gusto, soy alérgica a ese tipo de emociones. Broken Juliet es igual de divertida que Bad Romeo, muy sexy, una de esas pocas veces en quisiera una película porque hay algunas escenas tan graciosas que necesito verlas en una película. En serio: la llamada y uno de los viajes en auto, demasiado, me tuvo llorando de risa.

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Ella_Zegarra | 6 autres critiques | Jan 18, 2022 |
Cassie is like:

También en: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Tengo que confesar que no le tenía ningún tipo de esperanza a Bad Romeo, tengo el libro desde el año pasado dando vueltas y vueltas en mi eReader. Pero, como suele pasarnos a nosotros los lectores, de la nada viene la idea “TENGO que leer este libro”.

Una de las cosas que más me llamó la atención del libro es su nombre, el hecho de que dos simples palabras puedan transmitirte muchas ideas sobre la historia, es bastante interesante. Romeo es uno de los personajes más idealizados en toda la literatura y el simple hecho de agregarle el “Malo” para mí lo hizo una lectura futura y obligatoria para este gato. ¿Por qué? Porque no me gusta Romeo & Julieta, creo que soy una de las pocas personas que no le encuentra la gracia a esta obra de teatro, en serio, se me hace tan exagerada, no puedo ni leerla, me da urticaria.

Y obviamente el libro estaría lleno de referencia a libro de Shakespeare. Solo que curiosamente no fue tan doloroso como pensé que sería, porque Ethan Holt, nuestro sexy protagonista, es igual de cínico y burlón con estos personajes como lo soy yo. Lo bueno fue que no solo él, si en el transcurso de la historia varios personajes demuestran su falta de favoritismo por la obra esta. Lo cual es genial, siempre me sentí sin corazón cuando no lograba emocionarme con oh Romeo-Romeo y su amada Julieta, o sea, ellos pudieron manejar la situación un poquito mejor y no ser tan dramáticos ¡Por Vaca!

Otra cosa que tampoco me esperaba de Bad Romeo es lo gracioso que sería, desde el primer párrafo la personalidad de Cassie es marcadísima y me enamoré de ella inmediatamente. Tengo cierto recelo con libros New Adult porque tienden a exagerar el drama sin darle un balance con la profundidad de los personajes, con esto me refiero a que siempre se usa la fórmula fácil de ponernos un protagonista con pasado oscuro que es exageradamente guapo y ya, claro, muchas veces es suficiente porque en la gran mayoría de novelas New Adullt la personalidad de la heroína no es exactamente algo que te haga pedir más.

Pero no con Bad Romeo.

Creo que es la primera vez que siento a un chico sexy siendo algo más que el chico sexy, es una de esas rarísimas ocasiones que sentí un protagonista masculino con personalidad y no solo va yendo por ahí siendo sexy e imbécil, como suele ser tradición. Y como el libro lo resalta muchas veces, hay una gran química entre Holt y Cassie, la que hace que este libro de más de 400 hojas no me haya durado NADA.

Y Cassie, kitten, Cassie, es hilarante, su sentido del humor en el libro es bastante sexual pero no vulgar, y esto lo dice alguien que se sonroja a la mínima oportunidad. En serio, no suelo divertirme con comentarios tan explícitos pero con Cassie simplemente no pude, es espectacular. La autora supo cuidar que poner y cuando ponerlo. No como otras cofcofkatyevanscofcof

No solo los personajes principales se me hicieron perfectos para la historia y completamente creíbles, los personajes secundarios no son solo relleno, Ruby, Elisa, Tristán… ¡Los quiero a todos!

Terminé completamente obsesionada con Bad Romeo, se ha convertido automáticamente en una de mis favoritas del género, no solo tiene romance y el drama que se espera, sino que es igual de sexy que divertida. Y es muy, muy sexy. ¿Qué más decir? LÉELO.

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Ella_Zegarra | 15 autres critiques | Jan 18, 2022 |
Ella_Zegarra | 6 autres critiques | Jan 18, 2022 |
This is a domino book featuring thirteen authors. I enjoyed the development of the characters and twists in the story as it went through the hands of the different authors. The style of the authors I have read before stood out to me more than the others, and I will be reading the other authors in the near future to see if it’s the style standing out or simply the familiarity. Felony Ever After is fun, drama, and hi jinx with some extra hotness! Go read it and follow the characters on twitter!
SaraCunninghamPA | 6 autres critiques | Nov 5, 2021 |
Son of a bitch, that's the end??? Book two now!
Stacie-C | 15 autres critiques | May 8, 2021 |
I just can't. This was a Kindle Daily Deal and it wasn't billed as Young Adult fiction but the target audience is obviously the less demanding among the Bella and Edward crowd. I also didn't notice that it violates my deeply held preference not to read anything that is "x in a series."
AngeH | 15 autres critiques | Jan 2, 2020 |
Sometimes I deviate from the customs I have and sin in something a little different. So this time I felt like something very light and this book remained as a remnant on my shelf from another period. The truth is that now I remember that the promotion and publication of the book worked fine and of course I purchased it. But then I entered a period of firm reading and no longer touched this kind of books, at least until now. So yes, how predictable - you might say I was disappointed because there was a promising start, but somewhere the connection between the middle and the end of the book was lost. This link was as missing to me as it's absent essence.
So, all in all, it's a good name to tell, not a bad cover but a story that doesn't take off or leave too much impression.
In short, there are better books to buy, and indeed there are also better to read.
JantTommason | 15 autres critiques | Jan 7, 2019 |
Link to full review below!Love catching up with the star-crossed gang! See full review on The Book Disciple
thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
Adorable and endearing. I am now impatiently waiting for book 2!
thebookdisciple | 15 autres critiques | Oct 9, 2018 |
This book was trash, but very entertaining trash.

Did it have a sorta actually really now that I think about it problematic relationship? Yep. Do I understand that this relationship is really not great? Yep. Did I still like it? Uh... Is this where I'm supposed to say yep again?

No, actually, the answer is not really.

This book was good in that I found myself getting sucked into it and not putting it down for an hour or two, but other than that and the fact that it had some pretty decent steam, I mostly had issues with this book.

My main problem comes from “Mister Romance”aka a guy whose name I’ve always forgotten, (I swear why do I always forget the love interest’s name in these type of books!) but for the sake of spoilers and keeping my reviews free of them, I won’t go into too great a detail of them. Obviously with his profession his character comes with some flaws, but he always felt just sort of fake. Even when it was the “real” him, I found it hard to believe him or root for him.

Second problem? The fun side characters just disappeared after the first half of the book. Like honestly, for once in a decent book can our main character actually act like they're friends with they're friends? Is that too much to ask because girl, honestly you can bet I'd be telling my pals about these crazy things that are happening and asking for their thoughts or maybe at least talking to them. Ouch please it hurts.

Compared to Leisa Rayven's other book that I've read, Bad Romeo, the writing seemed to have taken just a step down and read more like a cheap, trashy NA novel than a decent book. (Actually that description fits it pretty well). I even feel like this was published after BR so shouldn't it be better? I'm not even going to dig up some quotes as evidence since I'm that lazy, but I literally skipped the last couple steamy scenes because I was cringing too hard

But what was I to expect? New Adult isn’t supposed to be some literary masterpiece. I didn’t go into this book expecting it to be so, but I mean... things could have been better. Much better. And I still enjoyed it? Sure I did, actually quite a bit, but it just wasn't a good book.
jlydia | 2 autres critiques | Jun 25, 2018 |
Too much sex. And I was irritated half the time with how stupid all the characters were are. I will say, I did really enjoy how the theatre was captured in this book and found that super awesome, but the rest of it was just... okay. Months later I can't even tell you what it was about, or why I gave it four stars. I'm not moving onto the next book because I forgot what happens in this one, and I'm not about to reread it. It was fun for what it was at the time, but other than that... I'm pretty much done with New Adult these days!
jlydia | 15 autres critiques | Jun 25, 2018 |
This domino concept worked out really well! The story was a little silly but cute!
tamaranewman | 6 autres critiques | Mar 22, 2018 |
-- Want to know if the whole series is worth reading? Read my overall review of the whole series at! Spoiler Free!

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions are my own and not influenced by my source.**

This book was AMAZING!

I was really looking forward to Elissa's story and I was not disappointed! It was funny, amazingly sweet, had tons of palpable sexual tension and it was very, very addicting. I easily could have finished this book in one sitting.

I'm not normally a fan of second chance romances but Leisa Rayven writes ones that make me a believer and a fan. This book follows a similar set-up to the previous books but definitely has its own unique charms and features to set itself apart. It had me laughing one minute, crying the next and squealing in delight.

In short: this book was contemporary romance perfection and a must read!

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review:
Actual Rating: 5/5
seriesousbooks | 2 autres critiques | Feb 7, 2018 |
-- Want to know if the whole series is worth reading? Read my overall review of the whole series at! Spoiler Free!

I simply could not put down this book! It was intense, romantic and had such a great pacing to it! I loved the focus on the relationship and how it promoted healthy relationships and communication in those relationships. I really thought I would get bored and feel like the story was dragged out considering this is a sequel in a second chance romance. SO NOT THE CASE!

Leisa Rayven has done a superb job writing this novel! If this book had been written with the past in one whole book and the present in the sequel, this series would have lost me. But because we get these two stories simultaneously, it just hooks you in! You root for these characters, you want to slap these characters and you fall in love with this characters. I was just as engrossed in their present story as I was their past and that is what gives makes it a 5 star read for me!

I'm soooooooooooooooooo stoked for the new book in the series, [b:Wicked Heart|24889218|Wicked Heart (Starcrossed, #3)|Leisa Rayven||44537638]! I thought this series was going to be a duology (which it is in terms for Ethan and Cassie's story) but I can't wait to read Elissa's story! Gah!

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review:
Actual Rating: 5/5
seriesousbooks | 6 autres critiques | Feb 7, 2018 |
-- Want to know if the whole series is worth reading? Read my overall review of the whole series at! Spoiler Free!

I think my favourite part about this book is that it has two congruent storylines: Cassie and Ethan's past plus Cassie and Ethan's present. It was almost like reading two stories at once, one that is a contemporary adult romance (the present) and a new adult romance (the past). When you read the present, you are trying to figure out what exactly Ethan did to break Cassie's heart and you hate him a bit for making her feel that way. BUT at the same time, you watch them fall in love in the past and you can't help but root for them in the present. It really kept me on my toes trying to get to the bottom of their "torrid" affair and I enjoyed every minute of it!

There is so much sexual tension, the right amount of angst and just enough mystery to keep you reading and totally addicted. My only hesitation in giving this book a complete 5 stars is that there was just something missing--it might have been the somewhat toxic relationship of Cassie and Ethan but I'm hoping that is something that is remedied in the next book.

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review:
Actual Rating: 4.5/5
seriesousbooks | 15 autres critiques | Feb 7, 2018 |
The only reason this book has 3 stars is because of the writing that actually didn't let me abandon this book. The characters are not that bad but they're annoying. The beginning was acceptable, even made me think this might be a pretty nice romantic story but after I reached 50% it was all repeating... Cassie's lust and Ethan being all like "stay away from me I'm a douche". Oh man I didn't even bother with the kinky parts, I just skimmed them. Overall, nope, would not recommend it. I'm actually confused if I should read the next one or not.
Denicbt | 15 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2018 |
Witty banter, loveable characters, and a great story. What else can you ask from a book?? I enjoyed reading this final installment of the Starcrossed series!
DMPrice | 2 autres critiques | Jan 23, 2018 |
I am having a love/hate relationship with this one! This jumps back and forth between the past and present. Normally I do not hate insta-love, even though it is not one of my favorite things in a romance. However; this one irritated me. It was up and going by the first few chapters and very intense almost immediately. The relationship when the couple met was almost too intense which made it not believable at all.
Several years have passed since something happened between Cassie and Ethan, but you would think it was only a few months. I only really started to like these characters toward the ends of the story. Should I read the rest of the series?
SimplyKelina | 15 autres critiques | Jun 24, 2017 |
Its easier to make excuses and build emotional walls around one's heart than to face the reality of rejection or truly seeing their own worth as valuable. Priceless even.

The author writes well-rounded, dimensional characters with their own prohibitive pasts and baggage. I can relate to the reality of things we tell ourselves to keep from opening an old scar or avoid pain.

Swoony, intelligent, and TallDarkAndHandsome making up for his past and a fiercely independent, yet strong, likeable woman avoiding her future by regaling herself to accepting less. Leisa keeps the reader guessing in what could have been a predictably average love story. But it wasnt. She definitely hit this out of the park. Did I mention swoony?

Good read and intentional or not, a fine message indeed. Go READ!

ps. Ive been reading this author for years ::insert the I Knew Her Whens here:: Im certain youll be seeing a lot more of her books in the future.
fueledbycoffee | 2 autres critiques | May 2, 2017 |
This was an epic read written by 13 authors. They each contributed in such a way that makes me wonder how they made it flow perfectly. Felony Ever After was HOT and I absolutely love Hudson and Verity. I highly recommend this as a new personal favorite of mine! It is filled with romance, humor, sex and a great story line.
ColleenGiminiani | 6 autres critiques | Apr 27, 2017 |
I think this was a really awesome idea. I have read and loved several of these authors before. I was really looking forward to their group creation. FEA is mostly suppose to be a comedy I think. It also has romance and erotic in the mix. I was unable to find it funny or sexy. Sadly, it did not work for me. I do think it's just me because everyone else is loving it. You should check it out for yourself. There was a scene where he left notes and she's searching through his room finding them that I thought was pretty cute. :)

***copy given in exchange for an honest review***
ToniFGMAMTC | 6 autres critiques | Jan 19, 2017 |
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