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5 oeuvres 26 utilisateurs 4 critiques


Trigger Warnings: child neglect, mention of residential schools and the treatment of children, alcoholism

14-year-old Eva lives in a hopeless old house in the oldest part of Hope, Canada with her younger brother, Marcus, their Nohkum, and their mother, Shirley - when she’s not out drinking. It would be pretty miserable, if it weren’t for her cat, Toofie, and her writing. But everything gets ripped away after Nohkum is hospitalized and Shirley struggles to keep things together. One afternoon, Marcus is found on the streets trying to go to the zoo all on his own; he’s sent to live with a foster family and Eva is sent to live in a group home. Eva’s furious with Shirley and finds a hard time in finding hope in being reunited. To help understand her better, Nohkum gives Eva Shirley’s journal during a hospital visit with the hope the pages within will help Eva learn to find forgiveness for her mom.

This is such a heartbreaking and hopeful story about family and forgiveness. Eva’s bitterness towards her mom is completely understandable, especially for someone her age who doesn’t fully understand the things those before her have gone through.

“You wanna know why so many of our people drink or use drugs? Because they take our children away after they’ve destroyed us. Once you take the kids… there’s nothing left.”

This quote really hit me when Nohkum said it because that’s really true. What’s the best way to erase a culture than to take the youth away? I’ve known about the residential schools and the horrors the children had to go through, and how some of them didn’t make it back, but I didn’t really think of the effects afterwards.

I absolutely loved the voice of Eva in this novel and her family’s story. It wasn’t perfect; life is messy, but in the end, I still had so much hope for their family.

I would recommend this to both YA and adult readers - even though the voice is younger, you are able to dive deeper into the subjects of both Indigenous generational trauma and their treatment - both past and present in this novel. You also get a look at the complexity of the foster care system as well.

*Thank you HighWater Press and Edelweiss+ for a digital advance copy of this title in exchange for an honest review
oldandnewbooksmell | Sep 8, 2023 |
The story centers around Damon Quinn, a high school senior, who is navigating multiple challenges in his life, such as financial difficulties, his mother's inner struggles, bullying at school, and his recent intense dreams and visions. Through these visions, Damon feels inspired to connect with his indigenous heritage and learn more about himself by discovering the experiences of his ancestors.

The use of contrasting colors to depict Damon's life is stunning, with darker hues portraying his everyday struggles and brighter, vibrant colors illustrating his dreams. This stark contrast is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments of our lives, there is always a spark of hope and light within us that can guide us through.

“We are all survivors, Damon. But the healing begins with you.”

This powerful and inspiring story explores important topics such as the long-lasting effects of colonialism, intergenerational trauma, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and the importance of self-identity. I enjoyed reading it, and I’m eagerly waiting for the sequel!

Thank you, Goodreads, the publisher HighWater Press, and author Wanda John-Kehewin for the giveaway!
thehungrymoth | 2 autres critiques | Aug 19, 2023 |