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Loved the fiesty grandma in this story. You also have the shy handyman, Drew Stevenson, and Grandma's grand-daughter Sara Jane. Together these three make a delightful romantic story.½
judyg54 | 7 autres critiques | Dec 4, 2021 |
The Amish Secret Wish by Laura V. Hilton is the 3rd Hidden Springs novel. While it can be read as a standalone, I believe it works better if read after the other two books in the series. Hallie Brunstetter suffered deeply after losing her fiancé, Toby. Being the community’s scribe for The Budget has helped her to heal. She writes under her initials GHB because the bishop has decreed that no one can know her identity. Kiah Esh suffered a heartbreak as well. He found himself enjoying GHB’s articles and decided to write to her. The two have become pen pals. Kiah has fallen in love with his pen pal and has come to Hidden Springs to find her. He meets Hallie whom he finds intriguing and begins spending time with her. Kiah soon wishes that GHB was Hallie. He is unsure how to proceed. The Amish Secret Wish is a humorous Amish tale. I had trouble in the beginning getting into the story. The beginning felt stilted and that I should know information that had yet to be provided (unless you read the prior books). The story gets better after the first couple of chapters. I enjoyed the humorous situations scattered throughout the story. I giggled frequently while reading. Kiah got himself into a number of situations that caused chaos. I did feel that Hallie and Kiah were immature characters. They reminded me of teenagers, not adults who were contemplating marriage. I loved Bishop Nathan along with George, Kiah’s parents, Hallie’s parents, and Hallie’s sister, Joy. The situation with Kiah’s father and Kiah’s ex-girlfriend felt contrived. I found the ending to be rushed and abrupt. The Amish Secret Wish needed an epilogue to make it feel complete. This is a sweet, fun story that is good for a younger audience. I feel that some rewriting and editing were needed. I am not, though, sorry that I read this story. It made me laugh and smile which I needed. Misconceptions, misunderstandings, and mayhem abound in The Amish Secret Wish. The Amish Secret Wish is an amusing tale with assassinated ants, a wily woodpecker, a droll disguise, a broken buggy, patient parents, and a wary whippersnapper.
Kris_Anderson | 5 autres critiques | Aug 5, 2021 |
You know how you have to be in the right frame of mind to read certain books? That's what I think happened with I read The Amish Secret Wish by Laura V. Hilton. It's either my mood or I should've read the first two novels in the series first before delving into the third installment, especially since the beginning had a tone and feel like the reader was expected to know certain information, despite this being deemed a standalone book.

In saying that, it didn't take me long to get my bearings, but from the beginning I struggled to connect to any of the characters, which could be due to this being my first novel to read in the series. There are some humorous moments that are pretty charming, but even then it wasn't enough to engage me, and I continued to feel that disconnect with the characters throughout the entire novel. Again, I wonder if it's the novel or just my current state that has me struggling.

One part I did enjoy was the ending, even if it felt extremely rushed. I was hoping for more and really think the story would've benefited with an additional chapter or an epilogue. I put the book down feeling both satisfied yet wanting more. Just when I had started to engage the book abruptly ended.

Overall The Amish Secret Wish has a juvenile feel, especially considering that both the main characters exuding immaturity throughout, in both thoughts and actions, making me feel like this would be a decent read for younger audiences. I am debating on giving this series another shot, and going back to read book one, in hopes that I will like it more, and gain a better understanding and appreciation for The Amish Secret Wish. I truly did want to love this novel, but sadly it was a lackluster read for me.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Forever Publishing through NetGalley. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 5 autres critiques | Jul 30, 2021 |
"The Amish Secret Wish" presents readers with a cross between slapstick comedy and thwarted romance. Hallie and Kiah conduct their romance as pen pals, although Kiah does not know Hallie's name. He knows her only as "the scribe" with initials GBH. When the opportunity to meet her presents itself, Kiah is determined to find and court the woman with whom he has fallen in love via letters. However, circumstances repeatedly work against them. The blessed Gott has a way of working things out for those who remain faithful, and this occurs in the course of the story. The characters reveal themselves as flawed individuals, with obstacles and hang-ups to be overcome. Although the action occurs over the course of just a few days, the roller coaster ride of emotions packs a lot into such a short time.

I sometimes felt as if the novel was written for filming, with the inclusion of quirky characters and Kiah's constant mishaps (thus my referral to slapstick comedy scenes). I also dislike the contemporary writing style that utilizes short,incomplete sentences for emphasis. However, that is a personal preference that may not present a problem for other readers. The plot became a bit tiresome as Kiah and Hallie engaged in the tug-of-war of emotions, as well as Kiah's wild goose chase for "the scribe" with Hallie's initials GBH. The Christian message is overt but not preachy.

Readers who enjoy a sweet romance with a touch of spice will find this a fun read, although it differs somewhat from traditional Amish novels. The book ends rather quickly with some surprising twists.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 5 autres critiques | Jul 5, 2021 |
An Amish Secret Wish, by Laura V. Hilton, is the third book in the Hidden Spring series. Hallie is the secret scribe writing articles for The Budget. She and Kiah met briefly when he was previously in the area. They have been writing to each other and he only knows her as the scribe, or GHB. He has accompanied his parents to Hidden Springs and is searching the the scribe as he has fallen in love with her through their letters.

This is a fun story to read. I enjoyed the humor in the story with the different things that don’t go quite the way Kiah plans them to. The writing is so clear it is easy to imagine Kiah dressed in disquise to get away from the divebombing woodpecker as well as to envision cats being tossed out of the neighbors house. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hallie takes following the rules of the Amish very strongly with keeping her scribe position secret when it would be so easy to tell others.

I received a complimentary ebook from the author. I was not required to write this honest review.
eccl | 5 autres critiques | Apr 18, 2021 |
Such a cute and different Amish story! Hallie is a scribe for an Amish newspaper and has to keep that under wraps, so to speak. Through this means she becomes pen pals and gets to really know an Amish man, Hezekiah, AKA Kiah, who falls in love with "the scribe". He is determined to meet her and marry this woman. So they meet! The rest you will need to find out on your own.
The book was a light and even funny at times, book! I enjoyed it and I loved the sweet story. I remembered some things from the previous book in the series that came to light in book 3, but it can easily be a stand-alone book.

I received an ebook copy from NetGalley. All thoughts are my own.
Sonja.Hoeke.Nish7358 | 5 autres critiques | Apr 15, 2021 |
The title of this book resonates throughout the entire read.
Be careful what you agree to, being the scribe for The Budget and being unable to tell anyone that it is you. Using your initials to hide you name, and having a sister with the same, and then confusing a young man.
I loved the humor in this story, the dive bombing woodpecker, can still picture the young man in the Amish bonnet and shawl, no wonder Mammi drops the dishes!
When Kiah comes with his family and is looking for the Scribe, a lot of white lies are told, and they will have you giggling, you will meet George, an ant and cat lover, and his wife Meldew, um, he is a bit hard of hearing!
Come along for a delightful read of love, family and living an Amish life!
I received this book through Net Galley and Forever, Grand Central Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 5 autres critiques | Apr 4, 2021 |
The author gives us a Christmas gift with this read, and once you start you will be page turning for answers!
We are given a sweet young woman full of compassion, but she is having trouble holding a job, some only last one day.
Now her former fiancée sister needs help and wants her brother to hire her, awkward, maybe, but this is an Amish community. You see Elsie's true heart when she helps Abigail, Levi's sister, but these two hurting individuals are avoiding one another, they are in love, but a chasm has opened up in their relationship, one that may be too far to cross.
We have a little bit of everything here, and you will love George, but be careful he wields a wild stick!
These two need to accept God's grace, and forgiveness, will they be able to get there?
I loved the second romance that appears to be happening here, but you will have to enjoy that for yourself!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Forever, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | Oct 10, 2020 |
I enjoy history, and the history that quilts can portray. One of my dreams has always been to hike the Appalachian Trail. Combine these aspects into a book, and it's sure to be an enjoyable read for me. In addition, my grandmother had Alzheimer's, so I can empathize with Sara Jane in this case.

All in all, I really did enjoy this book, and invite you to check it out.
WendyKA | 7 autres critiques | Jul 12, 2020 |
Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton & Cindy Loven is a lovely novel of faith, healing and love. It is an charming romance with a diverse cast of characters and a unique storyline. Although it is part of the Quilts of Love series, it can be read as a standalone.

Sari Morgan has decided to find her granddaughter Sara Jane a husband and she has picked out the perfect match-her new handyman Drew Stevenson. However, her matchmaking efforts are met with a great deal of resistance from both Sara Jane and Drew, but Grandma remains undeterred. Grandma conspires to frequently throw the young couple together and surprisingly, Sara Jane becomes more receptive to the idea but Drew takes a little longer to convince. A troubling health diagnosis, Sara Jane's crisis of faith and a few misunderstandings are a few obstacles Drew and Sara Jane must overcome before they find their happily ever after.

While all of the characters are well-developed, Drew is the most likable. Grandma Sari's behavior is a little unpredictable and her relationship with Sara Jane is a bit contentious. Sara Jane is judgmental and rather immature. She blames herself for a childhood tragedy that also caused her to lose her faith in God. Drew has also suffered a tragic loss and while he is a devoted Christian, he needs to repair his fractured relationship with his family.

Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton & Cindy Loven is an engaging novel that is well written but a little slow paced. The characters are three dimensional with easy to relate to flaws and imperfections. Once Drew and Sara Jane take time to get to know one another, their relationship gradually transforms from uneasy friendship to a sweet, believable romance. Sara Jane undergoes the most growth, both personally and spiritually and when it becomes necessary, she willingly makes a sacrifice out of love. All in all, it is a heartwarming story with a gentle undercurrent of faith that I recommend to fans of Christian fiction.
kbranfield | 7 autres critiques | Feb 3, 2020 |
This author never disappoints me with her stories. I enjoyed reading about Grace and Zeke. I love when she adds the Amish children that have special needs in the story. I loved reading about how other people come to different areas to help out after a bad tornado hit. Both main characters had to work through some doubts about themselves. I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 2 autres critiques | Dec 18, 2019 |
Looking at the cover of this book is a compelling reason to pick it up, and also, I love reads by this author.
We are given a story of a young woman, and the book begins on the day of her wedding, and she is having cold feet, wishes she the day weren’t here, and no, she does not have power to control the weather, but a devastating tornado hits Arthur Illinois, and thus help comes from all over, including an Amish community in Indiana.
We also get to meet the new arrivals, and especially Zeke, and with a history of his Dad being unhappy with him, he is out to prove himself, or at least stay out of trouble.
When sparks fly between Grace, the bride, and Zeke, they know it can never happen, and with death and destruction all over here, there are a lot of pressing problems.
Love the wise Grandfather, and the sweet special sister, Patience, and then more disasters happen, more focus is put on loved ones, and we see the love of God and the message of Forgiveness.
A don’t miss read that will keep you page-turning!

I received this book through the Publisher Forever, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 2 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2019 |
The Amish Wedding Promise by Laura V. Hilton is the first novel in the Hidden Springs series. I enjoyed this charming story that contained some wonderful life lessons. Grace Lantz was to be married the day twisters tore through leaving devastation in its wake. Truth be told, Grace is relieved which makes her feel guilty. Zeke Bontrager feels that he can do nothing right in the eyes of his father. He is hoping his time in Hidden Springs, Illinois will allow him to be a hero instead of a failure. I found Grace and Zeke to be developed and relatable characters. They both have issues that are bothering them and, while the tornado was a terrible event, it turns out to be a blessing. There are delightful characters in this story that include Grace’s pun loving grandfather, Grace’s special needs sister, Patience and Slush, the family’s Siberian Husky. I just loved how Slush communicated and expressed emotion. It is wonderful that people volunteer to assist others in need. We see how much that help is needed and appreciated. It was wonderful to see the community come together and help each other. It is a shame that this kindness is not present in all areas around the world. Patience is a young lady with special needs, and it was wonderful to see how patient as well as kind her family is with her as well as Zeke. I especially loved how the characters prayed. There were open about their faith and prayer. Lessons about guilt, forgiveness, standing up for ourselves, gossip, and perception are present. The romance was sweet, and I like how it bloomed. The intimacy extends to a kiss or two but that is it. My favorite phrase from the story was when Grace said, “Chocolate can solve the world’s problems”. There is plenty of humor as well that includes farm animals with witty names. The Amish Wedding Promise is a heartwarming story with a maltreated mailbox, superfluity of sandwiches, impatient Patience, twelve protective brothers, and a groom gone astray.
Kris_Anderson | 2 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2019 |
'A honeymoon was something Bethel would never have. Love was something she'd never have.' She was twenty-five, she had never been courted, and she was now married to a stranger.
This book is the perfect example of what lies and rumors can do and it also perfectly illustrates how misconceptions can eat away at a person. Bethel Eicher is forced by her father into marriage to a man she doesn't know and she can't believe that a "loving dadd" would do this. Gideon Kaiser has just buried his wife, he has an infant son to take care of, and he finds himself being rushed into a marriage with a woman who may be carrying someone else's child! They both find themselves married to a stranger and this seems to be a horrible fate for both of them. But, as is so often the case, it soon appears that God had a hand in all of this. As they continue to be in the same house it becomes apparent that Gideon and Bethel are aware of each other in more than a platonic way but the path is not going to be easy. Even as he seems to be mellowing toward her, Gideon is very vocal about his objection to being railroaded into marriage and Bethel is terribly hurt that she is only being seen as a babysitter for baby Elam and a nursemaid for Gideon's ill mother.
Married to a Stranger is filled with miscommunication, misunderstandings, and a mini-mystery concerning someone that may be secretly stalking Bethel. I found myself wanting to kick Gideon during his outbursts regarding this forced marriage and I often felt heartbroken for Bethel. She felt she had been betrayed by her father, she had been falsely accused of an unwed pregnancy, and she had never even been kissed. Bethel was old enough to be considered an old maid by Amish standards but her hopes of love and romance seemed to have been forever severed because she was now married to a man who didn't want her!
This is a book that will surprise you and entertain you but it is also a reminder that the ability to forgive is necessary for a person's happiness. I enjoyed Laura V. Hilton's story and I recommend Married to a Stranger to everyone who enjoys faith-based stories and Amish fiction.
I received a complimentary copy through Celebrate Lit and Netgalley. I have voluntarily chosen to share my honest thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 8 autres critiques | Jul 13, 2019 |
What I think you should know:
Married to a Stranger is an Amish fiction, however I would not call it a typical Amish romance novel. It follows several books about the same community, but it could be read as a standalone novel if needed ( I recommend you start at Firestorm). I enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous books, for me it is always like dropping in on old friends. In this book a new character, Bethel is sent away by her father to be married after false accusations are placed against her. Gideon Kaiser agrees to quietly marry her in spite of false accusations against him due to the fact that he needs a caregiver for his child and mother.

What you might want to know:
Gideon’s first wife died in childbirth, much of the novel that is from his perspective is based on him struggling with how he can move on with his life while still being faithful to her memory.

What I loved about this book:
Bethel is such a strong girl, she gave up her youthful courting time to care for her mother, and now finds herself falsely accused of being pregnant and feels like her world has fallen apart. When faced with hard situations she tries to look for the bright spots. I hurt for her when she was faced with forever being the unwanted wife, just a caregiver and substitute for a beloved wife. Gideon is also a unique character, as a new Amish minister he is busy trying to help his community when their bishop falls unexpectedly ill, and adjusting to having Bethel as his wife all while grieving the loss of his first wife.

What I want more of:
Laura V. Hilton has done it again! I hope she will bring us more books about the characters that we have met like Naomi. I also wish we could know more about what happened to Ruth, I need resolution to such a mystery.

Who will love this book:
Fans of Amish Fiction
Fans of Christian Fiction
Fans of Mystery (not the main component, but woven into the story beautifully)

I received a complimentary copy for this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 8 autres critiques | Jul 13, 2019 |
Married to a Stanger, an Amish Fiction story, captured me with the title, and the book did not disappoint. Imagine thinking you are in love with one person only to have your father force you to marry someone else in another community. Bethel Eicher, an Amish young lady, faces accusations by her father of dishonorable actions. At the same time, she fancies herself in love with one man in their community, while another man pursues her, which makes Bethel uncomfortable.

From the start of the story, I despised the man stalking Bethel. He seemed evil from the word go. The mystery surrounding the Amish girls who had gone missing from Bethel’s community added a lot to this story. I found myself unable to put it down.

When Bethel and Gideon are forced to marry, it seems uncertain what the outcome would be. Gideon’s first wife and mother of his infant son caused Gideon to turn away from the idea of love. But in her last moments, Lizzie encourages Gideon to choose love.

So if you want to read a book with suspense, mystery, family, and finding out the truth in the form of an Amish story, check out this book for yourself.

I received a copy of this book for my fair and honest review.
PattiPeanut1992 | 8 autres critiques | Jul 12, 2019 |
Laura V. Hilton is now on the top of favorite Amish fictions writers. She does a great job of engaging story plots with unexpected twists. "Married to a Stranger" is a sweet story of an arranged marriage.

Bethel is desperate to escape the man her dad wants her to marry. A horrible untruth about her and another man causes her to find herself in a marriage for someone she doesn't know. Gideon, a preacher who lost his wife during childbirth, now has a newborn to raise and a new wife who is destroying his reputation Bethel seems to be really confused on what is going on her wedding day. No one helped stop the sham of the marriage. Even Bethal's father didn't believe her truth. The Bishop spoke with Bethel and Gideon on what they really needed to hear. They learn the best way to get through rough times is forgiving. Gideon who lost his wife and remarried very quickly. Bethel is struggling to forgive her father for not believe her. The story shares a marriage that begins without love, but will that change?

The characters in this book are well thought out and felt like I was reading a biography of Gideon and Bethel's life. Bethel lacks self-confidence and obeys. She struggles with her worth. I felt their emotions while reading each page.

The story is about using faith to help get through tragedies and hardships through forgiveness and loving each other. "Married to a Stranger" is suspenseful at times. to the story as well. The lesson I took from this story is how important it is to trust God. He knows what he is doing and will always be there for us. Don't give up even when there doesn't seem like the light at the end of the tunnel. If we don't learn to forgive ourselves and others misunderstandings can really damage a relationship.

The cover of the book is beautiful which caught my attention. I really enjoy Laura V. Hilton's writing style. This can be a stand-alone book. I would highly recommend reading all of her books, but if not she does a great job of helping new readers not feel so lost in the story. f you haven't read her previous books you will know You don't have to read her previous books in the series. "Married to a Stranger' focuses more on Gideon's story. I had a hard time putting this book down. Usually, the book is told through the side of the woman, but "Married to a Stranger" seemed to lean more towards Gideon.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. This review is my own opinion.
sn11386 | 8 autres critiques | Jul 8, 2019 |
This has been a very eye opening book because it talks about marriage and how God ordained it to be. Bethel is desperate to escape the man who her dad wants her to marry. When a horrible untruth is said about her and another man, she finds herself in a marriage to someone she hardly knows. My heart went out to Bethel because she really has little self confidence and thinks she is unworthy of a man loving her.

Gideon is a preacher who has recently lost his wife during childbirth. He now has a newborn to raise and a new wife due to accusations that could destroy his reputation. It is a wonder that someone didn't speak up sooner to stop this sham of a marriage. I am upset that Bethel's father would believe a lie about his daughter. Does he think so little of her that he would believe someone else over his own flesh and blood?

The words that the Bishop shares with Bethel and Gideon are exactly what they needed to hear. Forgiveness and grief are something they each need to deal with. It can't be easy for Gideon to have lost his wife and remarry so quickly. Bethel is struggling with forgiving her dad for not believing her. The story shares a marriage that begins without love, but will that change as Gideon and Bethel get to know each other better?

The lesson I learned from this story is to never give up. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are, just trust that God has a plan. Bethel and Gideon show us what it means to truly forgive and learn to love with a joyful heart. I loved reading how they each grew in their faith and especially watching Bethel begin to believe in herself.

The story has an element of suspense in it that I didn't see coming. It brings to light just how precious life is and how important it is to trust God. Misunderstandings can damage a relationship if we allow ourselves not to forgive. Enjoy this story about trust, pride. forgiving and marriage God's way.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 8 autres critiques | Jul 7, 2019 |
I enjoyed reading this story but sometimes did not like Gideon. I know that he was still grieving his old wife but he still needed to watch what he said to people. Gossip is not a good thing. I really like Bethel throughout the whole book. I always look forward to reading books by Laura V. Hilton and I really enjoyed this one also. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 8 autres critiques | Jul 6, 2019 |
I was intrigued by the title of this book, and the author worked her magic as she wove this very different Amish read.
Never in my imagination could I even conceive walking and being married to someone I had never met, yes, I know it happens, but this is basically what this couple faced.
What a tale we have here, and more surprises come, and with some unanswered questions, I’m hoping for another book in this series, and they are all really great reads, the previous characters are reintroduced here, but you won’t be lost!
There are a lot of twists here in the family dynamics, and sometimes thoughts are expressed when they should have been kept to themselves, just like a lot of people do.

I received this book through CelebrateLit, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 8 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2019 |
Is it possible that your dream girl could really become your wife? Gideon, having experienced sorrow, doesn’t believe love can possibly happen again nor is he interested. Bethel has reached the age that the only marriage she can wish for is one where love will not be the center. Finding herself in a compromising situation, her father sets up an arranged marriage. Unfortunately neither the bride nor groom have ever met. How such a state of affairs could ever end in happiness, one can only imagine!

The author has done a wonderful job causing my emotions to rise and fall with the seeming inability of Gideon and Bethel to tell each other what they are feeling. Will the truth finally set them free to learn to love? I found myself wanting to shake first one and then the other wishing they had the courage to just be honest.

I received an ARC through CelebrateLit. The impressions and opinions given are my own.
Eamace | 8 autres critiques | Jul 2, 2019 |
I received the ebook free from the author in exchange for a review. Release date July 1, 2019.

What to say about a book that leaves you wanting to apologize to one of the characters when you reach the end of the book? I was so caught up in the story, that was my first thought when I closed the book after finishing the final chapter. The characters were so real I found myself whispering advice and rolling my eyes and wishing I was there to knock so sense into Gideon.

Bethel is forced to marry a stranger when Rodney, an Amish 'gentleman,' sets his sights on her for his wife. Besides his stinky breath, the other women he courted had a way of disappearing, including Bethel's sister. When Rodney tells her father he caught her in a compromising position with another Amish man, then saw her leaving the midwife's home, he offers to marry her to save her from disgrace. But her father tracks down the man and soon there is an Amish shotgun wedding. Now Bethel is forced to live her life married to a man she knows nothing about, and live with him, his parents, and his sister. No privacy, no love, no hope.
wearylibrarian | 8 autres critiques | Apr 18, 2019 |
Agnes and Isaac are not the typical Amish young adults. Neither of these characters conform to what a perfect Amish person would be. These two meet after each had family members injured or killed in a tragedy. Can these two help each other while caring for three small children. I loved the characters and the story. I especially loved the Bishop. He is a great character. This is not as clean as most Amish fiction stories. This definitely has a bit more flirting than usual. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 5 autres critiques | Feb 17, 2019 |
The Amish Candy Maker is the second book in Hilton's The Amish of Mackinac County series. The story all about true love, faith, and determination. We are taken on Agnes Zook and Isaac Mast life journey of their struggles with the past and finding their way back to their faith.

We see Agnes Zook an unmarried woman who has no self-worth and has survival guilt that took the lives of the rest of her family. She decides to open up her own candy shop. Her community looked down on her for that. She dreams of having a husband and a family.

Isaac Mast a well sought after auctioneer. He travels all over the United States holding auctions. Due to all of his traveling he doesn't really have time to settle down and get married. He is full of guilt for being responsible for killing three people. After receiving a letter from his sister-in-law begging him for help when a fire caused major burns on his twin brother. He returns.

Isaac first meets Agnes when he goes into her candy shop. During the first time they met, Agnes was robbed at gunpoint causing Isaac to be the hero. They start flirting. They created a business agreement to help one another - one supplying labor and the other providing childcare.

Will things work out? Will another tragic accident have them going their separate ways? Can they both find peace in their faith? Will they get married? If so, will Bishop Miah allow it?

The Amish Candy Maker contains likable and relatable characters. As well as faith, love, determination, perseverance, and even moments of sadness. It is full of twists and turns. It is a heartwarming love story. We see growth in both the main characters, Agnes Zook and Isaac Mast. She even gave the character a humorous side.

Hilton is great at taking you into their world. Her descriptions of the locations and characters made it very easy for me to see the story in my brain. One of the locations in the book is Mackinac County.

Throughout the book, there are Amish proverbs and Biblical references.

I would suggest reading the first book, Firestorm, to get an idea of their Amish community and all they experienced. just because Hilton's books are really good, but this book can be read as a stand-alone too. I love how Hilton threw in a special surprise recipe at the end of the story. If you love Amish Fiction stories and Christian Fiction then these books are for you. I would highly recommend reading this series.

I received a complimentary e-book of The Amish Candy Maker from Celebrate Lit. This is an honest opinion.
sn11386 | 5 autres critiques | Feb 15, 2019 |
The Amish Candy Maker is a sweet Amish romance. Agnes Zook lost her entire family the night of the fire along with her home and is now living with Bishop Miah and his wife. The proceeds from the sale of her family’s land has helped her start Sweet Treats, a candy shop that features her fudge and rock candy (recipes at end of book). Agnes’ father was a preacher who frequently told her that if she did not marry Gabe (who picked another) then she would remain single. Agnes is determined to provide for herself and not be a burden on others. The night of the fire, Sam Mast suffered devastating burns and has been in a hospital ever since then. Isaac Mast is a traveling auctioneer who is in demand and his sister-in-law’s letter just caught up with him. Jenny, Sam’s wife, has not left her husband’s side and their three children need Isaac along with their farm. The last thing Isaac wishes to do is watch children after the tragic accident several years ago. Plus, Isaac has many weekend auctions lined up and cannot watch the kids full-time. When Isaac encounters Agnes, he believes they can reach an amicable solution. Agnes is an entertaining character who speaks without thinking which leads to some humorous and embarrassing situations. The electricity between Agnes and Isaac is immediate, but they each have issues standing in the way. Bishop Miah is a wise man who provides insightful and thoughtful advice along with his snarky quips. I like that the people do not have a smooth road on their journey. They must deal with a robber, medical emergency, flirtatious women and their own internal demons and insecurities. Agnes and Isaac need to learn that God is always there for them in good times and bad. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. I liked the inspirational thoughts and scripture verses included in The Amish Candy Maker. The Amish Candy Maker has mischievous children, a wise Bishop, a busy auctioneer, mouthwatering confections and a quirky candy maker.
Kris_Anderson | 5 autres critiques | Feb 12, 2019 |
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