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17 sur 17
I was glad that there was a plus sized heroine, but the story left me cold. There wasn't enough character development and the premise wasn't my cup of tea.
RakishaBPL | 1 autre critique | Sep 24, 2021 |
Quite nice

I bought this book mainly because I wanted to find out what happens to Penny after I read the free version of the first two chapters. It turned out a bit different to what I was expecting but it was still very good and I quite enjoyed it even though there were some parts that I didn’t like. All in all, this book was a really nice read and I’m considering purchasing the next book in the series.
AllAndAnyBooks | 1 autre critique | Sep 17, 2020 |
I liked this book but it was stupid to only have two chapters of the actual book in it. It did help me make a decision to buy the whole book though so I guess in a way it's great to have a free sample of the book.
AllAndAnyBooks | 1 autre critique | Sep 17, 2020 |
4 second chance stars

Mari had some of the best comebacks and snark. I laughed out loud several times. When she made the comment about Gabe being the type to want to wear her face (Silence of the Lambs reference) I busted up. Quoting Shawshank Redemption scored some points too because I love that movie. Gage was struggling with demons but was hotter than Hades.

I wish the story would have been further drawn out. We went from Mari helping him to the epilogue. I wanted more before that happened. Still a good book.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
Decadent is flawless. Underneath the overpowering attraction and the dangerous lust lies some painful truths. What happens when a business deal becomes a habitual obsession? No one does breathless quite like Alexx Andria.
Lashea677 | Apr 9, 2019 |
Denial only works when you are telling the truth. Get ready for the fireworks. Andria makes sure you feel the burn. Remi and Apollo have so much chemistry that it swallows them whole. How can you deny the inevitable. Mr. Champagne sets off sparks from beginning to end.
Lashea677 | Apr 9, 2019 |
The first thing I really liked about this book is that the main character isn't some knockout, unrealistic woman. She is a real woman, with curves. She has insecurities that are real. Overall, she is more realistic character.

This book is a quick read. It isn't dull and will suck you right in. The combination of two worlds is very unique and original. Always a PLUS! I love originality!

Honestly, though, I am bored with the motorcycle gang theme. Although this isn't the typical biker book, it still is getting a little old. Now, that isn't the author's fault. But still. Let's find something other than rock bands and motorcycle clubs, please!

The characters in this book are both likable and dis-likable. That is always a good thing. You don't want to always LIKE every character! Where is the fun in that?

The relationships (aka sex) in the story fit well. This is important since sometimes it seems like sex is just thrown into a book to make it "sexy." This isn't the case here!

Overall, this is a good book! For those who are into motorcycle club books and originality, you will love this book!
AmberGoleb | 1 autre critique | Mar 13, 2018 |
Cheating ...bored... Housewife

Sunshine22222 | 2 autres critiques | Feb 19, 2017 |
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review, and although I've not read this author before I am glad I gave her a chance as he book was overwhelming! Detective Jameson Reed had been undercover to bust a drug ring for so long that the lines of justice were bending until he was busted for being a cop and arresting a bit dope dealer when he wanted the king pin! Jameson had never worked well with others, but his partner knew him almost better than himself so when Ivy Cullen came to bail her no good brother out of jail, he took one look at her and knew he had to have her even if he had to commit career suicide.

Ivy Cullen had tried to get her older brother to quit running with lowlifes and doing drugs but of course he never listened to his baby sister! Now he was in jail and SHE had to get him out, then that dirty cop, and wanted her to work with him or her brother would rot in jail!
Linda.Bass | Apr 6, 2016 |
The first thing I really liked about this book is that the main character isn't some knockout, unrealistic woman. She is a real woman, with curves. She has insecurities that are real. Overall, she is more realistic character.

This book is a quick read. It isn't dull and will suck you right in. The combination of two worlds is very unique and original. Always a PLUS! I love originality!

Honestly, though, I am bored with the motorcycle gang theme. Although this isn't the typical biker book, it still is getting a little old. Now, that isn't the author's fault. But still. Let's find something other than rock bands and motorcycle clubs, please!

The characters in this book are both likable and dis-likable. That is always a good thing. You don't want to always LIKE every character! Where is the fun in that?

The relationships (aka sex) in the story fit well. This is important since sometimes it seems like sex is just thrown into a book to make it "sexy." This isn't the case here!

Overall, this is a good book! For those who are into motorcycle club books and originality, you will love this book!
UANBookAddict | 1 autre critique | Dec 3, 2015 |
Coerced: Blackmailed by the Billionaireby Alexx Andria

This isn't my usual type of read, but I like looking outside of my little box every now and then. I am really glad I did this time.

Ms. Andria was able to to tell a story of someone who lives basically in poverty and another person who was born with the proverbial "silver spoon in his mouth" and bring them together in a not so good way, but turn it into something good. At first I didn't think this story was going to be for me, but once it was revealed why there is such a mix of feelings, well.....the rest speaks for itself.

Great job Ms. Andria!

Elizabeth Downing is a struggling artist. Her hopes of showing at the Covington Art Museum just went down the drain and to top it off, on the way out she runs into a very handsome man, talk about embarrassing. This was her last hope of finding the money to support her disabled sister. Looks like she is going to have to go to extreme sell a kidney.

Sutton Buchanan always gets what he wants. Any way he wants it and when he wants it. So when a curvy blond artist just brushes him off, he decides to start a new project. He wants the curvy artist for his new play-toy.....his pet. He wants to own her and he will pay her well for it. No attachments, just business. Finding out that she needs money makes this so much easier for him.

Elizabeth is shocked that Sutton Buchanan would approach her with such an offer. Even more shocked that she is going to do it. This was so not her, but she had to think of Gretchen, her sister. She would do what she had to to make sure that Gretchen could stay at Rising Dawn. It is just a business agreement after all. Nothing emotional and she can still work at her art.

Will another Buchanan fall or will Elizabeth walk away, just like every other woman has done? After all, women can't be trusted.

*ARC given for an honest review*
mammy4423 | Jun 28, 2015 |
kybunnies | 2 autres critiques | Oct 19, 2014 |
Shannon is one bad ass chick. I loved how she handled her first encounter with Nolan. She is just a woman trying to forge her own way in life. Nolan however seems to have been born with a silver spoon and lives his life with out regret which changes in the blink of an eye.
Some hot juicy steamy sex scenes.
Fabulous ending.

iloveladyporn | 1 autre critique | Dec 6, 2013 |
When I first saw the name “Buchanan Billionaires”, I have to admit that “One Life To Live’s” Llanview Buchanans popped into my mind. But honey, these ain’t those Buchanans! This particular Buchanan, Vince, owns a sex club for the wealthy and debauched. Emma sneaks into the club in order to get close to Vince in the hopes to find some “dirt” on him — but instead, she runs into a sadistic bastard who hooks her up in a BDSM room, digitally violates her, and punches, hits and beats her with various implements until she is knocked unconscious – which is how Vince finds her. He takes her back to the penthouse in order to help her heal and also protect his, and the club’s, reputations.

Naturally Vince and Emma are meant to be together, but once again, the specter of Isabel pops up. As I mentioned in my review of “Buchanan’s Baby”, I think that the explanation about Isabel (couched as it is during the commission of intercourse) is best understood when you know the full story from Books 1-6 of “Bought By The Billionaires”. Emma is distrustful of Vince since he owns the sex club where she, and also her sister six months before her, were assaulted. Vince doesn’t think he deserves any happiness and pushes everyone away.

We meet up with Dillon, Penny, Vince & Shannon again; Dillon gets to use “his men” to force the hand of karma (yay, Dillon!). Penny has her baby, and afterwards counsels Emma to give Vince a chance while also blithely & proudly revealing that she slept with all 3 Buchanans, and hey, no biggie. (Um, glad you’re not MY sister-in-law!!) It’s a Happily Ever After for all 3 couples and a satisfying conclusion to the Buchanan saga… although I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a quickie story in the works to tie up the loose ends of Laird & Emma’s sister…??

With over 110 pages this novella still seems a bit overpriced at $2.99 – but maybe there will be a sale and if so – JUMP on it! Great read!
SnarkyMom | Jul 16, 2013 |
I received a copy of “The Buchanan’s Baby” in exchange for an HONEST review. And honestly, I thought it was pretty hot! I have to admit that I’d not read any of the Buchanan series yet, and when I realized this was #7, I picked up the bundle of the first six books so I’d know how the story got to the point where #7 starts. While this “Baby” book is a follow-up/continuation of “Bought By The Billionaire Brothers”, it can easily be read as a standalone story. However, I’m not sure if you would feel as invested in the characters, or feel as much for Vince, if you didn’t know the full back-story.

To be honest, when I first saw the title, I thought this was going to continue Dillon & Penny’s story. While they are “in” this book, this is actually about Nolan – who receives an anonymous note letting him know that he has a child. Since this is a complete shock to him, and he’s intrigued since the writer does not try to blackmail him for money, he decides to check it out… and finds an one-night stand holding a daughter with incontestable Buchanan features. Yep, Nolan is a Daddy to a daughter (karma at its BEST) and Shannon is the one night stand that couldn’t get away fast enough – even though he wanted her to stay for at least breakfast. The ghost of Isabel pops up; again, unless you’ve read the first six books I’m not sure how “satisfying” the explanation of Isabel will be to someone who is wondering about & unfamiliar with this plot inject.

It’s nice to see one of the twins start to mature. Loved the flashback, however, because just how “cocky” is it for someone to have a mold made of their junk so they can make a perfect replica into a dildo? [snicker]

A few hot sex scenes, m/f, and this is more romantica than erotica. Great quick read for the beach bag!
SnarkyMom | 1 autre critique | Jul 16, 2013 |
This review encompasses Books 1-6 of the "Bought By The Billionaires" series. I read it as the full "book", so I can't really speak for the individual sections of the "books". I picked up this compilation simply because I was given the follow-up books to review, and since we all know that I detest jumping into stuff halfway through, I wanted to do a little "prep" reading. (Please note - on Amazon, AT THE TIME OF THIS WRITING, the Books 1 & 4 are marked as $0.00 if you want to purchase them separately, or see if you like the start of it before making the purchase plunge.)

Penny is a 25 year old virgin Accountant, who has a crush on her twin bosses, the Buchanan's. Unknown to her, they've also had their eyes on her, as they are partial to her full-figured body...and once they find out she's a virgin, it's just the cherry on the top [pun intended]. She is called to their house on a weekend and offered $700,000 for a year of "service" as a courtesan, along with a promotion to their Personal Assistant, a penthouse apartment and a personal tailor to dress her in all the finest. Within an hour, she's on the floor giving up her virginity. Literally. On the floor. Now, being billionaires, I'm sure it was some plush carpet, but REALLY?!?? You're going to wait until you're 25 and settle for the FLOOR?!!!?? You'd think she'd at least rate the COUCH. And thus begins the paradox of Penny.

Penny, who was raised by her Papa to "guard her treasure", after having barely spoken to the owners of the business where she works, can't get the words "how much" out of her mouth fast enough when the offer is put forward. Now, I could understand if she had some underlying conflict like her beloved Papa was dying & she needed money for a life-saving operation, but, nope. Already dead. She just wants to check out the finer things in life. But don't confuse yourself - Penny is adamant that she is NOT a whore [eyeroll].

Now Penny earns every penny... but she is sad because the guys don't stay over night and sleep with her; they don't take her into their confidence with business or personal matters; and she doesn't get sexed every night. She also feels awkward in their social circles - especially since they have her arrive at different times than them so no one realizes they are "together". (Um, no Penny - you're not a whore. No, not a bit.) Add in the fact that the twins' older brother pops up and she finds herself dangerously attracted to him, and that there is some great mystery involving another woman named Isabel that relates to all three brothers, and Penny starts to do a little (not much) soul searching about how acceptable her behavior REALLY is. (Poor Papa probably shot out of the dirt with as much as he was twisting in his grave!)

There are instances of hot sex - m/f and m/f/m. There is a "mystery" and lots of internal angst & conflict. You also see Penny's "growth" from being ashamed of her curves & body into accepting herself and her BBW beauty. Really, this book has a LOT to it, and once you can get beyond the curiosity of Penny's quick capitulation from her upbringing, it IS a great read! As usual, however, I have a complaint about the pricing. $5.99 for 165 pages? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??? My advice? Check out the first book for free and if you decide you like the series, hope for a sale!
SnarkyMom | 1 autre critique | Jul 16, 2013 |
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