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I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the FDR saga, and if you too think you know everything about FDR, I’d suggest thinking again. Author Lomazow’s FDR Unmasked offers insights on some secrecy to reveal a man battling more than just political pressures. Through hidden medical records and personal correspondence, Lomazow shows us a Roosevelt who’s not only shaping the free world but also fighting his own body. I found it very interesting to read how his health issues were hidden so he could remain the stalwart leader America needed during the Depression and WWII.

Lomazow’s writing isn't just about digging through archives, but tells a story of resilience and deception. The book makes me wonder how history might have turned out differently if FDR had been in better health. Whether you're a history buff or just love a good story about overcoming the odds, this book adds a whole new dimension to the legend of FDR. It’s definitely a page-turner that’s as educational as it is fascinating. Give it a read; it’s sure to change how you view one of America’s most studied presidents.

This approach aims to humanize the historical figure of FDR, presenting his vulnerabilities and the efforts to conceal them in a narrative that’s as gripping as it is informative.
Seanyh | 8 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
FDR Unmasked: 73 Years of Medical Cover-ups That Rewrote History by Steven Lomazow is a piece of work that presents another face, a hidden face, of the medical life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the struggles and secrets that he and those around him had to keep about his life so that a nation could be safely protected and ruled. From Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s cancer to his battle with other medical conditions such as “severe cardiovascular disease," the book offers answers for those interested in the life of FDR.

One of the aspects that I liked about this book is how the author uses an easy-to-read type of language so that the text can be easily understood and is not tiring for the reader. I also liked how the author chronologically presented the facts, adding numerous perspectives to the events so that we could see the whole picture of them. From the perspective of the person in question, of those around him, of the press, television, and, finally, the world.
Star53986 | 8 autres critiques | Apr 9, 2024 |
Dr Lomazow's book, FDR, Unmasked, provides his readers with hidden medical evidence concerning FDR's health in an easy-to-understand narrative that doesn't require a medical degree to decipher. Using meticulous research from archives that remained hidden from the public domain, the author delivers a superb account of the debilitating complexities of FDR's condition.

FDR Unmasked reveals further conspiracy which Roosevelt used, to cover up several serious health conditions which plagued him for most of his life. It makes for compelling reading when one realises how his life hung by a thread for so long and how he must have suffered in silence through WW11 and the Great Depression. His caretakers were determined that his image remain untarnished but thanks to Dr Lomazow's remarkable research we can now appreciate this great American icon and his legacy even more.

I would highly recommend this wonderful book to anyone who has an interest in Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidency and to those who enjoy fascinating and informative historical facts.
MerrinBoy | 8 autres critiques | Mar 4, 2024 |
I have always been fond of reading about great leaders to learn from their lives, know about the impacts of their decisions, and differentiate their facets of personality from those of a normal person. But when I picked up this book, it was amazingly unique and engaging. There was no moment of boredom or mundaneness.

The author has given us a chance to dwell on the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt from a doctor's point of view. The doctor has unmasked how a great leader who is working for the benefit of others is fighting on his health front. This is realistic and engaging for areaders to know that even great people have health constraints, but they keep going for the benefit of others. This is a unique way of showcasing the real life of a person, which is often ignored. You will get to know the hidden truths.

The most fascinating part was that you do not need to have a great knowledge of medicine to complete this read; it is written in an understandable way and will keep you entertained throughout.
Eliseem | 8 autres critiques | Feb 29, 2024 |
FDR Unmasked by Steven Lomazow is a well researched medical biography of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It's a lengthy book at 403 pages and it provides a unique perspective, exploring Roosevelt’s health from a physician’s viewpoint.

Lomazow, who is a neurologist, looks into the history of FDR's documented health issues, such as polio and severe hypertension, and also adds to the book in the form of various other medical concerns that were overlooked or underreported in other books.

What stood out for me, was its in-depth research by the author, as it gave a new perspective on one of America’s most significant political figures. It wasn’t just a discovery but a thoroughly intriguing read.
00ssmink | 8 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2024 |
The book gives us a fascinating look into the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt from a doctor's point of view. Dr. Lomazow tells us about the incredible story of this great leader, who faced big health problems while trying to make the world a better place with his ideas about freedom and democracy.

What makes this book special is how easy it is to understand. You don't have to know much about medicine to enjoy Dr. Lomazow's writing. The story is interesting and teaches us a lot, finding just the right balance between giving details and keeping things simple. Dr. Lomazow's storytelling helps us understand important moments in history and Roosevelt's life without making us feel confused or overwhelmed.

A really interesting part of "FDR Unmasked" is when it talks about secret documents that tell us more about Roosevelt's polio. Dr. Lomazow does a great job of explaining the truth about this part of Roosevelt's life, showing us how he achieved so much despite his health problems, which were kept hidden from the public and the media.
Silverduck | 8 autres critiques | Feb 12, 2024 |
Steven Lomazow’s FDR Unmasked looks into the medical history of, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and it’s as eye-opening as finding a secret door in your grandpa's closet that leads to a room full of forbidden historical treasures. Lomazow, takes us on a deep-dive into FDR's health, pulling back the curtain on issues that have either been tiptoed around or completely missed by historians.
It's like a medical detective story, where each chapter reveals more about FDR's health struggles. What I found fascinating, is how the author links these health issues to FDR's political decisions and events – sort of like how your mood depends on the number of coffee cups you've had (or not had).
It's dense but engaging, kind of like a good cheesecake. You get layers of rich, historical details mixed with medical insights, which gives a fresh look on a figure we thought we knew inside and out.
I’d recommend giving this book a read, If you're into presidential history, or just love a good story about a historical figure told in a way that doesn't make you feel like you're sitting in a stuffy classroom.
SRodek | 8 autres critiques | Feb 9, 2024 |
Dr. Lomazow's book on FDR is a captivating and accessible narrative, and you don't need a medical background. The writing style is both engaging and informative, steering clear of overwhelming details while highlighting crucial moments in history and FDR's life. Uncovering previously hidden documents, Dr. Lomazow sheds light on FDR's polio-related paralysis, which was concealed from the public and media. Despite this, Roosevelt's achieved great success as President and his legacy remains untarnished. This book digs even deeper, revealing a broader conspiracy to conceal additional health conditions, offering new insights into FDR's presidency. The book skillfully explains medical complexities in layman's terms, making it an enlightening read for anyone interested in FDR's life and legacy.
Booksdown | 8 autres critiques | Feb 6, 2024 |
This book seems to not only unmask hidden medical evidence in relation to FDR in his life but it also tells dirty little secrets I have never read in any other biography about him or Eleanor. I knew she didn’t get along with Sally and I knew her family life was tragic but in this book I learned things I never knew even about her mentor at her London girls academy. The fact that so much is divulged about Eleanor and all the great Tidbits you learn about FDR including the coverups I don’t know why they focused on the medical because this book is full of lots of great things from his snub in Harvard to the secrets divulge by his ex-girlfriend Alice and her ability to procreate all the way to the 1940 scandalous convention and the lies they told to get him a fourth term. This book is so super interesting I completely adored it and didn’t want to put it down it doesn’t a long read it’s 300 pages and every page is full of something that will keep you glued to the narrative. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to any other history thing even if you know a lot about FDR as I did I promise there still something to learn or at least there was for me. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Maximus1 | 8 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2024 |