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44+ oeuvres 480 utilisateurs 76 critiques


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Quick read - definitely not much to it, but sometimes you need a simple story with a happy ending.
rhymeandreason | 1 autre critique | Jul 28, 2023 |
Simple, quick, lots of fluff.
Not really my type of genre/writing, but better than others I've read that were similar.
rhymeandreason | 3 autres critiques | Jul 28, 2023 |
Eeek! Of course, I loved this book! The characters profiles have been my forever dreamworld fantasy match.
Hunky artistic spy meets beautiful brainiac scientist…need I say more?!?!
My heart soared in delight as they both were able to open themselves up to each other and see themselves in a greater sense.
I love it when the universe turns one night flings into happily ever afters!
GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
This was fun! Maisy inherits a key from an uncle that she didn’t even know that she had and a whole new world opens up to her. That key that Maisy inherited isn’t just a regular key since it is the key to Hell and she gave it away without knowing the power behind it. Rhys is a Nephilim, which means that he is half angel, and he will do everything to protect Maisy and help her get the key back.

I loved Rhys and Maisy together and thought that the story had enough excitement to keep things very interesting. I thought that Maisy’s backstory was really interesting and I enjoyed learning about some of the things that happened to her in her past. I thought that Rhys and his friends were great and I really enjoyed seeing them work together and use their abilities. Rhys and Maisy were a good fit and I thought that the chemistry between them was very well-done.

I believe that this is the first time that I have listened to the work of both Quinn Riley and Griswold Addams but I thought that they did a great job with this story. I liked the voices that they used in their reading and I thought that they expressed a lot of emotion in their reading. I thought that their voices complimented each other nicely and I had no problem listening to this book for hours at a time.

I would recommend this book to others. I found this to be a very entertaining story filled with fantastic characters, a lot of excitement, some romance, and a few demons. I look forward to reading more of this series soon!

I received a review copy of this book from Entangled: Amara and borrowed a copy of the audiobook from my local library.
Carolesrandomlife | 1 autre critique | Jan 30, 2023 |
It was fine, nothing special, but lordamighty was it chock-full of gender essentialism, even for a romance novel. Girl wants a relationship, boy doesn't want a relationship, girl tricks boy into a relationship and withholds sex for leverage. Plus, the writing was full of clichés. I didn't quite 3-star like it, but I slightly more than 2-star liked it.

My big gripe was Ivy tricking Ben. If someone says "I don't want to be in a relationship", I don't know, maybe take them at their word? Ben's reasons for not wanting to be dating seriously are pretty silly (a family curse, what the what?) but he doesn't actually have to justify himself. If Ben wants to have sex with Ivy and Ivy will only have sex with Ben if they are in a serious relationship and Ben doesn't want to be in a relationship with Ivy, then Ben can't have sex with Ivy. Ivy gets to choose who she has sex with and why, Ben gets to choose who he has sex with and why, and they can only have sex with each other if the who and the why overlap. That's how consent works. And consent is awesome.

Anyway, I know it's fiction and it doesn't have to have a Great Moral Lesson, but this is one of those messages that irks the hell out of me.
wonderlande | 10 autres critiques | Jan 1, 2023 |
I have read a handful of other books by Christi. They have all been contemporary romances. So, this paranormal romance book is a nice switch up. The quirky humor was what I loved the most about this book. Maisy and Rhys shared some witty banter. Rhys definitely had his hands full with Maisy. The romance between these two was sweet with a kick of spice.

While I did enjoy this book, I did find that it seemed to move along kind of slowly at times for me. Where I would find myself rereading passages. This is partly due to the fact that it was not instalove for me with Maisy and Rhys. I "liked" them, but it was not until later in the story that I "loved" them. Despite my feelings about this book, I would read another paranormal romance by this author.
Cherylk | 1 autre critique | Nov 15, 2022 |
Lovely story, a bit slow in place, but overall, a charming read. More detailed review here:
Bunny20 | Sep 10, 2022 |
This is the third book in the series but it works great as a standalone. I liked the characters and I'm adding Kelsey's story to my TBR as I haven't read the first two books yet. I really enjoyed the first half of this book where Mallory and Christian were flirting, making bets with each other, and getting to know one another. The pages turned quickly for me however I felt that the story lost momentum in the middle when they agreed to date for a month and then break up. There is a sense of inevitable doom to their relationship and it hangs over the reader's head. There are so many obstacles to their HEA and not enough cute moments. However, the ending was romantic and endearing when both of them chose to be together come what may.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy provided by the publisher.
Inishowen_Cailin | May 29, 2022 |
Wrong for Him by Christi Barth is a sweet romance that will capture your heart from start to finish. Wrong for Him is the 3rd installment in Barth’s Love Lottery series, but can definitely be read as a standalone. After you read this one though you will want to read the first two. Barth really knows how to weave a story that you will instantly fall in love with. Amelia has been crushing on Teague, her brother’s best friend, for as long as she can remember. Teague is finally home after many years away serving for the US military. After Amelia’s brother, Alex, wins an inn in a lottery and the three of them and Amelia’s best friend, Everleigh, find themselves without jobs at the same time, they decide to run the inn together. Amelia and Teague find themselves living in a tiny apartment at the inn together and things start to heat up between them. Can they move past being just friends and will Alex approve of their relationship. I highly recommend this book if you love sweet romances. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.
srkromer | 1 autre critique | Oct 5, 2021 |
This is a sweetly romantic book. Amelia has had a crush on Teague her whole life. When the opportunity of a lifetime drops into their laps to run a hotel, they go for it. Along with her brother (who happens to be Teague's best friend), they go through a series of challenges. They somehow come out on the other side together and love each other. A well-written story that just flows together and reminds a little of a slightly "dysfunctional" family with the bickering amongst themselves, etc. But there is also laughing, hijinks and fun adventures. A good read for to lift some of your spirits. Highly recommend.
Shelly.Kittell | 1 autre critique | Oct 1, 2021 |
The antagonistic relationship between the two main characters is cute.
Very quick read (under an hour).
HeyMimi | 1 autre critique | Jan 1, 2021 |
Full review appeared at Reader's Edyn on 03/30/20

Genevieve is in a tough spot. Her small country is on the brink of joining another which could be a positive step in the right direction. But before the merger is even brought to the table, an accounting of the expenditures of the royal family must take place. And lucky Genny, she’s been picked to have her accounts gone through at great length. When her accountant sends her a list of places to begin cutting expenses, she balks. He lunges, she parries, and so their relationship goes. But the sizzling attraction they both felt at their first meeting only turns their battle of wills into a form of foreplay. Hooking up is inevitable at some point, but the thrill that Genny feels each time she and Theo are at odds is like nothing she’s ever experienced before. He obviously strongly dislikes the royals and isn’t afraid to push back. Their verbal spars become addicting and soon so does their naughty pleasures. But Theo has old feelings of spite that he’s nursed over the years and Genny doesn’t remember him from their much younger years. She’s unsure why he seems to hate her, but she is determined to bring him around and show him that she’s all about her people. Most unfortunate is that there seems to be a traitor in their midst and when the heat is suddenly thrust upon Theo, Genny breaks everything off with him. She’s been burned so many times before and the very idea that he could have betrayed her is more than she can handle.

Theo is finally right where he’s wanted to be since childhood – back home where he belongs and, in a position to stick it to the Royals. A dang nuisance if there ever was one. They spend frivolously and care for only their selfish little selves. He ought to know, having been on the bad end of one of their debacles, which ultimately cost him everything he loved. To says he’s been harboring a grudge is putting it mildly. But his reputation is a solid one and even if he ends up turning in a glowing report, it will be because that was what the evidence provided; even if it’s the last thing he wants to do when he arrives on assignment. While Theo definitely hates the Royals, he is also internally at war with himself. He desires Genny to the point of distraction and is quickly befriending the other younger members of the family. Never would he have imagined himself in this position; defending and protective of the Royal family. But he’s honorable above all and as tough a pill as it is to swallow, he comes to grips with his mistakes and owns them. When a plot against the family which is tied directly to his position makes itself known, Theo knows it is up to him to keep the threat from harming the unsuspecting family. His role has shifted in what seems like the blink of an eye from punisher to protector. What’s even more astonishing is that he’s perfectly fine with it. But he and Genny have so much working against them that he’s unsure this won’t be anything more than temporary despite how much he wants permanency. When Genny rejects him, he is at a loss of how to fix it. Before he can get back to wooing her, he has to save the family and he’s going to need some help with pulling it off.

I have to preface this review by explaining that I have not read the first book in the series. However, there was enough included within this book that I didn’t feel that I had to, or that the deficit was harmful in any way. Within this book, I was still allowed to get to know Kelsey and Elias a bit and with enough to basically piece together the first book with little effort. However, I did not feel a great connection with either Kelsey or Elias and didn’t come away with a need to go back to the first book to find out what I had missed. I did, however, fall completely in love with Christian! Good grief I cannot wait until I can read his book. And I am proud to say that I successfully guessed who his romantic interest would be. Given a couple of enlightening scenes in which little to nothing was said, but behavior gave me every indication, I am thrilled to place the third book in the series on my TBR list in anticipation of reading Christian and Mallory’s story. And no, I do not consider this a spoiler as it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out – plus the first chapter of the book was included at the end of this story, which is how I knew my powers of deduction were on point. Christian is an absolute joy and had lines that were so perfect, they almost bested Theo’s. Almost. He’s really in a tough place with everything his family has suffered and the weight of the crown resting on his shoulders, even though it is not yet official. He juggles the brotherly, friendly, Kingly duties with flawless ability … at least it appears so to any outsider but takes its toll emotionally. And with that, I will leave Christian until I am able to read his story. Never before have I included a paragraph about a secondary character within a book. To say I was enchanted by him would be an accurate description.

I haven’t read all that many royal romance books, which is surprising given how many royal romance movies I have gotten lost in. My last couple of experiences have been fantastic and I am thrilled to have discovered both this author and series. I was hooked purely on the blurb, which was my only reason for choosing to read this book. Theo may have his biases for good reason but I don’t think they are all that off from what many people think. I, for one, never understood the whole obsession with the royal family and all of the need for such extravagance. Meh. Never did anything for me. But neither am I from a country that places such value on that kind of title. Maybe some do, like Theo’s socially climbing dysfunctional parents. Maybe those who hail from countries with royalty are much like the subjects in this book, who look up to the family to set the standard and justify their extravagance as a necessary consequence to keep up appearances. One example given is that Theo wants Genny to use a cheaper brand of pantyhose and one of the citizens overhears their conversation in a clothing shop. Theo asks her if she finds that her hard-earned tax dollars paying for these ridiculously high priced panty hose is acceptable. The woman replies that she should have them because she is a princess. As if that explained it all. So the views on royals were an interesting approach within this book. Also proven in that scene was the need for the expense of clothes being sent to the palace for Genny to try. However, seeing the ramifications of public appearances, Theo quickly sees the error in that particular way of thinking. He wants to cut costs but doesn’t actually understand the necessity for much of it – until he does. Had Theo not experienced much of the effects of his cost-cutting personally, he would have carried on without a thought to Genny’s lifestyle and unknowingly left her quite vulnerable in several instances. Ultimately, they end up working together in cutting costs rather than Theo dictating to Genny about her budget. In working so closely with Genny, he also sees where her heart lies. Whereas before he was sure that she was nothing more than a selfish being whose world revolved around her alone, up close and personal he sees just how much good she does for her people and how her love for them is what drives her on a daily basis. Even to the point of denying herself love when she slips off of her podium a bit.

Very clearly Theo comes in with his ideas of what he will find, but ends up coming to grips with the grudge he held as not being entirely fair and has to come clean about it so he can let it go. Once he does that, he is able to really see the big picture instead of the blinders he’s been using to propel him through life up until this point. Likewise, Genny has a lot of issues to work through as well. She might have successfully changed Theo’s opinion of her and the rest of her family, but internally she still struggles with the tragedy that has plagued their family and all of the hurt and betrayal that followed it. She’s always been the good girl who behaves as dictated, never veering off course of what is expected. Realizing that she is allowed some bits of happiness for herself, she then has to make a decision about who it is she really wants to be. Until then, she is in no position to ask anything of Theo. As previously mentioned, there are a couple of threats to the family. The first is a leak from somewhere within. I can’t say I was completely taken by surprise by the reveal, but it was still heartbreaking all the same to see someone hurt by the revelation. Also tossed in was an actual plot against the family designed to block the upcoming merger. A plot that involved Theo’s well-known bias against the family and the gamble that he would end up taking them down with so much hatred simmering for many years. The foe becomes a friend and lends aid in thwarting the danger. Both Genny and Theo were a pleasure to experience. Their sexy banter was a highlight for sure. Seeing both of their transformations from the first chapter to the last was exciting to read. Kelsey, being brand new to the whole royal thing was perfect in the battles she chose to take on when it meant standing up for what was right versus going along with behaving properly. And Christian – well, I was pretty clear about how awesome he is.

This family may have gone through quite a bit of negativity ranging from horrific events to bad press. But no matter the subject, they always rally back … for their family and their people. Family remains when nothing else does and together Kelsey, Christian, and Genny are stronger. For two of them, finding the love of their lives has only made them stronger. I suspect the same will hold true in the next book as Christian will finally embrace his. I also suspect that the blows will keep coming in one form or another for this family. But as long as they stick together, they will always be able to successfully rally back from whatever the set back is. In one way, I wish I could speak to the first book to see if the family ties were always so strong, or if this is a newer connection born from Kelsey’s reappearance. I suspect the latter. Either way, the bond exists between siblings and was definitely strengthened even more so within this story. With the added support of Elias and Theo, I look forward to seeing what these Royals will accomplish and conquer with such a strong and loving support system in place. You can bet that as soon as Christian’s story is available, I will be soaking it up and finding out for myself just how awesome this small Kingdom will become.

Kindle version provided by NetGalley/Entangled in exchange for an honest review.
GzNKz4evr | Mar 30, 2020 |
All of these stories were wonderful but my favorite is Just Us.

Very sweet and hot romance. Wonderful story and delightful characters. But the only thing you need to know is.....
UNICORN SEX!! My favorite line that perfectly captures the feeling of this book.

Really, you can't go wrong with this anthology. All are hot!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
KathyC200 | 3 autres critiques | Mar 22, 2020 |
Love on the Boardwalk by Christi Barth is a very cute, lighthearted romance set in Atlantic City. This easy to read sequel to Love at High Tide features the characters introduced in the previous novel, but it can be read as a standalone.

Brad Hudson is in Atlantic City trying forget that he should be on his honeymoon when he recognizes Trina Trimble in a very unlikely place. Trina is working undercover in a strip club for a private investigator and she too is pretty surprised when she is recognized by her best friend's boyfriend's hot cousin. A walk on the beach eventually leads to sizzling vacation fling but can their attraction lead to something more permanent when Brad and Trina go back home?

Trina and Brad could not be more different but this is what makes them a great couple. Brad is a by the book cop while Trina is a pretty footloose and fancy free. Both have a few things weighing on their minds and their different perspectives are very helpful when it comes to making some much needed decisions. They each appreciate the difference in their personalities and while Trina helps Brad loosen up, Brad's input is invaluable when it comes to Trina's future. Trina is full of enthusiasm but her fun loving attitude makes her character feel a little superficial. Brad is much more serious and the issues that he is dealing with provide him with the emotional depth that Trina lacks.

Love on the Boardwalk is a fun romance that is delightfully entertaining. Trina and Brad are engaging characters and their love story is flirty and full of sexual tension. A little bit of intrigue energizes the plot and infuses Trina with some much needed confidence. Christi Barth perfectly wraps up the story with a wonderfully romantic conclusion.

All in all, Love on the Boardwalk is a lovely feel good story that fans of contemporary romance are sure to enjoy!
kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
This is the last book in the series, it took a while but we finally got it. Saying good by to the Naked Men and all their craziness and the love of the their lives.. Has been fun!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
NelisPelusa | Aug 28, 2019 |
Find this review and others at Carlene Inspired.

What happens when the lights go out in Vegas? According to thirteen authors, a whole lot can happen! From escaping serial killers to falling in love, Blackout: A Romance Anthology gives readers a glimpse into the city of sin with no power, no cell service, and no inhibitions. This anthology blew me away, I can't get over how much I enjoyed it. Longer than your typical anthology, at least in my opinion, Blackout has thirteen novellas, some quite lengthy and others quite short, that follow a mix of new and previously known characters as they visit sin city. The same event, a lengthy blackout, occurs in each novel, but no story is the same. The setting is perfect for this anthology, I hate when authors get together to create an anthology with a similar story line and the characters don't ever meet despite being in a small town. In this case, Vegas is massive and with the lights out it's expected that the characters from each story wouldn't interact. It made it more realistic. I loved all of the characters from the stories that I read and while I didn't love every single story, I did enjoy the entire anthology as a whole. This is a must read and it will work for both longtime fans of the authors and for those looking for something new.

On the fly star rating as I read:

Close Encounter by Stephanie St. Klaire - 4 Stars

The Do-Over by Christi Barth - 3 stars

Night & Day by Bethany Lopez - 4 stars

Night Games by T.K. Leigh - 5 Stars

Absolutely Mine by Terri E. Laine - Not Rating - the ARC edition had too many edits left to be done. I won't count this against the overall score, as I know the anthology went through more edits prior to release.

Just Us by J.H. Croix - 4.5 Stars - If I read the word channel one more time I was going to scream. Once or twice, fine, repeatedly? No.

Blind Faith by Lauren Runow - 5 Stars

Dirty Thoughts by C.A. Harms - 5 Stars

Going Down by Lisa Shelby - 5 Stars

Hard Luck by K.A. Ware - 4 Stars

Becoming His by K.I. Lynn

Honeymoon Hideaway by Cary Hart

Free Bird by Leddy Harper
CarleneInspired | 3 autres critiques | Jun 14, 2019 |
5 stars

What a fantastic anthology. I preordered this book as soon as I had heard about it because Vegas is my favorite US city. The storyline intrigued me.

I really liked the various spins on how to work their stories into the Blackout. Many of these authors were new to me an d left me pleasantly surprised. For an anthology this was very well done because every story combined gave a nice variation on this story as a whole. I liked that because it is so hit and miss in anthologies.
MagicalRi | 3 autres critiques | Apr 15, 2019 |
These books all take place in Vegas & there is an electrical blackout during the story.

Close Encounters - Stephanie St. Klaire - Ms. St. Klaire has become a master at sexy romantic suspense stories. Some of her characters are members of a high class security team called Brothers Keepers. They protect people from the worst dangers & do it successfully. Cane is a member of that team. He’s protecting the only surviving victim of a gruesome serial killer. This story kept me on the edge of my seat. You knew the bad guy was going to show up but not when or how. The addition of a couple running a con added a lightness to the plot. It was witty. It was sexy. It was terrifying!! I really can’t wait until she releases her next book!

Honeymoon Hideaway - Cary Hart - if you’ve never read anything by Ms. Hart, this is an excellent introduction. The characters in Ms. Hart’s story are just that - characters!! They are funny, sassy, loud, rude & totally adorable. The main character is named Vegas Manilow!! Aunt Dottie has always been there for Vegas as she was growing up. I picture her as an elderly, slightly nuts woman with lots of sass! You won’t believe Burt! He’s hilarious! If the rest of the stories are like this one, this is a great collection!
Pam50627 | 3 autres critiques | Mar 20, 2019 |
All for You by: Christi Barth

I was given an ARC of this story for an honest review. Casey is keeping a secret from Zane. The story centers around this secret and the way this secret affects the two main characters {Casey and Zane}. Ms. Barth can take a story and write it in such a way that a subject that is faced within society becomes an entertaining and heartwarming journey.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
There can be no doubt that Griffin's past has shaped his future. He enjoys taking risk, loves helping people and keeps busy to drown out the memories he can't seem to let go of. Chloe is the complete opposite she'd rather write about life than experience it. She prefers a nice quiet environment that makes her feel safe and in control. When she is in Griffin's presence she feels none of those things and she thrives on the erratic emotions he makes her feel. Risking It All was such a hot read for me. It was brilliant to bring these two opposites together. Being with Griffin made Chloe more daring. Chloe helped Griffin to relax more. What I liked most about this story is that Chloe and Griffin needed each other. Their differences made them stronger as a couple and helped center them individually. I received an ARC of Risking it All in exchange for an honest review. I am now a converted fan.
Lashea677 | 3 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
Griffin, Riley, Knox, Josh and Logan are a close knit group of friends that have been inseparable most of their lives. When a traumatic event almost succeeding in permanently separating this band of brothers, each vowed to make changes and live life to the fullest. Wanting It All is Knox's journey. Knox as a youngster, was the odd man out. The skinny guy with the awkward personality and a thirst for knowledge was a prime target for bullies. Loyal friends and his brain are what got him though some of the toughest times in his life. Now, as an adult, he has money, success and an active libido that rivals are his former haters. Still, he isn't satisfied.

Madison is a country girl , searching for answers in the big city. She craves for a connection to a family she's never known. She also hopes to find a place she belongs. A chance meeting sets in motion an attraction she can't escape and revelations that could implode all her wishes and happiness. I received an ARC of Wanting It All by Christi Barth in exchange for an honest review. One event changed many lives, some positively, others negatively but it had an effect that was attention grabbing for a group of friends. Ms. Barth, handles the turmoil with gentleness and finesse. She has added another wonderful story to a great series. Facing fear isn't weak, it makes a person stronger for having tackled it head on.
Lashea677 | 3 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
Deep Check by Kimberly Kincaid - Finn is a man on the move. From a young age, he was always on the run. Running from the pain of abandonment and neglect. Running from feelings too hard to express. Leaving behind tattered friendships and broken hearts along the way. When a crowning moment brings him to the place and people he left behind, can his Calendar girl become his saving grace? Out of triumph comes tragedy. Deep Check has it all. Realism, heartbreak and reunions. January and Finn take personal tragedy and turn it into a winning hand. Along with a bit of help but an often mentioned but never seen guardian angel. Deep Check is a story of soul searching that broke our hearts, but healed the soul. (4.5 stars)

In Skates Trouble by Kate Meader - She's playing hard to get. Is he up for the challenge? Kate Meader is a no holds barred romantic. In Skates Trouble proves it. Her cat and mouse formula of bad boy seeking mystery woman was well played. Ford and Addison are wicked sexy and eerily romantic. She keeps him on his toes, while easily stealing his heart. The thrill of the chase is worth the wait. (5 stars)

Free Agent by Robin Covington - Follow your heart. Live out your dreams and live life to the fullest. Three of life's riskiest endeavors. The beauty of Free Agent is that Robin Covington tried something different. DC proved being different does not have to be a liability but a stepping stone to a better life and a happier you. I'm all for the power of that extraordinary message. (4 stars)

Check My Heart by Christi Barth - Can a heartbreaking tragedy, lead to the love of a lifetime? Check My Heart is a beautifully written story of hope and compassion. Ms. Barth knows how to touch the heart. (4 stars)

Blade by Avery Flynn - Ms. Flynn likes to stir the pot, while burning up the sheets. Meaning? Unconventional characters in seductive scenarios equal plenty of surprising moments. What drew me to Blade was Gillie. A reformed bad girl with a ton of grit and an abundance of heart willing to risk it all to help out a friend and redeem herself. Sassy, sexy and entertaining. (4 stars)

Ransom by Nana Malone - Ransom is used to the heartbreak of rejection, but can he handle the thrill of falling in love? It takes more courage to trust than to give up without a fight. Nana Malone is good at spicing it up while working her magic on a readers heart. (5 stars)
Lashea677 | 5 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
It's characters like Riley and Summer and the authors that create them, that remind us how precious and fleeting life really is. Riley is the planner. Summer is the risk taker. Both are survivors, but have handled the experiences in different ways. Summer's recipe is to live life to the fullest, experience all there is to explore and leave her mark on the world. Riley is more level headed and not willing to take unnecessary risks. His plans blow to smithereens when Summer walks into his world and worms her way into is heart. An inspiring story of courage and hope that provides humor, heart and thought.
Lashea677 | 3 autres critiques | Feb 16, 2019 |
The beauty of a Christi Barth novel is the versatility of the voice behind them. Her characters are not afraid to show the foibles of humanity and that makes them relatable to me as a reader. Rafe is a man with a ton of baggage. His secrets have secrets. His past is full of bad decisions and dangerous situations, but in his heart he wants to be a better man. Will the stigma of his past ruin his chance for a brighter future? Bad For Her is a tale of prejudice, second chances and modern day lessons. Romance and wisdom are a sweet combination that Christi Barth always shines in.
Lashea677 | 1 autre critique | Feb 16, 2019 |
3.5 stars

I'm not sure I have ever read such an easy going and funny with his quick retorts hero before, Gray was really a delight to read. Gray keeps his job secret from Ella and the way it directly affects her could be seen as a huge betrayal but with how Gray works to help Ella, it was never a huge turnoff for me. Ella had her own, understandably, issues but she didn't feel as strong as a character as Gray. Together, Gray and Ella were a delightful fun, teasing, and cute couple. Their dialogue was snappy back and forth but not in a sarcastic way, more of a wonderful sweet playoff of one another; you're going to be smiling a lot reading their conversations. Up to Me is what I sometimes call a mom's homemade chicken soup story, very comforting and will slowly warm you up from the inside.

Full review can be read at: Reading Between the Wines book club
WhiskeyintheJar | 3 autres critiques | Feb 14, 2019 |
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