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Raisa GreywoodCritiques

Auteur de Wicked Truth

30+ oeuvres 101 utilisateurs 18 critiques


18 sur 18
I really enjoyed this read and it was the first time I have read anything by this author and I definitely want to read more. Giorgio is this hard working, arrogant, cocky, playboy who is all over tabloids constantly. What we don't realize is that behind his playboy façade is a man that wants to do right by his brother and provide him with a great life. Carlin is a pastry chef who goes through a rough patch and needs a new job. She has a caring and loving side, yet at times she was kind of judgmental towards Giorgio, was he arrogant? yes but she just flat out didn't want him around while she watched his brother. Antonio was a beautiful soul and I loved him instantly. The connection between the two main characters was off the charts and they tried so hard to fight things, but sometimes fate has other plans. I was so happy to see Chance because he is one of my favorites from another series. Another great read for this cocky series!!
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
Breaking Donatella is a dark romance and there is some extreme behavior. That said, I absolutely loved this book. It had everything I enjoy in a dark story. Mafia? Yes. Strong alpha man? Yes. Scorching hot sex? Absolutely YES. Badass, independent heroine that refuses to be pushed around? Yes, yes, yes!
The twists and turns the story takes kept me invested in the story and I loved the characters so much in the end, that I was actually sad the story was over. I need more with these two.

The narration was perfect and I couldn't imagine a better duo for this story.
SillyViolet | 1 autre critique | Dec 3, 2022 |
4 stars

I always know I'm in for a treat when these two authors get together. The three stories in this book was very different than I expected but it was still good. I enjoyed how the last story ended where it left it up to the imagination of the reader to how this would turn out. It felt a little like Groundhog Day. I'm sure eventually the name will be right... Or maybe it won't.

While I liked this, I did not enjoy it as much as the first one.
MagicalRi | 1 autre critique | Feb 24, 2022 |
3.9 stars

There were elements of this story I liked that were appropriate to the lifestyle. However, I did struggle with some of the ways that Ella behaved in certain situations (her grandfather, for example). Those moments tended to be a little more cheesy. I did, however, put that aside because the premise of the story was good.
MagicalRi | 1 autre critique | Feb 24, 2022 |
This story starts out looking like any Victorian era romance/erotica. The hero swoops in, scoops up the heroine, marries her without really knowing her, and then gets up to naughty things with her. And that does happen. But, that's not all that happens, and that's only the very tip of the iceberg. There is a sneaky, shady, evil witch; a strong, smart, stubborn heroine; and a hero who is deceived.

Elizabeth has spent her life miserable at her father's house. He seems to hate her, alternately abusing her and neglecting her. They live in genteel poverty, and Elizabeth does everything she can to keep the house running well, as well as trying to stay out of her father's way, and maintain her learning and her own interests. It isn't always easy, but she manages it.

Richard, Earl of Shepton shows up at her house one day and when her father calls her in, Elizabeth learns that he is to be her husband and will marry the next day. Elizabeth knows nothing of him except that he's an Earl. She hopes that he will be kind to her, but she's glad to be getting away from her father, anyway.

When the day comes, she gets married and then is very nervous for the rest of the day. She's not entirely sure of what is going to happen, but she likes what does happen. Things seem to be going along just fine until Angeline shows up. And all of a sudden, things change.

I really enjoyed Elizabeth. She's smart and strong. She learns to like what's going on, and when things change, she takes charge of her destiny more. She really is tough. Some people may have a hard time warming up to Elizabeth because she isn't necessarily the most tactful person. Brains and beauty are her gifts. Charm and tact, not so much. I like that about her. She's very much a WYSIWYG system.

I really can't wait for the next book in the series. It's going to be an interesting series.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I have loved Raisa Greywood's Shifter's Mates world since the very first book and each succeeding one has made me love it even more.

This book is the first one about the snow leopard Chen Daiyu and her quest to find her mate, Dakar. Daiyu spent years and years walking from her Tibet home to get to Atlanta so that she could be matched with a Ximeran to help get all the shifters to a safe planet. The problem is, she didn't get matched as much as she got kidnapped.

Dakar has been matched with Daiyu, but he has sworn to not take a mate. He thinks that he's not worthy, which means that he's going to do everything he can to fend off his feelings for Daiyu. It doesn't help that she shows up in his dreams and tries to get him to find her.

Dakar has a serious cranio-rectal inversion for a good chunk of the time. Apparently, men can be men no matter what their species is. I love Daiyu. Just like with Renata, Daiyu is fierce, smart, tricky, intelligent, and she will just overall frak you the frak up. She's also very strategic, having been trained as a leader, and she's always thinking a few steps ahead of everyone else. I think that she and Renata are going to be a serious force to be reckoned with, and their mates are just going to have to hang on for the ride.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Oh, right back into Raisa Greywood's Shifter's Mates world and we're going from the frying pan right into the fire. Because of course we are.

Daiyu and Dakar have now mated and have done what they can to start evacuating shifters and humans from Earth. They have been working on getting all of them from Tibet and Daiyu's clan, when they find out that there is a mystery armada on their way to attack them. Unfortunately, the majority of the Ximeran fleet can't get to them. Luckily, Soledad is on her way, and she's taking down as many of them as possible on her way. Even better, her prospective mate is following, so there's one more ship on their side.

Daiyu really comes into her own in this one. I mean, we've seen her fight, but we've never seen her generalship until this, and she's just amazing. And, trust me, you do not want to ever cross her. She, well, she kinda scares me a little. Don't cross her, at all. Nope.

I can't wait to see where the series is going to go next. There were a lot of revelations in this one that will make the series really interesting.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I've been waiting for this book for what seems like forever, so I'm so glad that I got to read it. It was fantabulous. It was worth every single second that I had to wait for the book.

The chemistry between Lily, Moses, Liam, and Myrddian is, forgive the pun, magical. Not just as the foursome, but also between various people. Raisa Greywood did that just so well. I loved how accepting Lily was of the already existing relationship between the guys, and how she really wanted to be part of it and how she thought that it was so sexy to watch Liam and Moses together. The descriptions of the action between the two of them sounds really sexy too, so I can see why Lily found it sexy.

Altogether, such a great story. I can't wait to see where the series is going to go.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I've been waiting for Soledad's story since I read the first book, and it's better than I had hoped for. It was so marvelous. Soledad is another awesome heroine from Raisa Greywood, and I love her.

Markon is a bit of an ash-hole. Or maybe more than a bit through a lot of it, and he deserves what happens to him. He was smug and cocky, and needed a comeuppance, and he got one. However, for all that he was an ash-hole, he was also honorable, at least in his own sense of honor, and loyal. He will follow Soledad anywhere she leads him. He will probably yell, scream, and rage, and may call her a name or two while it's happening and probably threaten to take his belt to her, but they will both love the whole thing.

Soledad is strong, resourceful, clever, and maybe just a little bit crazy. Or maybe just a lot crazy. But, she knows what she's going to do, and she's going to find her sisters, no matter who she has to bite, maim, or kill to do it. And frankly, that's a really good thing, but her list is very, very, very long, and she's looking forward to checking off the names.

Renata is still my favorite of the heroines so far, but that's not saying I don't like Daiyu or Soledad, because I so do. I think the three of them together are going to rule not just Ximera, but the entire galaxy.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
This is an excellent collection of dark, short stories written by two very talented ladies who like to dabble in the dark. Or maybe a little more than dabble. All of these stories are great, some are a little disturbing. Some are a lot disturbing. It all depends on which way you look at them.

Witch by Sinistre Ange

This is an excellent story about revenge and what revenge does to you as you seek your revenge. Lyana wants to get revenge so that she can get revenge on the people who destroyed her village, so she calls up the dread demon Leonard.

Thought provoking story that really got into my head and made me consider some things.

The Devil's Doorbell by Raisa Greywood

This is a totally dystopian story about a theocracy in the US and what happens when a young woman allegedly sins.

This one played a bit with my mind and made me worry about what could happen in the future and wonder if we could end up in a world like this.

One Darned Frak by Sinistre Ange

I think a lot of women have been in Angie's place once or twice in our lives. I don't think that we had a star to wish on though. This one is really the lightest story in the book, and it's a nice relief right in the middle, before you start to get to the ones that get to you.

I really want to know which star Angie was looking at.

We Invite You In by Sinistre Ange

Slumber party games really shouldn't happen in a haunted house and you really shouldn't ever read from the mysterious book, because strange things happen when you do.

This one caused my jaw to drop a couple of times while I read it, and if you read it, you will see why and when.

The Monster Under the Bed by Sinistre Ange

When I was a kid, I knew I was safe from the monster under my bed as long as I was all on the bed and under the covers. As I grew up, I grew out of thinking there were monsters under the bed. That didn't happen for Danielle. Not only did she not grow out of it, but she didn't just believe. She knew. Her parents committed her, and then she turned 18.

I really felt all of Danielle's emotions and related to her a lot. I don't think that Danielle ever will get out of my head. I will always think about her.

Breathless by Raisa Greywood

The ladies saved this one for last. It's like the nightmare right before you wake up.

Lucy is a surfer who has a very narrow escape from a great white. Then she meets Joral and everything changes.

This is twisted and disturbing. It's that kind of disturbing that makes you want to read it because you don't know what's going to happen, but you are reading it through the spaces between your fingers as you cover your eyes. Such a good, good, good story.

This is such a great set of stories, and it would be a shame to miss them.
tetisheri | 1 autre critique | Aug 15, 2020 |
I am so sad that this is the last book in the series. I so want to have more books in this world because I think that there are more stories that I'd love to get. Of course, it's not up to me, or there totally would be. I just have to wait to see if Raisa Greywood will help a sister out.

I have loved all the stories in this world, and all the mates, but I really like Soledad's brand of crazy. She's just crazy enough that you know that you don't want to mess with her, but sane enough to keep that crazy harnassed and under her control.

Markon is smart and strong, but sometimes stupid. At least he isn't as stupid in this one as he was in the last one, which is all good. Probably.

I love the way that this wrapped up the series and wrapped up a little bit of the rest of the world. I really am going to miss it, because I have loved all of the women in this world and I think that they are all awesome.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Jackson really does live up to his name. I didn't particularly like him at the beginning of the book, because he really was a thoughtless, cocky, arrogant basterd. He really just was a jerk. I mean, he tried really hard to get one over on Siobahn, but she was too clever for that. She didn't let him get away with that, I really loved that.

Siobahn was smart, clever, tricky, resourceful, loyal, and definitely fierce. I really liked her and how strong she was. She wasn't going to take anything from anyone, well, except for the evil cow. But even the receptionist that tries to insult Siobahn gets knocked over. It was a TKO.

I would love to have more of these characters.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
OMG, I wish I could give this more stars, because it really needs so many, many, many more. Raisa Greywood and Sinistre Ange have given us something that is just so dang dark and twisted that it's perfectly wrong in the most perfectly right way.

Each author gave us a solo story and then we got to read their joint story. Don't ask me to pick which one was my favorite, because I think that it's impossible to do. Each story has their own plusses and minuses, and they really can't be compared.

Each of these stories has stuck in my head, and I am pretty sure that they will stay in my head for a long time. This is one of the books that I'm glad I read, I really enjoyed reading, I want to read again, and I'm kinda mad I can never read it for the first time again.
tetisheri | 1 autre critique | Aug 15, 2020 |
We met Chelsea in another book, but now she's changed her life around some. She's gotten a divorce from her abusive husband, she's trying to support herself, and oh yeah, she's pregnant. That's OK, she has a guardian who is looking out for her.

Edith is a meddling guardian who wants to see everyone find their true love, including her descendent, Tennyson. So she arranges for Chelsea and Tennyson to meet. It's a total meetcute.

This was a sweet book. It was a quick read, and definitely a perfect book for Valentine's Day. Chelsea and Tennyson are pretty much perfect for each other, from really the very beginning. It's just perfect.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
This book hits all kinds of happy buttons for me. You get scifi. You get post-apocalyptic. And you get shifter. I mean, that's just a pretty dang great trio right there. To top it off, you get a BAMF heroine who's there to kick tushie and chew bubble gum, and she's all out of bubble gum. And she's more likely to bite your tushie than kick it anyhow. Renata is really one of my favorite heroines, period. She's not a damsel in distress, she's a damsel who causes distress.

Rakon and Renata have finally gotten through the mating process, and he's working on getting his new self under control. Of course, now he realizes that he should've waited until he got to Ximera, just like Renata said, but really, try telling a man anything. But, he's still excited to show Renata his planet and their new home.

Meanwhile, the First Councilor, who has become very friendly with and very fond of War Mate Renata wants her to be a member of his council. He thinks that she will do well in watching out for humans in general, and shifters in particular. All Renata really wants to do is to go swimming in the ocean, set up her home with her new mate, and make sure that all the shifters are OK.

I cannot wait for the rest of this series. I really can't. There are so many interesting things that are set up to happen, and I'm not sure where things are going, but I'm really looking forward to finding out. Like I said, I totally love Renata, and I totally approve of Rakon for her. She needs to have a strong mate to stand with her. She doesn't need someone to stand in front of her, because she is strong and can handle things, but she does need someone to stand with her and support her.

I want so many more books with Renata. I want her to be my best friend.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |

An awesome book. I love Renata. She is a BAMF who takes no guff from anyone. When she and her tiger get together, they are unstoppable. Rakon is really going to have to work hard to keep up with her. I hope we are much more of these two.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
This was an incredibly fantastic book. Gio and Carli are great characters, and I really love them so much.

Gio is actually an interesting character. I think that he's a good man, but he doesn't always think about his actions, and he just wants to try and make things better, but he doesn't always go about the right way.

I think that Carli has such a lovely heart. She loves everyone, well except for maybe Gio. She takes in lions, bison, camels, and Antonio. She just collects everyone and makes them part of her family. She makes it seem like she's hard and tough, but she really has a gooey center.

I like Antonio. It was good to see a character with Down Syndrome who was a major part of the story. It doesn't work without him, and it works so well. Fantastic.
tetisheri | 1 autre critique | Aug 15, 2020 |

I'm not sure how I found this book but I'm glad I did. It sounded unusual and piqued my interest. To be honest, what sold me more than the blurb was the fact that they used a one star review from what I assume was a pearl clutcher as a selling factor. People who purposely review with only one star for reading a book that they have been warned about and disregards the hard work and details that went into it makes me angry.

These aren't romance stories. They are disturbing. Yet, I couldn't stop reading. That can be attributed to the authors skill at creating something that pushes the envelope while simultaneously making Demons have a certain appeal.
MagicalRi | 1 autre critique | Apr 15, 2019 |
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