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Katya HarrisCritiques

Auteur de Stinger

7 oeuvres 13 utilisateurs 4 critiques


This is a wonderful collection of short stories and novellas with the theme of a May/December romance. Most of them are in contemporary settings, but there is the odd historical, fantasy, science fiction, and paranormal tale to be found. They range from charming to interesting, and from sweet to scorching hot.

My reviews can be found with the individual stories.

NOTE: This collection was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.

SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
Discovering your sexuality usually happens during puberty, and can be especially difficult for those people who find themselves outside the "norm" of whatever society decides is "acceptable". This is a story about a gay man who has been told by his bastard of an ex-boyfriend that being a submissive makes him a "deviant". Added to his own hesitance of admitting something no "strong man" is supposed to need, this has crushed Todd, and the shame he feels has stopped him from getting what he so desperately needs. Until he gathers his courage and takes the first step... and finds a happiness and fulfillment he never dreamed possible.

With wonderful characters (well, except for the bastard of an ex), some real issues for Todd to face, and a simple yet engaging plot, this novella is a great read for anyone who wants to know more about what it's like to be a sub - especially later in life, and how freeing it can be to go after what you want.

If you're looking for a read that will touch your heart, if you like stories that carry a great message of hope, and if you enjoy hot and loving BDSM action, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
In a world where shapeshifters are known to exist yet have to hide from bigoted hunters, discovering one is almost as much a surprise as if they never told humans about themselves at all. In this story, Abel, a dedicated vet, finds out that the dove his nephew mistakenly shot with a friend’s BB gun is so much more than just a bird. What follows is a sweet romance between Abel and Darcy, the shapeshifter from a nearby clan, threatened by prejudice and humans who fear what they don’t know.

Abel is a pacifist, and when he finds out what his nephew has done, he is very angry. But the boy is clearly sorry and has learned his lesson, and the wounded dove needs Abel’s help. Even though he isn’t sure the dove will make it, he tries his best. The scene when he hears some noise in the middle of the night, grabs his bat, and storms downstairs entirely in the nude is quite funny – only because I was sure where the noise came from and because Abel keeps promising to buy sleeping pants so he won’t have to deal with intruders without a stitch of clothing. To his surprise, there is a man where he left the dove, and the guy is just as naked as Abel!

Darcy is understandably scared when he sees Abel coming at him with a baseball bat, but Abel’s shock prevents him from doing anything. Darcy isn’t supposed to tell anyone he is a shapeshifter, but what is he supposed do? His arm is just as broken in human form as his wing was when he was a bird, so he still needs Abel’s help. Turns out that the attraction between them goes a long way toward creating some understanding. If it weren’t for the slightly crazy shapeshifter-hater who turns up a few days later, and the sheriff who seems to be after Abel, Darcy would have had a much easier time of it.

If you like shapeshifters with a slight difference, if two men who meet due to a disaster only to discover they are meant to be together sound appealing, and if you’re looking for a read that is sweet and has a few surprises, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
My issue with the books is not the writing, which is fine. It's not the characters, which are well-constructed and deep. The plot is even interesting. The issue I have is that this book is advertised as a romance.

It's not a romance. It's a rapist and his confused victim. I stopped reading before the end, because I'd had enough. I hate to use a buzzword like 'rape culture,' but here it is in spades. Rape is presented as being sex simply because the victim got turned on. That's not how it works. What the victim feels is absolutely irrelevant - their lack of consent makes it rape regardless. After watching this poor guy who's been badly injured and dominated say 'no' for the third time while his attacker expresses every intent of raping him regardless of how much he struggles, I decided that I have higher standards than this book.

Look, if you want to write a 'rape fantasy,' go right ahead - but do not, DO NOT advertise it as a romance.
WingedWolf | Oct 15, 2016 |