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Œuvres de John P. Forsyth


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Review by Family Resource Centre Volunteer, Jeannie:

Tell us what you thought about the book / title. How did the book make you feel? What did you learn?
I really enjoyed this book and found it both easy to read and understand. It was very educational as well as inspirational. The central message is very positive in that even though it focuses on the fact that anxiety cannot be eliminated, it stresses that it is something that must be dealt with head on and includes 52 various ways to achieve that goal. Anxiety happens. It is not a choice, however people can learn not to let anxiety take over and create havoc in their lives. It teaches the reader that it is important to identify the causes and triggers of anxiety and then explains several different strategies for coping. These strategies will have a positive impact on their life when practiced regularly. I felt that although anxiety is a reality of life for many people there are positive ways to deal with it. I believe that this book is very relatable to people suffering from all levels of anxiety. The fact that it was written by two highly respected experts in the field contributed to my trust in the message as well.

What were some of your favourite parts in the book/title? What did you find the most useful? Why?
It offers so many diverse ways of dealing with anxiety. One strategy that I found particularly interesting was the concept that anxiety is not just something to be managed and although you can learn to manage it, it doesn't have to control you and you can get on with living your life. It is important to accept it rather than be continually fighting it. Through this mindfulness the relationship changes between the anxious person and how they control their thoughts rather than the thoughts themselves. I feel that this is a very important concept.

I also really valued how it focuses on being kind to yourself and the positive traits of people with anxiety such as strength. Often people with anxiety are seen as weak individuals who can't cope.
The book is very interactive in that the strategies include exercises such as meditation and breathing as well as keeping a gratitude journal to name a few but the reader can choose what works best for them.

What was your least favourite aspect of the book/title? What do you think could have been better?
It could be said that it is repetitive in some areas, however this also reinforces the absorption of the material as well as the ability to remember it.

What inspired you to choose this title?
As someone who has experienced anxiety first hand and struggled with it at times I was attracted to the title as it has both the words "Anxiety" and "Peace of Mind" in it. I found that intriguing and wanted to find out the link between the two within the context of the book.

How has your life (or the life of your loved one) been affected by reading this title?
For me it has highlighted that many different positive choices can be made to deal with anxiety which can be effective. There is no shame of embarrassment in seeking help and it shouldn't be covered up. There is strength in facing it and the potential for a much improved quality of life.

What are some of your favourite quotes from the book / title?
  • Strategy 1-Live your Life-"Nobody chooses anxiety. But you can choose how you relate to it."

  • Strategy 10-Do the Opposite-"Anxiety isn't actually the problem. Avoidance is."

  • Strategy 14-Whole, Complete, Enough- "People struggling with anxiety are some of the strongest people we know. They're survivors."

  • Strategy 25-The Expansive Self-"Anxiety is not you! You may have anxiety but it's not you."

  • Strategy 35-Don't feed it-"Your'e the master and creator of your life. The anxiety tiger has no power unless you feed her and give her the power."

… (plus d'informations)
familyresourcecentre | Oct 22, 2020 |
Buddhism-lite pop-psychology for straight people. A useful introduction for people whose only reality is rigid dualism … where dark feelings/passions/thoughts/actions/events are projected onto the Devil and then mercilessly smote.

My interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) led me to this workbook which seems to be Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) updated with the latest buzzword, mindfulness. I appreciate this read for getting me inside the mind-set of Creationists and Trump supporters. No joke. It helps me understand and even have compassion for them.… (plus d'informations)
3 voter
Mary_Overton | Jan 6, 2016 |


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