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This book kept me hooked until the end. I'm glad the next book is out so that I can continue following these characters and their roller-coaster of emotions. I loved them, I hated them, I felt for them, I was annoyed. Great writing and loved the real world aspect of the supernatural powers. Can't wait to read more! Thanks to NetGalley for providing a copy in exchange for my honest review.
McBeezie | 4 autres critiques | Jul 27, 2022 |
These two main characters drive me nuts! I can't bring myself to like wither one of them for their actions. But I cannot stop reading them. The mystery of what was going on with Caleb and with Kai held me enthralled. I will definitely read more in this series, as I assume there is at least a third book. Thanks to NetGalley for providing a copy in exchange for my honest review.
McBeezie | 1 autre critique | Jul 27, 2022 |
Won from a first reads give away.

`Sometimes saving the person you love can cost you everything.`

There is one person that ties Oliver Richter to this world: his wife Kai. For Kai Oliver is the keeper of his secrets.

Really enjoyed this book, different from other books I've read. Liked the structure as swapped between the two main characters as the story line moved along. Also liked the reality of the story line & dialogs between the characters.
kymisan | 4 autres critiques | Jun 23, 2020 |

“I received this from netGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is in no way affected my opinion of the book, or the content of my review.”

The story is quite enjoyable, intriguing in some aspects.
But as interesting the plot was I still had issues with the book, it was soo frustratingly slow, it lost it focus on the main cause and drifted off to tell other events without any results. It was implied that Kat could’ve done something many times, Or at least improvised. But she did nothing; she just cowered behind her search partner Evan and just waitedwined her death.
And how the hell could Evan have that much control whilst the other (as it was told many time that she was strong) loose it every single time?

As for the character,in my opinion were not well harmonized, it’s like watching a movie where the story is interesting but unfortunately played by bad actorscharacters.
I can’t follow their conversation, attitude…ect, I’m always rolling my or puffing my irritation with them.

Overall, I'm Glad we got more insight on the murder, to know the victims, main suspects, their heritage, unraveling all the mystery. But the drama was too much for my liking.
Leila.Khouane | 8 autres critiques | May 24, 2020 |
The Girl Who Loved Ghosts by K.C. Tansley is a young adult novel (that adults will enjoy too) that is part of The Unbelievables series, and they do need to read in order. Each book builds upon what happened in the previous one. Kat is the Langley heir whose special gift ties to the past unlike her other relatives. This allows her to travel back in time to retrieve each of the lost amulets. Kat and Evan only have the Mallory amulet left to recover and they will have to go back further than they have before in order to locate it. I love the magical elements and the unique creatures. There are ghosts, goblins, a dark warlock, and other magical creatures. It is interesting how Kat can tell the difference between different people’s magic by the way it feels on her skin and the way it tastes. I enjoyed the descriptions of Evan’s ancestral estate, Ravenhurst. I did feel that the pacing was too slow in the first half of The Girl Who Loved Ghosts plus there is repetition of key details that was unneeded. A little after the halfway mark, the story starts to become very interesting and pacing increases as well as the tension. There are some surprising revelations near the end that shock our cast of characters and me. I love it when there is a good twist in a story. At the end we are left with unanswered questions and we must wait for the fourth installment for those answers (let us hope the author writes fast). The Girl Who Loved Ghosts is a spellbinding tale with a family curse, a vanished amulet, time travel, an evil entity, a missing heir, and valiant witches.
Kris_Anderson | Sep 16, 2019 |
Kat Preston has been trying to believe that ghosts don’t exist ever since one wanted to take over her body many years ago. Telling herself that there are no unbelievable helps to keep them away. She is keeping them at bay until a research job takes her to Castle Creighton, where a grisly wedding day murder has remained unsolved for over one hundred years. A research assistant, Evan Kingsley, from the university is one of the people accompanying her on her mission and he definitively doesn’t believe in ghosts. When the two search the room where the murders took place they are transported through a magical mirror to the past where they find themselves in the bodies of two of the people who knew the murdered couple. Will they finally be able to piece together what happened to the bride and groom on their wedding day over one hundred years ago? Can Evan and Kat make it back to their own bodies in the present time or will they be trapped forever?

I truly enjoyed reading The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K.C. Tansley. The supernatural elements in the book were very appealing to me and the fact that Kat had experiences with ghosts when she was young drew me right into the story. I was very worried when she was going to Castle Creighton because I knew she would no longer be able to block out the unbelievable, but I also understood it was something she needed to do to put everything to rest. I have always loved old mirrors and I enjoyed the magical elements attached to the one in this book. The world of the unbelievables is well explained and I was on the edge of my seat as Kat and Evan found themselves in the bodies of two people who were connected to the bride and groom. I started off not being a fan of Evan, but as the two traveled back in time I came to like him more and so did Kat. The way the pieces of the puzzle came together was fascinating and it was fun trying to solve the case with Kat. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy books with ghosts, magic, and other supernatural elements. Young adults and adults will get caught up in the mystery and will be turning the pages to find out how it all turns out!

Robinsonstef | 8 autres critiques | Jul 10, 2019 |
Kat spent the summer in a haunted castle where she traveled through time and helped solved a murder mystery. She didn’t do it alone, Evan was with her and she couldn’t have done it without him. Which wasn’t a surprise once she realized the history behind their families and the ties that bind them together.

Now Kat is back at McTernan Academy for her senior year. After spending most of her life making sure that ghosts couldn’t contact her, it seems like the floodgates are open. She is being asked to solve problems for many who have passed before. Kat’s been doing her best, but helping ghosts is exhausting and she’s worried someone at school will walk in on one of her encounters.
When the ghost of a young girl begs Kat for help, she knows that she has no choice but to become involved. Unfortunately, she learns that the Dark One, an evil force, wants Kat dead. Will she even survive her senior year?

Kat knows she needs help and the only people can help her are two great aunts she has never met. But, they live in the ancestral home and that is the only place she can train and learn about her abilities. What she learns may help her to save the ghost of the young girl, but her own life will be put in danger. Is it worth the risk? Is there a choice? Find out what adventures await Kat and Evan and what they may sacrifice along the way.

I was lucky enough to read an ARC of The Girl Who Saved Ghosts, book 2 in the Unbelievables series. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to read it again now that I have a print copy. What a fun book! It was fascinating finding out about Kat’s ancestors and how different families are connected. I would love to see her ring, which helps her to contact ghosts. The magical artifacts in the story all sound interesting! I like the way the characters continued to develop in this story and now that Kat knows more about her father and other relatives she has a depth to her that makes her seem wise beyond her years. The story brings the supernatural together with reality in a way that makes the magic that much more believable. A perfect mixture! Things really get tense when lives are on the line and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good mystery. I am already looking forward to the next book in the series. What will happen next?
Robinsonstef | 5 autres critiques | Jul 10, 2019 |
This is not the normal genre of book I read, but for some reason, I started it and I liked it. There are ghosts, spells, curses, time travel, evil shadows and many family stories that turned out to be real not folklore.

Kat, our main character, could see ghosts since she was little. They were her friends and she helped them when she could until she was nine years old. She started missing chunks out of her day. A ghost named Toria tells her that their is another ghost trying to take over her body. Toria tells her she has to stop believing in ghosts and surround herself with unbelievers and natural things. It works, but deep inside she still knows ghosts are real. Years later she has been recruited to go with a team of researchers to Castle Creighton in Conneticut to research the death and disappearance of Sebastian Radcliffe and his new wife Cassie on their wedding night. While doing the research she feels the ghosts again. They also find out about a curse in the Radcliffe family where the oldest son dies by the time he is 23 or on his honeymoon, whichever comes first. There is one heir left, Joshua Radcliffe and The group at the castle consists of Kat, her best friend Morgan, their TA from school Evan and another student Seth. Once they arrive at the castle, Kat can no longer ignore the ghosts. When she and Evan travel 129 years into the past through a mirror, the true story of what happened emerges. This was a good story, not scary but full of a lot of magical situations and characters. Overall I enjoyed this story and think most late teens and early twenties would as well. The second book in this series will be coming out in October, so pick this one up before then.

Carlathelibrarian | 8 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2019 |
Even better then the first book! You can really tell how the author's writing has developed. The writing is a lot more polished. Can't wait to see what's in store for Kat & Evan in book 3!
EmpressReece | 5 autres critiques | Nov 8, 2018 |
I am convinced that this book could totally be a movie. It can either be really creepy or it could even be made out like one of those CW teen dramas that could easily hook the masses. I received a copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion from the publisher. I am seriously hoping that I get approved for the second book in the series which just came out October 2017. It is just so cool. This book did a really great job in combining an unsolved murder mystery, time travel, spells and curses.

Kat is a college student who has done her best to be an unbeliever and she has done a great job at it for eight years. However as she delves deeper in to her research for her professor she starts letting the unbelievables in unwillingly. She is part of a team of four people who are looking into the mysterious murder and disappearances that happens 129 years ago at a castle. Kat is special because she use to see ghosts as a child and she never had a problem until one tried to possess her eight years ago. Luckily another ghost named Toria helped Kat into no longer believing in ghosts so that she could no longer see them. As the team of students get ready to continue their research by going to the castle, Kat finds out that the ghost that possessed her and the ghost who helped saved her are both people who were at the castle at the time of the murders they're looking into.

Kat and one of her research partners end up falling through a mirror into the past. Right into the bodies of their past ancestors. Their ancestors were key people during the time of the murders that they're looking into. As they live inside their ancestors for a few days shows them how confusing the events really were. You start seeing jealous lovers, people who are a forbidden love, and some loves that wish to be. The castle has its own secret passages to add to the intrigue of who killed the newly weds that lend to generations after being cursed. The curse is basically the first born male in the one of the family lines either dies on their 23rd birthday or if that same son gets married before then, he will die on his wedding night.

This book is written so well that all the events, as chaotic as they can be, flow naturally. It is easy to read and feels super full of story that you don't feel like your rushing through. I would love to continue this series or even see it produced into live action. It is 100% something that I am going to read because it has one of those cliffhangers that doesn't frustrate you but just makes you more interested.
RozzieReads | 8 autres critiques | Jun 5, 2018 |
Kat has been in a struggle since they came home from Castle Creighton. She's been constantly hounded by ghosts who are lining up for the chance to get their "reckoning", or their final piece before they can move on. They're lining up waiting to talk to her which is sapping her of all her strength. It leaves her helpless and weakened which is not good because of what fate has in store for them.

There is a great evil in the game now that you could even call the ultimate evil. It's an ancient evil that has been around for centuries. This evil is now after Kat. She gets to adventure to the Langley home and learns more about her family lineage and the lore behind all the families. Which is tough for her since she grew up without knowing anything or anyone from this side of her family, including her father. Going to her families ancestral land is really important because it starts Kat and Evan on a clear path for their futures as the current heirs to two of the four families. I loved the family history part of this. Just the idea of it is fantastic and I can't wait to see how the future books in the series continue.

Of course, since Kat's powers deal with the past, they go into the past again. Just Kat and Evan again, and this time its to get his families relic. A dagger of badassery... I don't want to spoil too much, but I feel like each family has some amazing mystical properties to them. You start to really touch into that in this book when the two begin their training.

I'm dying to know how many books are going to be in the series. The book is written with a good clear path for character development and I am looking forward to seeing them grow. I can say I'm attached to these characters for sure. Not to mention the budding romances and where they are going to go. I was totally like a teenager girl in those two moments that I will not spoil. You'll have to read the book so you can grin like little girl like me.

I am very thankful for my copy from NetGalley for me to review.
RozzieReads | 5 autres critiques | Jun 5, 2018 |
The Girl Who Saved Ghosts by K C Tansley is Book II of The Unbelievables, so this will be a short but ‘you will want to read this book’ review.

She had put a target on her back from the Dark One, after solving the Radcliffe mystery. Back at school, and the ghosts are relentless, wanting her help.

Kat is headstrong, protective, sometimes reckless. She puts her life on the line. She is the peacemaker between the four families, the Radcliffes the Kingsleys, the Mallorys and her own family, the Langleys. She had only known her mother, so when she was given the chance to meet the rest of the family, she jumped on it and it’s off to Dumbarton.

The ring had chosen her. She could not ignore it, or turn her back on her legacy.

“Forget fate Kat. We make our own destiny.”

It is wonderful to have a best friend like Morgan, steadfast and open to the unknown.

The danger is mounting and time is short.She must travel to the past again and change what has already been written.

I love the combination of genres, the mix of the four young ones who will change their history. To me, the stories hint of Charmed, Supernatural, The Ghost Whisperer…Now, there is only one amulet left to find, so I guess that means another adventure. I’m all in.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K C Tansley

See more at
sherry69 | 5 autres critiques | May 2, 2018 |
Mystery and intrigue, love and magic. Will she lose herself before she finds the answers that could save them all? Kat Preston will have to travel back in time to find out.

To save herself, Kat Preston had to become an Unbeliever. Now, in college, she surrounds herself with others, including her best friend, Morgan, who helps keep the ghosts at bay.

The Unbelievers makes me think of Ghost Whisperer. I watched the TV show all the time, and can sometimes catch reruns even today.

These ghosts call themselves the Unbelievables. Good ones. Bad ones. And all those in between.

Kat and her friends are going to Castle Creighton for a school research project. She is worried because it’s like stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire. They will be researching the murder and curse in the Radcliffe family.

I was quickly caught up in this ghostly mystery. The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts has all you need for a great ghost story, a castle, a curse, some romance and possession, travel to the past, and danger and intrigue. There are many suspects and the mystery was harder to solve that I thought it would be.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K C Tansley.

See more at
sherry69 | 8 autres critiques | Mar 30, 2018 |
I just happened to find The Girl Who Saved Ghosts while searching for some new books to read and I found myself instantly intrigued by this book's synopsis. So much so that I new I had to read it!

This book is full of magic, time travel, one budding romance, one ghostly romance, lots of action/adventure and seat of your pants drama. The story flows well and the main characters are captivating, engaging and realistic. While this book is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone book as well. The author does a good job of including just enough facts from book 1 to help the reader "catch up" in book 2. It also leaves the reader wanting to read book one as well. {Guess that explains why as soon as I finished this book I went and bought a copy of the first book, The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts!}

Overall, I really enjoyed reading The Girl Who Saved Ghosts and I highly recommend it !

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to Ms. Tansley, Beckett Publishing Group and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.½
mrsrenee | 5 autres critiques | Jan 23, 2018 |
The Girl Who Saved Ghosts by K.C. Tansley is the second book in The Unbelievables series. Kat Preston Langley is returning for her senior year at McTernan Academy with her best friend, Morgan Sanchez. The ghosts that wants their reckoning have followed her back to school. One young ghost named Ellie is covered in blood and asks Kat for her help. Kat is not sure how she can save Ellie and something more pressing captures her attention. Kat discovers that a sinister force called the Dark One is out to kill her. She needs training and the only people who can provide it are her two greats aunts (Jacqueline and Vivian) at Dumbarton. Kat along with Evan Kingsley travel to Dumbarton and meet with trouble as soon as they step off the train. The Dark One is testing their strength. To help Kat in the present, Evan and Kat need to travel back to 1831 Vienna to retrieve the Kingsley dagger. It is supposed to be a quick mission, but then Kat has a chance to help Ellie. Will Kat and Evan make it back to the present safely (let’s settle for alive) or will they meet their end in old Vienna?

The Girl Who Saved Ghosts is the second book in The Unbelievables series and I suggest reading the series in order (otherwise, you will be a little lost). There are numerous characters and it can be hard to keep them straight. Those of you who have read The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts there are references to it that will help remind you of what occurred (it has been a year). I thought the pace was a little slower in this installment and the same details are repeated throughout the story (after a while I could recite them by heart). I understand Kat wanting to know her father, Max, but it got to be a repeated refrain. The Girl Who Saved Ghosts is a good story. Readers are given more details on the Langley heir and her relationship to the other three families. I wish there had been more action. The book leads up to Kat and Evan going back in time (once again) and it was such a short section (rich with historical detail though). I wanted more of the time traveling and supernatural aspect. I am giving The Girl Who Saved Ghosts 4 out of 5 stars! The romance element is light (hooray) and the story is aimed at a young adult audience (adults will enjoy it as well). I am glad that the author excluded intimate relations and foul language from the story. The Girl Who Saved Ghosts is nicely written, has good characters, and has an intriguing mystery (you never know what will happen next). I appreciated the growth in Kat that took place during the course of the story. I am happy to see these changes in her. I want to know who is the Dark One and how will they stop him. I will be reading the next book in The Unbelievables series to find out what happens next.
Kris_Anderson | 5 autres critiques | Oct 17, 2017 |
Kai survived her abduction and Lukas is safe but her marriage with Oliver is imploding and the Fuch family is front and center. Lukas' mom, Mickey still pines for Oliver, and Oliver is either too stupid or clueless to get the hint that she is dangerous for his marriage. Mickey's big brother Alex is gorgeous and is just the ticket for Kai to make Oliver jealous or is it something more?

This book sucked me in right away, good story, well written with lots of twists turns and supernatural fun. Nice light reading.
ReadingGrrl | 1 autre critique | Nov 1, 2016 |
"The Unbelievables" Do you believe in "The Unbelievables?" I definitely think that is a more fitting title. I even prefer just the series name, "The Unbelievables" better then I do "The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts." It just doesn't seem catchy enough to me, but hey that's just my opinion and really the only thing I didn't care for about this book. It was a fantastic debut!! The story was very entertaining and well-written. I don't want to call it an actual "ghost story" because it doesn't have the creepy, scary, suspense of a true ghost story but it is about ghosts, a 129-year-old murder and a family curse. I thought it was more of a fun, adventure/mystery story. There is also a little bit of time-travel in it too. I normally don't read time-travel stories because in my experience, more often then not, they aren't written very well, but that's not the case here. The author, K.C. Tansley, does an exceptional job articulating her ideas and putting pen to paper. She kept the dynamics simple and it worked. Well done!! I can't wait to see where "The Unbelievables" lead us next!
**I received this ARC from NetGalley & Beckett Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
EmpressReece | 8 autres critiques | Aug 22, 2016 |
This book is about a young man, Oliver, who is devoted to his wife, Kai, who happens to be a telepath. Because she is so receptive to the pain and ugliness all around her, her mind has become fragile and she is at almost constant risk of suicide, especially living in a place like Manhattan. To save her, Oliver gives up everything, “kidnaps” her, and takes her to an old house he inherited in out-of-the-way Butternut, Wisconsin.

But of course, evil isn’t restricted to New York, and soon Kai is in trouble again, both mentally and physically.

Most of the story, told in alternate chapters by Kai and Oliver, has two main focuses: Kai’s telepathy and the problems it causes, and the strain in their marriage produced by returning to the place where Oliver grew up, and where his ex-girlfriend Mickey is still in love with him.

Although the book was compulsively readable, at the same time I found Kai’s continued histrionics and immaturity very annoying. These aspects to Kai also marred the ending, which once again showed, in my opinion, how Kai could not overcome these weaknesses. Realistic? I didn’t think so, in light of Oliver’s devotion to her. And the fact that nobody could figure out who the bad guy was? Also seemed improbable.
nbmars | 4 autres critiques | Aug 11, 2016 |
I received a copy of this book for free from Goodreads competitions.

Kat is an unusual girl. She has always been able to see ghosts otherwise known as "the Unbelievables" since she was a little girl but was forced to disbelieve in them after almost becoming possessed by one. Fast forward a few years when Kat is a teenager. She is in her junior year at McTernan Academy where she is doing a research project for a professor. The project brings her face to face (so to speak) with the ghosts she has long denied.

I really enjoyed this read and can see it appealing to the YA audience especially ones who love the supernatural and stories with a twist. There is a hint of romance but not enough to derail the main storyline and I enjoyed learning about the main characters. It is enough that I am very interested....ok I cannot wait until the second book in the series. I especially liked how the author explains how and where the idea for the series came from.

As an aside, I have an almost 12-year-old daughter who hid the book from me so she could read it first. Apparently, she really liked it too.

Thank you to Goodreads and especially the author for the opportunity to read this novel.
Veronica.Sparrow | 8 autres critiques | Jul 25, 2016 |
I absolutely loved this book. It is the first book in The Unbelievables series. I enjoy a good ghost story and mystery all rolled into one. This book fits the bill. Kat has always been able to see and talk to ghosts. She became friends with them thinking nothing of it till one day a ghost tried to take over her body. Very Creepy! With the help of Toria( Happens to be a ghost) she was able to stop the other ghost. Unfortunately Kat had to give up her best friend Toria to do this and was told she must become a nonbeliever. Before she faded away Toria taught Kat three lessons. One, Life repels the lifeless, two never ever speak of the Unbelievables and third, Ghosts don't exist. This all occurred when she was only 9 years old.
The story takes you to McTernon, a prep school where Kat attends. We meet Professor Astor who puts together a team for a research project at Castle Creighton. He is trying to solve a mystery that has plagued the Radcliffe family for years. There is a curse on the family in which all the first born sons die on their 23 birthday. The four team members include Kat, Morgan, who is Kat's best friend, Seth and Evan the TA. They are on a quest to help Joshua Radcliffe find out how to stop the curse from taking his life. Kat not only is having to do research on the Unbelievables but has to stay at the castle. With all of this going on she can no longer hold the ghosts off that she has tried to avoid all of these years. Will the team be able to save Joshua? Will they be able to solve the mystery and stop the curse before it takes another Radcliffe?
This book takes you on a magical adventure filled with mystery, time travel, paranormal happenings, and intrigue. You find that not everything is as it appears and truths long buried eventually find their way to the surface. I was immediately drawn into this book. All the twists and turns will have you on the edge of your seat. If you want a fun magical read you have found your book.
I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
Penny_Burns_Marks | 8 autres critiques | Nov 3, 2015 |
The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K.C. Tansley is a new young adult paranormal novel. Kat Preston has been able to see ghosts since she is a baby. When she was nine years old, though, a ghost tried to take over her body. With the help of Toria, Kat kept the ghost from taking over, but she has had to repel ghosts (pretend they do not exist) ever since. Kat is now seventeen and, despite her best efforts, the ghosts are getting closer. On her seventeenth birthday Kat received a beautiful sapphire ring from her father. It is the same ring Toria wore when Kat saw her when she was nine (you know it is not a coincidence). Kat has never seen her father. Who is he and why has he stayed away?

Professor Astor is teaching The Lore and Lure of Historical Places this semester. He is focusing on Castle Creighton and the curse on the family (and its descendants). Professor Astor is sending a four person team to the town nearest the castle (Wright, Connecticut) and to Castle Creighton. Kat is a part of the team. She knows it will look good on her college applications. Kat is good with research and has experience with archaeology. Her mother is the renowned archaeologist, Dr. Valerie Preston. The other members of the team are Evan Kingsley. Evan is in college and Professor Astor’s teaching assistant. Evan believes in science and facts. Seth Fitzgerald is the expert (for someone in high school) on architecture and Morgan Sanchez, Kat’s best friend. Morgan is from Wright so she knows the people, castle, and lore.

The Creighton Curse is that the first born son of each generation will die on his honeymoon or on his twenty-third birthday (whichever comes first). They die bizarre and horrible deaths (as well as the wife). There is one last Creighton left. Joran Creighton is just weeks away from his twenty-third birthday. Can they solve the curse before his birthday? Will Kat be able to handle her gifts? Will Evan be made a believer in the unbelievable (Kat’s name for ghosts).

The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts was a great book. I thoroughly loved reading it. It has ghosts and magic! I have just told you a little bit about what happens in the book. There is so much more. I give The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts 5 out of 5 stars (which means I loved it). I was glad that the book did not have the usual teenage angst or a lot of romance (it had just a little bit which was just right). The writer did a superb job drawing the reader (me) into the story and keeping the reader’s attention (I stayed up late reading it). I eagerly look forward to the next book in this series. There is a lot of names to keep track of along with the related family history. I like how the author tied everything together in the end.

I received a complimentary copy of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own.
Kris_Anderson | 8 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2015 |
This book had an interesting storyline, but never the right combination of trust between anyone. The ending resolution seemed flimsy to me.
eheinlen | 4 autres critiques | Jan 15, 2014 |
author from Wolcott, CT
Carole-Ann | 4 autres critiques | Aug 9, 2014 |
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