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Elizabeth Miles (1)

Auteur de Fury

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Elizabeth Miles, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

4+ oeuvres 546 utilisateurs 69 critiques


Œuvres de Elizabeth Miles

Fury (2011) 385 exemplaires
Envy (Fury) (2012) 104 exemplaires

Oeuvres associées

Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves (2012) — Contributeur — 114 exemplaires
Cornered: 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance (2012) — Contributeur — 49 exemplaires


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La trama di questo romanzo mi aveva intrigata oltre ogni dire. Prometteva una storia originale, uno YA fuori dai soliti schemi. Ed in effetti è stato così. La storia è avvincente e mi sono ritrovata a divorarlo per scoprire come sarebbe andata a finire.

Cosa è andato storto? Pessimi personaggi che recitano in una bella storia.

Chase è quello che in gergo si chiama pidocchio risalito – o in risalita, nello specifico. Di umili origini, cerca di «sfondare» nell'Olimpo dorato dei ricchi e delle «persone giuste». Quindi la sua vita è un incastro perfetto di tattiche e strategie per garantirsi un posto tra le persone più esclusive di Ascension, il piccolo paese dove vive. Tutto va a meraviglia finché non fa qualcosa di davvero odioso, qualcosa che scatena l'ira vendicativa delle Furie...

Le Furie – qui Ty, Meg e Ali – sono misteriose, intriganti e non si sa da dove vengano, ma soprattutto: perché stanno proprio in un paesino a punire adolescenti str****? Con tutti i delitti che accadono nel mondo... Quest'ultima cosa regge un po' poco, ma magari verrà spiegata prossimamente.

Anche Emily ha attirato l'attenzione delle Furie, pomiciando con il fidanzato della migliore amica. Cosa dà ai nervi di Em? Be', ha tradito la sua migliore amica in uno dei peggiori modi possibili e contemporaneamente recita il ruolo dell'eroina perfetta. Ecco, avrei voluto essere una Furia e... *censura*.

Gabby, la migliore amica tradita di Em, è un folletto – e non sono del tutto certa che sia un complimento. Finisce che fa la pace con Em in un modo che mi è parso del tutto assurdo, giusto giusto perché all'autrice faceva comodo così.

JD, migliore amico *cough* di Em, è il ragazzo zerbino. Sul serio. Quello che anche quando si arrabbia per il suo ruolo chiede scusa dopo mezza pagina. Insomma, ragazzo, un po' più di personalità!

Zach, il fidanzato di Gabby, è lo str****. Quello che speri muoia ad ogni passo, ma la fa sempre franca. Un riccastro viscido che non riesce a tener su le mutande (sempre che le porti).

Francamente avrei voluto che le Furie li sterminassero tutti per abuso di cliché. È un crimine abbastanza grave da spingerle ad intervenire. Ma non è successo... quindi vedremo cosa accadrà nel prossimo volume. La storia prometterebbe bene...
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lasiepedimore | 61 autres critiques | Jul 31, 2023 |
This book was a great read. With a betrayal leads to something that could become deadly for two people. Secrets were revealed and there were many twists and turns that were unexpected.

I found this book well written and it was a quick read because I was hooked from the beginning.

As this is Elizabeth Miles first book I must say she has a talent of bringing you into he world. I have just purchased book 2 in this series as I need to find out what happens next.
StressedRach | 61 autres critiques | Jun 2, 2023 |
She never meant for it to happen. It's not like you can choose who you fall in love with, right? And this was true love, they both felt the same. It was just too bad he already had a girlfriend, a girlfriend who also happens to be her best friend. She should have known it could never have ended well, for anybody. She should have fought against her desire to be with him. She should have known there would be a price to pay.

He learnt early on how to fit in, how to play the social game that was so crucial to being popular. He had learnt this lesson the hard way and in turn had given as bad as he got. But there is such a thing as going too far. In the heat of the moment he will make a rash decision that will bring one life to end. He might not have meant for things to go so far, but sometimes there is just no saving others, or yourself.

Fury brings its own brand of twisted justice wielded through three ancient and powerful beings hell bent on punishing those who have done wrong. Everyone knows every choice has a consequence but sometimes those consequences can be deadly. And while not every situation is a matter of life and death, some are a matter of the heart, and others just require your soul. So let this story be a warning, if karma doesn't get you, the furies will.
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LarissaBookGirl | 61 autres critiques | Aug 2, 2021 |
It honestly took all my effort to finish this book. I almost put Fury down multiple times, but I have a hard time marking books DNF, especially if I've already made it nearly halfway. I feel it is unfair to review a book I didn't finish reading. So, I kept doggedly reading on. This wasn't a book for me for a few different reasons, and I'll share those below.

I was really excited at first that this book was about Furies. They are fascinating mythical creatures! They punish those who commit wrongdoing, but are also fabled to be very fair (albeit slightly vicious) in their punishments. These Furies were anything but fair. I won't spoil, but the wrongs that are committed in this book are so difficult to imagine being punished for. They are normal teenage problems, normal teenage mistakes. Why on Earth would a Fury punish a girl for thinking she's in love with the wrong guy? If that's the case, I know plenty of people who would have deserved punishment when I was growing up.

On top of this, there isn't even that much focus on the Furies themselves. Most of the spotlight is on Em, Chase and their problems. All that is really said about the Furies is that they are girls, and good looking ones at that. I did like that Miles kept their names true to the original Greek mythology, and just shortened them. However it was bothered me that so little is said about their history, or why they might be there. It is glanced over so quickly that it is extremely easy to miss.

My biggest gripe though was that every time it seemed something wasn't going to be explained, there was an "I don't know" to cover it up. Why were the Furies there to begin with? No clue. Why did they choose to punish those specific characters when there were so many other kids who I'm sure were in the same boat? No idea. I rarely if ever rant about a book, but honestly I feel like this one just left so many things unclear and unfinished.

In defense of Fury, I really believe it would have been a great story without the paranormal/mythological aspect. Em's story is one that a lot of girls can latch on to. Her friendship with Gabby is sweet and believable. Even her not-so-relationship with JD (who I LOVED) is wonderfully written. I think that if this had been a Contemporary novel, one that focused on Chase and Emily navigating the depths of high school while coming from two different walks of life, it would have been wonderful. Sadly it was the additional story line that kept me from really loving this book.

Bottom line, this wasn't a book for me. I know there are plenty of people out there who loved it, and I'm sure there will be many more. I am but one opinion in a sea of readers. That's why I'm telling you straight how I feel. This book fell really short for me, and I'm disappointed. I think Elizabeth Miles has fantastic potential as an author though, so I will keep a lookout for her future works. I loved her characters. I just didn't love this story.
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roses7184 | 61 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2019 |

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