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Kristine Mason

Auteur de Shadow of Danger

34+ oeuvres 254 utilisateurs 50 critiques 1 Favoris


Œuvres de Kristine Mason

Shadow of Danger (2013) 52 exemplaires
Pick Me (Reality TV Romance #1) (2013) 29 exemplaires
Kiss Me (2013) 28 exemplaires
Killer Romances (Box Set 10-in-1) (2014) — Auteur — 8 exemplaires
Ultimate Fear (Ultimate CORE, #2) (2014) 6 exemplaires
Ultimate Prey (Ultimate CORE, #3) (2014) 6 exemplaires

Oeuvres associées

Dark Secrets: A Paranormal Romance Anthology (2016) — Contributeur — 3 exemplaires


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I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review

Ever since Jake's fiancée walked out on him five years ago he has been wondering what exactly went wrong. He's feelings for her have not wavered and when he finally discovers where she went, he can't help confronting her and getting some closure. Naomi has been in hiding since she was nineteen years old when a billionaire with very high connections and a psychotic bent became obsessed with her. Naomi, formerly named Rose Wood, has lost her parents and brother to Christian, her murderous stalker. Christian not only has limitless means to search for her but also a trio of henchman that include a sadistic right hand man, knife wielding Colombian, and coldhearted Russian. When hired private investigator after hired private investigator fail to unearth her, Christian decides to bring his Rose to him. Kidnapping two brothers, who aren’t fully aware of what they are doing, the Colombian and Russian take them on a cross country trip setting up bombs that can be remotely set to explode at anytime. The locations all have the words rose and wood in some capacity in common; Naomi gets the message. After Naomi informs Jake of why she left him, fearing for his safety, he in turn tells her about the elite investigating group he works for, C.O.R.E. With the help of CORE's resources a plan is devised to turn Naomi over to Christian and get the evidence they need to show he is behind the domestic terrorist attacks while still keeping Naomi safe.

The beginning of this started off very slow, the first hundred pages or so could have been edited down to around forty so that the story could get to the point. It was around the 42% mark that I felt it finally started to pick up and I became more invested. This was the point where Naomi had told Jake everything and Christian had devised his plan, story arcs were being put in motion. Half, if not more, of the book focuses on Christian and how narcissistic and demented he truly is, from how he treats his wife to the little tasks he has his right hand man complete. There is also a focus on the two kidnapped brothers, with the "smart" brother getting many povs shown. I would classify this book as solidly thriller because of these focuses.

As Jake and Naomi's relationship started and developed in a past the reader doesn't get to see, their love connection isn't felt. They reunite, are hot for each other, have trust issues, and then decide any past lies told are to be forgiven. Jake is said to be a former Marine, tough, protective, and love Naomi, a very common thriller romance hero. He, unfortunately, for being set up as a main character was one of the least interesting. His thoughts, feelings, and actions revolve only around wanting the truth from Naomi, being hot for Naomi, and working to rescue Naomi; there is no real depth to him. Naomi is a more flushed out character with her pain and fear described and shown very well but gets overwhelmed by the very circumstances that are put in to make you care for her. Together, they were fairly mediocre and I never felt invested in their relationship.

There were a lot of characters highlighted in this story which did add a little something to the story at times but as it was to the detriment of what was supposed to be the main couple, I think they could have been edited out. The terrorist bombings arc brought tension and a set pace but what was supposed to be the stars of the show lacked depth, which lead to disinterested reading at times. If looking for more of a thriller read with a villain who is not shy about showing his monstrous side and a snippet of romantic relationship this could be a go to.
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WhiskeyintheJar | 3 autres critiques | Feb 14, 2019 |
Poor Jude. Lusting after his friend’s girl, Paige. I loved Paige the first time I met her in Vlad, Book I of the Mechanics and Mayhem series. I love her pink hair, purple toe nails and happy demeanor. BUT, things are not always as they appear.

Jude has his share of baggage and he is an angry man. Unhappy. I love how he talks about her putting color in his black and white world. He thought he had blown his chance with her and there was no going back, though the ‘what if’ lingered in his mind.

Paige is a loyal friend, but the easy going girly girl can be a badass when she needs to be. I love how she describes herself, ‘an optimistic realist’, but sadness fills her life. I feel so bad for Paige. I first met her when I met Lucy, in Book I of Mechanics and Mayhem, Vlad. She has her own sad story. When Jude finds out, and he will, something will be done about it. The sexual tension between Paige and Jude, as they struggle to deal with their attraction, is driving them…and me…crazy. I just know they have to end up together.

Birdie is Paige’s grandma. She is a real hoot. Kristine Mason is fantastic at creating great characters filled with tons of personality.

Sully is a good time guy. Want some fun and laughs? Call Sully. Need comforting and sweet nothings…not for him. Are him and Paige really a couple?

Dean, Paige’s crazy ex, what a pathetic excuse for a man, husband and father.

Finally, their first kiss. Paige and Jude are at the garage…well… “This is like a bad sitcom.” Had me cracking up.

OMG. Blake is adorable. He is sweet, precocious and I immediately fell in love with the child.

‘He wondered if Paige realized he had a male mini-me.’

“Check it Paige.”

And then the shit hits the fan. I can’t believe Dean. Lives are at stake and I wonder who will be left standing. Kristine, you create some of the best villains.

Adults only please. We do have some sexy, sweet, hot, and steamy scenes.

I love the peripheral characters as much as the main ones, whether they are human or critter.. They all add their own bit of spice to the story. I can’t help but laugh and let my mind develop pictures as Vlad, Jude and Paige talk about Vlad and Lucy’s special needs critters and the latest addition, an arrogant peacock that is being shunned by the others. Love to SEE that.

Vlad and Lucy are planning their wedding and I can hardly wait to read about that!

I feel so close to the characters, sometimes it’s hard to believe they are fictional. I love to laugh with them, cry with them and find a happy ever after with them.

Whew…I feel wrung out, like I got rode hard and put up wet. Kristine Mason has the ability to wind me up, my emotions ratcheting up until I feel I can’t take any more. Then she throws in some laughs and lovin’ and I am ready to continue. Her stories are wild roller coaster rides that keep on giving until the last page is read. If you love romantic suspense, Kristine is a must read author!

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Jude (Mechanics and Mayhem) by Kristine Mason.

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sherry69 | Oct 30, 2018 |
I have been waiting for Vlad’s story for years. He deserves some lovin’ and I was not disappointed!

Kristine Mason is a master storyteller and supplies plenty of humor with the thrills and chills of Vlad. I have been eagerly anticipating a story about Vlad and I was not disappointed.

I was laughing from the opening page.

Vlad is a giant of a man, built like a wrestler and tame as a pussy cat, unless…I’m not sure he will make it as a repo man and neither are his friends. It’s hard to believe he is such a pushover for the pretty school teacher, when you find out he was an enforcer, a hitman, an assassin. His friend, Harry, was his savior and there are very few that know his secret. He is not only hiding from the Russian Mafia, but the US government would love to get their hands on him too. But, he’s not the only one with secrets.

Lucy, the school teacher, whose car he was repossessing, has secrets too. Her paranoia and distrust of people is for a very good reason. She grew up in a cult, and ran away when she was seventeen. She is hiding from her parents, who would love to get their hands on her and it’s not because they love her. Quite the opposite, in fact. She loves her new life and doesn’t want anything to change it. But, she has a clock ticking in the back of her mind…3 years. Three years before the shit hits the fan and someone would die. She doesn’t believe in Fate, but I think there is a romance coming and Vlad is her man. She does have a best friend, so let me introduce you to her.

Paige is quite the character, a free spirit with pink hair. She is Lucy’s one and only friend, though she doesn’t know her secrets. When she meets Vlad, she encourages Lucy to go for it. And…she spies with her little eye someone she wouldn’t mind getting to know better. BUT, I think that is a story for another day. Her and Lucy may be opposites, but they make quite the pair and their dialogue is hilarious. I would love to be a fly on the wall and listen in…Oops, I am.

Vlad has a way of talking, fumbling, bumbling his way through the English language. He refers to himself in the third person. Some would think he is just a dumb brute, but, like a book, you can’t tell who he is by his cover. His dialogue had me laughing, with his misused words and funny sayings. Oh, did I forget to tell you, he did have a pet alligator, Polina, until it got too big and dangerous.

Vlad and Lucy hit it off right away and she lets her defenses down. The lively and creative banter between them is very entertaining. The wooing and cooing is lively and it is a good thing he is persistent.

“…baby-eating, giant repo man…”

WHOA! I can see him swinging that sledge hammer and it immediately made me think of Paul Bunyan.

Lucy has a secret farm, with a very big dog, Millie. When she came home and Millie greeted her, it made me laugh out loud. Kristine is so descriptive with her writing, she makes it easy to visualize the action. Her ‘pets’ have unique personalities and they love her. Besides Millie, she has some chickens, and a couple of llamas and fainting goats she rescued. I don’t know how many times I laughed at their antics. These are some special needs critters I think you would love to meet for yourself. Little does she know, but she has met the right people to help her, to keep her safe.

The critters. OMG. Millie makes me think of a Doberman that I used to have. When Lucy asks Millie to, “Give Mommy your Mean Millie face,” she draws her lips up into a snarl that looks like a smile. My Dobie used to do that and people really did think she was coming for them. Then, she says, “We still need to work on that, don’t we?” I love that I can smile and laugh through the story, even though I know danger and evil are coming. It’s the little things Kristine puts in her novels that make them so riveting and realistic.

Kristine Mason writes so descriptively, it is easy to picture them driving through the giant oaks, with the Spanish Moss hanging from them, towering over the street, creating a tunnel. I have driven through them. It is the bits and pieces like this that keep me coming back to Kristine for more and making her stories seem so real.

Her characters, they are to die for. I can see the ‘boys’ teasing Vlad and acting like a couple of six year olds, like the first graders Lucy teaches, sly sideways glances, hanging around when they should give them privacy.

“Well, I don’t exactly have a mean dog, but I do know a former bodyguard. I’m going to ditch the prissy clothes and give him a call. It’s time to meet the real Lucy Jean.”

Lots of humor. Even though it takes place over a short time span, the love seems slow burning and real as we get down to the nitty gritty.The sexual tension heats up the pages and I wonder how long it will take for him to wear her down. I have wanted a story about Vlad, ever since I first met him. He is such a sweetie, that he deserves his own love story, and now I have it. Kristine does have plenty of action and we had to go through some dangerous times and dangerous people to get here. I hated for his story to end, but Kristine has recurring characters in her novels and I know I will be seeing him, and Lucy, again.

Here’s another quote I loved, but, as this is not a finished product, any quotes may change:

“I think you broke my vagina.”

“It appears to work just fine. I will examine later to be sure.”

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Vlad by Kristine Mason.

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sherry69 | Sep 24, 2018 |
Cami and her hubby, Ian are having a romantic getaway on the edge of the Everglades.

She had been a star in the B movie horror circuit. I wonder if I have seen her. I watch a lot of those B movies. lol Kristine Mason creates some of the most unique and fabulous characters I have ever read about. They all have their distinct strengths and weaknesses, and personalities.

Ian hadn’t fired his gun in years, but he had been an FBI agent and created CORE, a criminal investigation agency, with special and talented employees. They probably couldn’t get a job with the police, because of their background of walking a fine line of legal, but they are perfect for him.

Thanksgiving would not be turkey and pumpkin pie for them.

Kristine does not write short novels, so I am wondering how we will spend almost the entire book in the Florida Everglades. She does her research and went on an airboat ride through the Everglades, so I can understand how her descriptive writing rings true, and so easy to visualize.

We are dodging gators, snakes, sawgrass, mangrove roots, swamps, marshes…and bullets. Will someone die from a snake bite? How about getting eaten by a gator?

Kristine does a great job of using foreshadowing to give a clue here and there to what is coming, but you gotta be quick to pick up on it.

I love romantic suspense and one of the requirements is miscommunication, or no communication. Seems to be a problem in real life too, even though everyone knows, to have a successful relationship good communication is a must.

I love how Kristine develops her characters so well, they feel real, like I know them personally. I can walk with them, talk with them, suffer with them and rejoice with them.

Have you ever had a day when it felt like a lifetime? So much happens in Ultimate Prey, that the book felt like a lifetime to me just reading it. If it were to really happen to me, I can imagine I would feel that way too.

Their romance is alive in the tropics, hot and sexy without being graphic.

Uh, oh. I know their decision is wrong. They just cannot get a break.

A predator is after them and he has only one goal and nothing will stand in his way. He wants her! Not to have and to hold, but to torture her. To tear her apart, worse than any alligator could.

WOW…I read until 2:15am, unable to put the book down until I knew the outcome. Kristine Mason creates an aura of evil and suspense that makes her villains some of my favorites. I do love a good bad guy and this one has no redeeming qualities. The hunt through the Everglades is so vivid, it unwinds like a movie in my mind. Love, love, love it and I highly recommend reading Ultimate Prey before you journey through the Everglades. You may rethink your travel plans. LOL

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Ultimate Prey by Kristine Mason.

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sherry69 | 1 autre critique | Sep 12, 2018 |

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