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I downloaded this for free and read it on a long drive. It was fast paced and interesting
StarKnits | 19 autres critiques | Jul 24, 2023 |
I got as far as the description that Grandma "didn't look like your typical old lady. yeah, she was in her fifties"...ouch. This book is not for *this* old lady.
clairefun | 19 autres critiques | Oct 30, 2022 |
I got as far as the description that Grandma "didn't look like your typical old lady. yeah, she was in her fifties"...ouch. This book is not for *this* old lady.
clairefun | 19 autres critiques | Oct 27, 2022 |
I feel like a read a different book than everyone else here.

This book had great potential but it didn't live up to it. There was too much going on. I kind of felt like I was listening to one of my sons telling a story. "And then this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened..." Practically everyone in the book turned out to be an enemy of the main couple. The revenge plot didn't make any sense. The way that the hero chose to pretend to be a wild man when he really wasn't just didn't make sense. How was that supposed to help anything? It was a ludicrous idea. Just FYI, fighting at a ball will not make anyone think you're insane. Most of the scenes were very short and there were just too many of them. (again, and then this happened, and then this happened) The plot wandered all over. It was RIFE with coincidence after coincidence. When the lady who raised her turned out to be in on this 20 year old plot I couldn't take it anymore. I finally got disgusted with the level of coincidence and skimmed the last two chapters.

There were good moments. I wish the book had concentrated on the psychic ability of the heroine and having her actually help heal a man who didn't fit in with society to overcome his anger and wildness etc. That's the story I thought I was going to be reading. The scenes with the two of them swimming and things like that were very nice.

Thanks melissaB for loaning it to me even though it didn't work for me.
Luziadovalongo | 1 autre critique | Jul 14, 2022 |
Rempala | 4 autres critiques | Dec 3, 2019 |
Great series, and great ending.
Rempala | 1 autre critique | Dec 3, 2019 |
I really enjoyed reading this book. The amount of erotica surprised me, it would have been nice to have gotten a heads up, although it wouldn't have stopped me reading this. I hope to read the next one. Lori is a talented writer and keeps the readers engaged throughout.
KarinaKantas | 6 autres critiques | Apr 20, 2018 |
I had actually been looking forward to reading a book about mind-reading (if you know any good ones, let me know!) but sadly I was disappointed.

The writing style wasn't descriptive enough for me to immerse myself in the story, and the main character just felt kind of annoying.

It is a good idea though, I just wish it was executed better.
CatherineHsu | 19 autres critiques | Jun 8, 2016 |
This was my first read by Lori Brighton. I have mixed feelings on the book, but I believe most of my issues will resolve as the author finds her footing. She has amazing ideas and a lot of talent. Her first chapter hooked me right away and had me turning the pages. There were a few problems with character development. It wasn't terrible, but I would've liked to know more about these people outside of their mind reading abilities. It was difficult to connect with them and really become invested in their lives and feelings when I knew so little about them. The relationship between the main characters moved a little too quickly, but I'm going to contribute that to the YA genre and Cameron's inexperience. Despite her unique gift, she was a teenager with the typical "boomerang" emotions.

I really loved the idea of mind reading and telekinesis. There were scenes that had me falling through the pages and other scenes that seemed to drag on and on. I'm still intrigued by the story and the closing chapter was another fantastic "hook" that convinced me to stick with the series. The author has grabbed onto a fantastic idea that I can see The Mind Readers expanding into a wonderfully entertaining series. As she hones her craft I'm sure we'll see improvement. The story is worth giving the book a chance.
Becky_McKenna | 19 autres critiques | Mar 10, 2016 |
Not long ago I read my first book about a nice whore, this time it was about a male whore. But him I just felt so sorry for.

Alex has been a male prostitute for years. He did it to save family, something I can admire. And later on he stays to save his family. I get it, if it came out that their son was a whore then the scandal would rock the ton. Not to mention all the people he would recognize. He is lost, he his bored, and I did feel so sorry for him. At first it may have been fun, a 16 year old boy and all the women he could get, but now, not so much.

Our heroine does not seek him out, but later on well yes she needs to seduce an earl so she can marry him and save her family. And he seems to like experienced women. Oh, Grace, her guy has something over him, and she is so blind. Well not for long as she will fall for Alex. Now if this is not a match that is doomed then I do not know. A lady of the realm and a male prostitute. I was pretty unsure how Lori would pull it off, because there were so many things that I could not have seen happening. But she found a way and I was very happy with the way the book ended. A great big HEA too.

What I was a bit unsure of was the whole oh I am Russian and we had to hide and stuff plot. I just did not see why they would be shunned, but hey it was needed for the plot so he would become a whore.

I think the end was the best part, not because it was a HEA and all that, but because it felt like the best conclusion that could be. Real too.

If you want a different sort of historical romance then give this one a try.
blodeuedd | Mar 2, 2016 |
It's the story of Meg, a nice Vicar's daughter, who is more than tempted than a mysterious stranger moves in next door. A hot neighbour. Grayson is a vampire who is hunting for clues about his missing niece and that leads him to Meg, but can she be a killer?

My thoughts:
Meg was nice and sweet, Grayson was very tempting, but a bit of an idiot sometimes too. But who can blame him, everything does point to Meg being a killer, and having killed more than once.

This is not only the story about him wanting answers, because soon there is a body and a murder mystery. Which introduces a man I loathed, did he have nothing better to do than accuse innocent women? A bit of a semi-bad guy and a total ass.

There is also the romance, because Grayson lusts after her, even if she is only a human, and he believes she might have killed. And she, well who could say no to him. Passion promised too.

A negative thing would be that Grayson could be a bit hasty in his conclusions sometimes, but then again even though he let her know that he thought she might have done something, he still protected her too. Poor guy, he was very conflicted. So he redeemed himself in wanting to save her.

Recommendation and final thoughts:
A nice historical paranormal romance. Murder, mystery, romance and vampires. When I finished the book I also had a wish, Meg has a certain friend, and I would love for that friend to get a HEA.
blodeuedd | 2 autres critiques | Mar 2, 2016 |
Cameron lives with her grandma and hides the fact that she can read minds from her friends. But then a murder happens, and a strange boy appears, Lewis is mysterious and sees her. Soon she realizes that he can hear her too. He is just like her, and tells her to come away and learn how to use her talents.

My thoughts:
Lori has been one busy woman this fall. First her adult novel The Ghost Hunter and now a YA novel.

A lot is going on in this short novel, and I never know who to trust. First there is strange Lewis who pays her attention. He does not see her best friend, the hottest girl in school. Can she trust him? Can she even trust her own grand mother to tell the truth? Then there is the Mind Readers, and those that want them harm or? Until the last page I can't say for sure who to trust. But that is the point, it creates suspense, and I am always very distrustful. I never trust anyone in a book, cos who knows.

Cameron is a sweet girl, who just wants to be normal. Lewis, the guy falls for, is always so nice to her. Then there is the leader of the Mind readers, the man who always know what to say. Later in the book there is also another character, I am not going to say who, but that person was nice (oh see what I did there, said nothing at all ;)

There is romance, suspense, and more conflicts to come. Because at the end there is a cliffhanger, that is not a cliffhanger, but still feels like a cliffhanger. Confused, well, ok, it ends well and peaceful, but then something happens, something that could mean another book. And that makes me curious.

Final thoughts and recommendation:
It is sweet YA, so nothing big going on there. There is suspense and some action, but nothing too heavy. So if you want a sweet YA book, with a twisting plot and a paranormal theme then this one might be for you.

blodeuedd | 19 autres critiques | Mar 2, 2016 |
I started this months ago, read it after a short story was shorter than thought. Still trying to really enjoy. May just give up and delete. Never finished.
pnwbookgirl | 6 autres critiques | Feb 7, 2016 |
It started out alright, but there are too many illogical or annoying things. E.g. the heroine is recognized instantly at a masked ball and wonders why. She then realizes it's because she's the only one with red hair, whereupon she asks the hero why he recognized her. And straight after she also asks her sister. Things like that annoy me.
Also, the ending is rushed and therefore a bit weird.
Marcella1717 | Jan 22, 2016 |
Loved the book, hated the ending. Cameron is a mind reader. She is also a teenager in her last year of highschool. Reading other's minds has always been a gift for her, as long as she can remember since living with her grandmother. Then one day, a body washes ashore near her home and Cameron's world turns upside down. For amongst the crowd, the killer's thoughts intrude onto Cameron's mind. Lewis was only there to protect Cameron. He was like her, and with his influence he was sure to get her to trust him. And so he turned the killer in and gained her trust the only way he knew how, by letting her know he was like her. Lewis takes Cameron to meet his mentor with the hope that he can also teach Cameron about her abilities. But it's all a ruse. One that could get Cameron killed.
wndy2011 | 19 autres critiques | Jan 21, 2016 |
Oh the FEELS….. I think that phrase can best sum up this book. The emotional content of this historical romance is off the charts. For most of this book, I was in tears, both happy and painful; the other half was spent fist pumping when our hero and heroine came out happily in the end over obstacles small and large. That right there is my favorite part of this novel: the ability to move me to tears and make finish this puppy in 24 hours.

The romance in this book is to die for. Two very damaged souls who find comfort in each other and heal at the same time. I ask you, what’s not to love?! Any romance lover worth their salt will love this book for that element alone. James and Eleanor are a beautiful couple and balance each other out so well. The added twist that it’s the guy and not the girl who’s the prostitute is a nice element. But Lori’s ability to pack this much emotion into the pages would make this book worth reading despite that unique twist.

I also liked that the author wasn't afraid to draw in some pretty heavy subject matter to off balance some of the gentle sweet romance, all the while giving that romance some more depth. Domestic violence, slavery, betrayal, and rape all play a very tragic part to the story and makes the reader think about what Victorian morality is really all about. The author draws in all these bleak circumstances to set her romance against, and I have to admit that she’s able to balance the horrific and the romantic very well.

What results is a beautifully historical romance that I enjoyed immensely. The emotions are beautiful, the characters are ones I can pull for, and the author isn’t afraid to write about the dark as well as the light. To me, folks, this is what a historical romance should be. Highly, highly recommended!
Sarah_Gruwell | Jan 13, 2016 |
Decently solid introduction to a series with some potential. Interesting read, I devoured it over the course of just a handful of hours on the bus.

Great, impactful literature? Nah. Entertaining? Absolutely.

There were times I wanted to shake the protagonist for not catching the red flags - even as she was the one repeating the words (since it was a first person narrative) - but that's part of the fun of being the reader.
jennaelf | 19 autres critiques | Jan 5, 2016 |
While this YA novel is fast paced and an easy read, this is exactly what made it too simple for me. Cameron, the main protagonist, is constantly preoccupied with her feelings for Lewis and the knowledge that she doesn't fit in. Deeper thoughts or a more in-depth explanation what S.P.I. actually is would have helped.

The novel opens strong and the author did a great job describing the mind games her antagonist Aaron and Lewis are playing.

I realize the author wants to maintain a certain level of intrigue because this is a series, however, the issues at hand feel like they've been treated superficially. I also miss a strong character arc, something that lets us root for the protagonist, lets us see how she grows through the experience. Because of these issues I won't read the next book.
Annette_Oppenlander | 19 autres critiques | Aug 30, 2015 |
Title: The Mind Readers
Author: Lori Brighton
Format: Kindle Cloud
Time to Read: N/A

My review: holy f. I'm not sure who the target audience is but i felt like it was for maybe 12 year old girls. Seriously, i made it 126 pages before i had enough of the preteen drama. You would think with a title like The Mind Readers something mind readish would happen, but all 126 pages pretty much just had her swooning over a guy and fighting with her "best friend".

i just couldn't go on.

Recommend it?:heck no!
booklife4life | 19 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2015 |

I enjoyed this story despite the pedestrian YA Harlequin romance writing and the bad grammar and spelling.
"He shifted so his body was closer to mind....I pushed passed the few"...come on authors, if a professional editor is not editing your work, please edit your own work.
One warning, this book ends on a cliffhanger, I am OK with how it ended but did not enjoy it enough to spend money on the next book.
If you are a 13 year old girl, this may be the book for you.

AskTheTicketGuy | 19 autres critiques | May 3, 2015 |
Cameron trusts handsome Lewis, who assures her he can take her to a safe house where her abilities won’t matter and she can be trained to use them. Tired of hiding behind the facade of “acting normal” insisted upon by her grandmother, Cameron leaves with Lewis only to find that the safe house he promised her is really a house of horrors. Read the rest of my review on my blog:
ShouldIReadIt | 19 autres critiques | Sep 26, 2014 |
Cameron and her grandmother are enjoying a normal; worry free life on a Caribbean island. Cam doesn’t know what to think when an extremely handsome older man named Maddox shows up on her eighteenth birthday insisting she knows him, that she is in danger, and that her dead father is really alive. Read the rest of my review on my blog:
ShouldIReadIt | 4 autres critiques | Sep 26, 2014 |
When last we saw Cameron she and Lewis were running for their lives from John, her daddy, who was trying to get them to return to his government hideaway and resume life as his mind reader guinea pigs. Read the rest of the review on my blog:
ShouldIReadIt | 1 autre critique | Sep 26, 2014 |
Cameron and Lewis have been reunited, her mother and fake father are dead, Aaron has disappeared, the children are safe, and all should be well in the household. Nope. Time for another adventure…Read the rest of the review on my blog:
ShouldIReadIt | Sep 26, 2014 |
I read the whole series in just a few short weeks. I love how the author used her creativity in this novel. The whole mindreading theme was great. Keep writing Mrs. Brighton!
joni127 | 19 autres critiques | Sep 12, 2014 |
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