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Caryl McAdooCritiques

Auteur de Vow Unbroken

53 oeuvres 293 utilisateurs 148 critiques


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“New Chicks at the Peaceable” is an informative story for children revealing new chicks hatching at the author’s farm. Young readers and listeners will enjoy meeting the chicks, discovering their day-to-day lives and how they learn from their mother. The book is wordy, with full page text, so it might be a bit challenging for younger readers.

The book shares educational terminology, and I especially love the elements of faith, obedience, and forgiveness. Sharing Scripture and a message about God always being with us is super special and meaningful, and the true-life illustrations of the chicks are cute and entertaining.

This sweet book answers questions, teaches farm terminology, even shares the lyrics to Grami’s evening chick-feeding song.

First Line: Hello, sweet sugars!
Series: Peaceable Farm & Bookery—Grami’s stories for Children, book 2
Genre: Children
Author: Caryl ‘Grami’ McAdoo
Page Count: 42
Reading Age: 2-8

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.
CoverLoverBookReview | 1 autre critique | Jan 17, 2024 |
This is such an adorable book about chicks. I loved meeting the different breeds and how to take care of them. The mother hen was dedicated to making sure her babies were well taken care of. We do that as well with our children. It is exciting to watch them grow, play and enjoy live.

The mother hen was thrilled when her baby chick hatched. Patsy Peeper was finally here. I love how the other animals at The Peaceable all got along and respected each other. As the chicks grow they learn to be careful of things that may want to harm them. Our parents watch us until we grow up. Then when we are are our own we can always depend on God . He is always watching over us.

Thank you for a book I can share with my own granddaughters. My oldest one who is three adores chickens and has many she takes care of. They let her pick them up and run to her when it is time to eat. The Chicken Terminology at the end of the book is very helpful and the perfect story to read along with your children.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 1 autre critique | Jan 13, 2024 |
I don't recommend this from a Biblical stand point. I found the story interesting but the liberties were great and the way the men slaved over the women and were so selfish with the women being whiny was just so bad.

I found this to be how it was throughout the whole series and held out only because I hoped the author would have grown between writing each of the books. And, the fact all of the women were so needy of babies and that it happened every time with the women pretty much the same.

And, look, I get that the men sinned but the fact they loved their women more than even caring about God bothered me.
abigailkayharris | Jan 1, 2024 |
I don't recommend this from a Biblical stand point. I found the story interesting but the liberties were great and the way the men slaved over the women and were so selfish with the women being whiny was just so bad.

I found this to be how it was throughout the whole series and held out only because I hoped the author would have grown between writing each of the books. And, the fact all of the women were so needy of babies and that it happened every time with the women pretty much the same.

And, look, I get that the men sinned but the fact they loved their women more than even caring about God bothered me.
abigailkayharris | Jan 1, 2024 |
Book one in the collection. I was easily hooked at the beginning of the book. Told in first person switching characters as it goes, a great group of Christian people. What I like in a wagon train story, it makes you feel like you're on the journey with them going from Tennessee to Texas. They'd been swindled on their collective land and farm in Tennessee so they headed to Texas for the free land there that you could get for homesteading it. Interesting journey and it's nice that you get to see them arrive and get settled as things fall into place.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#GoneToTexas #NetGalley #CarylMcAdoo #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #BooksGoSocial #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarHistorical
Robin.Willson | 4 autres critiques | Dec 21, 2023 |
Settlers & Toffs by Caryl McAdoo is a historical romance. This book is the second book in the New Beginnings Family Saga. Typically, I love reading books by Caryl McAdoo, but this book is definitely not one of my favorites. I felt like the book had too many characters and too many different storylines in too many places.

While I really enjoyed Book 1 of this series, I found this one lacking for me personally. Young adult characters turned me off from this story. They seemed extremely self-centered and selfish in general. I truly wanted to love this book and really looked forward to reading it, but I found myself unable to do so.

Because this book was originally written for Kindle Vella, I am not sure if that affected how the storyline and characters developed. Parts of this book I absolutely loved, while others seemed to drag along. The other thing that bothered me about this book was the sudden and abrupt ending of this book.

So if you enjoy historical romances, check out Settlers & Toffs by Caryl McAdoo for yourself. I definitely recommend you make your own decision about this book. If I were giving this book stars, I would give it four stars.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2023 |
Second in a series where the wagon train settlers moved on to their new destinies with new struggles as another wagon train moves across the country towards them. Each has opportunities to make a new prosperous life. Entertaining read, very well written. Intertwined ups and downs, dangers and attractions, kids trying to grow up.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#Settlers&Toffs #CarylMcAdoo #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #CelebrateLit #ChristianHistoricalRomance #FiveStarNovel
Robin.Willson | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2023 |
With this story you get a look at the gold rush that everyone was hoping would make them rich. Some moved their entire family just to be close to what they hoped would be their ticket to wealth. I kinda laughed because aren’t we all looking for that one thing that will give us peace with our finances? During this time period it was hard work with long hours and little provision that people faced. But as the characters go through one thing was constant. God is always there. I love that the author reminds us to look to Him for our needs and trust Him when we face difficult times.

The book may be hard to follow for those who have not read the first in this series. The great news is the author has provided a list of characters to help us out. I recommend reading the first book so you are familiar with the characters. We have repeat characters such as Ambrose Lee and Blaire. Their excitement over now being in California is contagious. Before their eyes is the dream of opening a hotel. Can you imagine starting from scratch building a hotel with just lumber and other hard to find materials? It is not like today where we have machines that can do the heavy lifting and many employees that get the job done quicker.

What I really liked about the story was we were also able to travel to England where William is about to marry Clara and become the Earl of Farnworth. This storyline provided quite an adventure and some drama. Will William marry Clara and become the Earl? What will they face together as they plan their future?

There are a few sensitive subjects in the story that may be triggers for some readers, such as assault on a young woman and talk of suicide. The author illustrates these two topics in a way that shows how we can feel hopeless when facing a traumatic event. She does always direct us to God and his unconditional love and forgiveness.

I liked the story and how it gives us a glimpse into the past where people faced tragedy, hurt, hope and a new beginning. As always I grow in my faith and develop a deeper relationship with God after reading a book by this author.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 6, 2023 |
Texas Times by Caryl McAdoo is a historical romance. This book is part of the Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Six and the Cross Timbers Romance Family Saga Book 9. In this book, we meet Alexandria Bell, who inherits her estranged uncle’s share of a newspaper and moves to the Dallas area.

Eventually, three men begin to seek her affections. One speaks to her heart. One suitor makes her laugh. While the final suitor woos her with his talent for using words. She deals with everything associated with running a newspaper but eventually proves she has the talent for doing so. We also get to revisit favorite characters from stories past.

Caryl McAdoo creates characters I love getting to know and storylines that draw me into the story. This book lived up to my expectations. While you can read this book independently, I love the entire series, so I recommend reading all of them.

So, if you enjoy historical romances, check out Texas Times by Caryl McAdoo. I definitely recommend it. I found myself unable to put it down.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 1 autre critique | Oct 24, 2023 |
What a fun story this has been to read by one of my favorite authors. Alex was a great character with spunk that was ready to take on the newspaper business. She has traveled to her new home to take on the task of running a newspaper that she inherited. Not everyone is excited to have her there and some even think that a woman has no business running the newspaper. She is in for trials as she gets her feet wet in this new adventure.

The story is a look at what it was like in the late 1870s in the Dallas, Texas area. I love settings in Texas because it’s my home state. I enjoy how the author captures the true feeling of Texas and all it has to offer. With three men taking a fancy to Alex, she has a lot to think about. She enjoys her new freedom of being on her own and I thought she was very grounded in her faith and an humble woman. No wonder people like to be around her. She is full of life, grateful for what she has and surrounds herself with people who have her best interest at heart.

With a murder trial, a woman looking for her father and Alex trying to prove she can run the newspaper, the author gives us quite an adventure and history in how a newspaper ran during this time period. Don’t miss the beautiful scene in church where we witness a person who finds Jesus. It is moving and such an emotional illustration of how God loves us unconditionally.I say this in every review I write about a book by this author . “I always grow stronger in my faith and gain a deeper relationship with God after reading a book from this author.”

The writing style is authentic, realistic and paints a picture of grace, love and faith. I enjoyed this story simply because it is one where I feel God in the story as I become familiar with the characters. Alex is a good example of a woman who desires to help others, find her place in life and be a Godly example to others.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 1 autre critique | Oct 24, 2023 |
Ava May is one of those characters you fall in love with from the beginning of the story. Growing up in the boonies and swamp living has her naive to the rest of the world’s goings on. But that all changes when Ava is sent, along with other young ladies in a group of Miss Lotties Mail Order Brides, on the way to Montana.

Make sure you have plenty of time to read this book when you start it. With all of its many interesting twists and turns, you will have a difficult time putting the book down after you start reading it. I grew to love these characters created by Ms. McAdoo and enjoyed following them as the told their story so well as the it unfolds. As with all of McAdoo’s books, the Christian faith is strongly evident through the characters lives. But it really doesn’t sound preachy. Ms. McAdoo writes the story with such feeling and meaning, faith and the characters just flow along together.

I thoroughly enjoyed Ava May’s story and I highly encourage you to read it. I hope you enjoy as much as I did. I’m giving this book Five Stars.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
ibjoy1953 | 3 autres critiques | Jul 1, 2023 |
Ava by Caryl McAdoo, part of the Prairie Roses collections, is a Christian Historical Romance. Ava grew up in the backwoods of Louisana. But at 17, she finds herself being sent away from Louisana to become a mail-order bride. Along with Miss Lottie and the other mail-order brides Miss Lottie is bringing to Montana, Ava illustrates Christian charity and love.

But a stranger joins the train and adds some interesting twists to Ava’s plans for the future. As will all of Caryl McAdoo’s books, this one kept me reading. The Christian values and the power of God to bring changes to someone’s heart truly make this story one I enjoyed reading.

I love how Caryl McAdoo create characters with many dimensions. She also creates storylines that take interesting twists and turns. I truly found myself unable to put this book down.

So if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out Ava by Caryl McAdoo and the rest of the Prairie Roses collection for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 3 autres critiques | Jun 22, 2023 |
This story takes us along as we get to know Ava. Oh how I loved this character. Ava is strong, able to hunt with precision, faithful and at times stubborn. I liked her sacrifice for her mother and twin brothers. It was hard to say goodbye to them, but she wanted to make sure they were taken care of.

Ava agrees to be a mail-order bride but her morals are steadfast. She is determined to find a husband who is Godly and treats her with respect. Being on the wagon train was long as they traveled the terrain where wild animals roamed. Ava quickly catches someone’s attention with her beauty and gift of hunting.

Noble is definitely smitten with Ava but when he tells her he isn’t sure he believes in God she knows they can’t be together. I loved the scriptures used in the story and the deep faith that continues throughout the book. At only seventeen Ava is very wise and I think Noble may be in over his head.

The author gives us characters that are flawed but Ava is not afraid to share Jesus with the women she travels with. I loved when one young woman prayed with Ava and knew that she was clean from sin. What a glorious moment for celebration. Now let’s see if Ava can convince Noble that God exists.

I enjoyed reading about Ava and how she prayed for God to send her the right husband. It is always exciting to see your friend find Jesus and Ava is right there when Chloe surrenders to God. These women who have been through so much in their lives and been treated with disrespect realize that they are worthy and loved. God loves all of us and forgives us of our sins. This book reminds me of how people treated women who were soiled. They shunned them but Ava was the example of how we are to love each other. We help them find Jesus and surround them with compassion and grace. Do Ava and Noble get married? Does Noble surrender himself to God? These answers can be found as you read this book and see the transformation that is made when you trust God and give Him your heart.

As always after reading a book from this sweet author I feel closer to God and find my faith grow deeper.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 3 autres critiques | Jun 18, 2023 |
1854 Louisiana to Montana. Ava is sold by a relative as a mail order bride, but she knew her ground and could take care of herself if she wanted to return to the place where she grew up. She is used to living off the land, and skilled. On the way with the wagon train, travelling with a Madam and 3 doves makes for an interesting story as Noble spies her and travels along too. Turns out his father is the one who had paid for the brides. They have things to work out, mainly his lack of faith. She's determined and on a mission, and is successful. Good read.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#Ava #CarylMcadoo #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #FiveStarNovel #CelebrateLit
Robin.Willson | 3 autres critiques | Jun 16, 2023 |
What I think you should know:
Wagons West by Carol McAdoo is part of the New Beginnings Family Saga . The story is set in 1849 and follows members of a wagon train as they travel west. This story was originally published on Kindle Vella and does not end with this book. The book ends with a cliffhanger.

What you might need to know:
This book deals lightly with some tough stuff:
Rape, kidnapping, demon possession.

What I think about this book:
This is not a fluffy Western. McAdoo covers a vast variety of characters in the book, which allows for a very entertaining story. I appreciate the details about the wagon train. I am not sure who was my favorite character, they were all so different, with each having something you could learn from, good or bad. I don't know that I would read the story on Vella as my attention span isn't that long, but I would read if compiled in book form.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 2 autres critiques | Feb 9, 2023 |
Wagons West pulled me in quickly. The setting, era, and atmosphere of this story gave me a nostalgic feel of the show Little House on the Prairie. I don’t read a lot of western stories, so the setting and time really intrigued me.

I was immediately curious about Captain Lee, and adored Blair Beechy. I admired her spunk and determination. And young Tucker, the ‘man’ of the family, and mysterious Emmerson Pierce gave me warm vibes from first meeting them. The story has so many wonderful (and some not so wonderful) characters with diverse personalities and motivations. Beatrice (Bea) intrigued me, and I connected with her effortlessly. I suppose being a middle child myself made me sympathize with her most. The spoiled nature of Addie exasperated me, and the complexity and perplexity of Birdie worried and saddened me.

What I loved most about this story is that despite the hardships of the journey, the faithfulness and devotion traveled alongside those on the wagon train. I love the inspiration, prayers, and spiritual messages that shine through it all. I’m glad this is the first book in this family saga because I didn’t want it to end.

First Line: “What are we going to do, Mother?”
Series: New Beginnings Family Saga book 1
Genre: Western Historical Fiction
Author: Caryl McAdoo
Page Count: 458
Content: Abuse could be a trigger

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.
CoverLoverBookReview | 2 autres critiques | Jan 23, 2023 |
I adore stories during this time period and when you add a wagon train to it well I’m sold. The author delivers an experience where readers will feel like they are riding along the trails in a slow moving wagon with dust, heat and rain facing their journey. It was easy to feel every movement because of the vivid picture painted with words. It is no secret that I love this author’s writing and am always amazed at how the stories capture my attention right away.

I’ve decided not to go into much detail in this review because I don’t want to spoil anything for readers. The characters are wonderful, the trials they go through are heartbreaking mixed with joy. I love the strong female lead in the story and her determination to make a better life for her children.

There is one character that stands out to me and her fight to survive the demons inside her. For some this may be hard to read, but I found it important because it followed a Biblical example where demons were cast off. It is not spoken about much, but I liked how the author handled it. It gives hope to those who struggle emotionally and sheds a light on how God can save those who seem hopeless. As always I have come away with a deeper relationship with Jesus after reading a book from this author. I appreciate that she tackles hard subjects and shows how Jesus sets us free from our sins.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 2 autres critiques | Jan 20, 2023 |
Continuing the saga of the Cross Timbers Romances Family Saga set in Texas, this book examines the lives of Maisie and her two suitors – one is the father of four young daughters whose wife left him, while the other is his brother’s partner. Initially, she finds herself in love with the daughters and then finds herself falling in love with her partner until he has to return east after the death of his father.

In the meantime, her best friend and sister her heart, Rayne St. Laurent knew early on that Maisie’s brother was the love of her life, but she just needs him to recognize this fact. This book showcases how grown-up children’s views are often different from their parents. Plus, sometimes, God knows what we should do, and will speak either through an audible voice or a quiet voice. I have loved reading about these girls in earlier books, and I loved getting to read about their path to happily ever after.

This book also showcases how overcontrolling parents snatch away one man’s dreams of a happy ending. While another mother wants only the best for her son and the woman he loves. This book highlights how the path to happy endings sometimes takes twists and turns, even with unexpected events including untimely deaths.

So if you enjoy historical Christian fiction filled with faith, family, friends, and more, check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 2 autres critiques | Sep 22, 2022 |
Maisie and Rayne are the best of friends and I love following them on their adventure. It seems like these two young ladies have marriage on their minds. Rayne has been in love with Maisie’s brother Baxter for probably forever. With his recent return home maybe he will realize that Rayne only has eyes for him.

Rayne can feel her heart pounding as Baxter shares how he feels. Did he just say he wants to court her? Will marriage be the next step? I think we are going to be in for a few surprises before this story is over. I adore the setting of this story and how the author transports readers back in time to Dallas, Texas, 1875. I admire how courting was a very serious business. There were rules Rayne and Baxter must follow and if they didn’t take it seriously then consequences would follow.

Oh how I love the faith that is beautifully written in this story as Baxter opens up about the two years he has been gone. His past is not pretty and having to confess what he did is painful for Rayne to hear. The good news is that Baxter has turned his life around and follows God’s direction now. It is important to note that even though Baxter sinned, God forgave him. Some people think they their sin is too big and God would never forgive them. I pray that if you feel this way, you seek out a pastor or a godly friend and let them share Jesus with you. He forgives and loves unconditionally.

Maisie is a sweet young woman who is thrilled that her brother is now courting her best friend. She is happy for them, yet she wants to be courted by someone herself. Maybe her brother’s friend is a possibility. Zach seems like a nice person and steps in when a man is becoming not so nice around Maisie. The aftermath is a very seriously injured Zach. I loved the little twist with Maisie suddenly having two men who wanted to court her. How will she be able to chose between Zach the man who defended her honor or Bart who has adorable children that she loves being around?

The story is filled with so many wonderful moments with young children who want a mother so bad to a very important lesson in learning to listen to God. I know sometimes I hear God but think I know better and find out the hard way that listening to Him is better. I loved Maisie so much and how she never wavered from making a decision until she clearly heard from God. As always when I read a book by this author my faith is deepened as I grow closer to God.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 2 autres critiques | Sep 15, 2022 |
Texas Wildflowers is the eighth book from Caryl Mcadoo’s Cross Timbers Romance Saga, as well as, part of Thanksgiving Books and Blessings Collection. I have enjoyed all the other books from the saga and this one is no different. I believe this may be my new favorite to date. It is a sweet and heartwarming story of faith, love, joy, making the right choices and hope. I loved going back in time to 1870’s Dallas, Texas and taking this journey with the characters.

I am giving Texas Wildflowers five stars. Readers who enjoy reading clean historical romance will most definitely want to read this one. I am hoping there will be more books to come in the Cross Timbers Romance Saga.

I received a paperback copy of Texas Wildflowers from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
amybooksy | 2 autres critiques | Sep 5, 2022 |
Whenever I start reading a book by Caryl McAdoo, I know I will enjoy it. Jo proved to be enjoyed just as I expected. We first meet Jo at the beginning of the story. She and her parents set out to visit her grandparents, but tragedy strikes when they arrive at the house. Raised by her over-indulgent grandfather and uncle, she becomes slightly spoiled.

Later in her life, health concerns for her grandfather force them to set out to Santa Fe. They pick up some extras before leaving – namely two wives for Jo’s grandfather and uncle before they leave. Then they pick up a worker who winds up falling in love with Joan’s wishes to marry her,

Through the tragic death of her parents and grandmother when she was young through additional tragic events when she is older, Jo falsely believes she is cursed. Keegan, the young man her family hired and who falls in love with her sets out to prove otherwise.

This story set I. The past drew me in and kept me reading. So check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 3 autres critiques | Jun 21, 2022 |
With Jo, the 23rd book in the "Prairie Roses Collection," Caryl McAdoo has penned yet another heartwarming story. The tale follows Jolene "Jo" Foster as she, her grandfather and family members leave Mississippi to follow the Santa Fe Trail in the hopes of improving her grandfather's health by living in a more arid region. As the chronicle moves along, you are drawn into the adventure, too.

McAdoo's trademark faith-filled discourse, love and forgiveness are all present in the novel. It has a strong and consistent Christian message throughout, and it makes no attempt to hide it. That's one of the things I appreciate about McAdoo’s writing.

This story was unique in that the narrator appears to step out of the plot, as indicated by a different font, and provides needed information to the ongoing saga, a detail I’m not sure whether I liked or not.

I enjoyed the journey and the characters created by McAdoo in this sweet tale.

Even though this is part of the "Prairie Roses Collection," it works well as a stand-alone.

I received this book from Celebrate Lit. However, my review is voluntary, and all opinions are my own.
RobbyeFaye | 3 autres critiques | Jun 21, 2022 |
I love when this author writes stories that take us on a journey complete with wagons, danger and wonderful characters. I was completely mesmerized by the lay of the land and how hard it was to travel over rough terrain. Having to look for water and keep everyone safe was a full time job. I remember my dad watching westerns every Saturday and thinking how boring they were. Now I can’t get enough of reading books just like this one. There is something about this time period that fascinates me and I enjoyed every minute of the trip back to the days where traveling by wagon or horse was the only transportation available. It also reminds me how blessed we are to live in an era where things are easier for us. We don’t have to walk for days in the heat, when a car is available. Thank the Lord for air conditioning as well.

Jo is such a great character with her devotion to her grandfather. Making sure he gets better they travel to a place where the air is better for him. With this decision made they set off with a group to travel to Santa Fe Trail. Jo can be a bit stubborn and her jealousy does get in the way at times. I loved how she kept trying to convince herself that she had no interest in the handsome Keegan.

Keegan joins the wagon train to help out Jo’s grandfather and help care for the goats as well as whatever else is needed. I must say he is a charmer and is able to go toe to toe with Jo when she gets her stubborn streak going. He does have a gentleman quality about him which I loved. It is obvious that there is an attraction between Jo and Keegan but I’m not sure which one is holding back from letting the other know how they feel.

The author creates a beautiful story with realistic emotions that had me crying. Jo suffers great loss and I think it broke her. Seems the people she loves die and now she is afraid to love again. Her heart is shattered and this is the moment that will change her forever. I really started praying that she would find comfort and trust God to heal her. Keegan never gives up and I loved how he came to Jo with scripture to show her that the thoughts she has been having is not from God. What a wonderful ending the author gives us with a feeling of hope and a new beginning . As always after reading a book by this author I grow closer to God and find new scriptures that help me with things I struggle with.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 3 autres critiques | Jun 11, 2022 |
Jo, by Caryl McAdoo, is book 23 in her Prairie Rose Collection series. This is also a good stand alone story. I have not read others in this series and had not trouble reading this story. This is such an inspirational story to read. The love and determination Jo has to keep her Grandfather safe and healthy is heartwarming to read. I found the parts of her Grandfather and his brother and their quick marriage humorous. The two couple both had feeling for each other for some time but none of them spoke of it until just before the brothers were about to move.
I found the information regarding how the building were made interesting. It was interesting to read of how quickly men professed their love to Jo, who never intended to marry, yet how heartbroken she was when something happened to them. This is a nice story to read for enjoyment for anyone who likes good clean stories.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
eccl | 3 autres critiques | Jun 7, 2022 |
Examining the time between the Crucifixion and Resurrection, this book based around the verse, Hebrews 19:27 explores what could have happened during those three days. Dodi, tasked with a terrible but necessary job helps bring this story to life. I love reading books by Caryl McAdoo. This book, though quick to read, contains excellent Biblical background and Scriptural references,

So if you enjoy Biblically-based fiction with a powerful and amazing message, check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiPeanut1992 | 2 autres critiques | May 22, 2022 |
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