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Originally published in 1926, this collection of traditional folktales from the Seneca Indians focuses on the doings of the animal nations, long before the advent of human beings. These stories offer an explanation - through their rivalries and friendships, adventures and misadventures - of how the various animals came to have the appearance and qualities we have come to associate with them. They also teach the listener (or reader) how and how not to behave...

To the reader who appreciates a fine animal fable, some of the qualities elaborated upon will come as no surprise: Fox is wily, and Turtle keeps to himself. Other characterizations might be less expected, as when Toad is revealed as a brave and loyal friend (Toad Brother's Warts and the Peeper's Peep). The mix of familiar and unfamiliar makes for an entertaining and lively read.

I have long been a fan of folk and fairy tales of all kinds, and this was no exception. Animal tales have an appeal that is universal, I believe, but they also reflect the belief systems of the specific cultures from which they spring. I was particularly struck by the vision of Creation as expressed in some of these tales. In The Owl's Big Eyes, we are told that Ra-wen-io, the Masterful One (the Creator) was "making the animals and birds as they wanted to be." I found the idea that the Creator would share the act of creation with the created to be very moving - not that everything always turned out quite as the animals expected (does anything?).

The only discordant note in the collection, for me, was the negative portrayal of the wolves. I was surprised at this, as I had always thought that distrust of this species was something more common in European beliefs. It makes me a little sad to see this beautiful and very social animal stigmatized... But other than this, I thoroughly enjoyed this collection, and recommend it to all folktale enthusiasts.
AbigailAdams26 | Jun 5, 2013 |