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J. P. BowieCritiques

Auteur de A Deadly Game

99+ oeuvres 796 utilisateurs 61 critiques


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Interesting new take on vampires. A vampire and a book store manager fall in love. Full of twists and turns. The vampire is abducted by a former lover and brought to France. And then a trip into the past. And yet another trip, this time to hell. From Paris to medieval Europe to Hell, seems to be all over. Not rightly doing is justice in my r l review. Full of good vs evil and several descriptive sex scenes as well.
ChrisWeir | 1 autre critique | Feb 27, 2024 |
This could have been a very enjoyable holiday mystery but so much time was spent on the Pantomime that the murder and the way it was solved was very rushed. I realize that this was a short story with a limited number of pages. The problem that I had was that too much time was wasted in the feud between Ken and Oliver. Peter and Jeff arrived so late in the story that Peter's abilities were rushed leaving the dead men almost unimportant. I would advise that readers skip this one.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Fans of J.P. Bowie will enjoy this sexy action book. Dr. Mark Hamilton is working at a refugee clinic in Darfur, Tunisia. Once a rich, party boy in California, Mark had to prove himself as a real man and a capable doctor. Happily helping those in need, Mark was finally at peace until Sergeant Major Jack Caruthers turns his world upside down. Jack is part of the Australian arm of the U.N. Peace Keeping Force and blows in with a wounded comrade who needs medical attention. Mark and Jack go at it like rabbits until one day Mark is taken by slave traders and sold to an old Saudi prince as a sex slave. Who but Jack can pull off a desert Indiana Jones and save his lover? The story has a good balance of plot and sweaty sex. A veteran author, Bowie knows how to weave a story and keep it interesting while throwing in some local flavor.
Connorz | 1 autre critique | Jan 4, 2023 |
Moor Love by Carol Lynne - 3.5 stars

Yin Yang by Sedonia Guillone - 3,5 stars

Kingsoak by Willa Okati - 3 stars

Under the Law by J.P. Bowie - 2 stars

Bound Together by Jane Davitt - 2.5 stars

Bull Rider by Jade Buchanan - 1.5 stars
Marlobo | 1 autre critique | Dec 24, 2022 |
I know I reviewed this book a few weeks ago...but I believe the "evil book fairies" must have come and carried it away because I cannot find the review anywhere, on two different sites. So... I will give it another try. I liked the book but there was a lot of grief to get through...especially when Peter visits Phillip's grave. Phillip had been dead for 3 years but to Peter, who had been in a coma, it might as well have been yesterday. The author should have gone with the theme of Peter grieving for Phillip while searching for the killer and had him gradually begin to fall in love with Jeff. It was just too sudden to be believable. Other than that, it was a good mystery, and I will try another of the series.½
Carol420 | 1 autre critique | Jul 16, 2022 |
3.5 stars, actually more like 3.25. However, it’s not the book, it’s me and “ghost” stories, which will never be my favorite. Hence rounding stars up rather than down.

Read for a Bingo Challenge.
Mrella | 3 autres critiques | Mar 8, 2021 |
Rather predictable, but still charming. 4.5 stars.
Mrella | 1 autre critique | Mar 8, 2021 |
Overall, an enjoyable book with likeable characters.

Steve's unexpected arrival was, IMHO, superfluous; really didn't add anything to the story. I was also surprised by the police cover-up at the end.
Bookbee1 | 3 autres critiques | Aug 22, 2020 |
kbranfield | 1 autre critique | Feb 3, 2020 |
A great fourth volume in the 'Ride 'Em' series, this book is about Brett, a friend of the characters from the first three books, and Josh, an ex-convict who has served time for a crime he didn’t commit. With so many lawyers and a law enforcement officer in Brett's circle of friends, nobody other than Brett believes Josh – at first!

All Josh wants is a fair new beginning, and that means a job and a roof over his head. Well, he wishes someone believed that he's innocent as well, but after being framed and spending eight years locked up and abused by prisoners and guards alike, he'll pretty much take what he can get. Scrupulously honest, and not willing to be found out later, he tells Brett the truth when he applies as a ranch hand, and is relieved and elated the super-attractive cowboy is willing to take a chance on him.

Brett, the owner of Hope Ranch, is desperate for help. None of his previous helpers were truly motivated to work hard, so when Josh comes along, Brett may be a little weary, but he figures the guy deserves a second chance as much as the next man. He is also strongly attracted to him, and their lust and mutual need for companionship soon leads to more.

As Brett and Josh get to know each other, and battle mistrust from Brett's friends, Brett develops a plan to help Josh. The chaos and tension that follow were not his intention, but they certainly help to clear the air! If you like hot cowboys, if you enjoy reading about scrappy underdogs who never give up no matter what life throws at them, and if you're looking for a short read with a good balance between heat and tension-filled plot, then you will probably enjoy this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Pride Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
A vampire who is the good guy is always a character I enjoy, and even though there is a real bad guy in this story as well, Gareth is a great hero and almost made me forget what he is. Rob needs saving, and even though he is a little shocked to find out Gareth is a vampire, a being of legend, the way Gareth has treated him, the way he behaves toward Rob, quickly convinces Rob that not all vampires have to be bad. As a lesson in "judge me by my actions not my heritage", this is a fun story. There are some clear threats, as well as some more mysterious dangers to Gareth and Rob's happiness, and interesting secondary characters who complete the colorful depiction of a historical setting. All in all, this carefully staged background as well as the undeniable passion between the two main characters make this a great quick read.

Rob is a young man in deep trouble. Kicked out by his family, he ends up on the street and is "rescued" by the greedy owner of a brothel catering to a BDSM clientele. This is not his thing, and when he flees he half expects to be captured. Gareth swooping him up is a big surprise, but he accepts the man as his lover, never mind that he's a vampire. Not even a new threat can make him leave – he is loyal and determined to fight for his guy, even though it is a mental fight more than a physical one.

Gareth has been alone for a long time. Memories of a past lover aren't good, but being with Rob quickly erases those and makes him believe in love again. I love how careful he is with Rob, how he gives him choices all along the way. He has a battle to fight as well – an old nemesis who almost manages to take Rob away from him. Needless to say, after waiting for a true partner for as long as he has, he won’t give up without a fight.

If you like vampires who are total gentlemen, if you enjoy stories with a historical feel (silk suits and visits to the opera in a carriage are mentioned), and if you're looking for a fun, hot story with a bit of danger and mystery thrown in, you will probably like this short book.

NOTE: This book was provided by Pride Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Loss, grief, and survivor's guilt is something we all have to deal with at some stage in our lives. We all deal with it in different ways, but when we lose a partner, a lover, it is immeasurably more difficult to get back to some sort of normal, maybe even happy life. Relief and change can come from different sources, and this story looks at one that is probably one of the most misunderstood: physical attraction to a new man.

Lane has lost his lover of ten years in a car accident and, as happens so often, even a year later his grief is so deep that he doesn’t allow himself any sort of joy. He hasn't quite lost the will to live, but all he does is go through the motions. He is in survival mode, and cannot imagine anything that might be able to pull him out of the depths of his depression. The shock when it does happen is significant, but he is ready to let the new feelings take him where he needs to go.

Mike is just the right guy to pull Lane out of his funk. He is considerate, a professional masseur, and, as such, well aware of the power of physical sensations and their effect on the heart and mind of people who hurt – for whatever reason. I loved his patience, his dedication, and his willingness to let Lane heal in his own time. It may help that he has recovered from a serious football injury and knows about healing, both physically (Lane is starved for touch) and mentally (Lane has not, so far, allowed himself to stop grieving).

What follows is an exploration of the physical as well as the emotional between two men who are both, in their own ways, desperately lonely. Yes, their bedroom activities are hot, but that is a part of the deeper emotions that develop between them, giving each of them what they are looking for. I think it's fascinating that J.P. took this situation to show us how, sometimes, the body can lead the way in the healing process. After all, what could be more natural?

If you like stories about two hot men who deal with more than just physical attraction as they explore each other's bodies, and if you enjoy finding out how a 'happy ending' can sometimes come from the most unexpected source, you will probably like this short book.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
This story has a lot of heart, is very sweet and has not one, but two cowboys as main characters. The way they were introduced, with Parker's accident, had me right there. What followed in terms of emotional ups and downs didn't let go of me, and the drama when the idiots, excuse my language, decided to have a truly stupid fight had me yelling at both of them. More so Parker than Royce, but still. Neither of them was very clever about it.

It's always a good sign, I think, when I get so involved in characters' lives that I start seeing them as real people. Parker was definitely that to me. Too much in love to see straight? Yep. In dire need of someone to give him a good talking to about his priorities? Definitely. Flawed? Totally! In short: the perfect guy to root for. He certainly needed someone on his side other than himself - he was his own worst enemy!

Royce is slightly more rational than Parker, but just as much in love. He has the additional complication of being a lawyer as well as a rancher's son, so the point when he might be tempted to take a different job was sort of predictable. But - that was not even his biggest problem. Having to watch him go through the effects of Parker's idiotic plan was heart wrenching. I suffered with him and was glad he liked his job enough to help him through the separation.

If you like sweet stories that take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, contain hot cowboys who are very much in love and don't mind a bit of suffering (okay, a lot of emotional torment) before the happy ending, you will probably like this book.
SerenaYates | 3 autres critiques | Oct 14, 2017 |
Trip of a Lifetime is an interesting mix between a mystery, and a romantic love story. Set against the background of Tuscany, Italy it also provides some very interesting and enjoyable scenery. The focus of the story is firmly on Alex and Gavin getting to know each other, but the mystery and illegal shenanigans, including a kidnapping and blackmail, were great ‘icing on the cake’ as far as I’m concerned.

Alex is taking the trip of a lifetime – thinking it will be a wonderful holiday, Little does he know he’ll be getting a lot more than he bargained for. He is far more resilient than he believed, and surprises his best friend as well as his worried mother with how well he deals with it all. Of course, getting to know Gavin is a huge part of the attraction during this adventure. Never having had any luck with men, Alex is surprised and delighted at the turn of events with ‘his Scotsman’.

Gavin is a businessman and used to being in control. Suddenly finding himself powerless does not sit well with him, but he is used to finding solutions for difficult problems, so he manages to deal. Integrity and honesty are very important to him, and he is just the man to pull Alex out of his self-imposed shell. In return, Alex manages to attract Gavin enough that he will consider major changes in his own life.

The message behind this story, about never giving up, being true to yourself, and enjoying happiness without asking too many questions, is one I really liked. Reading it as an entertaining story with a great mix of mystery, adventure and developing love made it even better. If you like stories with some excitement (but not too much), if average guys suddenly dealing with less-than-normal situations are your thing, and if you appreciate travel and hearing about different places and what life abroad might be like, you will probably like this book.

NOTE: This book was provided by Total-E-Bound for the purpose of a review on Queer Magazine Online.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
This book is an interesting mix between an action/adventure, almost a thriller, and a very hot m/m romance. Neither one nor the other completely, it cleverly combines the elements of both genres into an interesting new whole. Personally, I really liked the fact it didn’t get too gritty – that wasn’t what I expected when I picked it up and I am glad the promise made in the blurb was kept. ‘Nowhere to Hide’ contained just enough tension and a few interesting twists to keep me interested, and more than enough romance to make it a very worthwhile read.

Marc, the doctor working in Darfur, is a very unusual physician. Well, maybe not that unusual – he is stubbornly dedicated to his patients, puts their health and safety above his own, yet he has some very dark secrets in his past that make him entirely human. I loved his ability to get things done, his dedication to both his job and Jack, and his unwillingness t bend to his kidnappers’ wishes. On top of that he is not afraid to physically fight whoever stands in his way.

Jack starts out as the stereotypical Aussie soldier – but quickly proves to be so much more than that. Yes, he is fiercely protective and tries to convince Mark to stay safe – but which lover wouldn’t? He is also man enough to admit he loves Mark and go after the dangerous men who have abducted him without heed for his own safety. His ability to show that he is vulnerable as well as strong make him a great guy to have around.

The developing relationship between these two men, against all the obstacles in their way, and under very dangerous circumstances had me glued to the pages. I loved the unfolding twists and turns, even though I hated the fact they made me wait for the happy end Mark and Jack definitely deserved. If you like action/adventure that isn’t too gritty and brutal, like your heroes to fall in love, and want to see the bad guys get what’s coming to them, you will probably like this story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Total-E-Bound for the purpose of a review on Queer Magazine Online.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
This is a wonderful story, written in first person, and with lots of self-deprecating humor coming from the narrator and main character, Drew. When Drew falls for Cameron, who has only recently come out, he knows he might be in trouble. The emotions Drew goes through touched me, as did the situation Cameron finds himself in.

Drew has a lot of good friends, who are all eager to help him find love after his recent relationship disaster. He isn't sure he'll ever find love again, and even when he does, there are complications. He tries to hold back and be rational about the potential, but can't do it. Some of his assumptions about Cameron are understandable, but misplaced.

Cameron is a great character. His issue isn't as much admitting that he's gay (he is amazingly certain about that), but dealing with the fact that he has never been with a man. Once he kisses Drew, though, the decision becomes easier. Some obstacles still remain, and it takes Cameron a while to figure it all out.

I liked both characters a lot, the issues were real and dealt with in a humorous yet realistic and satisfactory way. A good read, if slightly on the short side.

Note: This book was provided by TEB for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
What happens to plans for a romantic get-away when one of the partners ends the relationship to be with another man? Brett faces that situation and, after five years with his now ex, has enormous difficulties dealing with the infidelity that leaves him stranded - in more ways than one.

Considering several other options, none of which really appeal, he ends up at the cabin anyway. I was about to despair on his behalf when all his ‘prospects’ turn out to be unavailable. When he finally meets Devyn, a man who has sworn never to be in another relationship, nothing is easy either.

I liked the realism in this story, even if the funk and depression Brett sinks into took up a lot of space. Life, after all, sometimes seems to be like that. The ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, however, was sweet and well worth the wait! This is a short read I enjoyed.

NOTE: This book was provided by Pride Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 autre critique | Oct 14, 2017 |
I liked this story about two men who initially fall into lust after a chance encounter.

As their relationship develops they realize they're in love. But not having solved all their past issues (including Mason's vindictive ex-lover) they end up battling jealousy. Kyle feels left behind when Mason leaves for several months for his job. All these are very real issues and made it easy to like the characters.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Ride 'Em Again Cowboy has just as much heart as the first volume in this (so far) trilogy of books. With one of the main characters an extremely morose cowboy who is trying to get over a bad breakup and the other a 'city slicker' (the ranch owner's son's friend who has come for a visit) - get ready for the sparks to fly. I must admit that I was curious to see how different this second book was going to be, just from reading the blurb. It didn't disappoint; including the fact that Royce and Parker from the first book are back and play a fairly significant role.

Jed is running from a bad relationship, or himself, whichever way you want to put it. Not someone who loves easily and very loyal once he falls, he isn’t exactly looking for love when he starts anew on the Double R ranch. Charles, at first glance, seems a little superficial. But it’s very obvious that he is hiding behind a facade, or at least it has become a facade, of not wanting to ‘sample all that is out there’, as he puts it. Their first encounter, with Jed half drunk, didn’t have me very optimistic about their future together. Both clearly have their doubts about themselves, a relationship and a potential shared future. What better way to set up the scene – and let the chips fall where they may.

If you like flawed characters with a past they’d rather forget, a hot, moody cowboy figuring out there’s more to life than his past love and a fun story with lots of misunderstandings and tender moments, you will probably like this book.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
May/December romances are among my favorite tropes, so fifty-year-old architect Jared falling for a man fourteen years his junior sounded like a story I’d enjoy. And I was right! ‘Never too Late’ has wonderful characters, some angst and drama, an unwanted second suitor for Jared, and some very hot post-recovery encounters in the bedroom.

Jared is not a happy man at the beginning of this story. Not just has he lost the lover of over twenty years to cancer two years earlier, he is also about to turn fifty – and now his doctor tells him he needs a hip replacement. Rather than be happy that the pain he suffers from can be stopped, Jared sees himself as a useless old man, no longer able to lead the active life he so enjoys. Luckily he has good friends who cure him of that notion and make him realize that he’s lucky his problem can be solved. The surgery and recovery that follow are not a piece of cake, but Jared is stubborn – and fit – enough to deal with the fallout. All the more because the paramedic he meets is a hunk and seems interested in getting to know him. Not that Jared thinks anything serious could come of it.

Steve is a hardworking paramedic and does not usually fall for his patients. But Jared is different, Steve knows what he wants, and doesn’t believe a mere fourteen years’ difference in age is an insurmountable obstacle. I loved his tenaciousness and persistence. He never went into “obnoxious” territory, but he definitely communicated his interest to Jared. He is also self-confident enough to deal with the unexpected “competition” for Jared’s affections in a pretty mature way. It’s still an intense situation, but Steve’s ability to deal was a very welcome change from some books I have read.

If you like May/December romances with a touch of drama, if you think that two men who meet later in life still deserve happiness, and if you’re looking for a light, entertaining, and fun read, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Pride Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
While inheriting a country mansion in the north of Scotland may sound fascinating, adventurous, and highly desirable, this story shows that it isn’t necessarily as easy as it sounds. As Callum finds out when he confronts the fact that the grandfather he never met has left him the family home. The repairs and upkeep of the old house alone would require more money than he has, there is a bona fide ghost haunting (mostly) the library, and Callum’s life is in Edinburgh, a few hours drive away. But then there is the mystery of the family journal, a very attractive neighbor, and the fact that Callum is both curious about and drawn to the family residence once he has seen it. The resulting story is entertaining, very erotic, and has a touch of old wrongs that need fixing and ghostly interference that I found very charming.

Callum has both feet firmly on the ground, has a good job, is settled in his life (not to say stuck in a rut), and he is curious about why he has inherited his grandfather’s house. After all, his father was estranged from the old man, and Callum never even met him. But the more he finds out about the family history once he is there and is practically handed the family journal by what seems to be the family ghost, the more intrigued he becomes. I enjoyed the slow reveal about some of his relatives and the family secrets and scandals he uncovers. I could see him slowly sliding into liking the house far more than he was ready to admit, and the final solution – what he does with the house and why – was just perfect.

A big part of what attracts Callum to the mansion is his neighbor, a farmer named Craig. They meet when Craig drives by and comes into the house to check if Callum is a burglar. Lust flares and their physical relationship develops quickly, but both men know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. Callum has an ugly past relationship that taught him what he does not want in a man, and Craig is the exact opposite of his ex – so why not? Craig’s support and the friendship that grows as they get to know each other is fantastic and nicely complements all the somewhat dark family history.

If you like the idea of exploring an old country manor in Scotland, ghost included, if two men who meet by coincidence only to discover they work – and play – well together sound interesting, and if you’re looking for a read that has a touch of the paranormal, an interesting family history, and lots of hot action between the sheets, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Pride Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Weak writing, non-existent pacing, no reason to care about the characters, avoids swearing until the last little bit, and once he's horny, suddenly swearing
selbarton | May 5, 2017 |

Read as part of [b:Naughty Nooners Anthology|5982636|Naughty Nooners Anthology|Kaenar Langford||6156056] in Sept., 2012.
gigi9988776 | Aug 25, 2014 |
I'm not a big fan of Anthologies, but this one had two authors in it that I enjoy reading, J.P. Bowie and Jan Irving. Both their stories were great.

The other three authors were new to me, but I did enjoy all their stories. I look forward to reading other books by these authors.
pfodge | 1 autre critique | Oct 17, 2013 |
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