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13 oeuvres 56 utilisateurs 4 critiques


***Seriously! Spoiler alert****

This book isn't sure what story it wants to follow. It gets two stars because the author has some ability to tell a story. The duality of two sets of brothers dealing with the fallout of their respective fathers' deaths is rather brilliant. It just seems like this story got away from her before it was fully realized because honestly, it makes very little sense in the long run.

Unexpected baby? Totally not necessary for the storyline. One night stand can be a stalker without it and the MC's lack of emotion about both her pregnancy and lost child make her really NOT someone I want to end up with the sweetish cowboy the story is pairing her with. IMO she was a better fit for the guy she is running from.

Throwaway characters? Mom is drama that is unneeded in the story. Sweet as she is, she just doesn't add anything especially since her best connection with the MC is through the pregnancy that doesn't last to the next page. Also, why have the doctor be so strong in his prognosis and insistence that she needs full-time care if they are just going to disregard him completely in less than a day (and surprise... she doing just fine without the fulltime care)? So, didn't need the doctor either. What was the point of Austin, except to override the doctor who didn't need to be part of the story? Maria the perfect assistant is also an unneeded character. Take out every word by and about her and really nothing changes except the MC has to come up with a real reason to move her business from Louisiana to Texas. Isn't the fact that her wish-we-hadn't-had-sex is supposedly stalking her a good enough reason to move? It was a good enough reason to run and insert herself into the lives of strangers.

Likable characters? Only the "bad guy". Seriously, just the alleged stalker.

The cowboys read like backwoods characters from an Andy Griffith episode. The MC female is useless. She doesn't do casual but falls into bed with the wrong guy on a whim, then blows him off for no good reason except it was a bad idea. Then she falls instalove hea into bed with the next guy, before she is fully healed from the 9 week miscarriage from the last guy. The bestie is at best a mouthy witch, even I wanted to hit. Her own best friend doesn't censor herself the way I have when describing her.

The "bad guy" reads as sincere, confused, and overwhelmed. Sure he seemed to be stalkerish from a certain POV, but the woman he really liked and blew him off, who is carrying his baby, is avoiding him. He just doesn't come off as bad enough to warrant the MC running scared and hiding from him. Even his red flags, like hiring a PI seem reasonable from his side of it. Adding his POV was probably a mistake if it was the author's intention to make him scary. Mostly I just feel bad for him dealing with his POS brother who BTW actually does seem scary.

Needless to say, I will not be spending money on this series even though I am mildly curious to find out if the bad guy actually is bad in light of the cliffhanger.
Ireadwhatuwrite | Jun 23, 2022 |
I like the idea of second-chances at romance, at a career.

The first part of this book--other than thinking that the romance was rushed (which is a usual complaint for me about this genre)--I was okay with.

Then, about 3/4 of the way through, the book suddenly turned into a smut fest. Let's face it, Laura, you've barely known this guy a few months, and suddenly you're in bed with him--and this happens a number of times.

And then, there's the cliffhanger ending (which the author claims she warned us about, but if there was a warning at the beginning, I never saw it). I get authors wanting people to buy the next book in the series, but this level of cliffhanger turns me completely off.
JenniferRobb | Apr 11, 2022 |
This is a heartwarming book about family, hidden secrets, and the chance to find everlasting love. A must read book!
suzybee30 | 1 autre critique | Jun 30, 2018 |
At some point in most people’s lives, they are faced with those turning points that require you to make a conscious choice to move forward or allow your past hurts to rule and ruin your life. This is the story of Victoria, who on reaching those moments of dissatisfaction with her life: successful and on track in the eyes of many, finds herself in a crisis of why. On the death of her beloved Nanny, Victoria begins to feel more at odds with her life, without family after some unrevealed upheaval, and limited in friends.

Told in a combination of first and third person voicing, the story moves briskly from point to point, allowing the reader to see the generosity of spirit that Victoria displays, the frustration in her relationship with her mother, and her dissatisfaction with her single status. Decisions need to be made, and Victoria resigned her position in the unit, and starts to examine her life more closely, airing out the skeletons in the family closet. With a chance encounter with a former patient, and a blooming love; the story moves on much like a life’s journey, allowing the reader to feel and see her growth and the freedom that letting the past go can bring. A story that will encourage and enlighten readers to the cleansing powers of taking charge of your life, Sandy Appleyard has managed to combine several elements into a neat and easy to follow story that will consistently entertain and surprise through the last page.

I received an eBook copy from the author for purpose of honest review as part of the Indie Authors Rock promotion for I am, Indeed. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
IamIndeed | 1 autre critique | Mar 29, 2013 |