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Great to see scenes from the book drawn out but the drawing is terrible
justgeekingby | 5 autres critiques | Jun 6, 2023 |
freixas | 4 autres critiques | Mar 31, 2023 |
freixas | 15 autres critiques | Mar 31, 2023 |
Wild Card is the sixth Dresden Files graphic novel. According to Jim Butcher’s website, the story is set between Small Favor and Turn Coat in the greater series story arc. In this one, we have a mysterious and powerful entity who is trying to pit Chicago’s most prominent factions against each other. He has murdered two women in an attack meant to look like it was perpetrated by White Court vampires, and when one of their own is also attacked, the cops are out to kick some vampire butts. Then two vampires are killed, leaving their leader, Lara Wraith, believing it was John Marcone. Meanwhile one of Marcone’s lackeys is found dead, supposedly at the hands of the cops. All of this leads to a fast-brewing civil war that will tear the city apart it Harry can’t find the culprit and put a stop to it.

I enjoyed the story for the way that it brings together a number of characters from the Dresden universe who must manage to put aside their differences to take on a common enemy. This is no small order for our wizard PI, Harry Dresden, who is the only one who can talk sense into the leaders of the various factions, and ultimately he’s also the one to defeat their enemy, although not in his typical flashy fashion full of things that go boom. Some of the characters are ones who’ve been a part of the series for a while, and others are new to this graphic novel format. Harry’s brother, Thomas; his good friend and CPD cop, Karrin Murphy; and his apprentice, Molly, act as his closest allies and have all been seen before in illustration. Murphy’s partner, Rawlins, and ME Butters I’m pretty sure are new to this format, making it interesting to see the artist’s concepts of them. In the frenemy camp, Marcone was seen in the previous graphic novel, Down Town, but I don’t believe that Lara Wraith has been in one of these books before and neither has Harry’s fairy godmother, Lea. Then there’s our evil villain who I can’t really say much about because giving away his identity is a huge spoiler. It made for a very well-rounded cast. I also enjoyed the couple of scenes that are written from Murphy’s POV, another first in the series. It was nice to get a little bit of insight into her past.

Most of the illustrations are done by Carlos Gomez who has worked on previous Dresden Files graphic novels, although according to the credits, Sean Izaakse worked on Issue 4. Their styles match closely enough that I didn’t find the transition jarring in any way. For the most part, I liked the artwork, although I have a few minor quibbles. I’m still not a fan of the way that Thomas is portrayed. As illustrated, he’s just not that attractive to me, considering that he’s always been described as impossibly beautiful. I also thought that Murphy and Molly looked a little to much alike in their facial features. The only way I was able to tell them apart is by Molly’s colorful hair and piercings. The last thing is that I feel like the female characters are a bit over-sexualized. However, I realize that this sadly is often par for the course in comics. Otherwise, this was a well-written and nicely illustrated book, that I very much enjoyed.½
mom2lnb | 15 autres critiques | Mar 18, 2023 |
Turns out to be a single episode of a graphic novel. Not to my taste.
JudyGibson | 13 autres critiques | Jan 26, 2023 |
3.5 stars
I liked this more than the last Dresden Files graphic novel I read. Murphy was more involved in the story, and that was a definite improvement. The villain was more interesting too.
I didn't picture Thomas as built like a linebacker when I read the novels, but that's a pretty minor complaint compared to my previous ones about the depiction of the female characters, especially Molly. At least Thomas was fully dressed.
Guess I'll stick around and see how the next one is.
Harks | 15 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2022 |
The story wasn't bad, and I mostly liked the art. The big fat exception is how the ladies are drawn, especially Molly Carpenter. Could we get the 12-year-old boys off the case? I know she's supposed to be sexy, but the boobilicious almost halter top was a bit much. Especially since this is clearly set during winter in Chicago. And Gard's half of a miniskirt? Grow up, dudes.
My other complaint is that Harry doesn't consistently sound like Harry.
"Whatever he ingested is rapidly metastasizing into a substance not unlike that which makes up the golem's mass."
Yes, that's wisecracking Harry Dresden, not some bit character scientist guy saying that. It says it'a written by Jim Butcher and Mark Powers, but it just doesn't sound as Jim Butchery as I'd like.
The action is Jim Butchery enough, and the story feels like a Harry Dresden adventure, so those are in the plus column.
I'm not frustrated enough to quit these yet. We'll see what happens in the next one.
Harks | 15 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2022 |
Good story that made me eager for the next full-length novel. Love that Harry Dresden. I actually liked the original plot summary (found at the end of the book) more, but the final version they went with was still fine.
3.5 stars
Harks | 15 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2022 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | 15 autres critiques | Sep 15, 2022 |
I was so excited to receive an ARC of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files graphic novel, Downtown. Jim Butcher always catches and holds my attention and I'm already a huge fan of the Harry Dresden books. This graphic novel did not disappoint! Right from the beginning I was engaged in the story and to to top it off the illustrations are outstanding. The story was up to par with any of Butcher's other tales, and I hope he keeps it up with these graphic novels, I can't wait to read more! If you're a fan of Dresden/Butcher, you've got to check this out!
bookdrunkard78 | 15 autres critiques | Jan 6, 2022 |
So, I did totally miss this one... But hey, the comics tend to be somewhat less necessary to read in order than the novels, especially with the novels being well ahead in timeline.

That being said, this story is a bit crazy. It introduces Puck, a character I've always enjoyed the idea of. The English version of Coyote or Loki essentially. And apparently... he's a badass wild Fae that can go toe to toe with Lea (under certain conditions)? Sure!

Overall, a wonderful story. I think one of the two parts that bugged me the most was this lovely attempt to take Puck down:

You're going to shoot each other. Come on. But if that's the worst? Pretty good.

The worst? The ending. It very nearly ruins the entire story. Don't get me wrong, in a 'real' world, betting everything on a game of cards fits with the idea of Puck. But that being the actual ending? Kind of lame.

So it goes.
jpv0 | 15 autres critiques | Jul 21, 2021 |
[b:Fool Moon|91477|Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)|Jim Butcher||855288], but as a comic book/graphic novel!

It's one of two novel adaptations ([b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Storm Front Vol 1 #2|22394962|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Storm Front Vol 1 #2|Mark Powers||41816485] being the other) and I think the weaker of the two. Still a lot of fun though.

A few random comments:

The agents just look weird. It's comic book muscles/proportions compared to otherwise mostly normal looking people? This isn't even the worst case.

Conversely, I love the look they gave Chauncy:

The glasses!

Also, did you know that Dresden is supposed to be around 6'9"? That's insanely tall and probably way overdone. But they do occasionally emphasize it when you can actually see him standing with others.

Honestly, that's probably not enough of a difference.

Oh, and remember the nudity with convenient smoke from [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Storm Front Vol 1 #2|22394962|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Storm Front Vol 1 #2|Mark Powers||41816485]? Yeah, Fool Moon has werewolves. There's soooo much more. Mostly hidden by shadows or abstract lines. It's to the point of amusing:

jpv0 | 5 autres critiques | Jul 21, 2021 |
It's more Dresden at least!

It wasn't great, but we get a lot more of Molly in her apprentice level, which I feel was somewhat skipped over in the novels.


Marcone, Hendricks, and Guard. I ... didn't really picture any of them that way, but it works!

And Bob's always a hoot:

I think the other break out of this one is the villain:

A THRONE OF SEWAGE! He's cartoonishly evil, but ... it's a comic book based on an urban fantasy series. It works. Plus, you get sludge monsters:

Good enough to read for a completionist's sake.
jpv0 | 15 autres critiques | Jul 21, 2021 |
[b:Welcome to the Jungle|2637138|Welcome to the Jungle|Jim Butcher||2661857] was new, but an introduction. [b:Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Storm Front, Volume 2: Maelstrom|6285252|Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files Storm Front, Volume 2 Maelstrom|Jim Butcher||7108558] and [b:The Dresden Files: Fool Moon, Volume 2|16231091|The Dresden Files Fool Moon, Volume 2|Jim Butcher||28099326] are adaptations of previous works I've read a number of times. But [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin|18430203|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin|Jim Butcher||26071782]? NEW CONTENT!

It's interesting seeing introductions over and over again. I know the books do the same, but for some reason it feels different in a comic. Perhaps because I'm reading them relatively quickly?


Well, nothing's on fire?


I enjoy Bob.

There's something of an irony here, especially since I'm right around [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher||6778696] in the main series. Ghoul Goblin was published 3 years after Changes, but takes place several books before.

It's a concept Dresden has made a number of times... but the wording just feels wrong. Too 'fancy' for Dresden. It stuck out.

It is interesting to see more about both ghouls and goblins. We have seen both in the mainline series (although goblins don't really figure in much until some in [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher||6778696] and more in [b:Skin Game|19486421|Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)|Jim Butcher||23811929]), but it was an interesting concept.

Overall, I think Dresden in the comic format Just Works(tm) and I'm glad to see it. It's not quite as deep as a novel, but I'll not say no to having both!
jpv0 | 15 autres critiques | Jul 21, 2021 |
It's two parts: [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Storm Front Vol 1 #2|22394962|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Storm Front Vol 1 #2|Mark Powers||41816485] and [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Storm Front Vol 1 #2|22394962|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Storm Front Vol 1 #2|Mark Powers||41816485], but I think that's totally just a binding/printing thing. The story isn't really broken up any differently than the novel already was or than the individual issues that make it up have to be.

All together: it's [b:Storm Front|47212|Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)|Jim Butcher||1137060] as a comic book.

All of the big scenes are there, right from the very beginning.

On top of that, you get some graphical depictions of the characters which are ... fascinating at times.

Toot toot!


I'm not one to picture characters as I'm reading, but if you are... this might cause a bit of dissonance.

One thing that is great about comics is just how crazy of scenes you can show... while having to censor out bits that novels can much more easily get away with:

Never ask that question... Also what's with the eyes?

Naked magic circle!

Frog demons! Convenient smoke! RRROAAARRRAWK! (I do love comic book sound effects).

Two reasons to really like the comic version:

You can actually get snippets from other points of view. That's not something we saw in the novels up until some of the very last ones (and a few shorts). It's interesting.

Plus, representations of things like The Sight:

Pretty cool. Glad I read it.

Random note: It's on Kindle Unlimited, but not Comixology Unlimited? Weird. Especially since Amazon owns both...
jpv0 | 4 autres critiques | Jul 21, 2021 |
A worthy addition to the Dresden Files, even if the ending fell flat. Other than that, a perfect graphic adaptation of the best parts of the series.
kaitwallas | 15 autres critiques | May 21, 2021 |

3 and 1/2

This is the first Jim Butcher's Dresden Files I’ve read.
There are interesting cool characters in this series and I want to read more. :D
RosangelaRopis | 15 autres critiques | Jan 8, 2021 |
I have posted my full review on my blog, The Itinerant Librarian.

Link to the review
bloodravenlib | 15 autres critiques | Aug 17, 2020 |
artist change halfway through. not in a bad way, but it actually helped me believe Harry's supposed to be in his mid-20s at this time. most of the other art makes him look at least 35.
hexenlibrarian | 4 autres critiques | May 19, 2020 |
solid adaptation. added a little insight into the white council and morgan. and there was a comic for another short story at the end, so bonus!
hexenlibrarian | 13 autres critiques | May 19, 2020 |
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Wild Card collects all six issues of the 'Wild Card' comic book. This is an original story that's set between books 10 and 11 (Small Favor and Turn Coat).. The story starts out with a couple of young blondes being chased. Too bad they didn't stay home for the evening.

We switch to Harry Dresden, Molly Carpenter, and Detective Sergeant Karrin Murphy visiting coroner Waldo Butters. Molly tries to use her powers to find out why two corpses that have no reason to be dead are dead. The answer was unnerving, but gives the writers an excuse to have Harry visit his shorter, handsomer older half-brother, Thomas Raith of the White Court Vampires. Harry needs Thomas
JalenV | 15 autres critiques | May 4, 2020 |
This collection of six comic issues is another new story to the Dresden universe. It falls between Small Favor and Turn Coat time wise so there are some spoilers if you are new to the series. The story was very basic and I was a bit surprised that as each faction was being played against one another they didn’t seem open to that fact very early in the scheme of things. For such a quick story almost every big gun in the area has a part in the book. How to deal with the attacks gets wrapped in the final issue a bit quickly. My only real problem with the comics is the art makes almost look much the same.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
Glennis.LeBlanc | 15 autres critiques | Jan 6, 2020 |
This is another fill in the time between books original story. Harry is working with Molly on her skills and he brings her along when Murphy calls about a murder. Turns out the killing is magical and is an attack on Marcone since he is now offering magical protection to people since he has signed the Seelie Accords. The method the mad sorcerer used was interesting and overall the story arc was fun and it was nice to see Mouse at work as well.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
Glennis.LeBlanc | 15 autres critiques | Jan 6, 2020 |
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