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Katie L. CarrollCritiques

Auteur de Elixir Bound

3 oeuvres 17 utilisateurs 6 critiques


Nice blend of adventure, coming of age, and growing self awareness. Liza still mourns her mom who was killed by a drunk driver when she was three. Dad spends most of his time and energy working their farm. Her aunt and aunt's girlfriend provide most of the emotional support she receives. Unfortunately, her ex-best friend is working overtime to bully her and keeps spreading rumors that Liza is an evil witch.
There are several elements here that I appreciated while reading the story. One is Liza's starting, then pursuing the question of whether she was also a bully, even if doing so under her former friend's influence. Then there's her slowly learning to trust others, something bullied kids struggle with. She also figures out how to research vital information about the witch trials and how they might relate to her situation. The other element is how skillfully the author wove crows into the story. This is a nice book to have in a library collection, not only for entertainment, but for the self-discovery process it can impart on tween readers.
sennebec | May 1, 2023 |
Katora Kase's father had been the guardian of the healing elixir for many years. Now that elixir is almost gone. It's time for new guardian. Katora's father asks Katora to make the journey deep into Faway Forest to collect the flowers that make up the elixir. She would have to decide along the way if she would willing to be the next guardian of the elixir. She was to take with her Kylene and Bhar, her younger brother and sister, as well as Hirsten, the son of the town's mapmaker. In addition, Palafair, an anni demick who served as the households servant also went on this quest.

There were many unforeseen events and enemies that the travelers had to deal with in their journey to find the flowers. This led to many plot twists and turns that kept the reader interested.

All the way through the book Katora tried to deal with the idea of becoming the guardian of the elixir and all that it would mean. How would she be wise enough to use the elixir for good? How to keep the elixir out of the hands of those who would cause harm to others so that they could have the elixir for themselves? She knew she didn't have to take on the guardianship of the elixir but then what would happen if she didn't? Her father had told her to follow her heart and that she would know at the right time what to choose. I liked that the struggle in the decision was not an easy one and not one that someone could tell her what to do. It was a decision that she had to make for herself.

She also had to deal with her growing feelings for Hirsten. The more time she spent around him the more her feelings grew for him. Then when he announced that he loved her, she didn't know what to do with that information. It was fun to watch Katora learn to allow her emotions to be shown on the outside instead of always holding them within herself.

Elixir Bound is an imaginative fantasy novel that many will enjoy. There were a good number of fanciful creatures within the book. If you enjoy books of fantasy you should enjoy Elixir Bound. I rated it 4 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the author who provided a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.

This review was published on my blog Shelf Full of Books
KathrynSvendsen | 4 autres critiques | Feb 19, 2015 |
For years, perhaps for centuries, the quest to live forever has driven men to search for a magic potion that will grant them eternal life. Some of them will do most anything to achieve their goal. But what if they do find such a potion or medicine? Will it bring them happiness or problems?

Author Katie L. Carroll’s YA fantasy novel, ELIXIR BOUND, is the story of Katora Kase and her family who are in charge of protecting a magic Elixir that some believe will make them live forever. Katora is a prime year woman and soon it will be her duty to take over the family’s farm which also puts her in charge of the Elixir. Since they’re almost out of the Elixir, Katora will lead an expedition to retrieve more nectar for the Elixir. On their quest to do so, Katora and those that go with her face more danger than she ever imagined.

Katie L. Carroll uses vivid language to describe the journey through Faway Forest. I could picture the creatures that would have made me stop and run home, forgetting about the Elixir. The characters, especially Katora, are not always brave. They try to be, but have their doubts and sometimes question if they’re doing the right thing, like real people do. And until the very end I wasn’t sure how the story would turn out. If you enjoy a good fantasy with likeable characters that make you care for them and a situation that could be fatal for them, then pick up a copy of ELIXIR BOUND. You’ll be happy you did.
beverlyjean | 4 autres critiques | Feb 13, 2014 |
I received a arrc Verizon of this book whish I am thank full for because I really enjoyed this book and will totally read it again.
vamplove | 4 autres critiques | Sep 11, 2013 |

Review of Fantasy/Paranormal Books

The opening scene of Katora on the Case Farm is so well written, I could see it so clearly. Katora is driven and hardworking and next in line to take over the family farm that is well known for their essence drink. But on a wintry night a stranger arrives looking for elixir to save his only grandson. At that moment Katora is thrown into a world wind of secrets and responsibility. Not only is she next in line to take over the farm. She is also next in line to become protector of the Elixir.

With the Elixir running out Katora must take her first journey into Faway Forest, Kylene, Bhar, and Hirsten accompany Katora as well as Palafair a small demick creature who is part of the family.
This is where the story begins. Well faway forest is definitely full of creatures and the unknown it doesn't take long before trouble finds Katora and her companions, it seems she is not the only one looking for the ingredients of the Elixir.

There is a love story between Katora and Hirsten that grows throughout the story. The story is fast paced with action and adventure it never slows and we get to meet a witch, demick creatures, and so much more.

I would recommend this book as a good read.
Aoifesheri | 4 autres critiques | Aug 25, 2013 |
I've been on a strong heroine kick lately and Elixir Bound definitely filled this role. I really loved Katora, and enjoyed reading about her struggles and travels. In particular, I enjoyed her thoughts on whether or not to take on the responsibility of the Elixir. She really thought about it and it was clear that she wasn't taking it lightly by any means--something that I appreciated as so many books I've read don't seem to take into account the true nature of the responsibility some things represent. Plus, I really liked her struggles with accepting help, as I could completely identify with that. The world-building was really well done and I particularly enjoyed the tilli demicks :) I highly recommend this one!
Meradeth | 4 autres critiques | Jun 25, 2013 |