Photo de l'auteur

Amma Darko

Auteur de Beyond the Horizon

10 oeuvres 100 utilisateurs 3 critiques

A propos de l'auteur

Crédit image: Credit: Efua (Wikipedia user), 2004

Œuvres de Amma Darko

Beyond the Horizon (1995) 38 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Housemaid (1998) 21 exemplaires, 1 critique
Faceless (2003) 18 exemplaires
Not Without Flowers (2007) 12 exemplaires, 1 critique
Spinnweben (1996) 2 exemplaires
Das Lächeln der Nemesis (2006) 1 exemplaire
Verirrtes Herz (2000) 1 exemplaire
Between Two Worlds (2015) 1 exemplaire


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I read this for a "Black Studies" class at UC Santa Barbara. I loved most of the books in these African Writers and Carribbean Writers Series. I can't remember much about this one, I just remember that I liked it. Notes in the margins are my own--only a few of us discussed the novels while the rest of the class slept or remained quiet since they hadn't read the book, so I had to make notes to remind myself what to talk about.
engpunk77 | Aug 14, 2015 |
Of all the novels from the African Writer Series that I have read for my black studies course at UCSB, this was the best. This powerful story about shame, secrecy, abuse, trust, vulnerability and cultural naivete reveals much about the world about which that you probably never knew. A very worthwhile read!
engpunk77 | Aug 14, 2015 |
Bought this at an art center in Accra, Ghana. It's a wonderful source if you want to learn about the status of Ghanaian women. In Ghana, for example, funerals are very important, and they often drain a family's resources. Some families need to keep dead relatives for years before they can get together enough money to provide the proper funeral, even though it may cost 20,000 Cedi or more. That's $10,000 in a country where one estimate of annual household expenditures is $1,800. In the novel, a polygynous man, with five wives, dies. There is a delay in his funeral, and so there is betting on when the funeral will take place. The idea is that people are betting on whether or not he was really rich: if he was, his family would have the funeral immediately.

You can also learn a lot about Christian practices, including (in the opening chapter) a place that basically keeps women captive, asking money from their families to exorcise witches; about attitudes to HIV; about polygynous customs; and about modern and traditional family values.

This is not, on the other hand, a good novel. The author, Amma Darko, writes in formulas. Each chapter starts with a mysterious description of someone or something, which is later revealed. Chapters often run like television scripts. The sense of psychological analysis isn't acute, and she is drawn to stereotypical plots and the configurations of romantic comedy.
… (plus d'informations)
JimElkins | Jul 15, 2012 |

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