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When Hazel’s biological mother (whom she never knew since she was given up for adoption when she was born) passes away, single mother Hazel and her 10-year-old daughter head to the small town of Maple Bay, Minnesota, for the reading of the will. Hazel learns that she inherited a carriage house. Hazel also learns she has a half-sister, Frankie, who she never knew existed. A sister that was raised by her biological mother in a loving family. Hazel’s not sure how she feels about this, but since a clause in the will states that neither sister will gain their inheritance unless they both agree to live on the property for the summer, Hazel decides to stay. She will restore the carriage house and turn it into a Bed and Breakfast, sell it, and return back home to the city. That is, until she discovers that she is coming to love this small town and her extended family and newfound friends, and a particularly handsome neighbor, Jesse.

This was such a beautiful and heartwarming, thoroughly enjoyable, sweet contemporary romance. I adored the small town of Maple Bay and the endearing people that inhabited it. I enjoyed Hazel’s growing relationship with her newfound sister, Frankie; how at first Hazel didn’t know how to feel towards Frankie since Frankie was the one who grew up with and knew their mother. I liked that they eventually grew to develop a true sisterly relationship. The scenery was gorgeous throughout with the beautiful countryside. I loved the carriage house with its spectacular view of the lake. I enjoyed all the kids in the story. There were lots of horses, too. And the romance between Hazel and Jesse was so sweet. An absolutely lovely story that has me looking forward to more stories in Maple Bay.
PaulaLT | Feb 4, 2021 |
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Final Grade: B
Read Why below:

This read was a true summer beach book. It's a quick read about a sixteen-year-old girl finding her confidence and strengths. Lucy is a lover of horses and excited to be at the ranch for the summer working as a stable-hand. In the beginning she's trying to find her place among the people at the ranch--feeling a little alone and homesick. Until one day while out on a trail ride and a mysterious and dangerous horse appears. Casey is able to rope him down the mountain to the ranch where Lucy finds a connection with the black horse. After a few days she begins to gain his trust and Lucy finds a kindred-soul.

I really enjoyed seeing Lucy's struggle to gain the horse's trust and eventually have him riding in a race. Lucy's growth as a character came out really well as she worked with the black horse she perfectly named Chance. The novel seemed to focus more on Lucy and Chance then it really did with Lucy and Casey.

With Lucy and Casey's romance it was a little unclear at some parts. It really seemed like a one-sided affair from Lucy until close to the end. I never really saw any hints from Casey that he liked her. It was mostly him being nice to her and helping her out with Chance. The novel was written in first person so this could be a reason why Casey's interest in Lucy as more than a friend didn't come out as clear to the reader.

The only real problems I had with the novel were the ending and my overall interest. First, with the ending I felt it was cut very abruptly. I didn't find that the story actually closed. It was like 'oh wait it ended?' I had no idea the story was over until when I went to swipe to the next page nothing appeared. I was a little confused on why Joy would end the novel right at that moment. It seemed like something else needed to be said or shown to the reader.

Secondly, my overall interest in the novel was weak. Although it was a cute read, it isn't one I'd see myself rereading. I enjoyed the challenging-horse story line with a little romance thrown in, but it just didn't hold my interest in it to leave me wanting to revisit the story. It might be that the story just wasn't in my current genre or maybe that I've outgrown this type of story line. Either way it was a nice read that I would recommend to others. It just wasn't a comeback read for me.
PCB2NLS | Jan 7, 2014 |