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Você está constantemente enviando uma mensagem àqueles que estão a sua volta. A sua mensagem não é transmitida somente por palavras, mas também pelo seu comportamento.Joe Aldrich mostra como a evangelização deve ser praticada, como ela se relaciona com a nossa vizinhança, onde temos falhado e como podemos alcançar, de modo natural, aqueles que nos rodeiam.
livros.icnvcopa | Feb 19, 2020 |
Does Prayer Really Make a Difference? Our prayer shopping list can be greatly simplified if our highest priority is the seeking of God's Kingdom and his righteousness.
kijabi1 | Jan 6, 2012 |
The goal of leadership as spiritual environmentalists is to provide and sustain an atmosphere where the holiness of God confronts the pride and arrogance of men.
kijabi1 | Jan 6, 2012 |
The humiliating process of asking forgiveness is God's fee for beauty. Guilt is a beauty killer.
kijabi1 | 1 autre critique | Jan 1, 2012 |
The humiliating process of asking forgiveness is God's fee for beauty. Guilt is a beauty killer.
kijabi1 | 1 autre critique | Jan 1, 2012 |
The Old methodologies that worked when we had a culture that was definitely Christian is gone. The pure pagan is not capable of responding intelligently to a five minute presentation of the Gospel. One of the first things in dealing with nonChristians is to allow them to evangelize you first.
kijabi1 | 2 autres critiques | Jan 1, 2012 |
When it comes to evangelism, do you ever feel like a sheep among wolves? You know the gospel message should get out, but frankly, you're in no hurry to become supper for some hungry wolf pack. You've been chewed on once too often; let the "professionals" do it. For everyone who has felt that way, Joe Aldrich has good news: God wants to make you into an "attack lamb." For most of us, he says, evangelism means loving people until they ask you why. It's touching people in ways appropriate to your own giftedness so that Christ becomes the issue. God isn't asking you to back an unbeliever into a corner to mash mental machinery. He's not calling you to back-up the evangelical dump truck and pull the lever. He is calling you to action. Gentle Persuasion is an encouraging appeal for Christians of all ages and abilities to become part of God's strategy for bringing needy men and women to Christ. join Joe as he explains how cherry pies, hammers and saws, lawn mowers, broken down cars, chariots of fire, babysitters, duck hunters, llama farmer, anyone can draw your friends to the Savior.
BethanyBible | 2 autres critiques | Jan 29, 2010 |
Read this book from cover to cover to grasp the concept of "being the good news" to your neighbors and friends. Unless people see Christians living the life in everyday situations, they may have a distorted view of Christ and the Gospel.
scsaglib | 2 autres critiques | May 29, 2009 |
Michael Comments:
I picked this book up a couple of years on a clearance rack for just a few bucks. What a good a choice that purchase turned out to be. What I liked most about this book was the point that in order to effectively evangalize and share Christ with others that have different lifestyles than us we've got to show people that we care about them. Lifestyle Evanagelism gives helpful methods to build relationships with others that can be powerfully used by God. Jesus showed us through his relationships that we've got to reach out to others whether they are different than us or not. A few good examples would be Jesus' calling to make Matthew the tax collector a disciple. Additionally, Jesus reached out the samaritan at the well. The apostle Paul disscusses his mission of evangelism in 1 Corinthian 9;22-32 and says '. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.'
finchky | 2 autres critiques | Jul 29, 2007 |
This is one of my favorite books on evangelism...I think many within the Emerging Church would identify with much of this book.

I will always recommend this as a first read when talking about reaching people
ScottBridwell | 2 autres critiques | Nov 23, 2005 |
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