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In book one in the Vampire Erotic Theatre series, Lilah is a human working as a servant in a vampire-only London theater. Even though a cruel aristocratic vampire owns her, she’s fallen in love with her boss.
Javier, along with three other vampires, owns the theater. He’s been secretly in love with Lilah since he met her, but since another vampire owns the delectable human, he’s kept his distance. After a month apart visiting his family, he returns to the theater and finds himself alone with her. His lust finally burns out of control, and they make love. Knowing he’s broken the law and will soon face death, he spends his remaining hours with her, slowly coming to the realization that the bond between Lilah and her master may not be as strong as it should be.
Javier and Lilah were dark, sensual, and entertaining. They’ve both been fighting their desire for one another, but once they finally gave in to lust and passion, the love they’ve been denying overpowers them. I loved seeing them come together. The sex scenes were scorching!
I haven’t read many books in Ms. Heaton’s various vampire series, but I think some of them are interconnected. That seems to be the case with this one, due to Javier’s family and his sister’s recent marriage to a human.
Javier’s friends and business partners—Callum, Antoine, and Snow—are great secondary characters, and I’m interested to know more about Snow in particularly.
I didn’t notice any typos, but I had to reread a few passages due to odd word choices. Anyway, I like Ms. Heaton’s writing style, and I would love to read more books in this series.
5 Stars
AmberDaulton | 7 autres critiques | Nov 20, 2023 |
aeryn0 | 12 autres critiques | Jul 23, 2023 |
Finished Reading September 13, 2013

Book(s) Rejected
1.75 Stars.
A collection of crappy books that leave a bad taste in your Vampire loving mouth.
Collection includes:

Lost by Lori Devoti (First in Lost Series)

Victoria Gardella: Vampire Slayer by Colleen Gleason (A Gardella Vampire Chronicles story)

Reunion by F E Heaton (A Vampire Realm Series Story)

Until Death Do Us Part by Lynda Hilburn (Kismet Knight, Vampire Psychologist series)

Knight After Night by Jackie Ivie (First in Vampire Assassin League series)

Prch Amz September 11, 2013
bodebeabay | 2 autres critiques | Sep 25, 2022 |
A nice collection of stories.
JevKim | 2 autres critiques | Apr 22, 2022 |
I'll admit that this particular book didn't grab me. I don't know why, it just didn't.

I'm not saying it's a bad read but it's not a memorable one (i.e. I read this 2 days ago and forgot that I had and just started reading it again. After 15 pages I realised I'd already done so)
Damiella | 9 autres critiques | Aug 18, 2020 |
WOW! I think that this is my first time reading this author, but it will not be my LAST! I loved Olivia's caring nature as a scientist and her compassion. I thought that she was wrong to judge Prince Loren based on her ex-lover and a demon who took advantage of her heart. She had sworn off loving another species and getting her heat broken again, then a man of unknown species was literally dumped on her work doorstep! I loved Prince Loren's need to save his brother even though he had taken the lives of so many people both human and elf. He saw that there was no choice but to kill him as he was a crazed brother who liked to kill. But could he be saved?
HOTCHA | 12 autres critiques | Jan 26, 2020 |
Great start

Really enjoyed Felicity Heaton's Kissed by a dark Prince , found it very intriguing , the idea that these supernatural creatures all have a ki'ara Loren found his in Olivia, though I was a bit perplexed over his reasons for breaking the bond , they didn't seem to be that valid so i was very pleased he changed his mind and decided to win Olivia for his life mate. She was a teensy bit stubborn in my opinion If had a super buff pointy eared hotty wanted to take me from the mortal realm and make me a princess, WELL LET ME SEE !!!! YES!!!!! No brainer. Will be interesting to see where this is going am very much looking forward to Sable's story.
carpathian1974 | 12 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |
Great start

Really enjoyed Felicity Heaton's Kissed by a dark Prince , found it very intriguing , the idea that these supernatural creatures all have a ki'ara Loren found his in Olivia, though I was a bit perplexed over his reasons for breaking the bond , they didn't seem to be that valid so i was very pleased he changed his mind and decided to win Olivia for his life mate. She was a teensy bit stubborn in my opinion If had a super buff pointy eared hotty wanted to take me from the mortal realm and make me a princess, WELL LET ME SEE !!!! YES!!!!! No brainer. Will be interesting to see where this is going am very much looking forward to Sable's story.
carpathian1974 | 12 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |
CLAIMED BY HER COUGAR MATE is the first book in the new Cougar Creek Mates series by Felicity Heaton.

With only 150 pages in CLAIMED BY HER COUGAR there wasn't a whole lot of deep connection moments or in-depth discussions happening. The sex scenes are suitably hot and I definitely felt the relationship vibes, but I would have liked to see more to their relationship development.

It's books like CLAIMED BY HER COUGAR that make me glad I am able to picture in my head the scenery of everything. Heaton did a really great job describing the surroundings and I had no problem losing myself in the world and wishing I was there.

I enjoyed CLAIMED BY HER COUGAR enough to want to read more, I do hope that the books get a tad bit longer so the relationships have a little more substance to them.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
STACYatUFI | Aug 30, 2018 |
There are some good descriptive passages, but a number of them don't really contribute to the plot, slowing the pace of the book. I also found the characters hard to connect with, especially since the male main character is meant to be Lucifer. I know this is fantasy, but the scenario just didn't work for me.
AngelaJMaher | 1 autre critique | Jun 18, 2018 |
~ 4.5 Craved by an Alpha Stars ~

ARC Craved by an Alpha

Hot dame this series just keeps getting better or should I say it’s all Amazing. Craved by an Alpha is book five in the Eternal Mates series by Felicity Heaton. Don’t let the five scare you off this one can be read as a stand alone. We get the perfect amount of plot, character development, and romance.

Yep, I’m enjoying these new characters in the Eternal Mates series. Cavanaugh is one sexy snow leopard. I liked his determination to do what he thought was right, so he could be with his Eternal Mate. Eloise, I also liked. She was determined to get Cavanaugh back to his pride, so he could save them from a tyrant even if it meant she would lose the one she loved. Both are strong and determined characters. The one thing I could have down without was the repeat thoughts Cavanuagh had on what his plan was and that he wants her to love to be his mate not a mistress cause of his status in the pride. Other then that. This was another Fantastic Amazing read by Felicity.

I love this series and if you have not picked it up yet, you must.

Disclaimer: ARC provided by author via tour host (Rabid PR) with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 1 autre critique | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 5 Taken Stars ~

Taken by a Dragon is book seven in the Eternal Mates series by Felicity Heaton. I love DRAGONS and I have been not so patently waiting for this installment. It’s by far another one of my favorites in this series.

Hell is a very dangerous place even for the creatures living in it, but the Dragons are at the top of the pyramid and very few creatures will mess with them. I enjoyed learning about the Dragons in Hell, their culture and instincts. Loke is a Dragon, masculine, powerful, and very intelligent. I liked his determination to protect his little Amazon and his curiosity about her and her world. Anais is a fierce warrior, strong willed, and works for Archangel, the hunter organization. I liked her fierceness and dedication to protect her family and friends.

The relationship building was well done. Loke and Anais have feelings for each other, but did not jump on them and instead they got to know each other first. I will always love cameos and FHeaton had no shortage of them in Taken by a Dragon. We get a great verity of characters and of course the author introduces us to a few new ones that I am looking forward to reading about. Ms. Heaton does an amazing job of bring together everything a PNR needs. The writing style flows easily and the story pulls you in making it so hard to put the book down. This is another Masterful Spectacular Adventure full of protection and romance.

If you have not picked this series up yet, I highly recommend you do. This is a must read for any PNR fans. Ms. Heaton is an unbelievable writer and all her her works are worth trying out.

* Disclaimer: ARC provided by author via tour host (Rabid PR) with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 1 autre critique | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 3.5 Bitten Stars ~

Bitten by a Hellcat is book six in the Eternal Mates series. This one can be read as a stand alone.

As books go in a series this one is my least favorite. Which is sad, but their is bound to be one that does not fit or work for someone. Bitten by a Hellcat just did not have that same great feel as the other previous installments.

Owen is a Hunter, mercenary, and has some shocking secrets. Cait is a Hellcat, which is something new that we have not yet seen. She is strong and a fighter. These two are attracted to each other from the get go. What got to me is their is no prior relationship between them, which made everything feel rushed and the sex came off as a one-nighter. I did not enjoy the couple falling into be so fast. I never really felt the lust bloom into that eternal love. We do get some great action-packed moments and fans of the series will love that our Bleu makes an appearance, thou it is small, we see a glimpse of who his intended will be. It’s always fun when the author pulls characters back into the story.

Bitten by a Hellcat was still a good read in the series. Not my favorite, but I am looking forward to more great books in the Eternal Mates series. I love this series and If you have not picked it up yet, you must.

Disclaimer: ARC provided by author via tour host (Rabid PR) with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 4 Her Sinful Angel Stars ~

Her Sinful Angel is book eight in the Her Angel series by [a:Felicity Heaton|1228468|Felicity Heaton|]. I enjoyed going to Hell, learning about Lucifer, and seeing him as a romance hero. Her Sinful Angel is full of action, betrayal, & romance.

Lucifer is the king of Hell and a powerful warrior angel. We get the lowdown on Lucifer and by the end of this story, you feel for him. Nina, is a human; being used in Heaven’s games, but she does not know this. She has a sliver of dark insider her, which helped her to connect with Lucifer.

Both Lucifer and Nina have been betrayed, both have barriers around themselves, and they both try to keeping their emotions at bay. What each went through shaped them to be what they are now. They balanced each other out with the full on darkness/a little light in Lucifer to Nina’s full on light/with a sliver of darkness.

The plot was straight to the point. I was also surprised by something in the plot (not going to spoil it), but I did enjoy the surprise. I read this book in one shot. It was a quick and sexy read, something I needed and enjoyed.

It can be read as a standalone, but a few of the previous characters do show up. This is my second experience with Felicity Heaton’s Her Angel series and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Lucifer and Nina. I plan on reading the others in this series, getting more familiar with the world, and cast of characters.

If you have not picked up Her Angel series, I recommend giving it a try.

*Disclaimer: This story was previously published in the Dark and Damaged Box Set which I bought, but I also received a complementary ARC from the author through RabidPR. The complementary ARC had an added scene at the end, that was not previously in the Box Set, but has been added since it’s release in single format. All thoughts, comments, and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 1 autre critique | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 3.5 Bitten Stars ~

Bitten by a Hellcat is book six in the Eternal Mates series. This one can be read as a stand alone.

As books go in a series this one is my least favorite. Which is sad, but their is bound to be one that does not fit or work for someone. Bitten by a Hellcat just did not have that same great feel as the other previous installments.

Owen is a Hunter, mercenary, and has some shocking secrets. Cait is a Hellcat, which is something new that we have not yet seen. She is strong and a fighter. These two are attracted to each other from the get go. What got to me is their is no prior relationship between them, which made everything feel rushed and the sex came off as a one-nighter. I did not enjoy the couple falling into be so fast. I never really felt the lust bloom into that eternal love. We do get some great action-packed moments and fans of the series will love that our Bleu makes an appearance, thou it is small, we see a glimpse of who his intended will be. It’s always fun when the author pulls characters back into the story.

Bitten by a Hellcat was still a good read in the series. Not my favorite, but I am looking forward to more great books in the Eternal Mates series. I love this series and If you have not picked it up yet, you must.

Disclaimer: ARC provided by author via tour host (Rabid PR) with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 5 Marked by an Assassin Stars ~

Epic! Outstanding! Mind-blowing!

WOW! Each book is just as amazing as the last, if not more extraordinary. I have another favorite in this epic series. I really can’t just pick one. The series is extraordinary. The author knows how to weave a fantastic tail with each new novel. Each novel is packed full of action, twists and turns, new surprises, eventful and emotional moments, which add up to one remarkable read!

Marked by an Assassin brings us some key points in the opening chapters on our leads Harbin and Aya, that give the characters a lifetime’s worth of history. Learning about their history sets us up nicely for the plot that just keeps giving.

Harbin and Aya have a history and combine that with what happened in-between their childhood to them become adults you end up with an irresistible male lead and a spitfire heroine. Their chemistry was superb. I liked that we got to see more of Hartt and Fuery, they are a curious pair and I hope we get to see them in the future. I also like that we got to revisit with other previous characters.

The series can be read out of order which is nice, but I highly recommend an in order read. We get to revisit some pivotal scenes that happened in privies novels. These scenes are given to us in different perspectives and it just adds to the awe-inspiring adventure.

Marked by an Assassin adds up to one spectacular, suspenseful, heart-wrenching, and wondrous read. It left me so content and I am just waiting on pins and needles for the next installment in this series.

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy provided by Felicity Heaton with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 4.5 Hunted by a Jaguar Stars ~

ARC Hunted by a Jaguar

Hunted by a Jaguar is book four in the Eternal Mates series by Felicity Heaton. Ok, so what can I say that has not been said. Hunted by a Jaguar is another Amazing Spectacular Winner in the Eternal Mates series. This one can be read as a standalone, but If you want to know who some of the other characters are that are talked about then best to read in order. We get trust issues, suspense, action, a knowing that they are mates, but one or both fight it, and so much more.

Kyter, is a Jaguar shifter, owner of a nightclub, and has a very big secret. He goes on a quest of revenge, but finds something much more precious. He has to fight his instincts or lose what he never thought he would have. I loved him. What a hottie. His inner battles where well done and intriguing.

Iolabthe, is an elf. She needs to find an artifact or face death. She never expected to run into her Fated Mate. She is fantastic. I love that she is an archaeologist of sorts and very independent, but she also has a soft side. We also get a very big surprise on a family relation of hers, which I just loved.

FHeaton does an amazing job bringing us everything we love in a PNR. The story pulls you in from the start. We get so much depth with the plot, world, and characters. The writing flows and the characters are always well developed. The sex is fantastic and hot. The chemistry between Kyter and Iolabthe is breathtaking. I love it when a book brings back old characters and connects them to the present. I was also very surprised to see someone from Vampirectice make an appearances. Eee (loved that scene). Those who have read VET will love this surprise. One scene I loved was/is the water scene with our leads. Yes ladies, you will know what I’m talking about when you read it. OMG HAWT!

Outstanding! Extraordinary! Superb! This is a must read for any PNR fans. FHeaton is an unbelievable storyteller and her works are worth trying out.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy free of charge from the author with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 5 Tempted Stars ~

ARC Review: Tempted by a Rouge Prince

Tempted by a Rouge Prince is book three in the Eternal Mates series by [a:Felicity Heaton|1228468|Felicity Heaton|]. Another Amazing Spectacular read by Ms. Heaton! I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for Vail’s tail ever since he was introduced in [b:Kissed by a Dark Prince|18710035|Kissed by a Dark Prince (Eternal Mates #1)|Felicity Heaton||26567950]. I was blown away by the emotional, heart-wrenching, action packed adventure. We start off just after the second book [b:Claimed by a Demon King|18741572|Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates, #2)|Felicity Heaton||26620811] and the battle that took place in Hell.

Vail, our Mad Elf Prince, brother to Loren. He was tricked and used by a dark witch several millennia ago. Now he suffers emotional and mental issues. You see throughout the series that he is trying so hard to fight the witch who has him under her control. His battle to find some peace for himself is just starting. Ms. Heaton did an amazing job showing us the battle inside. The conflicting emotions and desires that go through Vail were well done and I was crying at times just from how much I felt for him.

Rosalind, a witch, Vail’s mate his Little Wild Rose as he calls her. She has been avoiding any contact with the elves; because of a prediction her grandmother gave her. This has made her a hermit (sorta) unable to live her life; because of the fear of the prediction. In Claimed by a Demon King she ends up helping in the battle, but in doing so ends up a prisoner to those she fought and now battles nightmares of what she did in the war. Ms. Heaton did a fabulous job with Rosalind. I was not sure if she would be strong enough to help Vail, but she finally faces her fear to embrace life and love. I enjoyed the struggles she went through both physical and emotional.

I just love the Eternal Mates series. Ms. Heaton does an amazing job of bring together everything a PNR needs. The writing style flows easily and the story pulls you in making it so hard to put the book down. Remarkable plot and character development. The action battle scenes where so real and detailed. The sex was fantastic and the connection the character’s make are well matched.

If you have not picked this series up yet, I highly recommend you do. This is a must read for any PNR fans. Ms. Heaton is an unbelievable writer and all her her works are worth trying out.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy free of charge from the author with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 5 Demon King Stars ~

ARC Review

Felicity Heaton knows how to pull an audience in. Every book I pick up from her I don't want to put down. Claimed by a Demon King is book two in the new Eternal Mates series. I enjoyed the first book, Kissed by a Dark Prince, but I absolutely LOVED the following book, Claimed by a Demon King.

We get lots of action, fantasticily written fight scenes, wonderful character development, virgin hero, kick ass heroine and hot hot sex. I enjoy how distributive the author is in describing the sex scene’s as well as the action. It makes it easy to imagine and believe in the world, characters and plot.

Sable is a great kick ass heroine and complemented King Thorne. Thorne needs a strong battle ready women at his side and Sable fits that part. I enjoyed the relationship development as well as a few surprises along the way like learning about Sable’s parent and discovering that she is more then just a human. (No I won’t tell you. You will have to read the book to find out) We also get great sexual tension and some fantastic shared sex dreams. I also enjoyed the cameo appearance at the Vampire Theater. I was unsure in the last book if it was set in the same world/time as her other books and now I know.

If you have not picked up this series, I highly recommend you do! I also suggest checking out her other works! Felicity Heaton is a master at drawing us in, building our imagination and taking us on a kick ass adventure with the right amount of hot sex and romance.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from Felicity Heaton in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

angels_gp | 6 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 3.5 Enslave Stars ~

Enslave is book four in Vampire Erotic Theater by [a:Felicity Heaton|4313042|Felicity Heaton|]. All the stores in this series are short. They are great for when you need a quick erotic read.

As always Felicity Heaton knows how to pull an audience in. Every book I pick up from her I don't want to put down even if it’s not as good as some of the others she has written. She has a way of delivering to us interesting characters, wonderful written sex scenes and a little action/adventure. I also like the new paranormal demographics she brings into the series.

Andrew and Varya have smoking hot chemistry from the begging and it is portrayed well throughout the story (yes its an insta thing, but done well). Andrew we don’t know much about. He is new to the theater, so I don’t have much of a sense of who he is until this story. I was not a fan of his at the begging, but as the story progressed I liked him. He was willing to give up his freedom for the one he loves. Varya was an interesting character and a new type of paranormal we have not seen yet in the series. For Varay; Andrew is forbidden, but she does not let it stop her from finding out why, she is so drawn to him and why, he is so forbidden by her people. We also get to learn more about Payne. He is a new addition as well to the theater and of course who can resist a little Snow cameo.

Enslave is a forbidden romance, with interesting characters and erotica. It can be read as a stand alone, but you get a better understand of the world and other characters if read in order. I look forward to the next installment in the Vampire Erotic Theater.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
I got this book as part of the Dark and Dangerous, Six-in-One Hot Paranormal Romances Boxed Set.

5 Stars ~ Seduce (Vampire Erotic Theartre #3) by Felicity Heaton

Ever since I read the first book Covet by Felicity E. Heaton I was hooked into this series and looked forward to Antonie's story.

Heaton knows how to pull her audience into the Vampire Erotic Theatre world and she knows how to write a sex scene. The smut has a real plot and heart to go with it, which I love.

The interaction between Sear and Antione is sizzling and then freezing! Antione has some issues to work through and Sera is determined to help him through it. I loved how they connected and worked out their issues. There is some very tender and sweet moments along the way.

For Snow fans we get to see and learn more about him and Antione. My heart broke for them both and what has made them the vampire aristocrats that they are today. I can’t wait for Snows story.

Heaton also intradoses us to a couple of new male vamps. Callum and Javier’s brothers will be brought into the theater’s inner workings. I can’t wait to learn and see more of these two.

If you are wanting a hot vampire read you need to check out Seduce and the rest of Vampire Erotic Theatre.

angels_gp | 4 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 5 Bewitch Stars ~

[a:Felicity E. Heaton|1228468|Felicity E. Heaton|] put a spell on me. I could not put this book down. From the very first page I was hooked until the last page. I have been waiting to learn about Payne from the moment he was introduced to us in Seduce.

Payne is one of the newer vampires to the Theatre. There is lots of mystery around him and his past. He sets out to help his fellow vamp family venturing into the fae world looking for a specific witch that might be able to help. I liked that we moved outside the Theatre and into the supernatural world. Payne eventually finds Elissa who is in need of help. She knows where to find what he needs for his friends. Elissa is perfect for Payne. I enjoy when the characters complement each other, help each other over come issues and grow into a meningful relationship. Both of them get something unexpected from their bargain and we are taken into a sexy tale immersed in healing and discovery.

Bewitch has a little light BDSM. I enjoyed the journey Payne and Elissa go on and by the end they both find what they need in each other. It is a sweet emotional love story full of sexual tension and sexual release. Ms. Heaton never fails to deliver in the heat deparment. I just loved both Payne and Elissa. They are my favorite couple in this series so far.

I can’t wait to read Unleash. We finally get Snow’s HEA.

angels_gp | 4 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
~ 4.5 Dark Prince Stars ~

I’ve been a fan of [a:Felicity Heaton|4313042|Felicity Heaton|] since reading her VET (Vampire Erotic Theater) series. She knows how to pull an audience in and gives us sexy vampires, demons, angels, and now elves.

Kissed by a Dark Prince is book one in Felicity Heaton's Eternal Mates series. The first 3/4 felt a little slow too me. Even with the slow start I could not put this one down. The plot keeps us on our toes with lots of action, suspense, surprises we don’t see coming and romance.

Olivia is strong willed and curious, with a past that makes it hard for her to open up. Loren is our dark prince who must do what is right for his people even if it means giving up the one thing he has waited so long for. They both have their reasons for fighting the mating, so it took a little longer for Olivia and Loren to start talking and building the relationship, but once they did, things got hot hot hot.

The Elves are an interesting race. I was intrigued with them and how they are portrayed as blood drinkers. I liked the mythology used to explain the difference between Vampires and Elves. That one is new to me. I have not read any other Elf book that shows them in this light. The supporting characters also captured my attention ensureing that I want to know more about them. The fight scenes were amazing. The details in the action make it believable and easy to picture. I loved the finally battle scene!

Kissed by a Dark Prince was a fantastic read in Felicity Heaton’s new Eternal Mates series. I look forward to reading more of her work and exploring the world and characters she has created. I recommend this book to Paranormal Romance readers who love action with their romance.

angels_gp | 12 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
*5 Craving Stars*

I enjoyed Crave from the first page to the last. HOT! SEXY!

Callum and Kristina have lots of obstacles in their way to a happy ever after. Kristina wants to keep her personal history to herself and was taught that Vampires are bad, so she decides to guard her heart. Callum comes from an elite family that is already looked down upon; because of the human blood in the mix.

Once Callum and Kristina come together all inhibitions are tossed out the window. They set the pages on fire! Their interactions are plentiful and scorching. Once they discover that their is more then sex between them things start to change. Vampires and Werewolves fight bloody wars they do not mix the two species, but these two will tempt the odds and come together.

Thous who like Snow we get a page of him showing up.

angels_gp | 2 autres critiques | Apr 26, 2018 |
Fabulous, Amazing, & Outstanding Box Set. Well worth purchasing! We get such a verity of supernatural creatures and worlds in this Paranormal Romance Set.

~ 5 Lion Eyes Stars ~

Lion Eyes is part of the [b:Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance|25533863|Dark and Damaged Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance|Jennifer Ashley||45323014] Box Set and is set in [a:Jennifer Ashley|28569|Jennifer Ashley|]’s Shifters Unbound series. I love that her novellas can be read out of order (standalone) and give you a great taste of her writing and Shifters Unbound series.

This is a quick read. The relationship moves fast, but when a shifter finds his/her mate, that is how it goes. All the characters are great and entertaining. I like the human shifter hook ups the best in this series. I also enjoyed returning to the Austin shifters and seeing what is happening in their world.

I loved Lion Eyes and if you enjoy reading about shifters, then you should pick up Jennifer Ashley. I highly recommend her Shifters Unbound series. It’s one, especially the novellas, that I read over and over again.

~ 2.5 Blood Flame Stars ~

Blood Flame is book one in the Flame series by [a:Caris Roane|3500801|Caris Roane|].

This one started out good, but the more I read the more some things just did not work for me. It is an interesting concept and world that these characters live in. There are five alter species, which are genetic mutations of some drug that runs free/un-checked, so the people are not changed by there choosing. We never find out how this drug got started and all these creatures vampires, witches, shifters, wizards, and fae got put into this world. There is a little world building and what we do learn is not nice. This world is dark and corruption runs deep in all five areas of the zones the supernaturals now live in. Many of the species do not play nice together. As for the storyline things move fast with the plot and the relationship between Connor, Vampire and Iris, Witch. These two have a strong attraction/pull to each other and they never full understand why they do. As relationships go this was fast-paced and not less then 48hrs into being together to solve who wants them dead, they are in love and a marriage proposal happens (a little farfetched for me). Also we get a lot of pinning over dead spouses and a life lost when they where changed into supernatural creatures.

Overall, Blood Flame was an ok read. It was not fully for me, but if you find the blurb intriguing you should give it a try.

~ 5 Tempted By Fire Stars ~

Tempted By Fire is book one in the Dragons of Bloodfire series by [a:Erin Kellison|3395248|Erin Kellison|]. OMG, I love dragons and this novel had me hooked from begging to end.

I loved everything about this story. The writing is amazing, the world building is fantastic and the world is interesting. We get lots of surprises and unique characters. I had a good time with the mystery that brings Emerson and Thane together.

Emerson’s life has not been easy. She does not believe in dragons nor does she believe she is one herself, but she will be sucked into a wold that terrifies her and is deadly. As the death count rises secrets that have been long kept will finally be revealed. She is everything I enjoy in a heroine with her strong, fierce, and fiery personality. Thane is a Dragon and knows his time is limited, but he has one last thing he must accomplish before he gives into the dragon song. You feel his struggle, his loneliness, and determination to find justice. He is a true alpha.

Lots of action, a mystery, and romance. The attraction between Emerson and Thane builds up along the way as they both try to discover the truth. I liked how the author used Emerson’s naiveté. It brought depth to the story and her character. I also had a good time getting to know the secondary characters. Note: Their is a lot of violence in this dragon world more then I expected, but it did not detour me.

Tempted By Fire was an outstanding start to this new series. Dragon lover’s will enjoy! We get fantastic world building, lots of surprises, a mystery, and amazing characters. I can’t wait for the next book.

~ 4 Her Sinful Angel Stars ~

Her Sinful Angel is book eight in the Her Angel series by [a:Felicity Heaton|1228468|Felicity Heaton|]. I enjoyed going to Hell, learning about Lucifer, and seeing him as a romance hero. Her Sinful Angel is full of action, betrayal, & romance.

Lucifer is the king of Hell and a powerful warrior angel. We get the lowdown on Lucifer and by the end of this story, you feel for him. Nina, is a human; being used in Heaven’s games, but she does not know this. She has a sliver of dark insider her, which helped her to connect with Lucifer.

Both Lucifer and Nina have been betrayed, both have barriers around themselves, and they both try to keeping their emotions at bay. What each went through shaped them to be what they are now. They balanced each other out with the full on darkness/a little light in Lucifer to Nina’s full on light/with a sliver of darkness.

The plot was straight to the point. I was also surprised by something in the plot (not going to spoil it), but I did enjoy the surprise. I read this book in one shot. It was a quick and sexy read, something I needed and enjoyed.

It can be read as a standalone, but a few of the previous characters do show up. This is my second experience with Felicity Heaton’s Her Angel series and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Lucifer and Nina. I plan on reading the others in this series, getting more familiar with the world, and cast of characters.

If you have not picked up Her Angel series, I recommend giving it a try.

~ 3.5 Stars ~

The Resurrection of Sam Sloan is a short novella #2.5 in the Beyond series by Erin Quinn. The author packed a fair amount of story into this little novella.

I was immersed. It’s a little dark, creepy, and fun. I have not read many books on Reapers, so it was a different change. Very much enjoyed!

Sam is not a bad guy, just a man trying to protect his family at all cost. The Reaper comes into play when Sam is dyeing and something unusual happens. He ends up getting himself stuck in Sam’s body. I liked the slow acclimation of the Reaper into Sam’s body. Maggie, she has lost so much in her life and held it all together as best she could. It was hard reading about her struggles, but in the end she found happiness.

The Resurrection of Sam Sloan is a unique story with an interesting concept and a little mystery.

~ 4 Rebel’s Desire Stars ~

Rebel’s Desire is book four in the Iron Portal series by Laurie London. We are given a compelling world, plot, and characters.

I was pulled back into this fabulous and intriguing world. The concept is great with two worlds divided by hidden portals, one modern and one medieval. The Cascadians (medieval) have something the Pacificans (modern) want - Talents people with special abilities. These two separate worlds are waring with each other. The author does a deceit job explaining all of this, but I think the series is best read in order to get the full scope of what is going on.

Toryn, is part of the Cascadian Iron Guild and has some major trust issues after his love betrayed him. Falling for him is bound to have a few bumps along the way. Keely, is a Talent who grew up in the Pacificans world. She does not know the extent of her powers, but because of them her and her sister where cast out of their home as teenagers. She’s got daddy issues and her sister is missing.

These two end up working together and as they spend more time together they both learn to open up and heal. The romance is sweet and quick with some very hot and steamy moments. The author also features some familiar faces and that is always enjoyable.

Rebel’s Desire was a good read and I am looking forward to more installments in the Iron Portal series.

~ 4 Redemption Stars ~

Redemption is book four in the Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini by Bonnie Vanak. This little book packs a fair amount of story into it.

I’ve tried Ms. Vanak Werewolves of Montana series and those did not impress or leave an imprint on me to read more, but the Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini series, at least this book Redemption, really drew me in. It was an intriguing tail that placed two determined people on a collision course with destiny and each other.

There where several areas that I got very emotionally involved and felt for both our leads Robert and Aurora. Robert runs hot and cold on his emotions, I get it, but it was very hard to read; especially how he acts towards Aurora at times. As for Aurora, the portrayal of her loneliness was magnificent and I felt deeply for her. We also get a few surprises, twist, and turns that add to the story.

The only thing I did not like are the wizards in this series. They seam cruel and petty.

Redemption was an emotional and captivating read. It can be read as a stand-alone.

Raging Dawn - DNF
This is a stand-alone short novel in the Gardella Vampire Hunter series. I tired, but could not get into this one. I'm not a fan of historical romances. The characters are vampire slayers and dark. Maybe I'll try it again someday, but just to many other reading options. Even thought Raging Dawn was not the book for me. If the blurb intrigues you, I urge you to give it a shot. Just because it did not work for me does not mean it won’t for you.

angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
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