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Quando ho saputo dell'uscita di questo libro ho iniziato letteralmente a contare i giorni e una volta avuto nelle mie mani l'ho iniziato subito. La trama era ai miei occhi molto intrigante e i temi trattati delicati e complessi, inusuali per un M/M, non tanto per la scelta di inserire un personaggio disabile come protagonista, cosa ormai abbastanza comune, piuttosto quella di associare la disabilità al Bdsm, una scelta atipica e per i più vista quasi come un tabù, una decisione sicuramente coraggiosa e rischiosa. Ho iniziato a leggere carica di speranze e paure, temendo di ritrovarmi personaggi stereotipati, situazioni assurde e... offensive nei confronti non solo di persone realmente disabili ma anche dl Bdsm e il suo mondo, sempre più visto come un cliché il tizio pazzo che frusta l'altro tizio pazzo e masochista, insomma molte paure e aspettative e... ora che l'ho finito... mi sento strana e quasi non so che dire. Non fraintendetemi, il libro è adorabile. I personaggi mi sono piaciuti fin dalla prima comparsa. Kaden è un tesoro, il classico bravo ragazzo, timidissimo e dolcissimo che fa venire al lettore un'infinita voglia di proteggerlo, coccolarlo e stringerlo per difenderlo dal mondo, ha sofferto molto nella vita, è stato infatti aggredito crudelmente e costretto a vivere il resto dei suoi giorni su una sedia a rotelle, questa condizione lo ha spinto a chiudersi in se stesso per timore di essere ferito nuovamente dal mondo e soprattutto a rinunciare al suo sogno di trovare un Dom in quanto la sua condizione non gli permette di poter servire come si deve un master. Si ritrova ad essere costantemente infelice, ha pochi amici e dedica la maggior parte del suo tempo al lavoro. Un ragazzo tenero e fragile e alla costante ricerca di amore e comprensione, di una speranza per una vita migliore, una vita felice. Sono queste cose che gli piovono addosso come una manna dal cielo dopo l'incontro con Deacon. Deacon è.... l'AMORE, dimenticatevi i dominatori dei poveri stile Cristiano Grigio che nascondono sotto quell'aria da amante premuroso una personalità da psicopatico maniaco del controllo! Deacon è si un dominatore, un uomo che sa quello che vuole e segue tutti i dettami del mondo BDSM imponendosi con i giusti metodi sul compagno ma anche e soprattutto un UOMO, dolce e sensibile, che non vuole ferire il compagno né usare la violenza e prepotenza per imporsi, un uomo che fin dal primo momento riesce a vedere dentro Kaden, osservandolo davvero, rendendosi conto di quanto il giovane abbia bisogno non solo di un Dom da servire ma anche di un amico, un amante, un confidente, un uomo che lo aiuti a sconfiggere i suoi demoni e le sue paure, nate dall'incidente che gli hanno portato via l'uso delle gambe impedendogli anche i gesti più semplici per un sottomesso ma non solo, anche dall'ignoranza della gente, la stessa gente che gli chiede come possa lavorare su una sedia a rotelle, come se per fare il dentista servissero un paio di gambe funzionanti e dalla crudeltà di persone come Gary, l'ex stronzo che non faceva altro che impartire punizioni crudeli e ricordare a Kaden come fosse inferiore agli altri sottomessi e non potesse meritare di meglio se non la pietà. Deacon è un uomo meraviglioso e non usa la disabilità del compagno a suo vantaggio anzi, è lui il primo ad arrabbiarsi quando il partner si preoccupa troppo della sua condizione e si piange addosso, non è forse il classico principe azzurro romantico delle fiabe ma è comunque un uomo che riesce a dimostrare fin dal primo momento il suo amore per il compagno, lo fa con gesti semplici, come quello di comprare un cuscino o preparare la colazione a letto e con gesti... straordinari, come quello di far sentire dopo tanto tempo Kaden un essere umano, un sottomesso bellissimo e coraggioso non solo in camera da letto, nella stanza dei giochi ma anche nella vita di tutti i giorni, come quando lo spinge ad esporsi ammettendo chi è davanti ad altri sottomessi e dominatori o come quando lo coinvolge in un dolce ballo alla faccia di tutto e tutti, lo fa con dolcezza e tenerezza, con infinito amore e passione, ogni parola e ogni gesto del Dom è studiato perfettamente per aiutare il suo Sub a uscire dalla prigione che si è costruito negli anni, ad aiutarlo a vivere una vita felice e completa. Ho amato il modo in cui i due protagonisti sono riusciti ad interagire tra di loro e costruire il LORO rapporto, un rapporto dolcissimo seppur inusuale e assurdo per i più, un rapporto fatto di AMORE e RISPETTO reciproco in cui Kaden stesso chiede di sottomettersi al compagno e quest'ultimo accetta la sua sottomissione e si comporta di conseguenza, senza ricorrere ad abusi o violenze. Tutto l'opposto di romanzetti come 50 sfumature in cui è il signor Grigio a scegliere di frustare la compagna sapendo quanto questa soffrirà per la sua scelta. Ogni SCELTA in questo romanzo invece è sana e consensuale e ho apprezzato il modo in cui viene spiegato il Bdsm, finalmente con il giusto rispetto! Senza cadere nei cliché ignoranti di certi "libri". Mi è piaciuta l'evoluzione e la maturazione che hanno avuto entrambi i protagonisti, il modo in cui il BDSM ha plasmato il loro rapporto, Kaden che da timido sottomesso incapace quasi di tirare fuori la propria voce per difendersi dalle offese riesce ad uscire allo scoperto, presentarsi come un Sub non vergognandosi di se stesso e sentendosi orgoglioso del suo modo speciale di essere un sottomesso non permettendo agli altri di offenderlo o insultarlo per la sua diversità e Deacon che decide di legarsi con il corpo e l'anima a Kaden reinventando se stesso e adattando le sue abitudini al compagno, seguendo i suoi tempi e ritmi. Il rapporto e lo sviluppo tra i due ragazzi è curato alla perfezione e le scene erotiche sono piccanti al punto giusto e non risultano mai volgari o offensive ma anzi riescono a trasmettere tutto il calore e l'amore che caratterizza la relazione. Tutto è ben studiato e curato e ho apprezzato non solo i due protagonisti ma anche Jake e Sam, gli amici della coppietta, simpatici e buffi al punto giusto eppure... qualcosa manca, durante la lettura mi sentivo coinvolta e mi sono emozionata ma c'è qualcosa che mi è mancato e stranamente non so identificarlo con certezza. Forse il fatto che non vi sia una struttura, una trama organizzata che ti spinga a continuare fino in fondo la lettura, non vi è un "obiettivo" della coppia è più uno spaccato di vita e seppur con un finale "chiuso" non mi ha dato molto su cui fangirleggiare, non ci sono momenti intimi forti tra i due, mi sarei aspettata qualche litigio o almeno UN litigio, un confronto sull'incidente di Kaden, sul suo modo di vivere, sulla sua ansia e invece nulla, tutto fila liscio ed è forse proprio questo che mi ha disturbato, amo quando nei libri ci sono protagonisti che "sbagliano" che si espongono e sono disposti a rimediare ad eventuali errori, qui non avviene, lo stesso Deacon è perfetto.... forse anche troppo perfetto, nonostante abbia amato ogni suo singolo gesto mi ritrovo a pensare "Possibile che sia così perfetto?!" avrei voluto vedere un piccolo crollo nel personaggio, magari un momento di insicurezza vista la condizione del suo sottomesso. Avrei voluto un confronto tra Kaden e Katie, Katie è la migliore amica di Kaden, l'unica che sembra preoccuparsi per lui , gli ha trovato il Dom/fidanzato!! Eppure la ragazza non sa niente dell'amico, neanche lui sia un sottomesso e ci sta... ma fino a un certo punto, avrei voluto anche solo una piccola discussione tra i due, una piccola confessione e invece la migliore amica viene lasciata all'oscuro di tutto come se fosse normale e mi ha disturbato perché questa scelta non è giustificata dalla trama e soprattutto dalla caratterizzazione del personaggio, una ragazza dolce e gentile che mai giudicherebbe male Kaden per le sue preferenze sessuali e intime. Dettagli piccoli che sommati insieme probabilmente formano quel grande motivo che ha ridotto la valutazione di una stella. Nonostante tutto mi sento di consigliarvelo, la lettura è piacevole, i personaggi simpatici e tenerissimi e il bdsm trattato con cura e attenzione, se amate il genere, non vi disturba il sesso, il Bdsm e soprattutto scene di sesso a quattro... andate sul sicuro in caso contrario... evitatelo che è meglio!
GiadaLexy | 1 autre critique | May 12, 2022 |
The second part of the book threw me off so much, I don't think I can write a review right now, but I must leave a few words:

The first half of the book was smooth, made sense (for the most part) and was pretty enjoyable.

The second part? All things that could go wrong, did go wrong. Every other character in the book that wasn't already gay or lesbian turned out to be one.

Poor James was used, abused, raped, tortured by nazis beaten, attacked in a public place... I am tagging this book "pity-fest".

First half - 4 stars.
Second half - 1 star.

Total score - 2 stars.
Mrella | 6 autres critiques | Mar 8, 2021 |
I can't believe I'm saying this but... there's almost too much sex in this book, much of which is quite repetitive.
Bookbee1 | 6 autres critiques | Jun 23, 2020 |
To want something that is part of who you are, yet be afraid of it is a horrible situation to be in. That is what James faces – he is a submissive who has been abused for years, and has learned to associate his needs (and BDSM in general) only with pain and a total loss of control. For him to learn to trust any man is a monumental task – and even though Seth, a businessman and a Dom, makes all the right noises, it takes a lot more than a few dates for James to begin to open up. Their story is an amazing journey, full of internal conflict and external threat. While the main focus is firmly on both main characters, there are several intriguing secondary characters as well, all of whom have quirky personalities and made me curious to find out more.

James is an artist at heart, but his abusive ex has made him believe he is useless and needs a “real job”. This is what made James go into the design business where he meets Seth, one of is clients. The fact that James as a genetic disorder that makes his joints easily dislocate and never really heal, means that the beatings he took from everyone (his brother and his friends, James’s first and second boyfriends) have left permanent damage and James has to use crutches to walk. His determination to not let anyone see him as a “cripple” is an inspiration, but it has affected his self-image to the point he doesn’t believe he will ever find a lover. Seth goes after him with single-minded determination, and James finds that very difficult to deal with – especially since Seth is clearly a Dom and James swore to never be submissive again. James’s need to be told what to do in the bedroom, to obey Seth’s orders is big enough for him to be willing to take a risk – after getting to know Seth a lot better.

Seth is a rich businessman, always in control, and used to people doing what he wants. He falls for James immediately, but has no idea what effect his “demands” and “orders” have on James. As he gradually begins to understand, he adapts what they do together for James’s needs – like no real bindings and working around James’s fear of anything resembling pain of violence. It is not an easy journey for Seth, and he makes a lot f mistakes, but his determination to get it right is admirable. While he never assumes James isn’t capable to handle himself, some of his actions do look as if he were and a lt of explaining has to happen before true trust can begin.

If you like stories about physically and emotionally damaged men who are determined to be strong and get what they need, if two men who need each other yet struggle to understand how it will work pique your interest, and if you’re looking for a read that is emotionally touching, contains some light but very hot BDSM, and contains a message of hope, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | 6 autres critiques | Oct 19, 2017 |
This second book in the ‘Chain of Fate’ series has a lot to offer: lynx shifters trying to live in peace with vampires, newly established alpha Keith and his human mate, Jason, from ‘Whiskers of a Chance’, and two men fated to be mates but unable to be together because one of them has huge issues due to a past filled with domestic abuse. Add some vampire politics spearheaded by a meddling uncle, rival covens with dark intentions, and a developing relationship that desperately needs trust to build between the partners, and you get an intense story that is a great mix between a paranormal action/adventure and a romance with more obstacles than should be legal.

Trace puts up a good front: he seems to love going out and having fun, dresses nicely, and works hard for the council. Deep down he is hurt and as scarred as his back is from physical abuse. And when he discovers that a vampire prince, of all people, is his fated mate, he comes close to panicking. The one thing he can never do again is take a mate and be a sub – his fear will stop him from handing over that much power. His lynx has a different view – and that has some interesting consequences – but the man is stronger and that results in Trace refusing to give in.

Sasha is a powerful vampire prince and under all sorts of pressure. There is political subterfuge, his uncle’s insistence he take a mate, or at least a consort, and produce heirs, and his personal hell after meeting Trace five years ago. Sasha knows that Trace is his fated heart, but he also knows Trace does not want him as a mate and refuses to try to coerce him into it. Even when Sasha sacrifices his future by part-bonding with Trace to save his life, nothing is further from Sasha’s mind than making Trace accept the fact their fates are entwined.

Trace and Sasha face some unique obstacles: Sasha needs Trace to survive since only his blood will truly feed him, and Trace feels attracted to Sasha even as a human. Trace’s journey toward the ability to open up and trust another male is long and painful, and I loved how selfless and supportive Sasha was. The external pressure they face increases by the chapter, and I knew there would come a breaking point, but Tempeste O’Riley took her sweet time developing things, keeping me in sweet suspense the whole time.

If you like paranormal with interspecies couples who bring lots of baggage to a union that faces more than one obstacle, if you want to watch two men struggle to develop trust between them, and if you’re looking for a suspenseful read that is entertaining but thought-provoking and a slow build toward romance expressed in emotional as well as physical ways, then you will probably like this novel. It’s different from the first book in the series in both theme and tone, and I found it very worthwhile reading.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Returning to the world of the ‘Desires Entwined’ series is beginning to feel very comfortable and much like visiting with friends. After stories about James and Seth, Chase and Rhys, and Alex and Dal, I was excited not just to see these guys return in this fourth book of the series, but also to find out more about Simon and Adrian. Both men have had issues with previous lovers, both are great guys, and both are more than ready to meet Mr. Right. The gentle pace of their story added to my enjoyment, and while there were some stressful moments, the level of angst was minimal compared to previous books. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Simon and Adrian figuring out if and how they’d fit and work together!

Simon writes homoerotic romance and loves giving his couples a happy ending. Unfortunately he has experienced so much disappointment with lovers who only wanted his money, that he has lost faith not just in himself, but in his ability to ever find the right man. And with a super-rich family actively campaigning to “eradicate” anything gay, he would be completely alone if not for his loyal group of friends, led by Chase. In fact it is Chase who gets Simon into “trouble” with his attempt at matchmaking – Chase figures all his single friends deserve to find love too, so he sets up Simon and Adrian (a man he dated once and has since become friends with) – repeatedly. Simon is sure he will never be loved for himself, but he likes Adrian and is curious to find out more about the hot professor.

Adrian is almost as disillusioned about finding a partner as Simon. His attempts to date Hearing men have not led anywhere and his Deaf friends are worried that Simon will be another disappointment. But Adrian is interested enough to keep going, and when Simon begins to learn ASL and makes every attempt to include Adrian in his life, Adrian cannot help but fall for him. But that isn’t their only obstacle. Simon’s hesitancy about getting closer is baffling and frustrating, and more than once Adrian ends up asking Chase for advice. He is one determined professor – which didn’t surprise me since anyone as successful as he is in academia and in life, has got to be just a little bit stubborn.

Simon and Adrian’s relationship isn’t easy. Both men have to adjust to the other’s needs and quirks, and while Adrian being Deaf seems like an obvious barrier that might be difficult for Simon to overcome, it is both men’s internal resistance that is harder to overcome. Learning to sign is comparatively easy – understanding and overcoming years of disappointment and the protective walls around Simon’s emotions turns out to be much harder.

If you like stories about differently abled and emotionally damaged men, if you’re curious what life might be like for a Deaf professor who meets a shy writer, and if you’re looking for a read that is a slow-burn love story as much as it is a fascinating look at two men discovering they can heal each other, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
A lynx shifter tribe cut off from all other cat shifters by a power-hungry and domineering (not to mention bigoted) alpha, his son Keith deeply in the closet discovering he has a mate after all – and he is human, and Jason, who is said human, feeling insanely attracted to his new neighbor without knowing why. Well, I had a suspicion, but it takes Jason and Keith a lot longer to figure it out. Add some inter-shifter almost-warfare between lynxes and wolves, some supposedly aloof and scary vampires, and some fascinating revelations about lynx shifters in this world, and you end up with an entertaining, action-packed read.

Jason is an orderly kind of guy who likes his peace and quiet. He works from home, but when a new neighbor moves in next door, his interest is piqued and he decides to take matters into his own hands. Soon he has his hands full with not only a very hot man who is extremely interested in him, but also with more revelations than he can handle. When his best friend also turns out to be not quite human, Jason is shocked. But he is also a very practical guy and there is some family history involving shifters… so his recovery is swift, and he jumps right in. Nobody is going to leave the human behind if Jason has anything to say about it!

Keith hates what his father is doing, how bigoted he is, never mind that he is the alpha. Keith has known he is gay for years, but has never revealed it to his father. He’s been told gay shifters don’t have mates, so when he finds out that Jason, his new neighbor, is also his mate, Keith is stunned. His urge to claim Jason is huge, but he realizes he has to be careful. Only very few humans know that shifters exist, and he has no idea how Jason will react. When an accident reveals his identity, Jason is shocked, but he gets over it surprisingly fast. Keith is lucky to have him by his side - what follows isn’t easy and standing up to his father requires all the support Keith can get.

While some of the concepts the author uses are not new (the half shift being more powerful than the full shift and the shifter council in charge of all tribes, for example), what made this story come alive for me were the characters. And not just Jason and Keith, but Keith’s sister and her son, and Jason’s best friend Sasha, to name just a few. They filled this novel with life and humor that made me laugh more than once. And the love that develops between Jason and Keith may have been triggered by the mating pull and a good dose of insta-lust, but it quickly develops into more, not least because the two men clearly relate to each other on more than a physical level.

If you like shifter stories with fated mates and a tyrannical father who wants to stop them from bonding no matter the cost, if you enjoy watching two men struggle with their emerging feeling while having to fight for the right t be together, and if you’re looking for an easy read that is as entertaining as it is hot, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
Chase and Rhys, from ‘Desires’ Guardian’, are back, and this time they are even more serious about committing to each other than in the previous book. They have already exchanged rings, but Rhys has stated that an official wedding isn’t possible until the state of Wisconsin, where they live, approves marriage equality. And now that it has happened? Get ready for a sweet, wonderfully emotional, and heartwarming story that will let you catch up with Chase and Rhys.

Rhys is the one who was waiting for his home state to legalize same-sex marriage, but being Rhys, he is prepared just in case. I smiled at his feverish preparations and urgency to get it all right. Chase has no idea all of this is going on, but when he awakes to a proposal and the news the court has spoken in their favor, his excitement quickly catches up. What follows is a whirlwind and very unusual wedding day that is exactly what Chase and Rhys wanted.

If you like short catch-ups with couples from longer novels, and if you want to see Chase and Rhys make honest men of each other, then you will probably like this free short story.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
This is a fascinating story about a D/s relationship between a man in a wheelchair, who is a sub but believes no Dom can possibly want him, and the demanding Dom who falls for him and sets out to teach him that “formalities” in a D/s relationship are not what it’s all about. What made this story so interesting for me is not just the romance between Kaden and Deacon, but the focus on the D/s aspect without too much of the physical “trappings” present in some BDSM books. This novel is about the psychology of both men as much as about the physical relationship, and I really liked that.

Kaden is a dental surgeon who is in a wheelchair and totally in control of his professional life, yet he flounders where his personal life is concerned. His self-image has been severely reduced after the gay bashing that paralyzed his legs, and he fervently believes no Dom will ever be interested in him again. He’s got a few memories about actual rejections, and they totally color his world view. When he first meets Deacon, Kaden can’t believe the man is interested. As time passes and they get to know each other better, Kaden still doesn’t understand, and tells himself not to hope. He is so afraid of his own “shortcomings”, as he sees them, he ends up blind to the facts right in front of him. I was totally pulled into his head and found the insights about his situation fascinating. Tempeste O’Riley has done her research well to portray such a realistic picture of what some men in a wheelchair might think and feel.

Deacon is a demanding Dom, but he is also very clear about the point of a D/s relationship. At least for him, it is more the spirit of the idea than the actual reality. Deacon is also a man who is able to look beyond the physical, and he truly sees Kaden the man, not Kaden “the cripple”. As he sets out to explore his feelings for Kaden, he encounters barrier after barrier, and I have to say, I gave him credit for having the patience of a saint. Or maybe he was just stubborn and determined. Either way, he just keeps chipping away at Kaden’s self-imposed resistance, and I cheered him on all the way.

If you like reading about D/s relationships where the psychology between the two men is as important as the physical aspect, if you want to find out what it can be like to be paralyzed and in a wheelchair while dealing with your needs as a sub, and if you’re looking for a read that is interesting, a sweet romance, and full of hot sexual tension, then you will probably enjoy this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
Alex, from ‘Temptations of Desire’, is back in this very sweet short story that takes place in his past. It’s about the events that led up to Alex wearing girls’ clothing for the first time. In a way, it is his moment of realizing who he is, his identity as a person, beyond the fact that he is attracted to men. Neither is acceptable to his parents and while he and his twin sister Lyric both know that, they are close enough to each other to be able to be honest.

Alex already knows he is gay and has to hide that fact from his parents or face their anger and disapproval. But there is more to it for him. He feels like a freak for it, but he doesn’t always feel like a boy. On some days, he feels like a girl, and he envies Lyric and her friends for being able to dress in pretty things. He doesn’t have a word for what that makes him, but when Lyric tells him about the research she has done and what she thinks that means, Alex realizes that he is not the only one who feels that way. It’s a true epiphany, and a beautifully written one.

If you want to find out more about Alex from ‘Temptations of Desire’ and his background, if you’d like to understand better what genderfluid means, and if you’re looking for a short, sweet read in-between the longer novels of this series, then you will probably like this free short story.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
In a nice, short sequel to 'Designs of Desire', 'Bound by Desire' tells the story of Seth collaring James. As ever with these two men - even after they have been together for a while and Jame has agreed to marry Seth - anything to d with James submitting requires extra thought and care. In a great balance between delicious heat (due to protracted denial for James) and loving attention to detail, Seth sets the scene for a collaring that neither of them will ever forget.

If you liked James and Seth in the first book of the series you will probably love them in this free short story as well.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
When someone’s image is different from the way that person sees themselves, that difference can cause pain on both sides of the perception. Chase, James’s best friend from book one in the series, is in just such a situation in regards to Rhys, who was James’s bodyguard during the stalking. Normally the difference of opinion would not matter, but everyone else seems to think Chase and Rhys belong together, and they keep pushing Chase to at least go on a date with Rhys. Their resulting story is filled with misunderstandings, the pain of dealing with Chase’s past, and lots of conflict and external threat. It was great to see James and Seth again, as well as their other friends – still as loving, chaotic, and quirky as ever.

Chase looks, usually dresses, and mostly behaves like a party-boy twink. While he isn’t like that at all, he enjoys the flirting and the clubbing, but has never had a one-night stand in his life, He takes his relationships seriously, but hasn’t had much luck so far. And with Rhys calling him names when they first meet, Chase is not inclined to give the man the time of day after that, no matter how attractive he may be or how much everyone else insists Rhys is a great guy. But when Chase starts to work for Rhys’s PI business (James’s brilliant idea), they are forced to deal with each other, and Chase slowly begins to thaw. It’s not easy for him, considering how much he’s been hurt before and what other dark secrets he carries from his teenage days, but Chase knows he’ll have to deal with all of that at some point, and Rhys is too attractive to keep turning down.

Rhys is a former Marine and now runs a bodyguard/PI business with his best friend. Rhys had been recently emotionally hurt when he lashed out at Chase the first time they met, and initially does everything to keep the man at a distance. But then James decides Chase is the best person to help Rhys with the tech issues he has, so Rhys swallows his pride and asks Chase to work with him. He quickly learns that Chase is very different from what he assumed, and decides to pursue a relationship. It’s a good thing he is stubborn and persistent because Chase is not an easy man to get to know!

If you like stories about emotionally damaged men who have built walls around their hearts to protect themselves from being hurt ever again, if you’re interested in a “battle of the wills” as well as an “opening of the hearts” kind of story, and if you’re looking for a read that shows what can happen when preconceived perceptions are defied, is emotionally touching, and contains some light but very hot BDSM, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by the author for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
In a wonderful follow-up to book two in this series, ‘Temptations of Desire’ builds on previous events to show the part of the story that belongs to Dal, Rhys’s cop brother, and Alex, his genderfluid boyfriend. It was fascinating to see Dal’s side of what happened with Rhys and Chase, as well as getting more details around Dal’s parents and their reactions to Dal being bisexual. It is also the story about Alex, a damaged young man who has made his way in life despite his parents throwing him away, almost killing him in the process, when they found him dressing in his twin sister’s clothes. When Dal and Alex find each other, they each have fears to overcome and issues to deal with, and their determination to try to do so together is touching as well as very necessary. They have a lot to overcome.

Alex is a gay man, but he is also genderfluid. Some days he just feels more feminine and likes to dress the part. His parents weren’t the only ones to not understand him, although they were the most violent in their reaction. Alex has tried having relationships, but no man – so far – has been able to understand his feminine side. When he meets Dal and feels the immediate attraction, he is understandably reticent about sharing his “big secret” for fear of Dal running for the hills. In fact, Dal only finds out by coincidence, and once he is more than fine, Alex finds it a little easier to build trust.

Dal is a tough cop, but he is also a very loving man with a big heart. He falls for Alex almost immediately, and when he sees him at a club dressed as a woman – without knowing it is Alex – Dal is surprised he can be so attracted to two different people at the same time. But Alex is the one he begins to date, and the longer he knows him, the more convinced he is that Alex is the right person for him. Never mind his father suddenly “demanding” he get married to a woman so there will be grandbabies, Dal is determined to make things work with Alex.

If you like stories about less frequently written-about members of the GLBTQ spectrum, if you’re curious what life might be like for a shy genderfluid gay man who meets a determined bisexual man, and if you’re looking for a read that is a gentle love story as much as it is an exciting look at two men discovering new possibilities together, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
This book is a big NO for me. The synopsis seems decent, but the writing style just does not mesh with me at all. And the characters are so bland and BORING. Basically, I read the first few chapters, where there was complete instalove (along with the "this guy is a stranger to me but we just had the best sex of my life so we are MEANT to be together" trope, which I almost ALWAYS hate, and this book is no exception), said "fuck it," and moved onto another book to read. The end.½
schatzi | 1 autre critique | Jul 23, 2017 |
Temptations of Desire was an almost perfect romance, complete with two of the sweetest, sexiest men ever to fall in love between the pages of a book. I will get to that almost in a minute, but first let me gush about what I loved.

Lexie and Dal are the perfect couple. They are both sweet, funny, and romantic, coming across more as two lovestruck teens than grown men with careers. Seriously, your heart would have to be pretty cold (and your phobia pretty deep) not to love these two. Dal is a big, burly, motorcycle riding cop, but that is where the stereotype ends. He is a tender and compassionate man who acts like the suitor in a fairy tale romance. As for Alex, he is a very feminine young man, openly gender-fluid, who is haunted (but not defined) by his painful past.

As for their romance, it is so sweet, so passionate, it just makes your heart soar. I kept waiting for Tempeste O'Riley to throw a wrench into the works - and she does, but nothing she does can keep them apart. There are at least a half dozen points in the story where a less confident author would allow the conflict to boil over, artificially sundering the lovers, just to come up with a big, sexy reunion later on. Not here.

The cast of supporting characters are fantastic as well, especially Chase and Rhys (you can pick up Desires' Guardian for their backstory). An equally believable, equally lovable gay couple, they really serve to help drive the story along. Kai, Lexie's best friend and brother-by-choice, is one character I would love to know more about, and Mr. Harrison, his wealthy employer, is the kind of man we all could use in our lives.

As for that almost, there is a murder mystery slipped into the story that just did not work for me. Maybe you have to have read the previous book to appreciate it, but it feels very hesitant, and does not mess with the rest of the story. There are points I actually thought it forgotten, only for it to reappear, and the resolution is probably my biggest issue with the tale. No spoilers, but the big, final confrontation happens entirely outside the story, with us only getting a recap after-the-fact.

That almost concern aside, Lexie and Dal are the sweetest couple ever, and Temptations of Desire is just a gorgeous romance that does something wonderful with gender, without making a big deal about it. Of course, if (like me) you are desperate to explore that angle a little deeper, the short story Truth in Lace provides us with crossdressing backstory.

As reviewed by Sally at Bending the Bookshelf
bibrarybookslut | 1 autre critique | Jul 5, 2017 |
I made it through 30% of this one a few weeks ago and now realize I have no interest in picking it up again. May try again later, but shelving it for now.
gigi9988776 | 6 autres critiques | Aug 25, 2014 |
Focus is so crucial in fiction that reading a book without it can be a disorienting experience. Often authors who write from the seat of their pants with no preplanning and don't go back to fill in the gaps produce unfocused stories that seem to jump from one important point to another, never quite melding them into a coherent whole. O'Riley made me dizzy trying to figure out what to focus on.

For two years fine artist and designer 28-year-old James Bryant has been free of an abusive relationship with a guy he met in college. Now living in a sprawling four-bedroom cottage, James has pulled himself together fairly well with the help of his best friend Chase.

When the CEO of Carrington Enterprises, Seth Burns, walks into Milwaukee's Skye Designs, James is assigned to be the designer for Seth's project of GBLT-friendly resort hotels because James is the only openly gay designer at the firm. Seth and James immediately spark, leading a reader to think this might be a somewhat routine gay romance. But from what malady does James suffer that requires him to use forearm crutches, I wondered?

Seth doesn't inquire. Neither man thinks that maybe their sexual exploits might be unethical nor does James balk at the way Seth seems to run rough-shod over him, ordering for him on their first date and calling him "pet" in what comes off as a non-romantic way. I feared I was being led back into James becoming an abuse victim since so many signs pointed that way.

Then in chapter 6, I learned that James has a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, something that Seth in his hurry to have sex with James has failed to ask. Now I'm really starting to question Seth as a loving, caring potentially long-term partner if he didn't even think to ask James a little about why he uses the crutches and if heavy-duty sex will set him back in any way.

But I resolved to go with the flow even though as I read I found out James is a natural submissive and Seth is very much a dominator. Now James began calling Seth "sir" even though neither of them has discussed safe words or limits or anything bordering on a lifestyle that might damage James even more than his former boyfriend's beatings. No matter what Seth did for James now, I was not getting the warm fuzzies for the CEO.

Read the rest of my review at AAR:
phenshaw | 6 autres critiques | Nov 3, 2013 |
started off ok, but wayyy too much going on that's never really explained or glossed over. and I didn't think James needed someone who treats him like a child, takes over his life, and makes all his decisions for him. after everything the poor guy went through, he needed a partner who made him feel stronger and more independent.
vampkiss | 6 autres critiques | Oct 23, 2013 |
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