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Rebecca's Choice by Heidi Gallacher

Rebecca marries Geoffery, a man who is wrapped up in his business dealings and has little to no love or affection to share with his wife.

Rebecca is widowed and is made two completely different offers by two men. One is her former husband's business partner, that she knows and is familiar with, but does not love; the other offers her a chance at passion and adventure.

The book has nice historical details, that are nice and descriptive.

I received a complimentary copy of #RebeccasChoice from #NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a review.
HuberK | 1 autre critique | Feb 5, 2021 |
Rebecca’s Choice by Heidi Gallacher

Love matches were not expected long ago but they were often wished for anyway. Rebecca was realistic in her expectations hoping that Geoffrey, her older husband, would provide more than just a comfortable marriage. They did rub along together fairly well and had a decent life, but the sizzle seemed to be missing. After Rebecca’s husband dies, she has more than one man interested in marrying her, but the question is which man she will choose, and will she opt for the sizzle or will security trump sizzle?

What I liked:
* The writing felt of the era – although told in first person and that might not have been common of writing in that time period, Rebecca’s voice felt real.
* The insights into life just before the 20th century
* Rebecca’s strength and ability to still dream of and hope for more
* The three friends pregnant together and the glimpse into what childbirth might have been like back then.
* The way I cared about Rebecca and hoped she and her family would come out alright
* Thinking about what it would have been like to be in the shoes of any of the characters in the book…some shoes I would have wanted to have avoided, if at all possible!
* That hard times were not glossed over
* The way the story concluded on an upbeat note

What I didn’t like:
* Being reminded of how little women were given power over their own lives long ago
* Thinking about how many women did not have control and were dependent on men for everything
* The times I wanted to reach out and smack someone or give another a wakeup call.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this debut author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 autre critique | Nov 18, 2020 |