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6 oeuvres 43 utilisateurs 6 critiques 1 Favoris


Œuvres de Adrienne Monson

Dissension (The Blood Inheritance Trilogy) (2013) 22 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Defiance (The Blood Inheritance Trilogy) (2015) 7 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Deliverance (The Blood Inheritance Trilogy) (2016) 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
Eyes of Persuasion (2014) 4 exemplaires


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I've received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review


Full review:

Review em português:

In this last book, we find the characters that we’ve already met in the previous ones and, considering that it was read almost a year ago and I still remember the plot and such characters reasonably well, I think I can consider them as being striking characters. Leisha (the vampire), Tafari (the immortal), Rinwa (their daughter who is also an immortal), Samantha (Leisha’s human servant and friend to the whole family), Nik (the vampire and the one Samantha loves), and the latest addition to the family, young Liam, son of Leisha and Tafari. Liam is the prophecy child, and he’s a being from another world that was born in a world of men. In short, it’s complicated. He’s a very clever, very complex and much older child than he appears. Liam knows everything there is to know.

I particularly liked knowing Leisha and Liam’s true story, as well as the origins of the vampires and the immortals. Once again, Samantha shows an immense amount of courage, and a deep love for those that have become her family. Liam and Sam were my favourite characters, but Rinwa’s sarcasm and ironic comments were what lightened the book a bit.

The part I least liked was the added violence, I just thought it was too much. The plot lost pace because the story was just fighting and running and fighting and running some more.
However, as a final book, it seemed appropriate, even though I don’t believe that Samantha’s ending was the best, but that’s just me. About everything else (I’m trying not to give away much information), it was the probably the best ending for the characters. Maybe it wasn’t the one we were expecting or the one we wanted and were hoping for, but it still feels like it was the right ending.
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Joana_v_v | Jun 23, 2016 |

Review em português:

This is the second book of the Blood Inheritance trilogy e it is with great shame that I admit that I have not read the first book. And why? Because when I saw it on Nerdy Girl Book Reviews I couldn't resist and I didn't even check on Goodreads if it was a stand alone book or a series. Only when I started reading it I realised that a lot had already happened.

One thing I realised was that there were some similarities with the Twilight series. But there were very little, so it did not bother me.
Samantha, our young protagonist, is in a bit of a mess. From dramas that you can almost call familiar, to teenage problems, to vampires with hundreds (some thousands) of years, to immortals and...different humans.

I don't think that I can say that there was a character that I didn't like, I think all of them are well fitted in the story, although I believe that characters like Samantha's father needed to be further developed. Leisha, Tafari, Rinwa, Nikita (Nik), all of them have a very important role and the author can make us look beyond the blood sucking and fights that go on.

I'll try not to do any spoilers. Leisha and Nikita are vampires, Tafari and Rinwa are immortals and Samantha is a human girl with premonitions. With a new vampire boss on town, Leisha goes through a rough patch and Tafari, her husband from many centuries back, comes back to her life to help her, bringing along their daughter, Rinwa. Although they really care for each other, this couple has a lot of problems, some that we can relate to. Leisha and her daughter also have a difficult relationship and I liked the way that that was explored. Samantha and Nik...well it's a bit of the typical teenager romance, but that does not mean that the reader can't appreciate it.

My favourite thing was the end of the book, and you know why? Because I was so caught on it, that I just pressed my tablet for the next chapter and there wasn't one, sadly! The ending was a cliff-hanger, and I just can't wait to read the first book and the third!
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Joana_v_v | 1 autre critique | Feb 9, 2016 |
I am giving this 4.5 stars, actually, and I don't think it's just because I'm biased with her being my friend and critique partner (you can find my name in the acknowledgements--just sayin'). I'm giving it 4.5 because it's different from any other vampire novel I've read. Instead of feeling fantastical, this vampire world seemed almost real. And these vampires aren't pretty. Or nice. But some of them (Leisha) would rather be a good, normal person. One of my favorite aspects of the book was the friendship between the MC vampire Leisha and the human, Samantha. Not only did I like to see a vampire book that focused on something other than being seduced by a sharp-toothed Don Juan, but I thought the friendship was sweet and authentic. I'm looking forward to reading the (finished version of the) next book in this series!… (plus d'informations)
KR_Patterson | 2 autres critiques | Apr 28, 2015 |
This series has one of the most interesting takes on the vampire world than I have ever before read. Let's just say, it is not for the squeamish :). The world is intriguing enough that I want to know more, even while I'm a little bit horrified every time I go a step deeper. But at the same time, I am also endeared to the characters. The author is gifted in having them espouse a dual nature of both warm and cold and still be believable. I enjoyed reading, even when thoroughly disturbed ;). It would be fun to hear it in audio someday.… (plus d'informations)
KR_Patterson | 1 autre critique | Apr 28, 2015 |

