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I can't. I just can't. UNFINISHED! I feel bad adding it to my read shelf but I need to warn myself against trying this again so, here it is. No.
sraedi | 7 autres critiques | Feb 2, 2024 |
2.5, rounding up cuz it got a little better as it went on.
accidental_hermit | 7 autres critiques | Jan 28, 2024 |
2.5, rounding up cuz it got a little better as it went on.
accidental_hermit | 7 autres critiques | Jan 28, 2024 |
This book isn't shy in embracing all the tired urban fantasy and paranormal romance clicheés.
If you can't suffer them anymore this will probably not be a good time for you.
But within all these incredibly overdone tropes it's actually surprisingly good.
The book feels somewhat clunky in places and gets repetitive at times but executes what it tries to be quite well.
Something that is particularly remarkable is how logical and reasonable the protagonists are. No stupid unnecessary drama, no logical flaws for the benefit of plot development. Judging by how heavily these writing flaws are present in the genre I expect that took quite some effort to pull off. (Or maybe other authors are just incredibly lazy in that regard, who knows.)
My main negative point has to be the incredible stupidity and ineffectiveness of the antagonists. Especially the main antagonist has lord Voldemort levels of stupid evil masterplans.
omission | 7 autres critiques | Oct 19, 2023 |
While I didn't regret spending my time reading this it all felt like low-effort writing.
There is no subtlety whatsoever. Every relevant detail gets pushed in your face so even a toddler can't miss it.
The only part that felt actually well thought out is the structure behind the bad guy intrigue.
A lot of people are involved and everyone is maneuvering for their individual goals.
Sadly said goals were all very stereotypical and uninteresting.
Beyond that, a lot of the book felt like it was just made up on the spot.
The action scenes ranged from mediocre to pretty bad.
I enjoyed the tooth-achingly sweet romance.
omission | 2 autres critiques | Oct 19, 2023 |
Not as good as the first. The MC went from a fragile victim in the first book to BAM! a kick ass, take-no-prisoners warrior in the second book. It wasn't a bad story, it just wasn't as compelling as the first, part of which might have been the relocated setting of New Orleans, meaning a lot of the characters I liked in the first book were missing for most of the second.

I might read the third book someday, but I feel no compulsion at this time to do so.
murderbydeath | 2 autres critiques | Apr 5, 2023 |
I enjoyed this more than I expected to, with the non-stop action. The romance was predictable, but as I'm not ever in it for the romance, it didn't bother me.
murderbydeath | 7 autres critiques | Apr 5, 2023 |
The Wicche Glass Tavern
By Sean a Kelly
This continues the story with Sam's aunt still trying to kill her by using everyone around Sam. Lots of action! There is more steamy scenes in here then the other books which I thought wasn't necessary. The other books were wonderful without it. The scenes weren't as steamy as some other books, and the plot didn't suffer.
More family surprises are exposed. The happy couple finally gets hitched.
Great narration.
MontzaleeW | Apr 18, 2022 |
The Dead Don’t Drink at Lafitte’s
(Sam Quinn #2)
by Seana Kelly
Our gal Sam, is part witch and part werewolf. She is still being hunted but this time by some creepy old vamp that wants to get back at her boyfriend who is a vampire.
Her witch side, she has discovered is not potions but she is a necromancer. She can talk to ghosts and hear vampires thoughts. It sure comes in handy with the upcoming battles.
Exciting and entertaining!
Great narration!
MontzaleeW | 2 autres critiques | Apr 18, 2022 |
The Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar
(Sam Quinn #1)
by Seana Kelly
This is a great supernatural romance novel. We have a gal that was from a witch, but when her mom died, she can't remember too much about it. She didn't know her mom was a witch. Our gal had previously been attacked by a werewolf so she has some PTSD issues.
She opens a bar and bookstore but the lower level of the place only the supernatural can see the entrance. She hangs out with all kinds of creatures such as vampires, weres, witches, demons, and there is even a dragon!
Her protective pendant her mother made for her is first broken then stolen. Then someone starts stalking and trying to attack her. Her friends try to help.
It's a wild ride and full of unpredictable situations but has romantic moments too. I like a gal that can can come back from low places in their lives and kick butt! Not a lot of sex but nice romance.
Narration was excellent! Definitely following this series!
MontzaleeW | 7 autres critiques | Apr 17, 2022 |
I really enjoyed this urban fantasy title that is the first of a (currently) four book series. Sam Quinn is a werewolf, bar owner, and book nerd.

Sam was attacked when she was seventeen and brutalized which is when she first became a werewolf. She had recently lost her mother and was spending time with an uncle she didn't know who was also a werewolf.

After the attack, Sam fled to San Francisco where she is the only werewolf. She has gathered a group of friends including vampires, wicche, demons, and other supernatural types. Now, though, seven years later, she has suddenly become a magnet for people who want to kill her.

Luckily, Clive who is the head of the local vampire nocturne, has her back. They are building a relationship that is veering toward the romantic as Sam gradually gets over the violence in her past.

I loved Sam. She's a book nerd and Tolkien fan. I loved that Clive turned a ballroom into a library - that Sam compares to the Beasts - in order to please her. I liked the worldbuilding and the fast-paced plot with lots of exciting action.
kmartin802 | 7 autres critiques | Nov 15, 2021 |
Powerful writing and a complex storyline made this impossible to put down.

Sam is the owner of The Slaughtered Lamb, a bookstore and bar built into a cliff-face and partially submerged in the sea in San Francisco. Her clientele are paranormals as are her staff. Only werewolves are excluded, and for very good reasons. Reasons which emerge gradually as the story progresses.

There is a good leavening of snark to lighten the darker aspects, and some literary and cultural references which add to the fun.

I enjoyed this very much and am looking forward to consuming this entire series with great relish.
Kindleifier | 7 autres critiques | Sep 14, 2021 |
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