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Erin M. EvansCritiques

Auteur de The Adversary

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The conspiracy at the heart of the empire has been revealed. The Archivists played a key role in solving a brutal murder and uncovering one of the empire’s longest kept secrets. Now, what’s left in its wake are a series of unearthed artifacts, one shaken city, and the shocking truth not dared spoken aloud. Just as the empire has begun to regain normalcy, another mystery unveils itself when a stolen ancient relic is found. Only no one knew that it was missing from its sacred vault in the first place. And now that the real one has been recovered, who replaced it with a fake? With Quill and Amadea at the heart of another mystery, they will need to quickly follow the clues that all lead back to this new relic. Because all the while, an old enemy is gathering strength beyond the Salt Wall and the Archivists might come to find there’s nowhere left for them to go but over.
rachelprice14 | Nov 16, 2023 |
The unlimited possibilities of the genre make fantasy so enticing to me, and Empire of Exiles by Erin M. Evans, one of the best books of 2022, takes full advantage of that. Its setting is one of the most unique I’ve read in years. The character’s motivations, voices, flaws, and quirks are so well-defined that it is difficult to pick a favorite. The plot is a murder mystery, a thriller, and a fantasy all at once. It contains many secrets, twists, and turns that make the pages fly by. That includes flashbacks of an infamous usurper in his final days that serve as a framework device for the present-day mystery. Suffice it to say, I ate this delicious meal of a book up in quick succession. It’s the kind of book I’ll recommend to everyone to read simply so there are more people to talk to about it.

Everything starts with a murder-suicide. Quill’s best friend and fellow scrivener, Karimo, murders some important figures at a party and then kills himself at a party just as Quill arrives to hear his last words. What starts as a simple scrivener through grief is trying to make sense of how the Karimo he’s always known to take pride in the law could be the same one who commits this heinous crime. This begins a snowball effect leading to a grander conspiracy involving the royal family, a former childhood romance, a poison not seen in years, and an assassin gone missing after a failed coup. In a way, everything starts with that coup when Duke Redolfo Kirazzi’s conspiracy to usurp the crown and put his pawn on the throne. He failed, and we see his final days before his execution when his brother comes to visit. This frames the modern-day mystery to a surprising climax, with me biting my nails and foregoing sleep to finish the book. Who needs sleep anyway?

Actually, all of this starts with changelings, whether they be monsters or a race of people themselves, that can take the form of your loved ones, your neighbors, and your leaders looming over the entire story. The threat of changelings is a constant that underlines a lot of conflict in the story, especially the political ones, with their only protection a large salt wall that keeps the changelings out but also keeps them all trapped in. People of multiple nations forced to flee their homelands, histories, and cultures to all squeeze into this one nation at the continent’s edge is an idea for a world rich with possibilities. The world-building is weaved so well into the intrigue, the mystery, the conspiracy, and the overall plot that you’ll not realize you’re being taught about the Imperial Federation of Semillan Protectorates, or Semilla for short, as it goes along. Politics are front and center in this fantasy mystery thriller of a book as it takes place in Arlabecca, the capital of Semilla, the same city that contains the Imperial Archives, holding what could be saved from the old world.

However, the Imperial Archives is the backbone of this book. A request for artifacts within is the catalyst of the inciting incident; it is an integral point of interactions for the POV characters; it is where the book’s best secrets are kept and then revealed, and what may be most important of all is where we learn about the world’s magic system. People with affinity magic can speak to and manipulate particular objects like bronze, ink, and bones, but some have too much of it. The Archive’s specialists often have affinities so strong that the material they connect with can overtake them physically and mentally to the point of hurting themselves and others. This level of affinity magic reads like anxiety and panic disorders, but Evans never writes them like they are a weakness, which is both commendable and remarkable. Even when the characters think of it as a weakness themselves, they have a support system to talk them down and hype them up. Like all great fantasies, secrets about the magic of this world are hinted at throughout Empire of Exiles. Still, no matter what is revealed, I hope the excellent depiction of its similarities to anxiety disorders continues.

Not counting the flashback sections of the book, there are four point-of-view characters, each brought into the murder mystery for different reasons, with different goals and stakes to resolve what happened. Brother Sesquillo, or Quill to most, is a member of the Order of Scriveners of Parem who is better with people than the more detail-oriented part of being a scribe as opposed to his closest friend Kirimo until he witnessed the traumatic incident of his friend murdering a political figure and then killing himself. It’s heartbreaking to watch Quill become obsessed with proving his friend’s innocence as he becomes increasingly hyperfixated with grief to the point that he puts himself in the crosshairs of a greater conspiracy at work. Quill’s loyalty to his friend, his charm without being smarmy, and his cunning without being overly clever are the qualities that make him so enjoyable to read and root for. You could see Quill’s faults in anyone who had gone through a traumatic experience like him: jumping to conclusions, becoming obsessed with the murders, and acting before thinking. Amadea Gintanas, archivist superior of the Imperial Archive, balances Quill’s more erratic grief-ridden behavior by being the voice of reason for Quill and all the specialists. Due to her past trauma, she is very protective of her charges, even Quill, whom she has just met. What I love about Amadea’s depiction is so often, mental disorders are treated as a hindrance to protagonists in stories, but in what resembles PTSD, Amadea manages her trauma and uses her experience to help others. She is strong with the disorder, not because she has magically overcome it. Her past is integral to the plot, and Evans does not leave the reader hanging along trying to figure it out before laying her cards on the table.

One of those specialists under Amadea’s care is Ynni, quite the opposite of Quill in terms of personality but just as lovable. She is soft-spoken, anxious, and full of self-doubt, but get her talking about a subject she’s interested in and lights up with joy as Quill quickly learns. Her growth in confidence as the book goes on while dealing with her affinity to ink feels partially due to Quill’s influence as the two grow close but just as much her wanting to take action to help with the situation Quill and Amadea have gotten themselves into. Quill likewise learns to think things through more, be more careful, and suspect in his actions as he tries to figure out what happened to his friend. Through her eyes, we learn how harrowing it is to have an affinity and learn about the Oruzandi’s culture and how it is very conducive to Ynni’s condition. If Amadea is the voice of reason, Ynni is the voice of compassion and caution. She has a lot of empathy for others, and the readers likewise get plenty of it by reading her perspective. Richa Langyuan is a member of the Vigilant Kinship, the equivalent of the lawkeepers in Semelia. Langyun is straight-up the beat detective of the story whose chapters tend to contain all the juicy tropes of a whodunit story I love. He has a checkered past that colors his perspective on the case when his instincts tell him it doesn’t feel right. He is ordered to stop asking so many questions, but that only makes him want to ask more. When the choice of his career or the truth is presented to him, he puts the white hat on and chooses the truth.

All of this is helped by the rapport of the point-of-view characters. Amadea and Richa both have their pasts, secrets, and jobs to do, which sometimes clash, but often, you can see they have a good banter back and forth between them. Likewise, as the book goes on, it’s clear that Ynni and Quill have a growing affinity to each other. They grow closer as the conspiracy unwraps, each being there for the other, Quill casually flirting with Ynni, Ynni growing more fond of Quill as he sticks around. By the end, Quill and Ynni are so adorable together that it’s easy to put aside that their meet-cute is built on a traumatic incident and just rooting for them to smooch. Likewise, the mutual respect between Amadea and Richa feels like there might be something more there, but not necessarily. The supporting cast goes a long way, as well. From the eccentric members of the Imperial Archives to the Semelian Royal Family, each helps set the tone for the scenes they’re in and the overarching story. It helps that Evan’s dialog doesn’t suffer from people don’t talk like this, even with the fantasy concepts thrown in. It has levity, hubris, longing, frustration, flirtation, and utter fear that you can read coming out of these characters when they speak.

I could write a thousand more words about why I love this book, probably more, but I’d prefer you go out, support it, read it yourself, and get the same feeling I did when I first read it. Empire of Exiles by Erin M. Evans is a triumph of fantasy, murder mystery, and political thriller that handles grief, PTSD, panic, and anxiety disorder with tact. Its characters, from the protagonists to the supporting cast, are lovable and flawed, with villains that are inexcusable with swagger you can’t help but smile at. The reveals will have you reeling but unable to stop reading. I cannot wait to read what Evans has cooking up for the follow-up.
FourOfFiveWits | 3 autres critiques | Sep 19, 2023 |
I had very few expectations going into this book. I'm not the biggest fan of the mystery genre and everything about the marketing about this book screamed "generic fantasy world" to me. Well, Erin Evans definitely proved me wrong in every way, and I absolutely devoured this book over a couple of sittings.

The novel takes place in a small country on an isthmus/peninsula behind a giant wall made of salt. There are evil magical creatures on the other side of the wall known as Changelings that can control people's bodies, thoughts, and actions. They swept throughout the continent, ravaging chaos wherever they went. The survivors moved all moved behind the salt wall, giving their allegiance to their emperors. This conceit for a story is so clever and Evans uses it to its maximum potential. On one hand the existence of the Changelings creates a tangible feeling of paranoia and anxiety throughout the book. Have the Changelings crossed the wall? Who is good and who is bad? While reading I kept thinking that this book was like the White Walkers from A Song of Ice and Fire turned up the maximum speed because the Changelings are not only on the other side of the wall, they can literally control people like puppets.

Evans also uses her worldbuilding to explore the ramifications of all of the survivors coming in and forming a single nation (where the title of the book gets its name). Evans fills her book to the brim with people of different nationalities, ethnicities, races, and species. For example, one of the POV characters, Yinii, is a member of a species that has horns and a third eye that allows them to see in the dark. Evans world feels so complete and lived in because the setting is full of diverse people with different religions, worldviews, and philosophies.

I do want to point out that a lot of the worldbuilding in this book is quite passive. There are no info-dumps, and as the reader you have to put a lot of the pieces together on your own. This creates some confusion in the beginning as you try and follow what is happening in both the plot and the worldbuilding. In most cases this just par for the course in reading epic fantasy, but there are some of the ethnicities/nationalities that are thrown at you with such speed that they all just felt the "same" and I didn't really make any attempts to separate the minor ones out. I would like to see this developed more in the sequels!

Empire of Exiles is also a multi-POV book, following four major characters, along with a couple of others in a series of flashbacks. The POVs are used well, and Evans nicely prevents the story from sprawling too much. Instead of the using the various POVs to expand the stories sprawl (a la Jordan or Martin), she instead uses them to give us four different perspectives on the one major single plot driving the narrative (that is, what is essentially a murder mystery). We get the perspectives of a young legal scholar, a magic user, a police detective, and a mysterious woman who is in charge of the Archives - the place where all of the cool stuff the exiled people brought with them behind the salt wall. The brief flashback chapters also intriguingly dripped information to add context to the present narrative, allowing Evans to continue to keep twisting the plot.

Evans has also imbued her novel with some interesting magic, although don't go looking for an "all magic, all the time" kind of story. Other than the Changelings that I talked about earlier, there are some people who have specialized magical power over particular elements or substances (think things like copper, ink, bronze, wool, iron, etc.). The strength of their power cycles, and at its peak the magic can overwhelm the user. This puts the magic user into an extreme state in which they are of a danger to themselves and others. Because of this, individuals with powerful skills are sent to the Archives where they can be monitored (not necessarily in a really bad way, but in a “we need to keep everyone safe” kind of way). At the Archives, the magic users become specialists in order to help preserve and document the world’s many wonders that were brought with them during the Exile. The "Spiral" creates a lot of tension in the book since magic users are so powerful, but also so unstable. This creates a particularly tense climax to the novel for a few of the characters!

And yes, there are plot twists! I'm not a reader who tries to "predict" what will happen (I just like to be shocked!), and there were definitely some twists and turns that completely got me! And, unlike a lot of other twisty or other mystery fantasies, I never felt like the twists were unfair or unearned. They all make sense in the context of the story, characters, and setting.

One aspect of the series that I am intrigued to see develop is the tone and overall "purpose" of the story. As I stated above, Empire of Exiles is a fantasy mystery whodunnit. By the end of the novel, this mystery is solved and larger political and supernatural conflicts are brewing. Some authors/series nicely transition out of these growing pains to become something greater than the small, targeted plot of their first volumes, while other series grow and meander into stereotypical "good vs. bad" epic fantasies (while others, like Era 1 Mistborn lose their way before finding their footing again). With what Evans gave us here in this first book I have no doubts that she has awesome things in store for Quill, Yinii, Medea, Richa and the rest!

Concluding Thoughts: Erin Evans has written a propulsive fantasy mystery with subtle yet intricate worldbuilding and the promise of much bigger things to come in future books.
Nathan_Reviews | 3 autres critiques | Jan 24, 2023 |
An absolutely fantastic, character-driven epic fantasy novel with a mystery plot on par with mystery genre greats. It has a truly unique magic system that seems almost like a panic disorder. Add to that fantastically well-written main characters and villains, and you’ve got one of my new favorite books. (Bonus points for being cliffhanger free, a good sense of humor, and having no petty antagonism between female main characters over men.)


Each magic user has an affinity for a particular material: bronze, bone, ink, iron, salt, paint, etc. Magic-users can manipulate and connect with the material they have an affinity with, but this comes with dangers. During typically-cyclical episodes called alignments, their connection with their affinity material is so strong that they are vulnerable to panic-attack-like downward spirals where they can lose themselves in their material. They can lose themselves in their magic and even end up entombing themselves in their magical medium. But, their abilities are also temptingly strong during alignments. In addition, emotional turmoil can trigger an alignment out of the cyclical pattern. Finally, sorcerers have constant access to immense power over their affinity material because they are constantly in an alignment. Hence, they are constantly on the edge of a spiral and are constantly at risk of losing themselves in their affinity material.

This magical ability is very reminiscent of panic disorders. Some people are constantly on the verge of a panic attack. Some people get occasional panic attacks or clusters of panic attacks. Some people become prone to panic attacks in times of emotional stress. Some people aren’t prone to panic attacks at all. Except, in this book, magical power and emotion are entangled to the point in which emotional turmoil and magical strength are fused.


The book followed an eclectic bunch of characters (including a young scribe, a few magic-users, an archivist, and a detective) caught up in a murder with mysterious ties to a failed coup two decades before. Despite there being half a dozen witnesses to the actual murder and a confession, the seemingly open-and-shut case just made less and less sense the more the characters investigated. Soon the characters found themselves on the trail of a very dangerous plot that could endanger their fragile society. A society protected from an outside world overrun with changelings by only an iron wall.


A fantastically twisty mystery plot with all the clues, misdirects, and detective work you’d expect from a great mystery writer. It started a bit slow, but it really picked up and had plenty of action once things got rolling. I was absolutely captivated by the mystery from the beginning, spinning numerous theories. There were so many twists that I never saw coming. The reader has a sporting chance at predicting some of the twists. Each twist made things make more and more sense as the pieces of the puzzle came together. Even the clues that seemed like red herrings at first turned out to be significant. The mystery ended up being quite complex, but it never came off as needlessly or excessively complicated. In the end, the solutions and explanations made sense and rang true.


I grew to love each of the many main characters (even the ones I wasn’t sure about at first). Even better, I ended up finding all the major characters impressive. Even the villains. Especially the villains. There were some brilliant and rather terrifying villains. The villains were so diabolically smart that it was just plain fun to figure out their schemes. Honestly, a lot of the good guys could be rather terrifying themselves. The main characters all turned out to have a bit of a morally gray edge. Yet, they never lost their likeability or empathy.

All the characters changed over the course of the story. Even the bad guys, in their own scary way. All of them made mistakes. Every character managed to surprise me without breaking character.

The main characters were both terrifyingly impressive and plagued with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, or heart-wrenching grief. The strongest main characters (female and male alike) were survivors of trauma, resilient, and sometimes deserving of a little extra care. Many of them were impressive because of their resilience in the face of these emotional struggles. To balance out all that heartache, the book had some wonderful examples of healthy and supportive attitudes regarding mental health. You saw characters employing calming, panic-attack-averting mental techniques. You also saw characters helping each other with empathy and understanding. There was a lovely theme of characters helping each other remember not to lose themselves. There was a lot of maturity, self-reflection, personal growth, and listening to the special kind of friends that tell you things you need to hear, but don’t want to hear.

I was so impressed by the skilled portrayal of panic attacks, anxiety/panic disorders, and PTSD in the main characters for this book. These psychological troubles were seamlessly worked into the story in a way that furthered the plot, without ever calling them out by name. Some of the characters even used classic grounding and management strategies to stave off panic attacks or flashbacks.

Peeks into the characters’ thoughts drew me into each characters’ state of mind better than any description could. Grief, panic attacks, anxiety/panic disorders, and PTSD were quietly incorporated into the story through the characters’ thoughts. Nothing conveys barely restrained panic quite like a character silently naming the colors of objects around them in their minds to stave off a panic attack. Nothing quite conveys empathy and kindness like characters reminding themselves (and each other) that everyone is deserving of a little extra care sometimes.

The most impressive part: none of the characters that struggle with grief, panic attacks, anxiety, or PTSD are portrayed as weak. All of them were portrayed as all the more impressive for it. For many characters, these struggles were tied to their strengths. For some, it was because of the sheer emotional resilience and strength of mind required to survive with their struggles. For some, it was because their anxiety/panic attacks and magic were entangled to the point of them being at their most magically powerful when on the verge of losing themselves in a psychological downward spiral (and vice versa). For all of these characters, much of their strength of character lies in their ability to pick themselves up and come back from a psychological downward spiral instead of completely losing themselves to it.

There’s nothing like a character that regularly fends off panic attacks being the only one able to keep their cool enough to competently handle the toughest and scariest crises because they have the most practice at successfully fending off panic. The particular brand of confidence that comes from knowing you can fend off panic is both beautifully ironic and incredibly compelling. I’ve never before seen an author believably make a character formidable because of their panic disorder, anxiety disorder, or PTSD. Typically, characters are portrayed as formidable despite their panic disorder, anxiety disorder, or PTSD.


Great building, it just took a while to get there. You’re thrown right into the deep end of a high fantasy world with multiple species and a magic system unlike any I’ve read about before. The world got filled in as the plot progressed, instead of having big info dumps. It was occasionally a little confusing without having had all the different species (and their traits) explained upfront, but things never got too confusing. The world had a rich history. It had complex politics befitting a world that once held many, many countries. The world also expanded beyond the scope of the story’s immediate setting.


It didn’t end on a cliffhanger, but there are still antagonists undefeated. There were still dangers left. There’s plenty of material for the sequel and character arcs to be continued. Things didn’t end with a perfect happily ever after, but they also ended fairly happily. A few smaller mysteries were left open and all the revelations brough new questions. The ending was satisfying, but also left my itching for a sequel.

Warnings: death, violence, suicide, panic attacks, PTSD, flashbacks, mind control, kidnapping, drugging

I received a free eARC of this book via NetGalley. I am writing this review completely honestly and voluntarily.
Lunarsong | 3 autres critiques | Jan 2, 2023 |
Twenty-seven years ago, a Duke with a grudge led a ruthless coup against the empire of Semilla, killing thousands. He failed. The Duke was executed, a terrifyingly powerful sorcerer was imprisoned, and an unwilling princess disappeared.

The empire moved on.

Now, when Quill, an apprentice scribe, arrives in the capital city, he believes he's on a simple errand for another pompous noble: fetch ancient artifacts from the magical Imperial Archives. He's always found his apprenticeship to a lawman to be dull work. But these aren't just any artifacts — these are the instruments of revolution, the banners under which the Duke lead his coup.

Just as the artifacts are unearthed, the city is shaken by a brutal murder that seems to have been caused by a weapon not seen since the days of rebellion. With Quill being the main witness to the murder, and no one in power believing his story, he must join the Archivists — a young mage, a seasoned archivist, and a disillusioned detective — to solve the truth of the attack. And what they uncover will be the key to saving the empire – or destroying it again.
rachelprice14 | 3 autres critiques | Jan 1, 2023 |
Things for Farideh seem to just get more and more tangled with every attempt to unravel the situations in which she's found herself. The spirits of Brimstone Angels are back and they have an agenda all their own. Asmodeus is still working toward achieving the greatness he feels he so rightly deserves. And is Lorcan up to something that is in service to someone else...or does he have a path of his own to follow. What's clear for everyone is that something needs to happen to put all of this business to an end. But in order to do that, Farideh may have to put herself, her friends, and her family in danger. And if this doesn't work...well, let's just say everyone really, really hopes it does.

Things have been building toward this finale for a while now. Every time Farideh felt she was getting a step closer to getting back to a normal life--or what passes for normal for her--it's as though she's instead taken a step back. And although she refuses to be a pawn for someone else, too often it seems like she has to give in if she wants to win. This time around, it appears there will be no exception.

I was a little disappointed with the ending. After such a long buildup, it felt a bit anticlimactic to me--which is why this is pulling a three-star rating. It's still an enjoyable read, and fans of the series and character will enjoy getting some closure, even if it's a more subdued closure than one might expect.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]
crtsjffrsn | Aug 27, 2021 |
It seems like Farideh and her sister, Havilar, are constantly thrown more than their fair share of challenges. They've escaped demons, imprisonment, a mad wizard, the wrath of deities--the list goes on and on. But just as they thought they might get some calm, their adopted father, Mehen, has been called back by the clan from which he was exiled years ago. While some expect it's just a formality to inform Mehen of the death of his father, he knows they wouldn't go through the trouble to call him back without also wanting something more. And when several young dragonborn are found dead shortly after the group arrives, they are quickly enlisted to help find the person--or thing--responsible.

I've been enjoying this series by Erin M. Evans quite a bit since it launched out of The Sundering. There's something about Farideh as a character that just draws me in, and the crowd that surrounds her are certainly very interesting, as well. In this installment, we get a bit more detail of Mehen's history, which I found to be enlightening, though there's not quite as much action here as there has been in previous books. Even though there wasn't as much in the way of direct conflict for Farideh this time around, the forces that are moving against her are still lingering in the shadows, and I expect that will all be coming to a head soon, as well. Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]
crtsjffrsn | Aug 27, 2021 |
Farideh was probably one of my favorite characters that I was introduced to in The Sundering series and The Adversary was certainly one of my favorite books. So of course I simply jumped at the opportunity to do an advance read of Fire in the Blood, the next installment in Farideh’s story.


SCRIBE- award-winning author, Erin M. Evans, continues the riveting tale of her Sundering character, Farideh, as she becomes embroiled in a Forgotten Realms-flavored game of thrones.

In a direct follow-up to the third book in the Sundering series, The Adversary, young warlock Farideh falls into the midst of a battle for the throne of Cormyr. As the war brought on by the Sundering rages across Faerûn, princes and princesses, wizards and rogues scheme to capture the seat of power of the Land of the Purple Dragon—with Farideh and her allies caught squarely in the middle.

Don’t be fooled by the scant details given in the book’s description. There is so much more here than one might see on the surface. Love, war, high fantasy, magic, demons, betrayal - it’s all part of Farideh’s story and more. What I think I particularly enjoyed about this second installment is getting to see Farideh’s interactions with others. There was more of that in this book than in the previous one and it demonstrated the level of depth that Evans has created for these characters and this world. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing more about Farideh in the future.

My one frustration was the way Farideh’s story turns, for a moment, to a focus on romantic relationships. Granted, they are a part of everyone’s existence, but the way a man can suddenly turn her off course and overwhelm her just seemed so contrary to the strong and independent personality that characterizes Farideh all throughout The Adversary. In the end, I think she comes back out on top, but it was surprising to see and had me worried for a few moments while I was reading.

(eGalley provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
crtsjffrsn | 4 autres critiques | Aug 27, 2021 |
The Sundering has turned out to be an excellent way to jump back into the world of Forgotten Realms. The series is serving as a quick update of what's going on with some of the major characters of the world and is setting up a bigger event that I'm guessing will spawn some new and unique adventures like nothing in the setting's history.

The Adversary is the third installment and primarily follows the Tiefling Farideh and the twists and turns she faces as she continues to navigate the pact she made with a devil, Lorcan, and begins to learn more about her family history. The book is well-written and is up there with [b:The Companions|16142151|The Companions (The Sundering, #1; Legend of Drizzt, #24)|R.A. Salvatore||21974017], which opened the series. One thing that did make me struggle a bit is that the beginning seems to move very quickly compared to the rest of the book, so it felt a bit jarring, but once things smooth out a bit, it really flows nicely. I'm definitely looking forward to the 4th installment.

(eGalley provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
crtsjffrsn | 9 autres critiques | Aug 27, 2021 |
I had thought this was the 2nd in a trilogy but it turns out there are a good many involving the teiflings, Farideh and Havilah. This is good news, especially since I've come to know and love these characters quite a lot. I'm a particular fan of dungeons and this one has, not only a great dungeon, but it houses a wonderful Library too. The teifling sisters and the rest of the party are becoming more and more real with each book I read. Plenty of magic and adventure, not to mention a good bit of romance too. I loved it. Very good read.

SFGale | Mar 23, 2021 |
Teiflings. They're kind of like half human, half devil. At least in appearance. The twin Teiflings in this novel are the good guys, one of which saves her sister from making a pact with a devil by basically doing it herself. Farideh is her name, and she's now Lorcan's warlock. He's one of the devils her twin sister Havilar called up and then didn't really have any plans for. Farideh however is a little more thoughtful and knows exactly what she's done.

Anyway, this novel sees them venturing off on a bounty hunt along with their adoptive Father. Along the way they meet a trainee priest, or so they think, called Brin. But things aren't all they seem. As they enter the great city of Neverwinter in search of the aformentioned bounty, they soon find themselves smack bang in the middle of a classic battle of good vs evil.

I liked Brin. I like priests. Especially priests that have really cool magical abilities and turn out at the last minute to be much, much more than you ever thought they were. It was a nice little twist.

This is a novel set in a D&D world called Faerun, which is itself in a universe called the Forgotten Realms. You never really expect too much of novels based off RPGs but this wasn't half bad. It's no Song of Ice and Fire of course, but then it's not supposed to be. I've already bought the sequel in this trilogy anyway. I wasn't going to jump straight into the sequel due to fear of burn out but I read the back cover and it looks like they head into a classic D&D dungeon. I just can't pass that up I'm afraid.

Here's to more of the same, only better, because it has a dungeon in it(I think. I'll let you know when I've read it...)
SFGale | Mar 23, 2021 |

Oh, it's over and I could cry. I had a great time with The Adversary, but there were still parts I skipped, sections that I found too confusing, so on. But I couldn't get it out of my head. I just kept getting excited about the series even if I understood so little. And this one - gahh, this one, she had me on every count. Every joke I smirked, every twist I was shocked, every character I couldn't learn enough of, every kiss I was starry-eyed, all of it, all of it. (Never forget the most iconic copyediting error ever, in which they deleted the whole first kiss, but lmao oh well.)

There's kinda no denying these books are some pretty incremental changes, all adding up something that will happen in the next book, but it takes a pretty special book to make me so absolutely invested in every one of those incremental changes.

I'm really excited to move on in the series, and really glad I can finally cement something else in my favourites.
Chyvalrys | 4 autres critiques | Aug 5, 2020 |
"I should have stayed with her."
"She gets out, and you're going to be looking back from the afterlife a great fool."
"And if she doesn't?"
"Then I think she'll forgive you for waiting a few days," Dahl said, "if you're going to be a great fool and join her. Come on."

3.5? Look, this really was...a Dungeons and Dragons book. And as someone who doesn't read much of the lore, never read the first 2 books in the Sundering series, nor anything in the Brimstone Angel series...I could follow along (more or less) comfortably, and really bought into all the characters even as I showed up halfway through their arcs. I really commend Evans on being able to tie in old plots and arcs from her previous books, and yet give new readers enough foundation to be invested in them even if I didn't see their beginnings. I still got a ton of satisfaction from all the pay-offs and great character moments.

This was delightfully complicated - if not a touch convoluted. I especially loved how she worked with the nonsense that shows up in like every campaign - "but uhh, what if I just kill this character who is kinda sorta in my way?" She threw all these characters together who didn't care for each other, and were pretty trigger happy, and constantly had them outsmart each other, negotiate logically, and find a ton of ways to settle each encounter without the stabbing you would expect :p

I don't think I'll continue with the Sundering series for the sake of learning about the Sundering...frankly, when we get into the really big picture nonsense of epic fantasy, I stop caring - but I will keep Farideh and Havilar's future adventures on my to-read list!
Chyvalrys | 9 autres critiques | Aug 5, 2020 |
I am giving this 3 stars, and would give more since I didn't read the first two books, so I was quite lost for the first 100 pages. Overall I enjoyed the book.
DCavin | 9 autres critiques | Jun 24, 2019 |
Demons, goblins and political intrigue

I’ve not read any of the author’s previous work so some of this was a mystery to me as it assumes knowledge of the previous two books in the series. There is some explanation but it is still mystifying in places.

Part of a Forgotten Realms series, this deals with the machinations of demons and others wrestling for power and a fantasy world. It is not all talking and manipulating and some adventure occurs. Having recently read a Salvatore book in the same way, this one is more interesting and less superficial. The characters have substance.

The principal characters, Farideh, Havilar, Raedra and Brin, are well-developed and the features of this fantasy world are not overwhelming.

Evidently there is more to come as all is far than resolved by the end of this long book.

Recommended for lovers of the genre but I won’t be looking to read the previous nor the next tomes in the series.
PaulAllard | 4 autres critiques | Dec 9, 2015 |
I enjoyed this, but not as much as the first one. It seemed harder to keep track of what was going on, of course, that might just be the length of time between reading this one and the previous one. Solid storylines and character development, I can't wait for the next one!
Vinbert | 4 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
Loved loved loved. Took me awhile to get involved, but once I did, it was consuming. And it left me wanting more of the story. That's always a good thing!!
Vinbert | 9 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
I enjoyed this, but not as much as the first one. It seemed harder to keep track of what was going on, of course, that might just be the length of time between reading this one and the previous one. Solid storylines and character development, I can't wait for the next one!
Vinbert | 4 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
Loved loved loved. Took me awhile to get involved, but once I did, it was consuming. And it left me wanting more of the story. That's always a good thing!!
Vinbert | 9 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
The Adversary is the third book in the multi-author Sundering epic fantasy series. Like the previous two books, this is the first I have read by this author and also like the first two books, it continues the story of characters from another series by the author. As a result, it took me a while to orient myself and really get into the tale.

However, unlike the previous two books in this series, The Adversary felt like once I got to know the characters a bit, I wasn’t as handicapped by lack of previous knowledge. The story felt less tied to author Erin M Evan’s previous series and more to the other books in this Sundering series. It finally felt like there really is an over-arching storyline here and not just a showcase for the different authors’ works.

At times, I found the pacing a bit slow. But that was okay – there’s a lot going on here and a whole lot of characters to keep track of and, by taking it slow through some of the build-up to the real action, it prevented the reader from getting lost. It also gave me a chance to get to know the characters and to care about what happens to them.

With this novel, I finally feel like I’m starting to understand what is happening in the Forgotten Realm and where this is all heading. It kind of feels like the previous two books were meant to set the parameters of the series and, with The Adversary, we are finally finding our way to the core of the story. I look forward to reading the rest of the books in the series to find out where it will take me.
lostinalibrary | 9 autres critiques | Mar 19, 2014 |
4 Stars
*I received this uncorrected galley from NetGalley*
Farideh is taken by Netherese agents and imprisoned along with other Netherese enemies. It doesn’t take long for her to realize that her fellow prisoners are something more than what she expected. These captives have powers or abilities that their captors will use or destroy so the race is on for her to find a way to release them. Farideh has allies within the camp but one is an old adversary who she’s not sure she can trust. While she works tirelessly on her plans Farideh’s sister and friends are on their own seemingly impossible journey to attempt a rescue that magic and politics could destroy before they reach the camp.
This series is my first introduction to these authors and I am so excited to read more from them.
My complaints always come first so I will get that out of the way. In some areas it felt cluttered and I had moments of feeling overwhelmed by the number of characters. It was mostly in intense action scenes where I was trying to keep track of the major characters plus the minor ones. Otherwise everything moves smoothly and the pace has a nice balance. The characters (I know other readers have had more experience with them than I have) are also very balanced. Having conflicted and complex characters really works well in this genre. Farideh is a good example of this and I can’t wait to read more of her adventures. I stayed up late a few nights to read this and that’s a good sign for me because I love my sleep and am an early riser. I can easily recommend this one to fantasy fans or anyone looking to get a start in fantasy. So far I don’t see a reason why this series has to be read in order.
shayrp76 | 9 autres critiques | Mar 1, 2014 |
Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating: 4 out of 5 Controllers
Review Source: NetGalley
Reviewer: Ariel

The Adversary is the third book in The Sundering series, a multi author series that takes place in the Forgotten Realms of the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Going into this book I was expecting to be extremely confused because A) it’s the third book in the series and B) I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons in my life. I am extremely pleased to say I was not confused and I really enjoyed this book.

The Adversary is written by Erin M. Evans, who has written other novels that have taken place in the Forgotten Realms. In this particular novel Farideh, the tiefling protagonist has landed herself in trouble when she makes a pact with a cambion named Sariche. Farideh, her twin sister Havilar, and another cambion, Lorcan, are to be protected until Farideh’s twenty-seventh birthday. Unfortunately, Sariche’s idea of protection involves hiding the three for seven years. Everyone Farideh and Havilar know and love thinks they’re dead, and Lorcan has been trapped by Sariche, who happens to be his sister.

One of the things that made me really happy about this novel is that even if you’re unfamiliar with the D&D universe, you can still enjoy it. A lot of the terminology that might be unfamiliar, you can pick up from context fairly easily. And if you want to be 100% sure, you can always do a quick search on the more unfamiliar terms such as tiefling and cambion.

This was a really great adventure story. Farideh has gotten herself in a bit of trouble, and it is up to Havilar and Lorcan to rescue her, with the help of some other friends along the way. The rescuing of Farideh, plus the sketchy goings on that Farideh has been dragged into take the main stage in the story, but there are some romantic elements in it as well, which kept me entertained.

I really enjoyed how well all of the characters are written. They each have their specific things that drive them. Mehen, the adoptive father of Farideh and Havilar and he would do anything to keep his girls safe. Farideh feels the need to protect those around her, especially Havilar. Lorcan and Sariche, typical to their cambion nature, are typically out to do whatever is in their best interest. The ways that the characters all interact is done really well, and it made the novel really enjoyable to read.

The only thing that keeps me from giving this 5 stars is that there were a few parts that kind of seemed to drag for me. The ending really slowed down in pace, and a lot of the battle scenes I tended to skim through because there was just a lot going on. But the scenery was described really well without being too descriptive to the point that it detracts from the story.

I’m giving The Adversary four out of 5 controllers. It was a really great plot, great characters, and really well written. Just a little slow in a few parts, not too many, and the author does a fantastic job of making sure you’re not confused so even if you haven’t played D&D you can still enjoy the story.
momgamerwriter | 9 autres critiques | Feb 6, 2014 |
Originally published at Tales to Tide You Over

This is the third of the Sundering series I’ve read, and I’m thinking it comes in as my favorite. We’re thrust into disaster after disaster from the very start because the main focus is on a tiefling, Farideh, who never looks before she leaps, so determined to do what’s right that she doesn’t take the time to think things through. Of course, she’s rarely given the time she needs either. Then there’s the Harper Dahl who comes with a history rich with disaster and a self-destructive streak miles wide, Lorcan who is a devil half-blood driven by emotions he doesn’t believe he can have, Farideh’s sister with her own issues, and more.

Sure, this is an adventure fantasy with horrible things happening, people needing a rescue, people forced to do things they would prefer not to and suffering the consequences should they balk. It’s complex, complicated, and twisty. Deals with devils are rarely simple, and all the clauses in the world won’t cover every eventuality. But ultimately this is a people novel. It’s about the kind of trouble that comes through rash choices, and learning to live with the consequences at the same time as trying to mend what went wrong.

It’s rare that a novel can startle me into a laugh, and I wasn’t expecting it of this one as much of what happens falls into the dark paths of choosing the best of the worst when lives are at stake, but still there have been several times when the characters’ interactions just hit me the right way. There are things the characters say that stand out as poignant or telling, and yet though they have broader implications, are also perfect for the moment and that character.

Though Farideh is known in the Forgotten Realms universe, she’s new to me. What I came out of this book with is a wish to check out more of Erin M. Evans’ stories, and a sense of a rich history of which I know enough to make this book solid just in the glimpses offered, and yet I’m intrigued to discover more. The characters are complicated, well-rounded, and faced with the kinds of choices that make black and white a simple world for simple people who have never experienced anything more difficult than whether to share their breakfast meats or hoard them. I’ve already recommended the book to my son, and I suspect he’s not the first to hear about how much I enjoyed the rich characters and events put into play here.

P.S. I received this title from the publisher through Net Galley in return for an honest review.
MarFisk | 9 autres critiques | Nov 28, 2013 |
About the Author: quoted from Erin M. Evans web site

Who are you?

My name is Erin M. Evans. I’m writer and sometime-editor living in Seattle. I wrote the novels The God Catcher and Brimstone Angels, and the short story “The Resurrection Agent” from Realms of the Dead. You should read them.

Those are Forgotten Realms books. What does that mean? Am I going to have to read a zillion books to understand this?

My current novels are set in the world of Forgotten Realms, which is a venerable, multi-author shared world created by Ed Greenwood, and owned by Wizards of the Coast. You don’t have to read all the books–but you can, which is the cool part. If you like the Great Game of the dragons from The God Catcher, for example, Brotherhood of the Griffon by Richard Lee Byers has more of that.

About the Series:

I found the video very interesting. It’s only about 4 minutes long, but gives you an idea about the various authors of The Sundering Series. This is book 3 of the Sundering Series that when complete will be six books with six different authors. Now what is interesting in this series is that each of these authors have used characters from their own fantasy worlds created in previous books they have written and in turn wrote them into this on-going epic story of the Forgotten Realms – a world of magic, widespread war and vying of power. The world as known is shifting, things are being shaken up on a higher level and even the gods don’t completely know what is going on. It’s a huge event that spreads chaos across the entire realm. The stories are about how these changes affect the people. Erin Evans says, “It’s not about the gods, it’s about their worshipers.”

About The Story: blurb extracted from

Abandoned as an infant along with her twin sister and adopted by an exiled dragonborn warrior, Farideh grew to adulthood acutely aware of the drawbacks of being a tiefling. Even with outcast tieflings and dragonborn as near neighbors in the mountain village of Arush Vayem, Farideh knew they watched for the day one of the twins would show the stain of their devilborn blood. Despite doing everything she could to reassure them, including keeping wild Havilar out of trouble, the villagers focused on Farideh as the one who would embrace the dark side of herself.

They weren’t wrong.

In 1478 DR at the tender age of seventeen Havilar attempted to summon an imp with a borrowed scroll and wound up calling down a half-devil, Lorcan, instead. For all it seemed a lucky accident, Lorcan had been looking for the twins—or someone like them. As a collector of warlocks, Lorcan needed one of these two to complete his most prized set, a Toril Thirteen. Thirteen descendants of the warlocks whose ritual helped Asmodeus seize the godhood and doomed the tiefling race—and Farideh, as the great-great-great granddaugher of their leader, Bryseis Kakistos, was the last piece. Toying with her affections, her fears, and finally her love for her sister, Lorcan convinced Farideh to accept a warlock’s pact, confirming what the villagers of Arush Vayem had always said and leaving the twins and their adoptive father to roam Faerûn as bounty hunters.

Though Farideh draws magic from the Nine Hells, she uses it only to protect her loved ones and the good folk she encounters—especially those caught in the sights of devils. Perhaps she made a mistake taking the pact, but now she has the power to make a difference, rather than bending under the will of those who think she was wicked from the cradle and hiding away. She might be damned for falling under Lorcan’s sway, but that doesn’t matter to Farideh. She can still save those who have a chance.

As the Sundering approaches, Farideh has learned still more about her lost past and her daunting future: the crimes of Bryseis Kaakistos and the Toril Thirteen, the rapaciousness of collector devils. The spell of protection cast upon her and Havilar, shielding them from devils’ scrying magic. She’s made more than one enemy in the Hells, but she’s gained allies to match, including Harper agents, a scion of one of Cormyr’s royal families, and, of course, Lorcan. Whether he remains an ally, an enemy, or something else, Farideh is still waiting to see.

My Thoughts:
This world, The Forgotten Realm is for those fantasy lovers who want to read it and play a video game or board game with the same characters.

I find it fascinating, but a little much for my understanding. Orcs and half-orcs, tieflings, demons, gods, etc. keep my head whirling. It probably would have been better if I had started out with some of the characters in other books by these wonderful authors. Make sure you check out the video link above. I felt like I stepped into the land of hobbits!

Some of you just love this stuff and eat it up. If fantasy and video games are up your alley, then do read this book.
However, that being said, I really did enjoy the book. I had also read book 1 of the series. I’m figuring by the time the series is finished, I would have figured out all these monsters and what they look like. Even if you don’t ‘dig’, (do they use that word anymore?) this type of fantasy there are situations between the characters that are very revealing about life in general. Such as a parent’s love will never lessen. They will always be there for their children, while children may very well turn their backs on their parents.

Oh, if you like to purchase a video game for the Sundering, take a look at
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EileenLina | 9 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2013 |
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