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"The aim of this book is to the development of the headdresses, hairstyles and hats worn by Englishwomen since Saxon times, together with some mention of the materials and methods used in their making." (from the Preface.)

This is a book of line drawings of styles, generally six or so to a page. The book is divided into large time periods: Plantagenet, Tudor, Elizabethan, Stuart, and then subdivided into smaller periods as the author finds convenient. Each section begins with an essay on the styles of the era, then with essays, accompanied by pictures, of hats, hairstyles, etc. The author makes an effort to explain trends within the narrower periods, and distinctions by class. The book is written in a somewhat linear fashion, i.e., the author explains what an item is when it is first introduced, which seems to assume that the reader will read the book straight through in chronological order. Not to worry - the index is good, and will lead the reader of a particular section to earlier explanations.

There is a short glossary, a list of sources, a bibliography and an extnesive index. The glossary would be disappointing in its brevity, except that the index leads the reader to explanations within the text.

The decision to include all head fashions together is a wise one, making it unnecessary to make fine distinctions and giving the reader a better idea of the variety shown at any particular time.

This would be a good, basic addition to a costume collection.
PuddinTame | Sep 3, 2009 |