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43+ oeuvres 1,507 utilisateurs 59 critiques


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So much about the Marvel Universe I don't know...
... But still, I really enjoyed this one - featuring Thor GODDESS - a very interesting outing for the defenders of Midgard. I'm sure if I knew *more* about these characters I'd get more out of it, but the authors do a good job moving the story along, and pulling the newbies (me) along. Thanks again, Amazon Prime for a free read... though I suspect it may lead me to more purchases.
mrklingon | 24 autres critiques | Sep 22, 2023 |
Jane Foster is fighting stage 4 cancer and no one can understand why the chemotherapy is barely touching it. Jane, however, knows the reason: every time she picks up Mjolnir and becomes Thor, the powers of Thor burn the chemo out of her veins. But with war in the offing between the light and dark elves and the very real threat of civil war in Asgard, this is no time for Thor to be absent while Jane fights cancer.

This story arc is so good. I'm a big fan of Jane Foster and of her as Thor and these comics really do her justice. It's also fascinating to see the commentary on leadership and authoritarianism that are subtly woven in to Odin's characterization (very apropos for a comic that was being released in 2016). Plus there's plenty of bam and pow action if that's your appeal factor for comics. Recommended.
MickyFine | 6 autres critiques | May 25, 2023 |
Sorry but I am just not a fan of graphic novels. I find them very difficult to read as my mind just skips through to all the text and completely bypasses the graphics so then I have no idea what has just happened. I admire those who read these with ease. It's movies for me when I want my Marvel or DC fix.
Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | 24 autres critiques | Feb 14, 2023 |
I personally enjoyed it, but I didn't care for the whole feminism bit. Just be a kick ass superhero, male, female, trans, etc.
Summer345456 | 24 autres critiques | Jan 25, 2023 |
2021 Backlog;

Marking as completed series.
Reviews in the Dawn of X Compilations.
wanderlustlover | Dec 27, 2022 |
I don’t read much superhero stuff because I often feel a little lost, but I liked this new (new to me) Thor arc. I still had a little of that sensation I’d been dropped in the middle of a story, but it didn’t really keep me from following the main stuff. The art was good, Loki looked like Tom Hiddleston, and all was well. I’d read another.
Harks | 6 autres critiques | Dec 17, 2022 |
Odin resorts to extraordinary measures to try and discover the identity of the new Thor and retrieve Mjolnir. While Prince Odinson disagrees with Odin's methods, he's on his own quest to discover who the woman is. But she has more than one secret to keep.

A solid continuation of this arc. I loved how the many ladies of Marvel lined up to join the fight in this one and thoroughly enjoyed the misdirection around who Thor is. While I roughly know the direction the plot will take, I'm still thoroughly enjoying every second of it. However, I will note that this volume includes some extra comics outside of the main arc that I skimmed as they were not my jam.
MickyFine | 11 autres critiques | Aug 5, 2022 |
Odin has returned to Asgardia only to find all is not as it should. Freyja is less than willing to relinquish her role as the All-Mother and Thor is no longer worthy of lifting Mjolnir. However, a mysterious woman is now hefting the hammer and taking on the role of defender of Midgard.

Such an excellent comic arc. The plot is excellent and the mystery of the identity of the new Thor is well-hidden (viewers of Thor: Love and Thunder will know the answer, of course, but within this arc there are hints but no reveal). I also love that Aaron manages to call out any misogynistic fanboys about Thor being a woman within the world of the comic and smack it down completely. There's also some excellent humour interspersed in here (I particularly loved Spider-Man's speculation on what the new Thor's name might be), which adds some levity to an action and politics heavy arc. Recommended.
MickyFine | 24 autres critiques | Aug 2, 2022 |
This activated all my Jane Foster feelings.
Monj | 6 autres critiques | Jan 7, 2022 |
A new series and new Thunder God, no spoiler unless you've been living under a rock Thor is a she.
kevn57 | 1 autre critique | Dec 8, 2021 |
The first arc is well underway and we've yet to learn much about the new Thor except for the fact that she is a badass and knows quite a lot about the Thunder God, and it looks like she'll learn even more in the next issue.
kevn57 | Dec 8, 2021 |
The big battle between the God and Goddess of Thunder
kevn57 | Dec 8, 2021 |
Oh hellz to the yes. I got totally tripped up halfway through when the Thors kissed. I had thought that it was Freyja that took up the hammer (and it was also awesome for a while there thinking it was pretty badass to have a matron be a superhero), but then that scene happened and I was all like, "Wha??" and then did lots of backtracking. So it resumes a slightly less interesting trajectory on the whole romance deal, but I'm hooked. Also, totally loved the feminism repartee near the end with Crusher Creel.
LibroLindsay | 24 autres critiques | Jun 18, 2021 |
Ah, I kinda had a feeling it was her. This wasn't nearly as compelling as the first volume. Hope the next issues pick up!

Panels Read Harder: Race/gender swap from original superhero
LibroLindsay | 11 autres critiques | Jun 18, 2021 |
Things are moving along in this volume with Jane, Roxxon, Solomon and the damage that is being done in the Ten Realms. You can see how the pieces and people are being put in place and you know that in the future comics, that these things will end in a big fight.

I've never read much Thor comics because the style never suited me, so I don't know a lot of the backstory only the basics or what I've read in other comics. I know the basics of Jane's story but I love how she is being portrayed in these volumes. She is strong and fighting the evil's in the whole galaxy, while she is sick with cancer.

I love that we get to see how strong she is when she's Thor but also how strong she is when dealing with cancer too. I love those few scenes we have her as just Jane Foster.

In this volume we see Shield is still trying to figure out who the new Thor is. We get a story on the origin of Mjolnir and how it chooses those to wield the Hammer. There is also 2 filler issues in the beginning, that were okay but the rest of the volume is great and finishes on a high.

I hope that soon Thor Odinson will learn the truth about Jane and I hope it will strengthen their bond with each other.

I love everything about this series and can't wait to read the next volume.
payday1999 | 2 autres critiques | Dec 8, 2020 |
I immediately started Volume 2 after finishing Volume 1, and then wanted to throw something at learning there was no Volume 3. What happened? Why did this marvelous series not continue, especially with all the plot lines that weren't tied up?

I have to divide this review into two parts: the first about the storyline of the current Marvel universe with a new Thor; the second into the re-imagining of a Golden Age comic about Thor but with Jane Foster finding the disguised Mjolnir instead of Donald Blake. The first was brilliant; the second was painful. But then, much of the Golden Age was painful to read, looking back.

But back to the actual graphic novel. My thought when it was done was I NEED MORE. I need to know what happens next, in Asgard, and with the Roxxon alliance with the dark elf Malekith. Also, about Jane and her continued transformation that is killing her.

WHY, MARVEL??? WHY IS THERE NO MORE? Hopefully the story is carried out in other titles, but it really does the characters a disservice to have their plots spread across multiple titles.

Second, the Golden Age retelling, complete with time-period appropriate sexism and patriarchal sentiment. Also overblown dialogue and eye-rolling declarations. In my head, this was only included for padding and did absolutely nothing to give depth to the main title, and served as amusement at best.

The four stars is definitely for the main story line. I did not include the second Golden Age story in the rating, because that would have dropped it down unfairly. But for those who start reading that story and don't like it, just stop because it does not get better.
wisemetis | 11 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2020 |
I finally read this, and was blown away. I hadn't really followed Marvel comics for a long time, but was intrigued at the thought of a new Thor, a female Thor. I ended up speeding through this first volume in one sitting and immediately buying the next.

Unfortunately, the internet already spoiled me on who this new Thor was, so much of the mystery was lost on me. But I really enjoyed the plot, with the frost giants and the evil Roxxon corporation head who is more than he seems.
wisemetis | 24 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2020 |
So happy there is more Thor! And OH MY GOD this volume. Holy shit.

This picks up where Volume 2 of Thor ended, with Roxxon and the dark elves invading Alfheim and basically committing genocide. Meanwhile on Asgard, Odin has become more dictatorial and imprisoned Freya.

Jane-as-Thor really lets Jane shine, and gives her a much stronger character than she has in the past. The fact that her becoming Thor undoes all the good chemotherapy does to her human body is heart-breaking, and eventually the writers are going to have to deal with that.

Also: Damn you, Loki!
wisemetis | 6 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2020 |
My main complaint is there wasn't enough plot development. There were a lot of issues which focused on backstory which was fairly annoying when I just wanted to know what happened next with Roxxon being a colonialist dick.

But the story that was focused on the current storyline were very satisfying, indeed. Also, the reveal that Mjolnir was even more sentient than previously hinted was amazing. LOVE.
wisemetis | 2 autres critiques | Dec 7, 2020 |
The stories are a mixed bag. The main Thor arc continues to tread water until the reveal. Neither Odinson nor Thor are given much characterization.
bobbybslax | 11 autres critiques | May 17, 2020 |
Don't expect to find out who the goddess is in this volume, but otherwise this was a fun if not as substantial read as its predecessors.½
bobbybslax | 24 autres critiques | May 17, 2020 |
So much about the Marvel Universe I don't know...
... But still, I really enjoyed this one - featuring Thor GODDESS - a very interesting outing for the defenders of Midgard. I'm sure if I knew *more* about these characters I'd get more out of it, but the authors do a good job moving the story along, and pulling the newbies (me) along. Thanks again, Amazon Prime for a free read... though I suspect it may lead me to more purchases.
mrklingon | 24 autres critiques | Dec 3, 2019 |
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