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Mell EightCritiques

Auteur de Finding the Wolf

48+ oeuvres 301 utilisateurs 31 critiques


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A sweet treat, all delicacy.

I enjoyed Rung's mannerisms and the relation brownies-thanks.
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
When Dane get called out to some dragons interfering with commercial flight paths, the last thing he expects to find is a gaggle of young dragons and their ailing father.

This surprising and delightful cosy paranormal mystery delivers found family (in a slightly more literal sense than usual) and intriguing characters. Gimme more!

This was an unusual story – in the best possible way. I expected Dane to be keen to be eager to return his home to its childfree state as quickly as possible. Instead, he get stuck right in, acting as foster father to his new charges.

There was romance in the story, but it didn't overwhelm or stand in the way of character development.
clacksee | 2 autres critiques | Dec 12, 2022 |
Cute and waaaaaay too short.
fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
A surprisingly flat story with little to recommend it.
fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
The story itself is pretty decent - a young man who's been outcast from his old life at the Monastery where he was either abused or ignored finds his way into the life of another young man who has similar issues, complicated by his being the son of a deposed king and the focus of rebellion by those who wish to return to the corruptness of the past. The two find they're kindred spirits and take to pulling pranks around the castle to enliven the days for each of them. It would have been nice to see more of the pranks these two pulled, but it's not that long of a story. The whole plot around the attempted coup is rather shortened by the shortness of this story, making it almost too simple.

One thing I will say, however, is that Ms. Eight should stay away from describing anything more intimate than a kiss between two people because her description of their intimate moment in bed was absolutely awful, dull, flat, and unreal to boot.
fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
A short story with undeveloped characters due the length limitations about Rawley and Reign/Lief/Skye/Ashe. Rawley falls for the new guy and things move fast. What is up with the new guy? Is a cop? Is he hiding something? What is it about him and why does he turn Rawley on? Did I mention there are sprites and motorcycles? A full novel would be very interesting , this short story not so much.
green8847 | Aug 29, 2021 |
3.5 stars

Quick and cute story. Very sweet.

I've not read any of the previous books but that didn't affect my enjoyment of this one.

MCs are 15 so don't expect any sexy times. Not even a kiss.
Lillian_Francis | 2 autres critiques | Jul 26, 2021 |
Another sweet addition to the series. This time it's Aqua's turn to find a friend.
Jealous of his brother's relationship with Nixie, Aqua is sent on an adventure of his own. The only stipulation is to avoid Texas. Of course Aqua ends up in the desert...

Half hour read. Sweet with nothing more than a few hugs. Ash is an interesting character, almost an outcast from his group. And Aqua's protective instinct is a contrast to his spoilt nature at the beginning of the story.
Lillian_Francis | 2 autres critiques | Jul 26, 2021 |
This is a lovely N.A. paranormal tale of a broken boy and the kelpie who decides not to eat him. I loved the way this was written with the narrative interspersed with diary entries, mostly from Rin with Blue adding comments.
I enjoyed it immensely.
Lillian_Francis | 1 autre critique | Jul 26, 2021 |
The prologue is definitely heartbreaking. Rest of the story wraps up nicely.
Bookbee1 | Apr 13, 2021 |
Music, magic, and monsters oh my! This book was an absolutely magical read. I love stories with fae when written well (and this definitely falls in that category). Merry is proof that there are more ways to have a voice than speaking, and the bonds of friendship run deep. The song lyrics added just the right touch to the overall mesmerizing quality of Mel's storytelling. Having read this I definitely plan on going back and reading book one too!
LilyRoseShadowlyn | Apr 10, 2021 |
3.5 stars
I've really enjoyed this!
NannyOgg13 | Mar 27, 2021 |
It was ok, but I liked the first book better.
NannyOgg13 | Mar 27, 2021 |
This was my favorite out of the four. 3.5 stars.
Mrella | Mar 8, 2021 |
3.5 stars

Quick and cute story. Very sweet.

I've not read any of the previous books but that didn't affect my enjoyment of this one.

MCs are 15 so don't expect any sexy times. Not even a kiss.
Lillian_Francis | 2 autres critiques | Feb 24, 2021 |
Another sweet addition to the series. This time it's Aqua's turn to find a friend.
Jealous of his brother's relationship with Nixie, Aqua is sent on an adventure of his own. The only stipulation is to avoid Texas. Of course Aqua ends up in the desert...

Half hour read. Sweet with nothing more than a few hugs. Ash is an interesting character, almost an outcast from his group. And Aqua's protective instinct is a contrast to his spoilt nature at the beginning of the story.
Lillian_Francis | 2 autres critiques | Feb 24, 2021 |
This is a lovely N.A. paranormal tale of a broken boy and the kelpie who decides not to eat him. I loved the way this was written with the narrative interspersed with diary entries, mostly from Rin with Blue adding comments.
I enjoyed it immensely.
Lillian_Francis | 1 autre critique | Feb 24, 2021 |
Review also at JustOneMoreBlogAboutBooks

*ARC courtesy of NetGalley*

I liked it but I also felt that something was missing...
Going in, I was expecting a little more romance between Rafi and Mihi and probably that's why I was disappointed on this front. The story is focused more on Rafi and his mission than his relationship with his husband -yep, they're married -, moreover Rafi talks about Mihi as if the reader knows everything already (which he doesn't) and that left me quite disconnected to them.
However considering only the main storyline - the mystery about the terrorist attack that left Mihi injured - [b:Road to Revenge|17878217|Road to Revenge (Road To #1)|Mell Eight||25035465] has definitively nothing missing!! There's the right amount of intrigue, action and plot twist as any good spy story!
All things considered, I'm quite curious about the second book in the series - Road to Home will be released on January 7th - and to find out where Rafi&Mihi's adventures will take them next time.

At last, I'd like to thank the author for the chance to read her book through NetGalley and I hope she appreciates my review.
Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
Review also @JustOneMoreBlogAboutBooks

*ARC courtesy of NetGalley*

The second chapter of Rafi and Mihi adventures, as it happened for [b:Road to Revenge|17878217|Road to Revenge (Road To #1)|Mell Eight||25035465] (you can find my review here), left me not completely satisfied.
I liked it but I didn't love it.
At one point in the story, Mihi remembers the first time he met Rafi, both of them on a mission for their agencies...that's the story I'd really like to read about!

That said, "Road to Home" is a good spy-story and the amount of action and plot twists is exactly right for keeping the reader interested. What I missed is a bigger focus on the main characters and on their relationship.

At last, I'd like to thank the author for the chance to read her book through NetGalley and I hope she appreciates my review.
Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
This is a fun little novella that was a pleasure to read. It was entertaining and made me smile quite a bit. It’s only about 95 pages so it’s quite a short read.

Dane is the premier consultant in cases of a supernatural nature. So when a case of dragons tangling with planes comes up on the Federal Bureau of Supernatural Investigation’s radar, it’s referred to him. Dane immediately uses his magic to track down the dragons. His first encounter is an amusing one.. he discovers baby dragons in a forest! The reason that they are running amok seems to be a sick father Dragon!

Without a second thought, Dane gathers them all up and “magics” them to his home. He brings in a doctor and a friend to help with the kits. His house rather quickly becomes chaotic! Each of the kits has a very different personality with individual quirks. This was what made this book most enjoyable for me!

Lumie is an odd little toddler dragon who seems to be able to break through any magical wards and boundaries. Nickel is a little fighter and is fiercely protective of his father! Mercury – the adult dragon is very ill with dragon fever and as he recovers it becomes clear that things in their family are not what they initially seem!

There’s a bigger mystery within this novella… and I’m not going to spoil it for you. Suffice to say there’s a lot more going on than one dragon family simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There is a queer relationship in this novella It begins very subtly and is quite sweet.

All in all, this was enjoyable and there’s another installment coming!
KinzieThings | 2 autres critiques | Jun 16, 2020 |
3.5 cute follow up to Dragon Consultant- fun read
Colette_Miranda | 1 autre critique | Jul 29, 2019 |
My love for everything dragon isn’t exactly a secret, so it was clear I’d pick up this book. What with the blurb mentioning dragons as a problem for the FAA, a supernatural consultant called in to help track and solve the issue, and a bunch of cute dragon kits out to create the kind of chaos and mayhem only children can come up with, this was bound to be an interesting story. And boy, did it deliver on all the important points for me. The alternate reality Mell Eight has created here is fascinating with all kinds of supernatural beings out of the woodwork and struggling for their right to live among humans. There are threats, a nefarious plot, mysterious men struggling to contain their attraction for each other, and a great mix of funny and suspenseful moments. All of it is woven into a captivating tale that had me entertained from beginning to end.

Dane is a Supernatural Consultant of quite some renown and powers that only gradually pop up, so to speak, as he needs them. The type of being he turns out to be is very rare, but I am not going to tell you what he is since that would be a huge spoiler. I have to admit I was surprised, but looking back, I shouldn’t have been – the hints are all there. Dane agrees to find the dragons causing the problems for the FAA, but what he finds is very different from what he expected. On top of that, some things just don’t add up, and he begins to suspect something is very wrong.

Dane doesn’t hesitate to bring everyone back to his house thinking to get the dragon’s father, Mercury, cured and to send them on their way. Since Dane is a bit of a loner, he is somewhat overwhelmed when all the dragon kits he rescued swarm his house and settle down in what looks to be a pretty permanent way. But the danger threatening them is still out there, and Dane needs all his wits, some dragon magic, and lots of determination to make sure everyone is safe.

The romance with Mercury is slow but hot, and Dane is distracted by the quickly healing Mercury more than once. These two men aren’t very demonstrative, but their fire for each other burns deep and true. Even each man’s insecurity about being “enough” for the other can’t stop them falling for each other. The focus of the story is on all the action and adventure, as well as the super-cute kits, with the romance bubbling quietly in the background. Quite a nice mix!

If you like action/adventure stories of the supernatural kind, if a touch of romance is enough to keep your interest, and if you’re looking for a read that is as sweet and cute as it is suspenseful and imaginative, then you will probably like this novella as much as I did. I think it’s fantastic and can’t wait for the next volume in the series!

NOTE: This book was provided by Less Than Three Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 2 autres critiques | Oct 14, 2017 |
The supernatural consultant, Dane, is back – and so are his partner, Mercury, and all their adopted dragon kits. The kits may be older now, but that doesn’t mean they are less likely to cause a mess or two. And with some of them teenagers, Dane and Mercury never know what to expect. Dane still runs his consultancy, now with the help of Nickel, an older water dragon kit with a definite talent for investigative work. Mercury has got a job with the FBSI and even though he is a simple analyst for now, with everyone still trying to find the evil dragon abductors who are running illegal experiments on helpless kits, Mercury quickly advances beyond his desk job. Mell Eight’s alternate reality is as enchanting as in the first book, and with a few more revelations about how the dragons’ magic works and who might be behind the experiments, this second volume was as suspenseful and full of action as the first.

Mercury is now working for the FBSI. With the previous, corrupt leader removed they are helping to figure out who is behind the kidnappings and illegal labs. Mercury’s new partner, Valerie, is highly efficient, adheres to every rule there is, and so strict that nobody likes to work with her. I loved how Mercury had her figured out in no time and managed to establish himself as an equal partner – even though he isn’t officially an agent yet. Mercury also manages to deal with all the kits – and he still finds time to spend with Dane.

Dane has his hands full with finding an abducted mother dragon and her three kits. He wants to make sure she is safe in the dragon village he is building – much like a sanctuary for dragons that also teaches them life skills needed for living in the human world. Not something dragons are naturally good at. But Dane is determined, and with all the power and magic at his disposal, not to mention how stubborn he is, chances are good that he will succeed.

The growing kits are beginning to establish themselves as great secondary characters. Mercury and Dane’s relationship has clearly developed, and they are wonderful together - whether as parents or as lovers. The action and adventure continues as well, and all of those elements make for an excellent mix and a very entertaining story.

If you like suspenseful stories with a supernatural focus, if family life with lots of dragon kits sounds interesting, and if you’re looking for a read that is as fun as it is imaginative, then you will probably like this novella as much as I did. I think it’s a fantastic addition to an amazing series.

NOTE: This book was provided by Less Than Three Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
It’s been too long since I read the last story in this series full of dragon shifters and their magic, witches, half gods, and evil scientists out to harness the dragons’ powers for nefarious purposes. Dane (half god and in charge of a supernatural detective agency) and his partner Mercury (dragon shifter and SupFed working with the FBSI) are raising the seven dragon kits they rescued from the labs amid a lot of mayhem such a varied group can cause. I loved finding out about their newest adventures, of which Dane’s mother (a powerful witch) visiting was only one. Mell Eight’s alternate reality enchanted me all over again as I took in the newest revelations, action, and mischief caused by all the kits.

Dane has never met his father, and has not really discussed his mother in previous volumes. It becomes clear why when she unexpectedly turns up for a visit. She is manipulative, incredibly powerful, and not the nicest person and Dane mentally prepares for the worst. I laughed when the first of the adopted kits manages to defuse the situation by playing the “I love having a grandma” card, and even though Dane has his hands full making the children behave, they each find their own way of dealing with “grandma”. Highly entertaining and just like in “real” life!

Mercury has a somewhat mysterious past – having been abandoned in the wild by his dragon parents, as is normal. His new goal in life is to raise the kits with Dane – and whoever dares to interfere better be ready. Mercury turns out to be quite the capable defender, just like he is a very talented father - and I loved watching him deal with small and big messes alike.

With several territory leaders (Dane’s neighbors) suddenly appearing and showing an interest in Dane’s activities, more dragon kits appearing, and some sort of evil plan that nobody can quite figure out until it is almost too late, the action and adventure continue unabated. The mix between that, the ongoing story line around the scientists, and the kits’ antics makes for excellent entertainment. Add the growing love between Dane and Mercury, and I am one happy reader.

If you like stories with several supernatural elements, if you want to see family life – and drama – of the magical kind, and if you’re looking for a read that is as full of adventure and action as it is fun, then you will probably like this novella as much as I do. I think it’s another fantastic addition to a wonderful series.

NOTE: This book was provided by Less Than Three Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
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