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Grand finale to the series.

First the good part - we have a final showdown between Sith and Imperial Knights (Jedi's are mysteriously missing from this story arc after brief show-up in volume #1). But the twist here is in the person who will bring the end to the Krayt's Sith order (or will he?).
Ania ends up a freelancer and together with her crew will start ending up in various hot spots (if ending is anything to go by) in a manner very familiar to Han.

The bad part - story is rushed to the extreme. At the moments I felt I was missing pages in edition I read. It all looks like story was cut mid-way which is truly sad. I wish Star Wars moved more in the way of the Legacy series instead of sticking to [safe] retelling of the already known stories. It would be much interesting story telling. Character of Ania Solo also proved that it is not necessary to have Force wielders to have a good Star Wars story. I hope somebody will recognize this and build on it. I wish they had time to give us more Ania's background - there were hints everywhere but main pieces are missing. This way reader feels like very important part is missing.

Art is good but, as I said above, due to the abrupt cut of the story-line, feels confusing and weird. It's like team just run out of time to complete the arc. In overall it was good.

Recommended to all fans of Star Wars and space opera in general.
Zare | 1 autre critique | Jan 23, 2024 |
For me Dark Horse was doing wonderful thing with the Star Wars universe. They were constantly working on expanding the universe and adding new elements - be it in the Clone Wars period, before it, during the ancient times of Sith vs Old Republic or even before that during the mysterious years when Jedi order was forged.

Some of these were great, some were so-so but they did not fear to tell the different story to expand it and build on it. This is something sorely missed in latest SW trilogy - it was good but for all means and purposes it was rehashing of already known stories.

Legacy was a precious Dark Horse setting for the SW - it is almost two centuries after the Emperor was defeated, New Republic is still standing even after encounters with creatures like Yuuzhan Vong, Imperial Remnant (Thrawn's domain) has evolved into [benevolent] Empire with Baron Fel at its head. It seems all is OK when suddenly Sith come back and manage to stir the pot one more time and throw everything into chaos thus causing new galactic war that will, at the end, see Sith order brought down [yet] again by [very troubled] heir of the Skywalker.

And this is where we start - Alliance (remnant of the New Republic), Jedi and Fel's Empire are governing as a Triumvirate. Sith are thought to be extinct but by very accident they show their ugly mug again when Imperial Knight is attacked and imprisoned on a mysterious planet while Sith infiltrate the very heart of the Triumvirate's projects - establishment of the communication array to connect worlds left in isolation after the war.

And in all of that we have Ania Solo, heir of the Han and Lea Solo, stumble upon the schemes of the impostor .... and fun begins.

Excellent story with great characters and setting.

Highly recommended to all fans of Star Wars and epic heroic SF space opera in general.
Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Second book in the series brings forth the Mon Calamari and Quarrens, people most devastated by Darth Krayt's actions during the galactic war.

So when Ania ends up on the devastated Mon Calamari planetary shipyard ring she will come to terms that creatures from the dark are unfortunately not vanquished but flourishing in the gray areas of lawlessness.

Art is more sketchy this time but it did not ruin the experience for me.

What did cause some weird sensations is the mere speed of the story - it seems like everyone was rushing to complete the story as soon as possible and it shows.

But in any case this was rather good episode and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all Star Wars (and space opera in general) fans.
Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Ania's past is getting to her when she suddenly finds herself proclaimed a criminal responsible for killing of the Imperial Knight. This brings with it groups of bounty hunters and one is very determined to capture Ania ... but not for the reasons you would expect.

Again, very good story from the Legacy series. I like that authors are truly trying to flesh out the characters in this series and give the story a more serious tone.

Art is very good and something you dont see that much in Star Wars comics (in a good way).

Recommended to all fans of Star Wars and space opera in general.
Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
I enjoyed this far more than the original Legacy book. Shame this storyline had to end due to the Disney new canon. It really would have been interesting to get more of Bechko's "future history" of Star Wars.
Kavinay | 1 autre critique | Jan 2, 2023 |
Angel: Out of the Past was (thankfully) short so it didn't take much time reading it. The story isn't that memorable, with Angel and Fred going back in time to help Illyria destroy another god.

Well, what to say other than this graphic novel really didn't turn out the way I expected it to do. I was charmed by the lovely cover and then I was seriously disappointed with both the art and the story. OK, the story was not totally bad, but at the same time was it not totally good. I have never been a big fan of Fred, and reading a whole graphic novel about her and Illyria was not really my cup of tea.

I gave the graphic novel 3 stars at first, but as I was sitting down to write this review did I ask myself did I enjoy it enough to give it 3 stars? I mean the art was cringeworthy, they didn't even look like the characters from the TV series. And, neither was the art that appealing. It was just not the kind of art that I like, too sloppy.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through Edelweiss for an honest review!
MaraBlaise | 1 autre critique | Jul 23, 2022 |
Not for me, the story just didn't work for me neither was I especially impressed by the art. And, Sheena's outfit through the issues baffled me. I mean it hardly covered the body and still manage to cover the naughty bits despite her moving around a bit (liked it was glued to her body). It felt like reading a graphic novel that would appeal to teenage boys. LOL!
MaraBlaise | 1 autre critique | Jul 23, 2022 |
I have never really cared that much for Vampirella, most seen her as the skimpy dressed vampire and never really bothered with anything to do with her. But, I'm a huge Aliens fan. So, I just knew I just had to read this graphic novel on NetGalley. And, despite me being pretty much sick and tired of the whole vampire culture (please God not another movie or book with vampires in them is usually my reaction nowadays) so was Aliens / Vampirella quite entertaining. 

I loved the whole idea of an Aliens / Vampirella crossover. Vampirella realizes quite early on that the Nosferatu is not the big problem on Mars, there is something else dangerous down below, the problem is that when shit hit the fan is it Vampirella that gets the blame for all the dead people. So, now she has to face of Aliens and the humans that are in charge who thinks she is the one that killed the crew. She is the vampire of course, easy to blame.

The art is good, suits the story and I like that Vampirella isn't running around is some skimpy bathing suits kind of costume. Well, she is one the cover and for instance in this pic that I have added, but I guess the artists gets a bit creative when they do cover images and other artistic stuff. And, red skimpy bathing suits kind of costume is her "thing"!
But, in the story, she dresses more normal!

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy for an honest review! 
MaraBlaise | 1 autre critique | Jul 23, 2022 |
Not for me, the story just didn't work for me neither was I especially impressed by the art. And, Sheena's outfit through the issues baffled me. I mean it hardly covered the body and still manage to cover the naughty bits despite her moving around a bit (liked it was glued to her body). It felt like reading a graphic novel that would appeal to teenage boys. LOL!
MaraBlaise | 1 autre critique | Jul 23, 2022 |
I received an advance reading copy of this comic compilation (Issues #1 through #6) from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was enticed by the concept of a mashup of two legendary franchises—Vampirella and Alien—and could not resist giving this a try. I wish that I had. I did not think very much of this series which, to me, was comprised of repetitive volumes in which basically the same sequence of flight and battle was replayed over and over. The entire plot is no more than a few soldiers, with the negligible help of Vampirella, who isn’t really even recognizable as herself most of the time, attempting to abandon an investigation and get rescued.

Rather than be a novel twist on classic monsters, the vampires, and even Vampirella herself, add nothing to a story that is slim to begin with and desperately in need of some interesting plot line and depth to flesh it out and the aliens just attack with annoying frequency and no suspense. Even the potential conflict of distrust between humans and vampires, eternal mortal enemies, falls completely flat.
ChrisMcCaffrey | 1 autre critique | Apr 6, 2021 |
The character voices are not dreadful, but they're not quite right either. The story has a good premise, but unfortunately a fairly bland execution. As much of the later Dark Horse canon Slayerverse comics following the mostly excellent season 8, this is another installment that feels more like a half-decent licensed book than an official continuation.
Lucky-Loki | 1 autre critique | Nov 10, 2019 |
Humans try to rebel against apes.

1/4 (Bad).

I stopped halfway through because it's a dumb, pointless book.½
comfypants | May 3, 2018 |
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