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A coming of age story with a twist! This well written story of Harmony, a teen with a troubled past, a strung out mom, and a secret she can't quite remember will haunt your memory long after you finish the book. The well developed and true to life characters nearly leap off the page and in your face.

I was lucky enough to receive a complimentary copy to review.
IreneCole | 1 autre critique | Jul 27, 2022 |
Better Left Behind is going to be a book I will not be forgetting for some time to come! Belinda Frisch created the most realistic cast of characters woven together in the most mysterious plot! I found myself half-way through the novel before I even knew it, and each time I picked it up I have to be forced to put it down. Belinda's writing made it very difficult to stop at the end of each chapter, she kept putting clues or a new piece of the mystery in each.

Even though I thought I figured out the circumstances that brought two families to break apart, I would be wrong in some manner. This allowed the ending to be thrilling as the truth was finally told. The whole story was very realistic, this could easily be any family, any best friends, anyone's life. That is why I think it became such a gripping tale. This is a book that I would recommend to anyone that loves mysteries. The ending while sad-also showed a tad bit of happiness, as Harmony finally ended up where she wanted to be {maybe?} The next time you look at an abandoned house, you will always wonder what the history really is of the house, especially after reading this book.
OurWolvesDen | 1 autre critique | Mar 29, 2020 |
ABR's full Cure (Strandville Zombie Book 1) audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

Wow… There are some real issues in this book. Not WITH the story, with the people! I really hope if the zombiepocalypse ever breaks out, I am with smarter people than who are in here. Because seriously… I would be so frustrated. Or kill them all for being idiots!

First of all of course, OF COURSE, someone is creating a cure for something and it all goes haywire. The problem is not the science behind it. The problem is that the scientist is a freak. He is the ultimate bad guy as he knows something is wrong but continues to do what he does for the sake of man kind. Kill a few people while experimenting? Oh well. You have to break a few eggs right?

What’s great is that this just starts as a regular story about Miranda. Seemingly benign, she gets a job in a weird town. New town, new job, new life… she does not have anyone else and is putting all her eggs (ha more eggs) in this particular zombie filled basket. Unbeknownst to her, she is about to walk into the tiger’s den! And that is just the beginning of the plot.

What I love about this is that it is the beginning of what I am expecting to be the apocalypse. It really does always start so innocently. Well, not in the case of Dr. Howard Nixon. He really is crazy. But normally it is innocent and then all hell breaks loose! In this, it is about the story behind the people and how they are dealing with these issues that crop up. And there are plenty!

But that is also a downside. When reading a zombie book I want to get to the guts and glory of it all! There were so many feels in this. It is good and I did enjoy most of the characters but while I was wanting bloodshed, there were tears. Although, giving Belinda Firsch some major credit… do not eat while reading or listening to this. There are some really gory parts! They will turn your appetite! Those parts I loved!

Julia Farmer reads this and I think she did a marvelous job. I do not normally listen to female narrators for some reason, but I think she did a great job at putting the emphasis in where needed and adding a real sense of horror when the story got horrific.

Miranda handled things quite well but may not be making the best decisions! Even still I love her for being so strong in quite abominable circumstances. The only character that really surprised me was Reed… that guy is determined. Sadly he’s also a complete ass.

Loved the ending! Cannot wait to listen to the next!

Audiobook provided for review by the author.
audiobibliophile | Apr 21, 2015 |
In this collection Belinda Frisch brings together an excellent set of short, economical and well-crafted horror tales. These range from the odd through to the strange and on to the outright horrific. Most contain a twist ending of one type or another, which are signalled earlier in the tale – half the “fun”, however, is how we arrive at the final denouement. Although the stories were all good, it may be that a number could have benefited from being a touch longer and have a bit more characterisation – some of the tales may have had more “bite” if we’d known the characters that bit more. That’s a minor quibble, however, for what is an immensely enjoyable collection. If I had to pick favourites I would probably go with “Bitter” (which demonstrates the danger of taking the law into your own hands no matter how appealing and justified it may be) and “The Airman” (an eerie little tale of a haunted airfield and an airman who is looking for some explosive revenge). The full story listing is as follows:
The Fence
The Deal
The Airman
The Look-alike
calum-iain | Aug 19, 2012 |
This book automatically started with a punch. Opening scene of a crazy girl was just grabbing at you. As I continued to read I saw the world in a whole new way.

I think the craziness of this book it was got me hooked. Seeing ghost, going crazy, is a great plot line. But I had a hard time connecting with the main character Harmony. I saw that she had a troubled life but the way she went about it made me shake my head. I understood that she is trying to get away from certain things, but still some of it is too much. I did, however connect more with Brea her friend. I loved this girl . She is the type that I want for a best friend. Someone loyal, trusting , and always there for you.

The whole plot line of the ghost I did enjoy. I like seeing how the ghost drove someone crazy. As the reader continues to read, you began to see how everything is connected. That right there gave me some serious goosebumps. I mean, it was just freaky. Playing with the Quijia board is not cool people!

The love interest in the story drove me mad. Here this girl had such a great guy and she just threw him away! I mean, really chic! I think the way it played out with all of the characters involved it did bring more to the story.

Overall, this is good book to read. But beware there is a whole lot of freaky ghost and messed up stuff going on. *There is sex, cursing, drinking, and drugs.*
Bookswithbite | 2 autres critiques | Jul 11, 2011 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
The book should have been, could have been, but simply wasn't. First - there is absolutely no doubt that this woman knows how to write. Second, she did suck me in to the story - quickly! Third, I was left wanting and disappointed by what should have been a great book (books), but wasn't.
This was a book that could have easily been developed in to three books. Talk about 100 questions. I had more like a thousand. And I feel that if the author had had the opportunity to work with a good editor, these questions, for the most part, would have been answered and the entire experience would have been worlds more satisfying.
So, my issues with the book:
First, the book started in the middle, and I don't mean the middle of what should have been the first book, but rather the middle of what easily could have been the second book in a trilogy. Second, the character development was poor - not because of what was there, but because of what wasn't. What we are given about the two girls is good, but it's just pieces of a puzzle, and not enough pieces that one could fill in what was missing. Third, the ending just didn't work. Maybe it could have if the writing and character/scene/plot development had been better over all, but I don't think so. The ending just didn't fit eight everything else we'd been given. I am surprised by all of the five star reviews. It's hard to believe that they are honest assessments if this story. Belinda Frisch IS a good, if not excellent author. But what she needs is some honest feedback/appraisals and she needs what every good author needs - a really awesome editor who can mine the gold from the black dirt. Because the gold is there...
Yogamom67 | 2 autres critiques | Jun 15, 2011 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This book sucks you in from the start. I feel very honored to be one of the first to read it. Brea and Harmony are dealing with a violent ghost named Tom and neither knows why he is haunting them until one of them dies... I haven't read a horror book in a while. This book did have me scared and thinking about stuff for a while. Thanks Belinda, for such a great read.
vampira1w | 2 autres critiques | May 29, 2011 |