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Originally posted at my blog Chasing Empty PavementsSo not only did I LOVE this book, but it's very close to my heart because my good friend wrote it. Normally this wouldn't be such a huge deal except that I kind of found her book on a fluke. She didn't advertise it and I'm pretty sure she didn't say anything because she didn't WANT people to know about it. But you know what? I don't know why the hell she didn't want anyone to know about it because it was FANTASTIC!The Good: Well first off, I was seriously impressed with the writing. I thought it was extraordinary for not being professionally edited or anything. I loved the characters and I could see SO much of my friend in the main character Kate. She's feisty, spunky and sarcastic. I loved all the other characters and the legend of the "sea." I thought the dialogue was great and I really enjoyed following the relationships of the characters. Oh and hello, this cover? So simple it's gorgeous! The Bad: Honestly, there's not much wrong with this novel. Even being as close as I am to the author, there are ALWAYS things to improve on. I think that she were to try to publish this and had the support of an editor, this could totally be a hugely successful novel!Overall, I think that K. Jackson is a wonderfully, talented writer and this novel was the start of many great novels. I give it an A-!!*I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble and it's only $4.99 right now!
hankesj | May 5, 2012 |