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37+ oeuvres 834 utilisateurs 83 critiques


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{my thoughts} - This book certainly lived up to my expectations. I was pleased to see appearances by all the main characters interwoven into a fantastic story. The main focus for this book is love, betrayal, friendship and finding out who you really are inside and out. Miss Greylee Perez finds out that there is more to life then what she had originally thought given all the changes that had taken place within book two in regards to her and who she was left as an individual. This book helps to tie everything together in a nice neat little knot and is a must read for anyone that enjoys light reads about witches and warlocks.

{reason for reading} - I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review.
Zapkode | 4 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - This book picks up where the last one lets off. It's about Greylee Perez trying to find her place in the world as Stacey Morehouse/ Charlene Perez.

I enjoyed this book because it moved the storyline forward. It helped to better understand what had all taken place in book one. It uncovers key facts that improves the story and it has it's highs and lows when it comes to romance and action scenes. I believe that it is well written and worth a good read for all those who enjoy paranormal young adult fiction.

There isn't much about this book I didn't like. There were a few points where I was getting aggravated because I couldn't concentrate, because the plot was moving a bit slowly for my liking. However, I did enjoy the way the book had been laid out in terms of written because I am looking forward to reading the third book.

{reason for reading} - I have been wanting to read this series for quite sometime. I am enjoying it thus far. I am looking forward to starting book two in the near future.
Zapkode | 4 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - Charlene and Greylee Perez are both identical and teen witches. This book is all about Greylee’s quest of self discovery, her quest to find out how she had died and why she was trapped within her sister Charlene’s body.

This book has a lot of good points and some bad. The good are that I enjoy this type of paranormal. It reminds me of the {remember me series} by {christopher pike} and the {lying game series} by {sara shepard}. If you like those two series, I am sure you will probably enjoy this series as well.

The only thing that sticks out to me as bad in this book is the predictability of the ending outcome. I don’t have a whole lot of care for books when I can determine what will be happening before I read it. I like books with twists and turns and lots of surprises. This book lacked that in my opinion. Never the less it was well written and I did enjoy it.

{reason for reading} - I have been wanting to read this series for quite sometime. I am enjoying it thus far. I am looking forward to starting book two in the near future.
Zapkode | 27 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - This book certainly lived up to my expectations. I was pleased to see appearances by all the main characters interwoven into a fantastic story. The main focus for this book is love, betrayal, friendship and finding out who you really are inside and out. Miss Greylee Perez finds out that there is more to life then what she had originally thought given all the changes that had taken place within book two in regards to her and who she was left as an individual. This book helps to tie everything together in a nice neat little knot and is a must read for anyone that enjoys light reads about witches and warlocks.

{reason for reading} - I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review.
CrimsonSoul | 4 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - This book picks up where the last one lets off. It's about Greylee Perez trying to find her place in the world as Stacey Morehouse/ Charlene Perez.

I enjoyed this book because it moved the storyline forward. It helped to better understand what had all taken place in book one. It uncovers key facts that improves the story and it has it's highs and lows when it comes to romance and action scenes. I believe that it is well written and worth a good read for all those who enjoy paranormal young adult fiction.

There isn't much about this book I didn't like. There were a few points where I was getting aggravated because I couldn't concentrate, because the plot was moving a bit slowly for my liking. However, I did enjoy the way the book had been laid out in terms of written because I am looking forward to reading the third book.

{reason for reading} - I have been wanting to read this series for quite sometime. I am enjoying it thus far. I am looking forward to starting book two in the near future.
CrimsonSoul | 4 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - Charlene and Greylee Perez are both identical and teen witches. This book is all about Greylee’s quest of self discovery, her quest to find out how she had died and why she was trapped within her sister Charlene’s body.

This book has a lot of good points and some bad. The good are that I enjoy this type of paranormal. It reminds me of the {remember me series} by {christopher pike} and the {lying game series} by {sara shepard}. If you like those two series, I am sure you will probably enjoy this series as well.

The only thing that sticks out to me as bad in this book is the predictability of the ending outcome. I don’t have a whole lot of care for books when I can determine what will be happening before I read it. I like books with twists and turns and lots of surprises. This book lacked that in my opinion. Never the less it was well written and I did enjoy it.

{reason for reading} - I have been wanting to read this series for quite sometime. I am enjoying it thus far. I am looking forward to starting book two in the near future.
CrimsonSoul | 27 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
The first book in a series about a vampire hunter who is created by a secret government project because she dies in a car crash. She's in Alaska where apparently vampires are gathering, she's there to hunt the more violent ones but her life is complicated when she falls for one.
It's a fun romp of a book and I found it interesting, I found myself wanting to know more about things going on in the world which were skipped and it seemed to thrown her in the deep end without much warning or warmup.½
wyvernfriend | 13 autres critiques | Oct 18, 2023 |
You ever read a book a long time ago and don't remember it? That's what happened with this book. I'm not sure why I didn't remember it, but I do know that I liked it a lot more this time around. Though I'm not the biggest fan of books about magic, they've been growing on me a lot lately, and I enjoy them a lot more than I used to. If you like books about body switching teenage witches and warlocks, about seventeen or so, in school, living with their magic powers in a world that is mostly filled with powerless people, then this is a book you should check out.

Check out my full review here!
radioactivebookworm | 27 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2018 |
You ever read a book a long time ago and don't remember it? That's what happened with this book. I'm not sure why I didn't remember it, but I do know that I liked it a lot more this time around. Though I'm not the biggest fan of books about magic, they've been growing on me a lot lately, and I enjoy them a lot more than I used to. If you like books about body switching teenage witches and warlocks, about seventeen or so, in school, living with their magic powers in a world that is mostly filled with powerless people, then this is a book you should check out.

Check out my full review here!
radioactivebookworm | 27 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2018 |
Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter Book 1
by Nikki Jefford
I’d give this novel 3.5 bites out of 5. (There’s some blood left)
Like many people, I’ve always enjoyed a good vampire tale. That said, I’ve wanted to read this book ever since I saw the wonderful cover.
The key to a good vampire story is, first of all, to try and not repeat one of the many, tired and over-used themes or plots that have been beaten to death by vampire popularity over the years. Most everything has already been done.
Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter felt mostly fresh, and I liked that. In short, Aurora is a teenager that gets in a terrible car accident. Really, she should have died–and would have, had it not been for a government agency that saved her.
They gave her vampire blood.
There’s a catch, though. In order to save her life, Aurora’s mother had to sign it away. See, the government needs “hunters,” or “agents” and they find people that are virtually dead because of car accidents or other similiar scenarios, and make the guardian a deal that can’t be refused. They have nothing to lose, when they’ve already lost their loved one, right?
The government has figured out how to use vampire blood to heal these otherwise dead victims. Why don’ t they turn into vampires as a result of the vampire blood? Well, the answer to that question would require a level of government clearnce that I don’t currently have. Suffice it to say that the new “agent” has to come in to the office every so often to take their medicine—a cure that keeps the vampire blood that saved their life from turning them fully into a vampire. So, in their current state, with the government’s help, they have semi-super human field agents that are tasked with finding and destroying the undead. As long as they come in for their check-up and get their dose, they don’t have to worry about becoming the very thing they are hunting and killing.
That’s a semi-new twist on things. I could run with that.
How do they fight the vampires, you might be wondering? This is where I was also a little intrigued, but perhaps a little disappointed on one level, too—they let themselves get bitten. If a real vampire bites a hunter that has the government’s formula running through their veins, they die. Kind of a strange way to empower your main character. “Go ahead, bite me!.”
And there it is. Add some teenage angst (or a lot,) some language and some upper teen/adult themes every here and there, and you have Aurora Sky book 1.
The author’s writing style was pretty good. I’d read her again, I think. The story line was solid, and fresh enough. I do have to say that I think some of what were intended to be plot twists were really easy to figure out, while there were a few that weren’t, and the twist at the end was pretty cool.
Good hunting!
wisealma | 13 autres critiques | Nov 21, 2018 |
Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter. Aurora had plans for the future, the opportunity to leave her home town of Anchorage, Alaska and start her life. A car accident took that away from her when she was revived and recruited as a vampire hunter.
Aurora is a kick ass character and her reactions to what happened are believable. I couldn't put the book down once I started and loved that Aurora turned into a bad girl after the accident. With a great array of memorable characters, I look forward to the sequel.
skgregory | 13 autres critiques | May 25, 2018 |
Death by Chocolate
Story I from the Divine Collection by Author Suz Korb, Volume 1
By: Suz Korb
Narrated by: Kate Tyler
This is an audible short story I requested and the review is voluntary.
I really liked this different supernatural short. It is otherworldly, mysterious, and different and I like different. I like something fresh in the fantasy world. It is an exciting, sometimes heart pounding thriller, and other times, just curious, but never dull story that would be great if it was expanded into a full story.
The narrator was good but I think I would have chosen someone else. She would be ok for another story.
MontzaleeW | 2 autres critiques | Apr 23, 2018 |
WOLF HOLLOW was nothing like I thought it would be and almost everything I could have asked for all rolled up into one great shifter novel.

The story started off kinda slow and I wasn't totally into Sasha's fan girl ramblings about her crush on her partner Aiden. I actually didn't love Tabor at first either. I thought he was a player that was too full of himself. As I got to know them both, I found myself rooting for them and their story.

The characters were fantastic. Dynamic, relatable, stubborn, kick-ass, I could really go on. They made the story and everything else was just a bonus. The romance between Sasha and Tabor was frustrating yet enjoyable. There isn't an insta-love and the slow lead up was worth the sizzle that came when they finally connected.

The post apocalyptic setting was interesting. The community is hidden and they have to travel to get the things they need that they can't get on pack land. We don't get a whole lot of information on how the world came to be like it is besides them talking about a disease that brought devastation, but when they go out to scavenge we do get a feel for how the people have turned out and it's not pretty for the shifters that find themselves in their grasps.

I really enjoyed WOLF HOLLOW. It did take me a little bit to really get into it, but once I did, I was in it and wanting more. The ending brings about a new course for the pack and I am definitely interested in reading more and finding out how things turn out.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
STACYatUFI | Dec 9, 2017 |
Aurora Sky (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #1) by Nikki Jefford is a different kind of vampire story. Aurora is a teen that dies in a car crash and is brought back by a group (government?) that changed her blood that made her blood poison to vampires. She has to be a vampire hunter or she doesn't get the shot a month to keep her alive. Too bad the guy she meets and falls in love with is a vampire. Fun read.
MontzaleeW | 13 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2017 |
3 "Allies or Foes?" Stars & 5 Stars for the narration.

True North is the sixth, and final, book in the Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter Series. Please note that this a series that must be read in sequential order, so if you have not yet started this series, please see my review for book 1, Aurora Sky, which I absolutely adored.

Book 6 seemed like a bit of continuation of the cat and mouse chase from the last few books between Aurora and her allies, on the one hand, and Jared, her nemesis, and his allies on the other hand. There is quite a bit of table turning as various characters seem to be aligned with one faction or the other but then reveal their true intentions. Ultimately, we get a final resolution on which way the government organization that Aurora works for as a vampire hunter will be headed in the future, including who of the many characters will be shaping its leadership. I was happy with how everything was ultimately resolved, even if getting their was a bit of a long process.

I also liked the romantic resolution, though I think the ultimate direction of Aurora's love triangle had been resolved in prior books. Moreover, she's not the only character who finds a HEA or at least a HFN in this series as we find out in True North, so keep your ears tuned in!

Interestingly, Em Eldridge returns as the solo narrator for the 6th and final book. The first 4 books had been narrated this way, but then the 5th book introduced a new narrator Sean Peck, who I had a little bit of trouble adjusting too, since Ms. Eldridge's voices were already the ones I associated for the various characters in this series. So I was happy to see that we returned to the style untilized in the first 4 books in True North.

As I noted in my prior reviews for this series, Ms. Eldridge does a great job of narrating this series. From her perfect rendition of Aurora, who I can picture just from her intonation, to even her perfect British accented intonation for Fane's roommate, Ms. Eldridge spares no detail in making her narration exactly adapted to the story that Nikki Jefford has penned. Additionally, Ms. Eldridge maintained remarkable consistency in her characters' voices across this entire series making it easy to fall back into the rhythm of the story from one book to another no matter how long of an interval in between. Ms. Eldridge's pacing also enhanced the experience of listening to this series as you could feel the mood of the scene from her delivery. I will definitely be looking for more of Ms. Eldridge's narrations in the future.

All in all, the Vampire Hunter series had a very strong start and I enjoyed the YA/PNR story particularly in the first few books. I think perhaps the series overall could have been stronger if it had been edited and condensed to less books though. Nonetheless, I think for my first experience with Nikki Jefford's works, her creativity and writing show much potential and I'd be happy to explore more of her works in the future.

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
B.J.O. | Apr 19, 2017 |
3.5 "New Directions?" Stars for the Story and 5 Stars for Em Eldridge's Narration/4 Stars for Sean Peck's Narration.

Please note this is book 5 of an UF series that must be read in sequential order. If you have not started this series yet, please see my review for Book 1, Aurora Sky, as the below review contains spoilers for the prior books.

For those of you who have been following this series, you know that it is our generation's audiobook equivalent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with some interesting original twists and turns to boot. I have greatly enjoyed this made up fantasy world and the ride throughout these first 5 books with book 5, Whiteout, starting to set the stage for what will no doubt be a climatic ending to this YA/NA PNR/UF series that features vampires and those who both love and hate vampires, including vampire hunters and one very prominent secret governmental organization (whose true mission has been part of the suspense arc that has played a part throughout the entire series).

Whiteout starts off where Hunting Season leaves off. Dante, Aurora's agent partner and one-time boyfriend, has just learned that the agency seems to be corrupt with both its leader, Melcher, and Jared, who recruited Aurora, having some sort of devious secret agenda. Dante is devastated as he really enjoys being an agent and this truth is like a crushing blow to him leaving him wondering as to what to do with his future. He also initially refuses to believe that he too is the very thing that he has been fighting.

Aurora is also left in contemplation mode. Does she even want to be a vampire hunter anymore now that she knows the truth? Moreover, how can Aurora and Dante set things right at the Agency? And, in the love department, will she ever see Fane again? Or should she consider the renewed overtures by Dante who clearly is still interested in her.

As Dante and Aurora sort out their own personal feelings both for their careers and personal lives, they must also live on the run seeking shelter at remote hideaways. The fact that their apparent ally is now Giselle, also brings on additional angst. Can Giselle be trusted when she was their enemy just a short while ago?

And what is the Agency up to? Can Dante and Aurora get to them before the Agency finds them. And if they do, what will they do to them?

The narration in this book is performed by two narrators. Em Eldridge who has narrated the whole series until now on her own and a new narrator, Sean Peck (who narrates Fane's perspective). I've really enjoyed Em Eldridge's narration throughout the series and have really come to associate her characterizations with these characters who have now been involved in 5 books together, so it was a bit of an adjustment to move to two narrators as I wasn't as familiar with Mr. Peck's voicings for each character which required me to rely a bit more on dialogue tags. I also felt a few of his dialogues for Fane where a little more dramatic sounding than the character I've come to associate with him. Putting that aside, however, the dual narration works fine given the addition of some chapters from Fane's point of view (which had not been the case in prior books).

I did give Ms. Eldridge a 5 Star narration for this book because I felt that she has demonstrating remarkable consistency over the 5 books so far in this series. Moreover, I like her reading in that it sounds natural, bringing the story to life without excess drama than that called by the scene. Additionally, I really enjoy her timing and attention to details which really enhanced the story for me.

The production quality on this audiobook is also top-notch as the others in this series have been. And I found the sound quality in this book to be on par with audiobooks produced by the big audiobook producers.

My only reservation with book 5 from a plot perspective is that it felt like we were in a bit of a holding pattern. This is understandable as it is a later middle book in a sequential series. Fortunately, the end is near, and we do get a glimpse at some of the possibilities, although no firm decisions were made one way or another in this book.

I can't wait to see how Nikki Jefford wraps up the Aurora Sky series in Book 6, True North. It sort of feels like when a beloved TV Series comes to an end in the Series finale-- you are both eagerly awaiting it while at the same time sad that the story and characters you have come to know and enjoy will finally be over.

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.½
B.J.O. | 1 autre critique | Mar 5, 2017 |
4 "Change of Plans?" Stars for the story and 4.5 narration stars!

Please note this series must be read in chronological order, and the below review contains spoilers for earlier books. If you haven't yet started this series, please see my review for Book 1, Aurora Sky.

In Hunting Season we are treated to a whirlwind of action between the hunted and the hunters. The only question is just who is being hunted as more secrets begin to be revealed about the secret, clandestine government agency that Aurora and her fellow vampire hunters and informants work for. But suspense is only one part of the equation in this UF young adult/new adult based romance as the love triangle and fight for Aurora's heart begins to unravel and Aurora's own heart driven motivations begin to be revealed.

Picking up where book 3 leaves off, at the beginning of Hunting Season we find Aurora trying to figure out how she is going to rescue Dante (who has been captured by Jared's former protege turned enemy, Giselle in an attempt to get Aurora to turn over Jared in exchange for Dante). Unfortunately for Aurora, the government agency she works for isn't as motivated in Dante's recovery as she is (even though he too is one of their agents). Instead Aurora's tasked with other assignments and left to also plot out her revenge on Jared (the "recruiter" from the agency who seems to have dubious motivations).

Fortunately for Aurora, and us(!), Fane is willing to help Aurora in her covert, double agent plans. As you can only imagine this close working together leads to further heating up and temptations regarding their already undeniable attraction. But Aurora is still technically dating Dante, and moreover is committed to rescuing him above all costs. Will Aurora be successful in her rescue and revenge attempts? And just who are Aurora's allies and enemies? Not to mention, who will Aurora choose to give her heart to: Dante or Fane?

Em Eldridge delivers another great performance in Hunting Season. Providing remarkable consistency in her character voices, Ms. Eldridge makes it so easy to settle back into the Aurora Sky series even after having listened to a number of other unrelated audiobooks in between. Additionally, Ms. Eldridge's attention to the mood of the scene and ability to impart emotion, makes listening to this tale a must.

The production quality is also fabulous in Hunting Season. Although this is an ACX produced title, you will feel like you're listening to an audiobook produced by one of the big audiobook producers.

All in all, I loved both the attention to the romance and suspense angle in Hunting Season, as well as the expert narration. This was one busy book with many different angles going on, so you will have to pay close attention to catch it all. However, if you do, you will find that it now truly feels like we are starting to get some inklings about the long-term direction of this series. Now I can't wait to continue with Book 5, Whiteout to find out if my suspicions pan out!

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
B.J.O. | 3 autres critiques | Jan 18, 2017 |
Two months after dying, a witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister, Charlene's body and every 24 hours, they switch. Gray must find a way back inside her own body but till then her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave when its her turn. Dressing up like a prep isn't half as bad as hanging out with Charlene's snotty friends and boyfriend. Her classmates ignores her here and there weirdness but a warlock, Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead. This book is suspenseful with a lot of twists and turns with the plot. The author makes it so you think about the concepts of two people, sisters, twins, being in the same body and a unique relationship with a warlock who was once an enemy. I enjoyed this book because of the author's creativity around the characters and their individual plots.
Kittyhuynh | 27 autres critiques | Jan 15, 2017 |
Who doesn't love a deal, especially when it's a great audiobook listen. YA PNR/UF romance enthusiasts will not want to miss checking out the Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter Box Set which includes all of the first 3 (full-length!) stories from the Vampire Hunter Series. For just one Audible credit you get 22 and 1/2 hours of entertainment!

Book 1 Review:

4.5 "A New Bite on Life" Stars for the story and narration!

Move over Buffy, there is a new teenage vampire huntress in town! Given that YA vampire romance is how I became hooked on audiobooks (yes, you know which series I'm talking about: )) and that I watched nearly every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer way back in the day, I'm ecstatic to say that I have found a new vampire series to dig my teeth into: Aurora Sky! Book 1 in the series does a fabulous job of setting up this creative take on vampire lore with a YA audience in mind. Moreover, Em Eldridge's smooth narration makes this a perfect choice to experience in audio format!

When Aurora Sky wakes up from a car accident, on a secret military base, as a different person (literally--or at least a highly engineered version of herself--think the teenage huntress equivalent of the Bionic Woman), Aurora knows that her life will never be the same again. Injected with a virus that makes her blood similar, and yet highly toxic, to vampires; the military agents inform Aurora that if she wants to continue receiving the frequent antidotes that she will need to keep her alive, she must work with them to kill vampires. Aurora who has never been particularly athletic, is perplexed by this request, until she learns that her secret weapon requires no prior or unique combat skills: its her blood--one bite renders a vampire immobile allowing her to easily finish him or her off.

But Alaska resident and 18 year-old, high-school senior, Aurora, is still a teenager with typical teenage problems, as can be best demonstrated by a list of resolutions she compiles shortly after her transformation:

1. Kill first vampire,
2. Get drunk,
2. Kiss a boy, and
3. Lose virginity

"With the first done, everything else should be easy!" Famous last words?

Book 1 also introduces us to a number of potential love interests. From Aurora's vampire hunting partner, Dante, to a boy from school, called Fane, who turns out to be so much more than just a boy, Aurora has her hands full with both her personal life as well as her nocturnal activities. But will she actually get to cross all the items off her list before she finds a vampire who hunts her down instead?

Having listened to, and thoroughly enjoyed Em Eldridge's narrations before (in her narrations of several books of Penny Reid's Knitting in Clay series), I knew I was in for a treat from a narration perspective. I'm happy to say that Ms. Eldridge didn't disappoint. From her perfect rendition of Aurora, who I can picture just from her intonation, to even her perfect British accented intonation for Fane's roommate, Ms. Eldridge spares no detail in making her narration exactly adapted to the story that Nikki Jefford has penned! Moreover, Ms. Eldridge's pacing and smooth voice make listening to this title seamless, so that you can just sit back and enjoy the story.

All in all, Aurora Sky is a great debut to a YA PNR/UF romance series that I will no doubt want to explore in much greater detail. Now I can't wait to start book 2 in the Vampire Hunter Series, Northern Bites!

Book 2: Northern Bites

4.5 "New Allies?" Stars for the story and narration.

Northern Bites, book 2 in the Aurora Sky: Vampire Huntress Series, continues rights where book 1 leaves off. After a mission gone awry, Aurora, and her vampire hunting partner (Dante), are under probation. Moreover, and perhaps even worse from Aurora's perspective, they have a new informant they are forced to work with and who is none other than Valerie from the first book, who helped cause Aurora's break-up from her vampire boyfriend, Fane. Can this possibly be a recipe for vampire hunting success?

Further complicating matters, when the death of another vampire hunter agent (and a high school boy with a connection to Aurora) requires them to end their probation early and go to a mission in Sitka, they are also forced to work with Jared, a recruiter in their organization. As things begin to unravel, it becomes clear that there is more to Jared than first meets the eye, and not necessarily in a good way. Can the vampire hunting team complete their mission under such circumstances? Moreover, what secrets is Jared hiding, and what's his true agenda?

But not everything in Aurora's life in Northern Bites is work. There are also several developments in Aurora's love life. Even as she misses Fane and despairs over the fact that a relationship could never work between a vampire and vampire hunter anyway, the flirtatious tension between Aurora and Dante rise to a new level. Could we possibly have a love triangle?

Further complementing this intriguing YA PNR/UF series is Em Eldridge's satisfying and pleasing narration. Having already grown to enjoy her rendition of Aurora Sky and the other players in the Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter Series from book 1, it was easy to join right into where book 1 leaves off at the beginning of Northern Bites. Moreover, I truly appreciated the remarkable consistency that Ms. Eldridge maintained between the characters' voices that appear in both books. Additionally, I think Ms. Eldridge does a fabulous job of capturing the personalities of each character in her intonations. In Northern Bites I particularly liked her fun and yet somewhat mischievous portrayal of Valerie, who plays a much larger role in this book. I also enjoyed her voicing of Jared who also plays a larger role in this book (sounding appropriately mysterious and authoritative--just what is he up to?).

I can' wait to continue to hear Aurora's, and her cast of vampire and vampire hunting friends' story, in book 3, Bad Blood. I'm particularly looking forward to see which direction her love interest takes. Personally, I'm rooting for Fane, though the obstacles in their way are certainly of the "deadly" variety.

Book 3:

4 "Hunter or Hunted" Stars?

Book 3, Bad Blood, picks up a short while after Book 2, Northern Bites. Aurora has been away at vampire hunter agent training camp for six months, and she's about to take a test to see if she passes and can finally go back home. Meanwhile, Aurora's past hunts are coming back to haunt her--not literally, but by at least one "family" vampire member, and a separate vampire--who she already knows--conducting an investigation into Marcus' death. Can Aurora evade those who are after and investigating her, or will the vampire hunter become vampire prey?

As if things with her job were not bad enough, more evidence comes to light that certain individuals at the government agency she works for may not be who they at first seem. Will they protect Aurora or do they have her true interests at heart? As part of her job, Aurora also has to once again work and get along with Valerie and Noel. But can she trust them?

Last but definitely not least the love triangle continues to flourish with both Dante and Fane vying for Aurora's attentions. But just who makes her heart beat faster?

Em Eldridge continues her well done narration in Bad Blood. Having not only the same narrator but also a narrator who makes a concerted effort to maintain consistent character voices across books really helps the listener settle right into the story. In addition, Bad Blood tests Ms. Eldridge's ability to deliver French phrases and French accented voices with the appearance of a French teacher who draws Aurora's suspicions.

This third book was a little slower in the beginning with so many plot lines tempting and tantalizing us with potential plot twists. However, the last quarter of the book really heats up with potential directions, from what Aurora really is to what she really wants to accomplish. My mind is swirling with possibilities. Now I can't wait to see which direction Aurora decides to take, and who she decides to align herself with from a friends and allies perspective. Nevermind, who she will ultimately end up with from a love perspective: Fane or Dante? I can't wait to listen to book 4, Hunting Season, to keep piecing together how Aurora's story will ultimately end.

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.½
B.J.O. | Dec 17, 2016 |
4 "Hunter or Hunted" Stars?

Please note this series must be read in order. If you have not yet read book 1, Aurora Sky, please see my review for that title.

Book 3, Bad Blood, picks up a short while after Book 2, Northern Bites. Aurora has been away at vampire hunter agent training camp for six months, and she's about to take a test to see if she passes and can finally go back home. Meanwhile, Aurora's past hunts are coming back to haunt her--not literally, but by at least one "family" vampire member, and a separate vampire--who she already knows--conducting an investigation into Marcus' death. Can Aurora evade those who are after and investigating her, or will the vampire hunter become vampire prey?

As if things with her job were not bad enough, more evidence comes to light that certain individuals at the government agency she works for may not be who they at first seem. Will they protect Aurora or do they have her true interests at heart? As part of her job, Aurora also has to once again work and get along with Valerie and Noel. But can she trust them?

Last but definitely not least the love triangle continues to flourish with both Dante and Fane vying for Aurora's attentions. But just who makes her heart beat faster?

Em Eldridge continues her well done narration in Bad Blood. Having not only the same narrator but also a narrator who makes a concerted effort to maintain consistent character voices across books really helps the listener settle right into the story. In addition, Bad Blood tests Ms. Eldridge's ability to deliver French phrases and French accented voices with the appearance of a French teacher who draws Aurora's suspicions.

This third book was a little slower in the beginning with so many plot lines tempting and tantalizing us with potential plot twists. However, the last quarter of the book really heats up with potential directions, from what Aurora really is to what she really wants to accomplish. My mind is swirling with possibilities. Now I can't wait to see which direction Aurora decides to take, and who she decides to align herself with from a friends and allies perspective. Nevermind, who she will ultimately end up with from a love perspective: Fane or Dante? I can't wait to listen to book 4, Hunting Season, to keep piecing together how Aurora's story will ultimately end.

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.
B.J.O. | 4 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2016 |
4.5 "New Allies?" Stars for the story and narration.

Please note this is book 2 in a series that must be read in chronological order. If you have not yet read or listened to book 1, Aurora Sky, please see my review for that title instead.

Northern Bites, book 2 in the Aurora Sky: Vampire Huntress Series, continues rights where book 1 leaves off. After a mission gone awry, Aurora, and her vampire hunting partner (Dante), are under probation. Moreover, and perhaps even worse from Aurora's perspective, they have a new informant they are forced to work with and who is none other than Valerie from the first book, who helped cause Aurora's break-up from her vampire boyfriend, Fane. Can this possibly be a recipe for vampire hunting success?

Further complicating matters, when the death of another vampire hunter agent (and a high school boy with a connection to Aurora) requires them to end their probation early and go to a mission in Sitka, they are also forced to work with Jared, a recruiter in their organization. As things begin to unravel, it becomes clear that there is more to Jared than first meets the eye, and not necessarily in a good way. Can the vampire hunting team complete their mission under such circumstances? Moreover, what secrets is Jared hiding, and what's his true agenda?

But not everything in Aurora's life in Northern Bites is work. There are also several developments in Aurora's love life. Even as she misses Fane and despairs over the fact that a relationship could never work between a vampire and vampire hunter anyway, the flirtatious tension between Aurora and Dante rise to a new level. Could we possibly have a love triangle?

Further complementing this intriguing YA PNR/UF series is Em Eldridge's satisfying and pleasing narration. Having already grown to enjoy her rendition of Aurora Sky and the other players in the Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter Series from book 1, it was easy to join right into where book 1 leaves off at the beginning of Northern Bites. Moreover, I truly appreciated the remarkable consistency that Ms. Eldridge maintained between the characters' voices that appear in both books. Additionally, I think Ms. Eldridge does a fabulous job of capturing the personalities of each character in her intonations. In Northern Bites I particularly liked her fun and yet somewhat mischievous portrayal of Valerie, who plays a much larger role in this book. I also enjoyed her voicing of Jared who also plays a larger role in this book (sounding appropriately mysterious and authoritative--just what is he up to?).

I can' wait to continue to hear Aurora's, and her cast of vampire and vampire hunting friends' story, in book 3, Bad Blood. I'm particularly looking forward to see which direction her love interest takes. Personally, I'm rooting for Fane, though the obstacles in their way are certainly of the "deadly" variety.

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.½
B.J.O. | 5 autres critiques | Dec 10, 2016 |
4.5 "A New Bite on Life" Stars for the story and narration!

Move over Buffy, there is a new teenage vampire huntress in town! Given that YA vampire romance is how I became hooked on audiobooks (yes, you know which series I'm talking about: )) and that I watched nearly every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer way back in the day, I'm ecstatic to say that I have found a new vampire series to dig my teeth into: Aurora Sky! Book 1 in the series does a fabulous job of setting up this creative take on vampire lore with a YA audience in mind. Moreover, Em Eldridge's smooth narration makes this a perfect choice to experience in audio format!

When Aurora Sky wakes up from a car accident, on a secret military base, as a different person (literally--or at least a highly engineered version of herself--think the teenage huntress equivalent of the Bionic Woman), Aurora knows that her life will never be the same again. Injected with a virus that makes her blood similar, and yet highly toxic, to vampires; the military agents inform Aurora that if she wants to continue receiving the frequent antidotes that she will need to keep her alive, she must work with them to kill vampires. Aurora who has never been particularly athletic, is perplexed by this request, until she learns that her secret weapon requires no prior or unique combat skills: its her blood--one bite renders a vampire immobile allowing her to easily finish him or her off.

But Alaska resident and 18 year-old, high-school senior, Aurora, is still a teenager with typical teenage problems, as can be best demonstrated by a list of resolutions she compiles shortly after her transformation:

1. Kill first vampire,
2. Get drunk,
2. Kiss a boy, and
3. Lose virginity

"With the first done, everything else should be easy!" Famous last words?

Book 1 also introduces us to a number of potential love interests. From Aurora's vampire hunting partner, Dante, to a boy from school, called Fane, who turns out to be so much more than just a boy, Aurora has her hands full with both her personal life as well as her nocturnal activities. But will she actually get to cross all the items off her list before she finds a vampire who hunts her down instead?

Having listened to, and thoroughly enjoyed Em Eldridge's narrations before (in her narrations of several books of Penny Reid's Knitting in Clay series), I knew I was in for a treat from a narration perspective. I'm happy to say that Ms. Eldridge didn't disappoint. From her perfect rendition of Aurora, who I can picture just from her intonation, to even her perfect British accented intonation for Fane's roommate, Ms. Eldridge spares no detail in making her narration exactly adapted to the story that Nikki Jefford has penned! Moreover, Ms. Eldridge's pacing and smooth voice make listening to this title seamless, so that you can just sit back and enjoy the story.

All in all, Aurora Sky is a great debut to a YA PNR/UF romance series that I will no doubt want to explore in much greater detail. Now I can't wait to start book 2 in the Vampire Hunter Series, Northern Bites!

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.½
B.J.O. | 13 autres critiques | Dec 3, 2016 |
I received a copy of this novel from Net Galley in return for an honest review.
I got to 25% through this book but I just couldn't take any more. The characters were boring and petty, and the romantic relationships were laughable. The premise of the book is really interesting, having the split personalities of the twins within the one body, however I couldn't actually make it to that part, I had to give up before Graylee actually dies. On the plus side this novel does have an amazingly pretty cover, unfortunately the novel inside doesn't live up to the beautiful cover!!
ACascadeofBooks | 27 autres critiques | Oct 5, 2016 |
Aurora is back from bootcamp and ready to start college. But she is still working so she, Valarie and Dante are assigned to work the vamp parties know as Tastings. But Aurora and Valarie are being stalked by the lone survivor of their last mission. Never mind that Aurora and Vall saved her, this vamp is out for blood.

I really enjoyed this book. The writing seemed a bit tighter and I like the way the characters are developing. Yeah, Valarie is still a bitch, but you want her on your side in a fight. I am looking forward to seeing what happens. Warning: it does end in a cliff-hanger. Lots of unresolved stuff.
TheLibraryhag | 4 autres critiques | Sep 12, 2016 |
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