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Lisa Hall (3)

Auteur de Between You and Me

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Lisa Hall, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

6 oeuvres 262 utilisateurs 21 critiques

Œuvres de Lisa Hall

Between You and Me (2016) 84 exemplaires, 9 critiques
The Party (2018) 74 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Tell Me No Lies (2016) 30 exemplaires, 4 critiques
The Perfect Couple (2020) 30 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Woman in the Woods (2021) 23 exemplaires, 1 critique
Have You Seen Her (2019) 21 exemplaires


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Thank you so much to @UKCarina @Netgalley and @LisaHallAuthor
Oh what a thriller this is !!! A debut book most certainly well written about an abusive relationship. I urge everyone to read this book and NOT any reviews as this is a book that really needs no spoilers. Go and buy it...Everyone Needs a Thriller on their bookshelves. Everyone needs #BetweenYouandMe
TheReadingShed01 | 8 autres critiques | Feb 25, 2023 |
Holy Mind F$&k!!!! I just need a couple more stars here!!I can't even formulate a review. Just read this book. I read it on a plane flight and seriously almost threw my kindle in the aisle when I got to the end!!! You really have NO IIDEA!!! I usually can pretty much get things figured out, or have at least a suspicion how it's going to end but this book slapped me upside the head and reminded I'm stupid! Never saw it coming!!!
Jen-Lynn | 8 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2022 |
This is one of the best thrillers I've read. I basically picked it up today and blew through it. Emma is coming off an abusive relationship when she gets a job as a housekeeper for a wealthy widower. Rupert's wife committed suicide a year previously, but soon the two have become a couple. The fly in the ointment is the weird happenings around the house.
Everyone is a suspect here. Ms. Hall did a perfect job at building up the suspense with twists coming out of nowhere. The reader almost doesn't put it all together until the last few pages. Really, this is the best suspense book I've read in a while.… (plus d'informations)
N.W.Moors | 1 autre critique | Jan 24, 2022 |


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