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206+ oeuvres 2,038 utilisateurs 102 critiques


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So incredibly boring
Sheryl_B | May 3, 2024 |
Typically I don't read short books this was cute
b00kdarling87 | 1 autre critique | Jan 7, 2024 |
couldn't wait for this but i loved it.
b00kdarling87 | 1 autre critique | Jan 7, 2024 |
This book had me laughing one second at the back and forth banter between Jagger and Magnolia through their notes they leave each other. Jagger comes off as this rude obnoxious guy writing little notes to his new neighbor and Magnolia finds him to be annoying and wants to be left alone. Then we find out that these two actually know each other and have a history that is kind of a disaster, but their attraction is still strong and as they try to fight against it Magnolia finds herself not being able to for too long. A very good read that has Magnolia trying to move on with her life while trying to go against what she felt and feels towards Jagger and Jagger is this sweetheart with one thing on his mind and that is to get his girl.

readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
In this book we have Mila, who has been in love with her brother’s best friend her whole life and she is wanting him more than ever now that they are both grownups. At times I felt like poor Mila was a little naïve when it came to wanting to seduce TJ and the way she lied to try to make him jealous, but as the story goes on we know that Tj is up to something other than a 4 week fiancé and I felt bad for Mila because she has no clue she is being set up we just don’t know exactly how or why yet. Tj is powerful and seems like he has a dark side to him, he is truly attracted to Mila, but his hidden agenda makes it seem like he doesn’t care if he ends up hurting her or himself in the end. I am very curious to see what is going on and I want to see what this other side of Tj is about.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
After the first book I was anticipating reading this one because Tj had left us curious as to what he had going on with Mila. We knew the fake fiancé thing was a set up but didn’t know the exact scope of who all and what all it entailed so I was shocked to find out all about it. At times I thought Mila had finally grew up and was starting to become more mature especially with handling Tj but then other times she seemed like her usual self and that could be frustrating but I was happy with the way it ended and curious about Cory’s story.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
When I started this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect maybe a billionaire romance and it was, but it was so much more and amazing. The story starts with Savannah struggling with her degree and being able to find a job, but by some luck (if you can call it luck), she finds a job that seems too good to be true. Desperate for money she doesn’t care that the job seems odd as an assistant to a businessman, but as she arrives to the job her first impression of her boss Wade leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Wade is this cocky, handsome, rich guy that knows exactly what he is and uses it to try to throw Savannah off his real persona. As these two try to fight the attraction and keep things professional, it’s a real struggle for them and sometimes they go past the professional boundary, but Savannah tries to stay strong as much as possible. I loved Wade because he was charming and a jerk, but you knew deep down there was something else there and the story has blown me away. It does end on a cliffhanger and I know my review is vague but trust me you will want to read it and love every second of it without spoilers. I absolutely can not wait for the next one to see what will happen next and we don’t have to wait too long for the second book.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
I was so excited to finally read the conclusion to Wade and Savannah story. When the first book left us on a cliffhanger, I was dying to know the secrets surrounding the Hart brothers and why Wade was so back and forth with Savannah. Savannah is determined to find out why Wade is so sweet one second then so distance the next and what could he be hiding. Savannah with the help of her friend Lucy set out to try to find some answers at this point the more they stumble on something the more questions they get instead of answers, which leads Lucy to start to jump to conclusions. At this point Lucy started to irritate me with all her cray theories, I know she was just wanting to protect Savannah but to me she was putting all these ideas in her head that wasn’t helpful at all. Luckily, Savannah kept holding on to her love she felt for Wade to hope that maybe he would come forth with answers. Wade even though secretive still had his moments where you could see the love, he felt for Savannah shine through and I wanted to see more moments like this between them. I loved how things went and the mystery kept me entertained throughout, it was a fast paced read and I wish would get more of them together as a couple but I am hoping Henry gets a story and wee see more of Wade and Savannah.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
Olivia has had a crush on her brother’s best friend for years and she thought that maybe it was their time a few years ago but he ghosted her on Christmas but now he’s back and wants a chance to be with her. Secrets kept Tyler away from what he wanted in life but now he is back to try to make up for the time he was away, yet he still doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes especially his friends but he wants Olivia. Can they make it work or is there still just too much standing in their way? This was a good, quick read I find Olivia using the word “Oh” a lot a little annoying but I could over look it and see the heart of their story.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
This story was very intriguing, and I loved the way Luca and Anabel met and had an instant attraction. They fell quick and hard for each other, Anabel was innocent and sweet while Luca tough guy that had mafia ties. They dated and fell in love then one day Anabel sees Luca’s true colors and it scares her so she does the only thing she know to do and that is to run. Years later Luca still has her on his radar but instead of accepting that he would always love her he is set out to get revenge for the way she broke his heart. With some unexpected twists and turns these two end up back in each other’s lives and I was so happy to see that they didn’t wait the whole book to talk about what happened and why she ran, why he was mad, they talked it out and accepted they were meant for each other. Luca was a mafia boss, but he had a soft spot for his Anabel, but he never wanted her in harms way and that is just the lifestyle he is in. Can they make things work? Will they be able to forgive each other and move forward? Will those determined to hunt them down be what ends them in the end, or will it be trust for each other that does that? I really enjoyed this book, and it was fast paced but I loved how it wasn’t a slow burn and that they hated each other the whole time to only make up at the end. It kept me on the edge wanting to know what would happen and a few of the twists I never saw coming. I will keep this one as a go to read to go back and reread again and again.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Gemma is searching for love and after many epic fails in the dating pool she has decided to join an app that seems like it will be legit in helping her find the one. What happens is she finds herself dating and attracted to two guys who are complete opposites. Connor is the laidback player who likes to live life on the fly and whatever happens happens, then we have Lucas who is the straight laced lawyer and they both have so much to offer her but how could she ever decide. As we go with her on her journey through this complicated situation we are met with steamy moments, funny predicaments, and loads of fun. She doesn't see the twist that is headed her way when both men are faced with each other and neither did I. I was shocked and loved how everything played out. Another fun read by this author who takes a crazy situation and makes us laugh and swoon!!
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
This is the last book in this series and I did not read the first two so I was a bit confused on the storyline and characters. That being said it was a quick and easy read that kept me intrigued with all the twists and lies. The ending was very unexpected so that made me like it even more. Rosie came off as being ridiculous with all the lies and treachery she endured so maybe if I go back and start at book one I could understand her and the storyline better.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
To The Rude Guy In Apt 5:
his book had me laughing one second at the back and forth banter between Jagger and Magnolia through their notes they leave each other. Jagger comes off as this rude obnoxious guy writing little notes to his new neighbor and Magnolia finds him to be annoying and wants to be left alone. Then we find out that these two actually know each other and have a history that is kind of a disaster, but their attraction is still strong and as they try to fight against it Magnolia finds herself not being able to for too long. A very good read that has Magnolia trying to move on with her life while trying to go against what she felt and feels towards Jagger and Jagger is this sweetheart with one thing on his mind and that is to get his girl.

To My Brother’s Cocky Best Friend:
Olivia has had a crush on her brother’s best friend for years and she thought that maybe it was their time a few years ago but he ghosted her on Christmas but now he’s back and wants a chance to be with her. Secrets kept Tyler away from what he wanted in life but now he is back to try to make up for the time he was away, yet he still doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes especially his friends but he wants Olivia. Can they make it work or is there still just too much standing in their way? This was a good, quick read I find Olivia using the word “Oh” a lot a little annoying but I could over look it and see the heart of their story.

This has a little of everything in a box set and I can’t wait to read more myself.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Olivia answers an ad to be a mail order bride for a man that lives on a ranch in Montana. She is a true city girl that knows nothing about hard work, country life, or real life. She is hiding from a crazy ex and she was a tad annoying because how could someone really not know that wearing heels in to a ranch was a horrible idea and referring to anyone outside the city as a country bumpkin is pretty demeaning. I enjoyed this book but had to tolerate Olivia. The family was close and cute especially their mother who had planned some things to marry her son off. Things don't go as planned but work out great in the end.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book was a very intriguing read where one second you think a lot that is happening is fate intervening and the next it has you questioning so much that I devoured it quickly. Callie is a college student about to graduate and trying to figure out her next path she wants to take. She lives in the dorms with a terrible roommate who is sketchy and self-centered on the best days, while Callie is a pushover that never steps out of her comfort zone except this one time. This one chance to do something for her roommate and try something different has her in the last place she expects to be coming face to face with someone she would never know existed until he pulls her in his orbit. While Antonia is very handsome his ego is wildly large, and his demeanor is a take charge I get what I want type. Callie is in over her head with this guy and the more she finds out about him and his life the more her head says run, but her naïve heart wants to be the one to change him. There are several instances you can tell she has been sheltered quite a bit in life and her naivety shown through a lot, yet she still had this backbone that would shine through at times that kept Antonio on his toes. There’s a lot of twists that makes the plot suspenseful, I loved Antonio’s cocky ways, and at times I thought Callie was too naïve for his world, but her feistiness shown through and had me pulling for her to tame the Wolf. Going into this book I knew it was a duet and expected a cliffhanger but the one we got was so much more than I expected that I can’t wait to devour book two because I need to know if Antonio the Wolf is set on eating his Little Lamb alive and what’s going to happen next.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Callie and Antonio’s story continues where book one left us and it immediately starts out heated. Callie is finally waking up from her Antonio haze and seeing the wolf behind the man. Antonio has had his plan of revenge in mind for so long he doesn’t realize that Callie has changed him in some way, so he continues to play his games until things start to take a lot of turns. Callie isn’t the same naive, clueless girl she was in book one, now she stands her ground and realizes how out of touch with reality she really was. The back and forth between them keeps things interesting while more mysteries start to come out and you wonder if they will ever be able to come back from it all. The story takes you on a wild ride where things are not what you think, and emotions are so real. There were times when the story got a little repetitive with Callie’s anger and Antonio’s denial of his feelings, but the steam was off the charts and my sadness over a certain scene shattered my heart. Everything tied up nicely leading us to expect more from this family and I can’t wait for that.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
mrThisledr | Sep 21, 2023 |
Too Short... need to grab the next one.
lbrychic | 9 autres critiques | Sep 9, 2023 |
I feel like book 1 ended on a good note... wasn't a fan of this one. I feel like this second book totally ruined the story line.
AnaCarter | Feb 14, 2023 |
Full Review on my blog!

I’ve wanted to read this for soooo long and finally got the chance! I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I loved watching a player brought to his knees and losing his heart. Those are the best ones to fall.

Rhett has always had everything he ever wanted. He’s good looking, smart, rich, a ladies man, and a best friend that has been by his side no matter what. That best friend is Clemmie. But Rhett is the ultimate player, and can be a real jerk! But he’s the sweetest ever towards Clemmie. Rhett knows he can depend on Clemmie and he expects her to be. This expectation isn’t of selfishness or because he can be a real dick. It’s because she lets him step all over her. She’s been his best friend, since they were young, and calls out all his BS every time. She understands him and his conceited ways. Even though they are complete opposites, they truly do have a great friendship.

But now, she realizes that she has always put him first and her needs lasts. Now she is going to put herself first. She is going to put herself out there, start dating, and start moving towards her future life. A new life that might not have room for Rhett. But when Clementine starts dating other men and looking into moving, Rhett’s attitude towards her changes. He suddenly sees a woman instead of a girl. A woman that he wants more than anything. Everything he does reminded him of Clementine, even hook ups weren’t working without thinking about Clementine.

I really felt for Clem in this book and what she wanted and the direction she wanted her life to go in. She was really relatable and loveable from the start and as the story went on we realize she isn’t as naïve as Rhett portrays her to be. The end, is just romantically cute how he tries to get Clementine back, and in the back is his Mother who left Rhett when he was young and he hurt because he didn’t know why she left him alone with his dad. This book is terrific insight to boy/girl best friend issues. It sets a high bar for any future reads like this. I highly recommend it!

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AnaCarter | 2 autres critiques | Feb 14, 2023 |

A pretty short and sweet prequel introducing the characters and what cause the relationship to developed. I haven't gotten the chance to read "Dante" but this short story was a great starting point in regards to seeing what type of read this might be. Overall seems like a fun, sexy adventure and would definitely consider reading the continuation of this romance contemporary in the future.

ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
Pretty solid writing with very few editorial mistakes. A few issues: "sweet spot" is not a sexy term; a character should not say "oh (male protagonist)" several times in one conversation; and why does any 22 year old say things like "my love" and "oh dear?" The last 15 pages were kind of rushed and the romantic leads gushing to each other felt forced. People just don't speak that way.

Given all my gripes, I finished the book and didn't hate it. It was pretty good, even. I liked the female lead and that can be difficult for a romance author to pull off, so good work! Probably won't be reading the next one but I can see how a lot of people would enjoy this series.
Cerestheories | 9 autres critiques | Nov 8, 2021 |
After reading To Whom It May Concern, I knew the second I started reading this book I wouldn’t be able to stop until I finished aaaand I didn’t. I was up until 4am because I could not stop reading! The ride this book took me on was even more winding than the first, it was a mind bend that had me from page one.

I really enjoyed the character development in this book, Savannah takes on a more assertive role and Wade’s overall personality is more prominent, especially in relation to Savannah. The setting of the book as an eccentric little town full of misfits was so unusual yet fitting for the story. Characters that surround Savannah and Wade were not always as they appear and some seemed downright batty. However, all play an important role and helped so much in the strengthening of the mystery. Just have to say my favorite character, hands down, was Lucy. She is a friend everyone should have, I’d want her on my team EVERY time!!

This duet was a fantastic mystery romance that grips you from book one and holds on til the very end of book two. Would definitely recommend both of these books!
LoveLeighBooks | 1 autre critique | Nov 20, 2020 |
Usually I don't enjoy short stories but I think I will definitely read the sequel to this book. I'm sucker for romance and sucker babies and this almost had both. Liked it very much!
AllAndAnyBooks | Sep 17, 2020 |
Completely Unexpected

This was a whirlwind! Just when I thought it was going one way it dove the other. I’m on pins and needles in anticipation of the second book.

When reading the synopsis I had something COMPLETELY different in mind as to what I thought this book and the characters would be like. My expectation of Wade was a brooding, lonely, miserly type man. However, as soon as his correspondences started with Savannah I realized although he’s not exactly the kindest he’s certainly lively. He’s completely audacious and unapologetic in things he has to say. I found him to be such a creative character, I thoroughly enjoyed reading more and more as he developed almost into two separate characters. Savannah I loved from page one, she’s young, fiery, fun and bold. She’s not afraid to stick up for herself and I love that in a heroine. She truly gives Wade a run for his money, it was incredibly entertaining to watch the two of them banter. The chemistry these two shared is off the charts, the way that J. S. Cooper has written the hot and cold of that, was perfect. I could feel the emotion and the heat that Savannah felt throughout the book, it was just a perfect tornado of passion. The expectations I had going into reading this book have been thrown out the window. What I thought would be a, break through his rough exterior, type love story has taken me for an unexpected ride that now has me in sweet anticipation of where book two will take us.

The book overall is incredibly well paced and keeps you hooked from start to finish, leaving you on a cliffhanger. The detailing was perfect not overdone or redundant. The surrounding characters are interesting and add their own special flavor to the story and the character(s) they interact with.

I loved this book, it was something unexpected but completely worthwhile. Highly recommend it! Can’t wait for the second book!!

I received an advanced copy and am giving my honest review.
LoveLeighBooks | 1 autre critique | Sep 8, 2020 |
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