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Highly enjoyable read. A love story/mystery combo, this book has many secrets to reveal. I look forward to reading more from this author.
joyjannotti | 27 autres critiques | Jan 22, 2024 |
This was a beautifully written book. Especially for anyone who loves ballet. You could picture the dancers doing the ballet moves she describes. It takes place in London starting in 1833. It tells the story of Ella who dreams of dancing with the Craven Street Ballet. There is some mystery involved and there were some twists at the end that I didn't see coming. I really liked the message in the book about the dangers of letting our dreams blind us from what's right in front of us. Sometimes we are so busy chasing after something we think we want that we let it distract us from the good things that could be happening to us.
I loved Jack's character and how vulnerable and real he was. Everyone made assumptions about him, but when you really got to know him, he wasn't like that at all. Ella makes a lot of assumptions in this book which get her into some trouble.
I really enjoyed this look at the early world of ballet.
This was a very clean book.
This book was reviewed on the Literary Club Podcast Season 2 episode 14
Piper29 | 27 autres critiques | Oct 29, 2023 |
I have no words to express how beautiful this book is, or how much I loved it. It left me breathless, and all I can do is think about it.

It was so very vivid! From the characters to the story, I was completely swept away in the 1838 theater. It was as if the moment I met these characters, I was captivated by every word.

These characters didn’t just exist for me. They lived. I grew so attached to them and their unique stories.
I loved Ella. She was wholly inspiring. She was so real, so raw, so relatable. Her insecurities, her past mistakes, her struggles with perfectionism. All of it was so very relatable for me. I loved her and her story. And her faith and relationship with God was so, so inspiring. When she decided to dance for God, I was so inspired to use my gifts for Him too. I cried.
The hero was amazing. Amazing. I fell in love with his character before I knew it happened. He has become my favorite hero of Joanna’s books, and that’s saying a lot. I can’t say much for spoilers, but I was quite in love.

The romance was beautiful and everything I ever want in a book’s love story. It entirely satisfied my romantic-loving heart. It was perfect. So, so perfect. I loved these two characters with all my heart.

The faith was beautiful. It was woven so beautifully into the story. I was left so inspired. So hopeful.

The writing. Oh, how can I describe how much I love the writing? It’s absolutely beautiful. It’s lyrical and poetic while also being so very real. There’s such a distinction, tone, and grace in Joanna’s writing. I love it.

I laughed, I cried, I felt.

There were so many great plot twists. The mystery was so very compelling.
I was so reluctant to put this book down that I didn’t. I couldn’t get my head out of this book. Literally. I finished it within hours. I’m so glad I read it on a lazy Sunday otherwise my mind would not have been at peace.

The historical details were so intriguing. The setting was wonderfully neat. The 1838 theater and ballet was so interesting. I loved it!

The ending was the BEST. It was beyond perfect. I can’t say how very happy it made me. I felt like crying just by the sheer beauty of it.

I love reading Joanna’s books. I discovered her books last year, and I’m forever grateful that I did. I knew then that she would be one of my TOP favorite authors, and every book she publishes proves that.
I come back to her books because they aren’t merely entertainment for me. I come to her books because they change me. They inspire me, encouraging me to be better and grow in my relationship with God. And that’s invaluable. Something a lot of books can’t do. Not only am I swept away by the story, I’m inspired to live my life for my Savior.

A Midnight Dance was everything I hoped it would be but so, so much more. It was beautiful and I loved it. It made it straight to my list of favorite books. It’s one of those books I know I will reread over and over again. The story is timeless.

I’m beyond excited for her future books.

If you’re a lover of historical fiction— read this book. Even if you aren’t, this book is amazing and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the least.

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for a review! All opinions are my own.
EmKate23 | 27 autres critiques | Mar 5, 2023 |
Woah, more than 30 of my Goodreads friends / people I follow have marked this one as to-read (or reviewed it)! That's crazy!
BooksbyStarlight | 27 autres critiques | Oct 25, 2022 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Joanna Davidson Politano has woven intricate plot lines among intense characters, displaying the heart of God. While the Christian element of her writing is essential to what she has created, fans of secular historical fiction will be equally enthralled with Ella Blythe's story. Set in 1830s London,the book centers around the world of ballet, but the theme of longing to belong to someone, to some place is universal. Ella's story, and the stories of those closest to her, demonstrates the struggles involved with moving forward following rejection. While the book has an element of darkness, the light of hope shines through, shining brightly in contrast to the darkness.

I am extremely grateful to have received a complimentary copy of A Midnight Dance from Revell via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.
claudia.castenir | 27 autres critiques | Sep 19, 2022 |
Once again I am extremely impressed with the depth and substance of Joanna Davidson Politano's writing. I have never attended a ballet, but after this novel, I would like to. Her prose makes you believe you are watching the heroine's passionate, God-glorifying dancing. You are there as she slowly perfects her craft. As she attempts to look into her mother's past trying to fit puzzle pieces together. At times the story is a joyous romp as Ella becomes the ballerina she was born to be. At other times, she is plunged to the depths because she doesn't feel good enough to be where she is. Gradually, she realizes she must first rely wholly on God and the rest will follow.
This is a haunting tale that will stay with you long after you have put the book down. Savor every minute of reading it. The twists and turns will surprise and astound.
khoyt | 27 autres critiques | Apr 2, 2022 |
Ella is trying to figure out what she wants. She is trying to find her way in the dance company she is a part of while avoiding the romances that are going on in the theater. She wants to continue to dance, but feels pressure from some of the other members of the dance company. She feels like she wants to do one thing while life seems to be going in another direction. A great read with a mix of mystery and romance.

I received a copy to read, the review is mine.
polarmath | 27 autres critiques | Oct 9, 2021 |
Joanna Davidson Politano is truly an artist, but her pictures are painted with words, and this book proves once again just how talented she is. A Midnight Dance revolves around a ballerina who deeply doubts her self worth. Ella Blythe loves ballet and possesses an amazing talent, but she feels that she'll never be good enough. She also truly loves God but she believes that His love for her is determined by her abilities and hard work. What will it take for Ella to accept that perfection is impossible, and it isn't necessary to be deeply loved? When will she finally understand God's amazing love and grace?

"It's the flaws that tell us when something's real. And what's real...well, that's quite valuable indeed."

A Midnight Dance is set in Victorian England and it has mystery, romance, and a strong message of faith woven into its story. Politano includes so many strong elements: the ballet scenes, the mystery of the Ghost of Craven Street Theatre, Ella's infatuation with a lead ballet dancer, and her friendship with another member of the ballet company. There is also a search for her father. A Midnight Dance has so much to savor, and it's an exceptional book that you won't want to miss!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Revell Reads, but there was no obligation for a positive review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 27 autres critiques | Oct 9, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Ella Blythe has grown up knowing that theater romance ends in tragedy, but she hopes that he own life will follow a different path. She works hard to earn a place in the struggling ballet company, all the while hoping to uncover the truth behind a decades old tragedy. Will she find her place or will she dance too close to danger?

I don't know much about dancing, and ballet has never held much interest for me. I can't tell how much of the history of ballet in London was true, but I did find the details of the era provided by the author to be informative.

The characters were enjoyable. The majority of the story is told through Ella's eyes, so she is the one we see grow and learn the most. I found it interesting how she fought so hard to be good at her craft that she forgot the love she had for dancing. It was only when she remembered why she danced that she was able to achieve her goal.

Overall, the plot was well-laid out. There were several twists that I didn't see coming. For the most part, the story is told well. I did not like the narrative shift that randomly happened where we are suddenly following another character in third person. If that was the only way the author could impart important information, I think a different narrative might have been needed for the story.

Readers of Christian Historical fiction may enjoy this one, as there are strong Christian themes (some of which I did not agree with). I received a free copy from the publisher and am voluntarily reviewing.
TheQuietReader | 27 autres critiques | Oct 3, 2021 |
Several days have passed since I finished A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano and I’m still thinking about this novel. Written mainly in first person point-of-view (POV), this story catapulted me directly into Ella’s mind and experiences. She’s a determined, relatable heroine whose pursuit of ballet dancing and potential romance with a handsome dancer bring her to Craven Street Theater, a place that holds secrets she must grapple with.

The complex mystery in A Midnight Dance unfurls with finesse as Ella discovers truths of the past and present. I loved how the mystery tied together with Ella’s career dreams, spiritual questioning, and budding romance. The spiritual lessons that unfold apply both in Ella’s story, a work of historical fiction, and in modern-day lives.

A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano surprised me in the best of ways and stands as one of my favorite reads in 2021. This story held my attention from Ella’s first midnight dance, through every plot twist, right on into the beautiful finale. Five stars!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this book by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.
BeautyintheBinding | 27 autres critiques | Sep 30, 2021 |
Joanna Davidson Politano choreographs a story of intrigue, romance, and finding oneself in A Midnight Dance with the grace and beauty of the ballet the book is set around.

Ella is a character you will root for as she reaches for her dreams while trying to uncover the mystery of what happened to her mother at the ballet. She carries her own convictions and secrets as well. And Jack? Despite his reputation, the way he treated Ella made me like him.

Politano gives readers a small history into theater ballet with lyrical prose that captivates and reminds us that there are many ways to worship God with the talents he’s lovingly given us.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 27 autres critiques | Sep 21, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Joanna Davidson Politano is a masterful storyteller, and one of my favorite historical fiction authors. Her newest novel, A Midnight Dance, is an intricately woven tapestry of history, romance, mystery, and inspiration set in London in 1833 and populated with colorful, interesting, multi-layered characters. It’s also a fascinating look at the theatre culture at that time. The heroine, Ella Blythe, is talented and focused, but plagued with feelings of not being good enough. I loved seeing her journey as she let herself be tutored by Jack Dorian.

“The only way you’ll go far is to leap big. You may fly or you may fall, but either way, everyone will be looking at you.”

Although Jack is known as the dance company flirt, his true character is revealed as the story progresses, and he’s definitely a fitting hero. Many twists, turns, and surprises swirl through this tale as it winds its way to the inspirational and emotional end. This is a beautiful story of personal and spiritual growth. 4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from Revell through LibraryThing. All opinions are my own.½
swissgranny | 27 autres critiques | Sep 14, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I really enjoyed this book! I read it in two sittings. It has all the elements of a great story; likable characters, good plot line, suspense, and triumph. The romance is light and so is the Christianity. It has a little bit of a gothic feel, but in a Jane Austen sort of way.
The main character, Ella Blythe, is a young dancer trying to make it big without selling herself for favors. Her own mother suffered for most of her life from cutthroat competitors. Ella's dance scholarship dictates she cannot entertain the attention of any men or lose the support. Therefore, she can't decide if she should encourage or discourage the attention of the young choreographer, Jack.
I spent the whole book trying to decide if Jack was a good guy or a bad guy.
If you are a fan of Christian fiction, I think you will like this book. I can't wait for the next one by this author!
JaymeWill | 27 autres critiques | Sep 6, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
*I received a copy of this book through LibraryThing Early Reviewers.*

So, this one just wasn't for me. The story has plenty of potential - ballet, mystery, romance. Yet, as I read something felt a little not quite right to me about the characters and the way they acted. For me, it all became clear towards the end of the book when Ella has an argument with her cousin/sister Lily and realizes that she had done the right thing when she took the child Lily had given birth to a hospital because Lily wouldn't have properly loved the child. Well, I guess I'm glad Ella was confident in her decision, because I'm not certain I share her opinion of her sister. I notice other readers have really enjoyed this book and I encourage anyone interested to read those reviews as this book just wasn't for me.
wagner.sarah35 | 27 autres critiques | Sep 6, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Title: A Midnight Dance
Author: Joanna Davidson Politano
Pages: 400
Year: 2021
Publisher: Revell
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
A Midnight Dance is a tale that readers will quickly be drawn into and entertained with for hours. The story begins in the year 1833 in Covent Garden, London, where performing ballet is the dream of a young girl. Her dream captures her heart. She sneaks into the Craven Street Theatre and dances where no one can see her. Then, he sees her and quickly captures her heart even more.
There is a mystery feel to the story from start to finish, with questions about the character Ella Blythe. Ella lives in a poor part of London with her mother and sister. Ella’s mother is said to be the famed and renowned ballet dancer Delphine Bessette who is thought to have died one night in a fire at a theatre. But did she? Throughout the novel a wonderfully intriguing tale slowly unfolds to reveal the true mystery of Delphine Bessete, red ballet slippers and more. Who was Delphine Bessete, and how is she related to Ella Blythe?
As I read the tale, I was drawn into the world of ballet. The author does a wonderful job of painting pictures with words that made it easy to conceptualize the action. My heart was drawn in by the interactions and relationships between different players in the book. Here is a story of romance, mystery, faith, struggle, and hope.
I hope you take time to read, relax and enjoy the newest novel by Politano. Her other books are superb as well, and I highly recommend reading them. The titles are: A Rumored Fortune, Lady Jane Disappears, Finding Lady Enderly and The Love Note.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
lamb521 | 27 autres critiques | Sep 1, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Ella Blythe is looking for her history, her identity. But she is also looking for her true worth in God. She thinks she is not good enough. “God had drawn near to her, and though she seemed to wrestle with how it all fit together in her life, God was part of who she was.”
Steeped in the romance of ballet in Regency London, this story was like a Degas painting. The author deposits you in the world of the theater, complete with a shadowy dance and a disguised partner who haunts Ella for years. This is more than a romance. It is historical delight. Mystery abounds and Ms. Politano deftly reveals the surprises at the perfect places. She drafts a kindly hero who wants the best for the heroine. He wants to woo her. He wants her to love him for who he truly is and not who the heroine perceives him to be. “He stared right through those filmy layers of ambiguity I had attempted to erect and demanded the truth with one quick jolt of his eyebrow.”
Beautiful words seem to flow effortlessly from the pen of this author: Ella realizes “My despair began to lift, and a light cut through the shadow of my ‘not enough’. I had, after all, something to offer the world, and it was God. A glimpse of what He can do.”
This author keeps getting better. This is a top read of this year.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Library Thing Early Reviewers. I was not required to give a favorable review. All opinions are my own.*
paulashreckhise | 27 autres critiques | Aug 27, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I received this book through LT for my honest review. For me, I lost interest for awhile, but picked it up again after a while, and was surprised to find it was a really good book.
croknot1 | 27 autres critiques | Aug 26, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano is a captivating book that readers who enjoy mystery and historical drama will not want to miss. I'd never read any of Politano's books before so didn't quite know what to expect. I will definitely be looking for other books written by this author. She has a masterful way with a pen and has written a complex and multifaceted story. It is a story full of grace and passion, elegant characterization, and sensory-rich settings that usher the reader into a beautiful experience. Ella is a young woman, passionate about ballet theater and is on a mission to find out secrets of her parents' past. But some secrets may be better left in the dark. Jack was a man of many surprises. Would he help her or was he only a narcissistic flirt? Watching their relationship wax and wane was pure pleasure! I really enjoyed how Ella grew in her faith and begins to realize that her talent was for her Heavenly Father, an offering from a grateful heart. Several major twists to the plot kept the story's tension and my interest high.
I won an advanced reader copy of the book through LibraryThing and was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.
Anne_Rightler | 27 autres critiques | Aug 18, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Getting What You Always Wanted?

A disfiguring fire in Victorian England cut short the career of Ella’s mom, a famous ballerina. Because of that, Ella grew up in poverty with a secret identity. That is because her mom was so embarrassed by how she looked afterwards, that she wanted everyone to think she died rather than face the world. Ella has wanted to be a ballerina all her life, despite her mom’s wishes to the contrary.

Through a chance set of circumstances, Ella received a dance scholarship, and then joined a dance company in London. But it is difficult, with the other dancers making her life hard. The insecurity of that causes Ella to daily continue dancing hours after practice is over.

In the theater, Ella meets Jack who learns the truth about who her mom was. Ella thinks he is bad news, but helps him write a ballet about the fire her mother was in. In the end, they plan to solve the mystery of who set the fire.

Will the original arsonist attend, and try to kill Ella? What secret does Ella hold that could turn Jack away from her? Could her mother have been married to two men at the same time? Will learning the identity of Ella’s father help her?

This story got more and more exciting as it went along, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. It kept me turning pages to see what happened, was a clean story, and was told from a Christian viewpoint. There is a surprise at the end I didn't see coming, and bet you won't either! This five-star book will appeal to fans of mystery, dance, or amazing plots.

The Library Thing has provided Tickmenot with a complimentary copy of, A Midnight Dance, for the purpose of review.
Tickmenot | 27 autres critiques | Aug 11, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Although this novel is not presented as a YA book, it would be an appropriate lesson for a teenager. The protagonist, Ella, falls in a love with a young man, Phillippe, after she dances with him in the theater where her Mother was a star ballet dancer. Her mother's dissapearance from the world of ballet is a mystery. Her mother was reported as dying in a fire which disfigured her.

Ella sets out to discover why her mother lied about her death, to meet her father, to prove her worth has ballet dancer and to dance once again with Phillipe. She earns a scholarship to the Ballet theater where her mother was a star. She does met Phillippe, who is now the principal male dancers. She is smitten with him but another gentleman, Jack, has set his cap on her.

Similar to Scarlett O'Hara, she wishes to be with only Phillippe, the Ashley type and not the rake of man like Rhett Butler. Jack proves her wrong and he wishes to elevator her to greatness. The story is very spiritual as Ella believes that God will help her overcome her losses and bring her to greatness. God's and Jack's love brings her the happiness that she deserves.
Gingersnap000 | 27 autres critiques | Aug 10, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This was a refreshing change for me. It is set in London in the mid-1800s. It is part mystery and part romance. The author brought things to life in this new novel.

I enjoyed the main characters, they were very well done. The mystery was very well done, I did not figure it out before the end as I usually do.

This is a Christian book but is not preachy. It shows one's renewal of faith in a very positive light. I highly recommend this book. I give it a rare 5 out of 5 stars.
grammy57 | 27 autres critiques | Aug 9, 2021 |
Title: A Midnight Dance
Author: Joanna Davidson Politano
Pages: 400
Year: 2021
Publisher: Revell
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
A Midnight Dance is a tale that readers will quickly be drawn into and entertained with for hours. The story begins in the year 1833 in Covent Garden, London, where performing ballet is the dream of a young girl. Her dream captures her heart. She sneaks into the Craven Street Theatre and dances where no one can see her. Then, he sees her and quickly captures her heart even more.
There is a mystery feel to the story from start to finish, with questions about the character Ella Blythe. Ella lives in a poor part of London with her mother and sister. Ella’s mother is said to be the famed and renowned ballet dancer Delphine Bessette who is thought to have died one night in a fire at a theatre. But did she? Throughout the novel a wonderfully intriguing tale slowly unfolds to reveal the true mystery of Delphine Bessete, red ballet slippers and more. Who was Delphine Bessete, and how is she related to Ella Blythe?
As I read the tale, I was drawn into the world of ballet. The author does a wonderful job of painting pictures with words that made it easy to conceptualize the action. My heart was drawn in by the interactions and relationships between different players in the book. Here is a story of romance, mystery, faith, struggle, and hope.
I hope you take time to read, relax and enjoy the newest novel by Politano. Her other books are superb as well, and I highly recommend reading them. The titles are: A Rumored Fortune, Lady Jane Disappears, Finding Lady Enderly and The Love Note.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
lamb521 | 27 autres critiques | Jul 28, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
What a remarkable book this is. Set in the world of ballet in Victorian England, it has many layers. There is a complex mystery involving the backstage fire that trapped the famous ballerina Delphine Bessette years earlier. There's a love triangle between the heroine, Ella, the principle male dancer, Phillipe, and the puckish choreographer, Jack. And there are serious questions involving faith and ambition and how they can be reconciled. It was fascinating from the first page, and my attention never wavered.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
tealadytoo | 27 autres critiques | Jul 24, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is the third book I’ve read by Joanna Davidson Politano and I ve love each one. She is so good at getting the setting, the historical time period and the characters correct that I find my self swept away in her stories. I love the mystery and the little spice of romantic interests in each one. In A Midnight Dance I found out more about Dancers and the behind the scenes drama that as an audience member I wouldn’t have been privy to, so interesting. This could be a movie or a series on Masterpiece.
PamelaBarrett | 27 autres critiques | Jul 23, 2021 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is an enthralling novel I could not put down. This master wordsmith pens and engaging theatrical story, getting readers caught up in the misfortune that befell Ella Blythe. Her mother trained her, passed down her love of ballet and theater. Ella would do her best to continue her mothers’ legacy. She secretly hopes to find answers to her mothers’ past and desires to dance with principal dancer Phillippe. It’s a dream, but one could only hope it to come true. Ella does her best to track down answers at the Ghost of Craven Street Theater. She needed to know what really happened the night of the fire that changed everything.

This author does a brilliant job of sweeping readers into the magic of theater and the fierce competition between dancers to get coveted roles. Ella Blythe auditions to be part of the core, she didn’t want to be in the spotlight. But the judges see something in her, she can’t hide. They wonder where this girl came from. What training did she have? Where did she learn to dance so unconventionally?

I loved the theatrical setting and how the author made readers feel all the nervousness of the performers and then shows how Ella learned to set herself free (in body and mind) to dance the part she was made to play. It all comes together for her and the reader. Loved this haunting, hopeful novel that is a surprising mystery, memorable read, and one that would work well for your next book club pick and/or read for pure fun.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog
norastlaurent | 27 autres critiques | Jul 23, 2021 |
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